View Full Version : A General intro thread
Marcus QDunn
Apr 24th, 2002, 08:45:29 AM
Woth a lot of new people in here, lets all get to know each other <img src= ALT=":)">
Padawans are encouraged to come forward and introduce themselves. Tell us about yourself, as long or a short as you wish.
Older members are also encouraged to say a few words too.
And geriatic fossils like me can kick things off <img src= ALT=":)">
I am Jedi Master Marcus Q'Dunn, although officially at present the Council and th rest of the order are not really aware of my existance - it's a long long story why, too long to post now. I also hold the rank of Warlord, granted by Rmaio years ago as a result of a large battle I took part in. This also happens to be quite close to my real name.
I have gone under a few different names and guises - Originally Darth Q, then Darth Turbogeek, Force Master Hunter, Captain Tohmahawk and now as you see. I am one of of the founders of the GJO and I was one of the original members of the original Jedi Order that was created at This order has spawned many others, of which GJO is the largest and longest running and is in fact the direct decendant of. The orginal Council split in July 1999 into two, then in Ocboer 1999 reformed back into the GJO.
IC, I am a Warrior and I dont deny it. I have modelled the present incarnation on Aragorn of LOTR. IC or OOC I love a good laugh. I am the weilder of the Force Frying Pan, a terrible weapon used to smite Sith - or anyone else who annoys me greatly. I also Wedgy opponents. With silly Force attacks, I currently am the Master of the Force Acme Labs, Force Kittens, quite a few more I cant remember and the one banned in 95% of the Galaxy - the Force Titanic Theme. I've made a lot of mistakes in the past, but dont we all? These days all I care about is just having as much fun as possible.
I am also the Senior Administrator of GJO, my email is, AIM ins Darth Turbogeek. MSN is
Currently, my learners are Alaina Eldric and Kaman Jeris Deliai. In the past I have trained Jedi such as Stealth Enigma, Garik Loran, Obiwan7168 and a few more.
I also bid you all welcome and Ihope you enjoy long stay
Apr 24th, 2002, 08:59:54 AM
Where to begin...
I came to the GJO in order to find out more about the Jedi and the Force. I love Star Wars. I havent been here all that long but Im loving it so far. My character, Oriadin is unsure of his past. He awoke in the middle of nowhere with no memory of who he was or where he's from. I hope to develop his past as well as his future as I go along through a series of flashbacks.
The name Oriadin came from the star consalation Orion. Its my favorite and I sat and wrote out various names based on Orion and ended up with Oriadin.
Eldrak Gruuhl
Apr 24th, 2002, 09:20:45 AM
The name is Eldrak Gruuhl and presently I am a being still searching to learn just who exactly I am. My race is that of the world of Kashir and it makes me stand out in most crowds being as large and oddly colored as I am.
I have been a member here at the GJO for approximately 4 or 5 months and am training in the ways of the Jedi under Anbira Hicchoru. My knowledge of the ways of the force is vast, but only from book learning. In the ways of its use and implementation I am just as my rank conveys, a novice.
Like a few others around here I am a pacifist, though not so rigid a pacifist I would not raise a weapon to defend myself or an innocent if the situation left me no other alternative. I am a man seeking to learn more about my own past and how to develop my own future.
For those who may not know, I also play Sith Master Darth Ogre Mal Pannis, and Eldrak is a clone of that character. Eldrak went through a long ordeal to get to the point he is now, escaping from imprisonment and dealing with the loss of two clone brothers, one of which he witnessed first hand. Eldrak is very analytical in nature, but has amnesia to some extent when it comes to his past. The pieces of his past are starting to come together thanks to some of the IC things, which Anbira has helped him with.
I have not been real active for the last couple of months due to being in a creative and writing slump, but I am hoping to turn that around slowly in coming weeks. =)
Satine Capashen
Apr 24th, 2002, 10:02:45 AM
The name's Satine Capashen, but I also go by Alpha. I've been around for a while, and am just your average Jedi Warrior, well except that I'm 14. I think I've made even more mistakes then Marcus here...But he probably won't admit that...<img src= ALT=":)"> I was a member of the original Sith Council before it first imploded. Then I was a Sith Warrior in the Sith Empire. then I became Jedi, and threw it all away to rejoin the Sith. Now I'm back and here to stay.
