View Full Version : The Return......

Shade Magus
Apr 15th, 2002, 08:07:50 PM
A familiar figure walked into Avalon. It had been a long time since he had last seen the place. He walked over to the familiar walls and stonesand ran his fingers over them. He then siliently sat down in one of the chairs awaiting one of the council members to return. He had much to speak of.

OOC: guys i just found out that i could get on-line cause we gotsa a comp over at my gf's now! sorry about that whole thing about leaving, but since it wasn't that long and i kinda just threw everything out there i am going to rp like it has been a few monthes and Shade has been offsearching for the meaning of the Force or something. thing is i just can't stay on 10-12 hours at a time now.....boy having a life is hard. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 15th, 2002, 08:43:52 PM
OOC~ As long as you want to post, post. Who matters how long you can do it for <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

IC~ "Shade Magus."

He turned around in his chair to see that Navaria had entered the Council Chambers, hood drawn back so he could see her face. She was sporting her usual tan tunic and black pants covered by the darkened brown outer cloak.

"You have returned."

Apr 15th, 2002, 08:45:52 PM
Xazor rushed toward the Council Chambers in the temple.....for some reason.....she felt lead to go there at this very moment. Her heart was telling her of a familiar presence and she wondered who or what it could be. Suddenly a feeling of guilt formed in the back of her mind as she recalled some of the happenings in the past few months. She sighed as she made her way closer and closer until she was peaking around the door. What she saw made her heart drop to her feet. She gasped to herself and tears welled up in her eyes...then the feeling of deep guilt and regret came to the surface. With her head lowered and her eyes closed slightly, she slowly walked into the room and stand behind the one who's back was to her at this moment.


She said softly, almost whispering the name.

verse dawnstrider
Apr 16th, 2002, 09:16:11 AM
::Verse walked in the Council room and took his place. His eyes, nor face, showed what was on his mind. It did not show how he felt. He had his own views on this Knight. Just has others had views on Verse himself. Things like that should not matter though.::

"You are back. How do you fare? Much has....changed.....sence you left."

::Verse looked at his daughter. What would she tell him? She was a big girl and this were here battle. Maybe Thanatos should come. Verse sat in his chair and folded his hands thinking to himself. His long blond hair touched the ground while he sat. He looked slightly out of place than the rest of the Jedi here. He was dressed in furs and Garou clothing. He looked more like a mountain man than a Jedi. His grey eyes flashed slightly.::

"Either way, I welcome you back."

Shade Magus
Apr 16th, 2002, 11:01:28 AM
Shade pulled back the hood on his cloak and let it fall to his back as his hair was once again stretched to its heights.

"Yes I have returned. Hello Navaria. How have you been?"

Shade stood up and raised his hands to his freinds.

"Thank you for coming to welcome me......and yes Verse....I know a lot has changed. I myself have changed dramatically."

Shade walked over to Verse and held his hand out.

"Maybe we didn't get off toa good start before, but let us bury past feelings and begin anew."

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 16th, 2002, 11:24:00 AM
She took his hand and smiled. It had been some time since they saw each other after a lengthy discussion in Navaria's quarters.

"I am well, thank you."

There was tension between Shade and Verse. For what reason, Navaria did not know. She took a step back to give them some space and waited. These needed to be settled first before Shade could explain further where he has been...

Thanatos VanDerveld
Apr 16th, 2002, 12:22:16 PM
After having been in the Bar and Grill with Xazor, she had rushed off towards Avalon. Feeling a little miffed, he'd followed a little while after and slipped into the room a few minutes after her. The members appeared to be welcoming back the formerly departed Shade Magus. For a moment, Shades gaze passed across to Thanatos and the Padawan smiled and nodded to him.

Shade Magus
Apr 16th, 2002, 02:28:05 PM
Shade looked at the newcomer and nodded. He then closed his eyes and let the Force wash over him. He stood there and still held out his hand for Verse. He was determined to make the past right. Once and for all.

Apr 16th, 2002, 06:35:10 PM
Xazor could see that Shade was not going to acknowledge her anytime soon. She was so confused and the ache of her heart returned once again. She knew by her Father's looks that he was not going to help her on this one....she felt so alone. Relieved slightly that Thanatos had followed her, she stepped from the shadows and stood beside him. On her finger still was the engagement ring that Shade had given her...but in her heart there was a slightly different song...


