View Full Version : I must be fluked....

Apr 6th, 2002, 06:41:33 PM
I can't believe it. I get a padawan...and then he creates like, ten names for himself to roleplay(in poor sequence, might I add)that he is going to spy or something. I don't know...one minute he is going to turn Sith...the next, he's not! This had better not be a mean trick by someone here to like, test me or something....that would suck! I am not giving up on him, but it's getting kinda weird....don't give him Avalon access yet...

Marcus QDunn
Apr 6th, 2002, 08:23:23 PM
I'm doing some checking on the admin level. No, its not anyone here. I'll keep an eye on this one.

Apr 6th, 2002, 08:24:38 PM
Thanks Marcus...he's got me wondering...

Ryla Relvinian
Apr 7th, 2002, 11:59:20 AM
Hey Xazor, I had three like that. I've learned to (a) Not expect any padawan will stay for more than a week and (b) anticipate the fact that they are playing other characters. I still think that it is just one person controlling all of these characters and me sitting at home with too much time on my hands. <img src=http://www.thegjo.com/forum/smileys/hideing_behind_computer.gif ALT=":hiding">

Thanatos VanDerveld
Apr 7th, 2002, 01:12:23 PM
Don't worry about loosing a padwan or two, Xazor. People come and go, their interest peaking then dying within a few weeks. Eventually though you do get some who stick around - you just have to use yourself as an example ;)

You'll get a good few apprentices in your time here - I'd be thankful that you don't have more than a couple to deal with, I get bogged under with them sometime @_@ hard work <img src=http://www.thegjo.com/forum/smileys/magtongue.gif ALT=":p">

Ryla Relvinian
Apr 7th, 2002, 03:41:17 PM
Yeah, I really try to keep it to one apprentice at a time. It seems to work better, but that's just me. I think JKLS has like 23 at a time or something... :]

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 7th, 2002, 11:07:33 PM
think JKLS has like 23 at a time or something... :]

Why Yes I have!! I think I was..Ummm.. I KNOW I was INSANE!!! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/roll.gif ALT=":rollin">

Don't think I will be doing that anytime soon ;) LOL

Apr 7th, 2002, 11:11:49 PM
<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/laugh.gif ALT=":lol"> that is WAY too many!! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> Yeah, like, four right now is fine.....actually, three, I am still waiting on one! Then I'll have four! <img src=http://www.thegjo.com/forum/smileys/hideing_behind_computer.gif ALT=":hiding"> ;)

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 7th, 2002, 11:14:09 PM
I know it was TOO many :( OH well LOL!

Definetly keep it at 4 maximum Xazor..trust me;)