OOC: I've been around for almost three years (not sure exactly. I go by Fett's time table since I was here slightly before him. when he turns three years, I'll have turned three too. A good way for me to be lazy. <img src= ALT=":)"> ). I'm always up for some fun, bpth IC and OOC, and am just a normal teen, though if you want to know what my personality is like, look at Satine's and you get a pretty close match. My char isn't modelled after anyone in particular, just a congolmerate of anything I like (Farscape where I used Chricton (SP?), Magic, where part of the name comes from...ect.)
Oh, and I had the name Satine before that chick in Mulon Rouge, just to let you know!
Gurney Devries
Apr 24th, 2002, 10:29:29 AM
Gurney is a man of indeterminable age, who is vastly reluctant when it comes to revealing personal details about himself. He joined the GJO shortly after the death of his wife, Jaellyn Devries, and still retains many of his ingrained personality quirks. He's slightly grumpy, very cynical and a bit of a hard-case, but he has a good heart... he just doesn't let many people see it. Gurney was a former combat instructor and war veteran, so you can expect a sort of D.I. attitude from him.
As far as OOC goes: I'm sure most of the current posters know me by now. I'm a bit goofy, and I can be a bit of a jerk when it comes right down to it, but I always try to do the right thing and I just want to have fun here. If you want to talk to me or RP with me, I'd be delighted. My AIM is Mentat Paradigm, and I'm signed on 24/7. If you want to avoid me and have as little to do with me as possible, that's fine too. I'll try to stay out of your way.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 24th, 2002, 10:46:46 AM
OYE! Where do I begin:
IC: Leia Solo, Jedi Master of GJO. Came here a little over 2 years ago after an encounter with Itala of the fallen TSC. My status was Jedi Knight (hence my username)...I became in charge of Jedi Recruitement and the Jedi Academy. Found it too be a bit much and passed the position on to Warren Azalin (former padawan of mine) & Sage Hazzard. My twin brother is Luke Skywalker (yes he is on this board under JMstrSkywalker). Was promoted to Jedi Master a ways back and has been on the Jedi Council several times. Too Many Padawans to mention that were under me...but to name a few of my former padawans: Jedi Master Warren Azalin, Jedi Knight Navaria Tarkin and Jedi Knight Ryla Relvinian. Leia has dated Obiwan2 and became engaged to him January 2001. Yes its a LONG engagement! LOL! We are planning a wedding soon and during our relationship/engagement have fought Sith Lords like Jedah Lynch, Saurron, etc. who just love to see us dead! I am also a senior admin. here and member. I also..RP as Selena Kyle Waitress/Barmaid to GJO (Yog Bar & Grill and thanks Yog;) )
OOC: I do post often..I used to be here a lot more. I am usually an easy going person and friendly..well I hope you considering me so <img src= ALT=":D"> lol I do love SW..but then who doesn't here. And if you do notice a very close bond between Obiwan2 and I IC..its because we are the same OOC. wise. He is really my sweetheart. Currently having a hard time looking for a job in travel/tourism which I took a one year program in college. *sigh* That is due to the unfortunate 9/11 events. Have to settle for p/t job for now. Anyway..I love Rping here, we have a great bunch of peeps.
Welcome aboard to anyone that is new and have fun! <img src= ALT=":)">
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 24th, 2002, 11:50:57 AM
My name is Dasquian Bel-Jihar Rouma Bes-Belargic, though for ease most people just call me Dasquian Belargic. I was brought here by under unfortunate circumstances that involved sabotage and the travelling of time. I was a Knight of the Old Republic, training under the studious ways of Master Yoda. Myself and my twin brother, Aaron, were sent on a mission to see out and befriend cultures on the outer rims of the galaxies, for which we were put into a cryogenic sleep. Our craft malfunctioned after it was tampered with, killing all onboard expect myself and Aaron. The ships computer then held us in further stasis for hundreds of years, until it finally crashed down upon an asteroid.
I am currently training under Jedi Knight Navaria Tarkin, delving with her into the depths of my mind to try and recover the lost memories of my past. Though still a little wary of the new and foreign customs of the present, I am adjusting quite well <img src= ALT=":p">
I think I've been at SWfans for almost 1 and a half years now, though not under this name of course. My primary characteri s Sith Lord Vega Van-Derveld, and I have quite a few other characters also - two other members here; Thanatos Van-Derveld and Alaina Edric (who will be appearing with Marcus soon, I assume <img src= ALT=":p"> ).