Guilt consumed her and she could not speak. She could barely look at him and turned away to face her father. Her eyes pleaded with him but he gently shook his head, letting her know this was her own battle to fight. She turned to Thanatos who's warm eyes greeted her...but there was no help there either.

I don't know what to say...much has changed...yes...much....

She said in almost a whisper. Her eyes focused on the floor and deceiving what was in her heart. She held back the emotions and tears that were building up inside...what was she going to do...?

verse dawnstrider
Apr 16th, 2002, 07:17:26 PM
::Verse took Shades hand and shock it. His grey eyes flashed like fire. He spoke to Shade through the Force.::

Fare warning here and now. If you hurt my daughter, you will not have me to worry about. Chaos is a different matter. He may remain a Sith, but he cares deeply for his sister. I will not harm you, but you have battle Chaos before and was beaten in his fury. He will be much worse than then.

::Verse took his seat again. he turned to his daughter and nodded to show he would help her fully if needed. he then turned to his Padawan Thanatos. The son of a Sith Lord, and a power in his own right. He could see they both wore signs of guilt, but there should be none. They did no wrong.::

Apr 16th, 2002, 07:51:40 PM
Xazor's eyes wandered to her Father's and she smiled. He gave her the confidence she needed to go on. He was wearing a look of the help and love she needed this very moment. Suddenly, her eyes shot back to Shade and she walked closer to him. Taking his hand in hers, she smiled gently.

I thought you were not coming back........so I.......

She looked back at Verse for a moment and he smiled, nodding for her to continue.

I moved on like I thought you would have wanted me to......I couldn't live with a memory any longer. It was eating away at my soul.....

She lowered her head and let go of his hand, taking her place back at Thanatos's side. With a sigh, she glanced over at Verse once again, but he sent her a silent message through his eyes that she had done the right thing.

Satine Capashen
Apr 16th, 2002, 08:51:21 PM
Satine watches all this from a spot in the little used rafters. It smelled of history and ghosts up here but it was a good place to watch. Seeing Xazor's unceartainty, Satine sends a message to Verse.

Buddy, how do you think Shade'll react to the news?

He makes sure he kept a tight lid on his message, making sure no one else could listen in.

Shade Magus
Apr 16th, 2002, 09:16:53 PM
Shade nodded at Verse. He understood ver well what would happen. He then turned to Xazor and nodded.

"You were correct in your desicion. I only wanted for you to be happy in life. I am sorry for what happened, but I could not control the outcome........to tell the truth I had thoughts about not coming back because I would not want to hurt you again. I just want you to know that I care about you now and always will."

Shade then look up to Satine and nodded. He could always find a freind in high places.

Apr 16th, 2002, 09:20:30 PM
Xazor felt even more guilty now, knowing that he still cared for her. A tear ran down her cheek and she turned away from everyone for a moment to regain her composure. Turning then, to face him once again, she smiled gently and walked up to him. With outstretched arms, she embraced him tightly.

I am sorry too.......

She said softly...

Satine Capashen
Apr 16th, 2002, 09:29:01 PM
Satien nods back at Shade, and then takes a position like that of a bird of prey hunting, looking down at everyone as Shade is hugged by Xazor.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 17th, 2002, 12:14:17 AM
Seeing as this conversation has taken a more personal family tone, Navaria nodded to those assembled and departed quietly.

Shade Magus
Apr 17th, 2002, 09:07:07 AM
Shade nodds at Navariaas she exits. He then turns to Xazor.

"Please do not feel guilty, or any sorrow. You did the right thing by learning to live....I want you to be hapy."

Apr 17th, 2002, 09:16:26 AM
Xazor let a few more tears escape, this time not denying the feelings in her heart. She couldn't hold it in any longer.

I didn't know what to do....I found your note saying you couldn't return....I was depressed for weeks until I knew that I had to go on....

She explained herself through tears, hoping he would understand.

Thanatos VanDerveld
Apr 17th, 2002, 11:59:19 AM
Than lowered his gaze to the floor as he listened to what was being said. It wasn't really his business what was going on, but he felt as if leaving now would upset or miff Xazor, so he remained.