Marcus QDunn
Mar 26th, 2002, 07:08:02 PM
I guess we have all heard about the attempted hostile takeover of TSE and the slanders that have been flying. Well, here's what I have found out - I'm not not including rumours, these are the straight out facts as I have found out in the last few days
Lady Mara Jade has been banned from here and just about every other roleplay group. It is her that was really behind the attempted takeover / destruction of TSE. She was motivated by personal motives, such as a dislike for the current leadership. She also believed it was her group and was prepared to go to lengths that were previously unimagined to take it over and throw out and IC kill the leaders. She manipulated people and most particualrily one other person, she has hacked a couple of roleplayer's computers and she has manipulated the passwords for RP accounts out of a few players for her own ends. these are not rumours, these are facts. She has betrayed the trust and friendship of a lot of people like myself. Now while these are not bannable offences at SWFans nor here, I sure think they should be.
Thence she is now banned and all known alias are banned as well.
I've been working with TSE peeps to get to the bottom of this and I think she is the ultimate culprit. The other person named alongside of her I think was screwed over like the rest of us and is not blamed, he is still welcome here.
As a sub note to this, I will make it clear that OOC nonsense I now regard as bannable. I know I have made my opinion very, very clear what I think of OOC BS, we now know how destructive it is. I dont know what the guidelines should be for that, I offer that as a discussion - what is acceptible and what is not.
I'm pleased to say peeps did band together and they did face this as one group. As a group people worked out the truth. This gives me some hope peeps really want the OOC bull -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR- to stop. I want GJO to continue to remain resonably unaffected, which is one reason Avalon is opened to all with Jedi characters. We have nothing to hide and we only want to roleplay. Keep the stupidity away from us should be one of our mottos <img src= ALT=":)">
I guess you might hear Lady Mara Jade did worse than what I stated. In my opinion, yes she did. There is very strong circumstansial proof she did what you may hear. But as it's not 100% solid, thats not why she was banned. She has only been banned for what is proven.
I'm not sure what Chris and Shawn at SWForums will do or what action they will take. Whatever they do, give them your support.
Lessons to be learned? There is no group out to destroy or take over RP. It was only one, paybe two people taking us all for a ride.
On a personal note, I'm fairly deeply saddened it came to this. LMJ and I used to be good friends and RP partners, we did some quite excellent work together. Believe me, I take no pleasure from taking the action I now have.
Your friendly GJO Admin and fellow roleplayer,
I guess we have all heard about the attempted hostile takeover of TSE and the slanders that have been flying. Well, here's what I have found out - I'm not not including rumours, these are the straight out facts as I have found out in the last few days
Lady Mara Jade has been banned from here and just about every other roleplay group. It is her that was really behind the attempted takeover / destruction of TSE. She was motivated by personal motives, such as a dislike for the current leadership. She also believed it was her group and was prepared to go to lengths that were previously unimagined to take it over and throw out and IC kill the leaders. She manipulated people and most particualrily one other person, she has hacked a couple of roleplayer's computers and she has manipulated the passwords for RP accounts out of a few players for her own ends. these are not rumours, these are facts. She has betrayed the trust and friendship of a lot of people like myself. Now while these are not bannable offences at SWFans nor here, I sure think they should be.
Thence she is now banned and all known alias are banned as well.
I've been working with TSE peeps to get to the bottom of this and I think she is the ultimate culprit. The other person named alongside of her I think was screwed over like the rest of us and is not blamed, he is still welcome here.
As a sub note to this, I will make it clear that OOC nonsense I now regard as bannable. I know I have made my opinion very, very clear what I think of OOC BS, we now know how destructive it is. I dont know what the guidelines should be for that, I offer that as a discussion - what is acceptible and what is not.
I'm pleased to say peeps did band together and they did face this as one group. As a group people worked out the truth. This gives me some hope peeps really want the OOC bull -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR- to stop. I want GJO to continue to remain resonably unaffected, which is one reason Avalon is opened to all with Jedi characters. We have nothing to hide and we only want to roleplay. Keep the stupidity away from us should be one of our mottos <img src= ALT=":)">
I guess you might hear Lady Mara Jade did worse than what I stated. In my opinion, yes she did. There is very strong circumstansial proof she did what you may hear. But as it's not 100% solid, thats not why she was banned. She has only been banned for what is proven.
I'm not sure what Chris and Shawn at SWForums will do or what action they will take. Whatever they do, give them your support.
Lessons to be learned? There is no group out to destroy or take over RP. It was only one, paybe two people taking us all for a ride.
On a personal note, I'm fairly deeply saddened it came to this. LMJ and I used to be good friends and RP partners, we did some quite excellent work together. Believe me, I take no pleasure from taking the action I now have.
Your friendly GJO Admin and fellow roleplayer,