A fact that most of you will not assume straightaway about me is that I am a girl, my name is Jenny <img src= ALT=":p"> (hence my oh-so-humorous title <img src= ALT=":lol"> )
You can catch me on AIM as VegaVanDerveld most of the time, and on MSN as
<img src= ALT=":D">
Morgan Evanar
Apr 24th, 2002, 12:04:13 PM
Morgan's genetic origin was rather shrouded in mystery. Short of the story: Offspring of an escaped "beta" to the genetic side of the Dark Trooper project. At an even two meters(6' 6") and 95 kilos (210 LBS), he's physically imposing, but tends to be quiet and keeps to himself for the most part. Sometimes a prankster to a fault (much to Sage Hazzard's frustration), but they never result in harm. Force abilities focus on stealth and situational awareness, but is gradually developing defensive energy manipulation. He is perhaps the Jedi Master least adept with the Force.
I'm considered to be a jerk by a good many people at SWFans, and I certainly live up to that reputation at some moments. I've been here for a year and a half OOC, and a over a year IC.
For the most part I'm fairly easy going, but I tend to view my time as vaulable, and, as such, I'm very to the point and don't like to BS about my views on any issue. If you ask for my opinion, I will usually give it unadulterated.
I am probably an elitest snob. *shrug*
On Admin issues, do not hesitate to IM (Morgan Evanar, ICQ: 44394706) me. I am MORE than happy to help with that. Your time is valuable too, and I respect that.
Ryla Relvinian
Apr 24th, 2002, 12:50:11 PM
Wow, what a good idea. I've been here almost 2 years OOC (it will be 2 in august) and I don't know most of this stuff. :]
Well then. That said, I am Ryla Relvinian, and I currently hold the rank of Knight here at the Greater Jedi Order. I was trained by Leia Solo, wayyyy back in the day. I do believe that I am an oddity around here, because Ryla is the only character I have. Yep. Just her. I prefer to focus my attention into one character. That is just more fun for me right now. Furthermore, I am a college student (Portland State University, in case you were wondering. Go Vikings!) with little or no free time on my hands.
IC, I am half Twi-lek, (think oola, bib fortuna, lyn me, gella sisters.) and half human. (yes, I have no idea if this is canonically possible, but who gives a flying fig? I just like being blue.)
Right now, I am looking into some sort of a RP to do, involving the father the Ryla doesn't know about, or even siblings. Anyone interested please contact me.
My email is
AIM: jediryla
MSN: llama14@hotmail (be advised that this e-mail no longer is checked, due to overwhelming spam. The above one is a sure-fire way to ring me up.)
Currently, my first padawan that has stayed on longer than a week is Viper Pilskin. Methinks you'll be hearing more from him in the future. :]
OOC I am, as I said before, a college student, studying English and statistics. My hobbies are listening to unique music, (I have a special place in my heart for 70s prog) reading, and sewing. Right now, I am working on finishing up a black hooded robe to complete my jedi outfit. I also bellydance IRL. Try it, it's great exercise. My thighs are hurting just typing about it. :]
Ok, that's enough. :]
Apr 24th, 2002, 02:19:20 PM
:: Another geriatric fossil makes her way into the thread with the aid of a walker. ::
Well, young whipper-snappers... <img src= ALT=":p">
Basically I have been a part of this Jedi group since June of 1999. The group suffered for quite awhile, splitting and moving, looking for a stable spot where to grow it's roots. We finally found it, and GJO was born.
as to the origin of the name AmazonBabe... well, basically it boils down to when I got my first computer (back in the summer of 99), and was playing an online game, and asked a good friend of mine what name I should take. Within a few seconds, she blurted out AmazonBabe. I liked it so much, I used it for my Jedi character. And it has stuck ever since. <img src= ALT=":)">
AmazonBabe (a nickname given to her by her parents), recently given a name: Rie Mystt, isn't really a mysterious character. For the most part, she is quiet and reserved. But when it calls for, she can be as powerful as any of the other Masters here at GJO (and somewhat loud at times <img src= ALT=":D"> ). She has been a part of the GJO Council the last two elections, and is in the runnings again for this election.
She has trained only three Padawans in her entire career as a Jedi, the first leaving GJO some time after becoming a Knight (could have also been after her Master trials, but it was so long ago, I can't remember). She didn't take any Padawans after that, for fear they would leave. Then she found a potential named Akrabbim, and took him under her wing. He is still here, and at the moment a part of the GJO Council. Now she is underway, training a bright young woman by the name of Maia.
Her favorite passtime is to tend to the gardens of the temple and those on Arcan IV. She has a simbiotic existance with plants, able to manipulate their growth through the Force. Both thrive on the other, the plants using her energy for strength, as she uses their life Force to aid her own.
In closing, AB is alive and kicking, and she ain't planning on leaving or dieing any time soon. <img src= ALT=":)">
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 24th, 2002, 02:28:47 PM
I have been RPing here in this community for almost two years now. I started off being a Sith Character named Dalethria. Sorsha found me running around the old swfans board and brought me to the Sith Empire... where I stayed up until a few months ago. Now I am only in this group as Navaria Tarkin and RP at my board and wherever as Dalethria.
Dalethria went through alot of changes from being Sith to Dark Jedi and eventually a Ronin Sith.
The fun part is trying to explain the whole Dalethria/Navaria insanity <img src= ALT=":lol"> Basically, leave it that they are clones for now. Won't hurt any brain cells for the new people ^_^
Navaria is very reserved now because of the changes she'd been through. Before attaining Knighthood.. she was emotional, very emotional to the point that it probably would consume her but it didn't. Through the help of a friend <img src= ALT=":)"> she was Knighted after meeting the new incarnation of Darth Vader and surviving.
Because of this change, sometimes she sees things too black and white. Also, there are other little quirks about her as well that would of course, take too long to explain.
Before being a Jedi, she was a slicer/smuggler ^_^ Not much work for ex-imperials that had family members blow up worlds -_-
Navaria Tarkin - I got the name from the original incarnation of a table top game. Now I play her more true to what she is like there, but not completely.
Dalethria - name i made up for a comic I am writing and said eh, what the hell, use it here.
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 24th, 2002, 02:37:03 PM
Hello, I am Anbira Hicchoru, a Jedi of the Order. Though you may hear my name spoken in infamy from deeds of the past, I have changed, and my dark vendettas of yesterday wiped away. I now live out the rest of my days as both teacher and student, mastering the old Jedi arts and the skills of physical manipulation, while passing on my wisdom to the next group of Jedi. I may be stern and serious, but only because of my desire to protect you.
OOC: I'm an ass, avoid me if possible <img src= ALT=":)">
Ryla Relvinian
Apr 24th, 2002, 06:31:57 PM
Hey, I wasn't gonna say it... *winks*
Satine Capashen
Apr 24th, 2002, 06:42:53 PM
Anbira forgot to take his medicine today. He isn't normally an ass...Well, ok, yes he is...<img src= ALT=":)">
Apr 24th, 2002, 07:08:18 PM
My story is waaaaaaaay too long to post here! ;) All I can say is, "READ MY BIO!" <img src= ALT=":D"> Honestly, I don't have time to type all of that stuff out, it would just be easier for you to read my bio. <img src= ALT=":)"> It is quite interesting, actually. I am on this board everyday, and love to RP. I have been here since December 6th, 2001. I am a Warrior Jedi Knight and I trained under Verse Dawnstrider. These are just a few facts, but my long tale is in my bio. I suggest reading is pretty cool. <img src= ALT=":)">
On a side note, yes, Anbira is an -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-. ;)
verse dawnstrider
Apr 24th, 2002, 08:01:06 PM
IC: I was born on a planet named Eden with my twin pivo. he died, and the elders placed his sould in my body. he took over and went to TSE, I forced him out and into a cloned body. I joined GJO. I hav etwo kids. Chaos Alexander and Xazor.
OOC: My bio is better, but I am not cool OOC like some people. I am not an ass, or a jerk. I am just there. If you really need me I have aim (VerseDawnstrider). I am also in the Air Force.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 24th, 2002, 10:06:31 PM
Didn't know you were in the Air Force, Verse. Cool<img src= ALT=":)">
I don't think you are an -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-...Anbira!! And I don't think Gurney or Morgan are jerks either!! Honest guys!
Sage Hazzard
Apr 25th, 2002, 01:27:32 AM
I will introduce both Sage and Syrius with this post.
Sage Hazzard
His mother died at birth(not actually, that's yet to be roleplayed though), his father died when he was 10. Even though he was young, he was recruited shortly there after by a rogue group on Naboo devoted to protecting the planet by whatever means nessicary, this was due to his Force ability. Even though they believed that he was too young to fight yet, the group sent him out on missions at around the age of 14. The planet was in trouble and he was needed. The lifelong friend of his fathers, Chewnakka, a Wookiee, went with him. Although he didn't agree with the things he did, Chewnakka was there every minute to protect him, due to a life debt and friendship. Finally, Sage saw the error of his ways when he started having nightmares. He saw the people he killed through their eyes. He thought this a punishment by the Force, and it has yet to be proven otherwise. He quit and joined the Jedi, wanting to stop his nightmares and become like his father. Since he never truely knew his father, he had an altered, almost god like image of him. So it made it unbearable to have to live up to that.
Finally, he became a Knight, then a Master. Along the way he lost his twin sister, Fire. Finally, after becoming a Master, he came to a conclusion. To stop his nightmares he'd have to set the tally in order, by executing Sith and Darksiders. He did so, and finally the nightmares stopped. He believes to be redeemed. Now he's not quite as cheerful as he was as a Knight. He has become hardened through his new outlook on the Force, and life. He's a Jedi Warrior, and proud of it. He kills whatever Sith or Dark Jedi he sees.
Past Padawans worthy of mention include Lance Casey, D'Mourning(still teaching him), Tainen Baal (still teaching her)and JediBeldarine. I believe only Bel has graduated to Knight of all my Padawans. I'm not counting the ones I left to another Master. All the other Padawans dropped out after a week.
Syrius Cline - Quick version
Grew up on Alderaan. Joined the police force and later became the head of a galaxy wide policing force known as the R.S.C. They're like the CIA or FBI. After meeting Xazor Dawnstrider on a job where she was helping, he became a Jedi for she saw Force potential in him.
He talks in an English accent, wears leather, and doesn't carry a weapon as of yet. On Alderaan, weapons are outlawed, and he grew up believing this to be the right way of doing things, unarmed. Still a Padawan, he's sceptic of the Force, yet eager to be disproved.
OOC - Some people say I'm nice. :)
I don't chat but my e-mail is
I think I've been here for three years, but a thread I found indicated 2 years. So I'm in the dark there. I can't remember what I had for breakfest yesterday, so years is a little long. lol
Figrin D an
Apr 25th, 2002, 02:34:50 AM
Well, I'll try to keep this brief... if you want to know IC details, check out my bio... it's mostly accurate, although it needs to be updated.
IC: Figrin has been a Jedi since his youth, progressing through the ranks as both a warrior and a scholar. He holds the rank of Jedi Master, and is one of the Orders most senior members, holding a seat on the Council for a number of terms. In recent times, he has stepped down from the Council to allow for new leaders to emerge, and to pursue other interests. He has a passion for history, both of the Jedi and the galaxy, and jumps at the opportunity to place a few more pieces in the complex puzzle that is the galactic timeline. His skills as a warrior are known by many, but he prefers to avoid the use of violence if possible. He does, however, accept that this is, at times, simply not possible...
Figrin currently has one apprentice (Keanda Arylar).
OOC: I've been around the boards for what seems like ages... I was one of the early members of the original "Star Wars vs. Titanic" board, which eventually evolved into the SWFans board that we have today. I was an founding member of the first Jedi group at that board, and an original council member. I've stuck with the Jedi throughout my entire tenure at our community. Unlike many others around the boards, I have maintained only one primary character (I have a couple of minor ones that I rarely use). I tend to be an amiable person, quite laid back when I am online, because I see this as my time to relax and have a little escapist fun.
I'm one of the Admins at this board, so if anyone has questions related to board issues, GJO internal politics, or Star Wars stuff in general, I'll try my best to provide accurate answers. I can be reached through email at My AIM screen name is NDKroken, my ICQ username is Figrin D'an. I'm usually online in the evenings (US Central Timezone), so feel free to drop me a line, even if you don't have a question and just want to chat... I always like to hear from fellow Star Wars fans. <img src= ALT=":)">
Apr 28th, 2002, 09:56:20 PM
**pokes Anbira, Gurney and Fewdman
IC: Whoa, let's just go and see read my bio <img src= ALT=":)"> . My character is Jedi Knight Beldarine Del'Anar.. former padawan to Sage, promoted, and also former council member to the GJO (what, like.. a year ago?). That's all I feel like writing for now <img src= ALT=":)">
OOC: Hmm... Let's see.. I stumbled here (or, to be exact, the OLD GJO) around a year and a half ago. November or December 2000. I'm a moderator here, though I managed to mysteriously disappear for around 7 months time... I also play Cardinal Aiyalin -- member of TBH, and I used to play Saarrreeaa Meorrrei before *someone* usurped her from me in my absence.. (just kidding <img src= ALT=":)"> .. really.. I'm not upset ;) ).
Hopefully I'm back to stay.. and my fiance might actually start RPing soon as well.. This stuff is adicting MAN !!
EDIT: If anyone would like to contact me, my AIM is Gatorgirlie20.. and my email is <img src= ALT=":)">
Later -- Jennifer
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