View Full Version : A few questions on crossovers.
Ryla Relvinian
Apr 26th, 2002, 09:00:49 PM
It is fairly well known that I don't like other universes getting in to Star Wars. Fortunately for all of you, I don't make the rules around here. :]
So, what is the official policy on crossovers here? By crossovers I do not mean using another character's picture in your sig or icon, but adapting that person's characteristics, or trying to meld other powers into Force powers.
*gets ready to dodge flying produce/ frying pans*
Apr 26th, 2002, 09:13:54 PM
Oh you mean like, Saiyan Jin and people like that? Those who crossover their character from like, Dragon Ball Z and whatnot? I too was wondering about that....
Ryla Relvinian
Apr 26th, 2002, 09:17:50 PM
Yep. Like, You're not saying, "I am Eowyn! Look at me!!" and sounding like you stepped out of LOTR.
(not that there is anything wrong with lotr, mind you. It's just that this is a SW rp. :] )
Apr 26th, 2002, 09:25:43 PM
Yeah, exactly. Like you said, this is a SW rp, and I have her pic because that is what my character looks like. <img src= ALT=":lol"> It doesn't mean I am Eowyn, because technically in the SW universe, she doesn't exist, ya know what I mean?
Ryla Relvinian
Apr 26th, 2002, 09:30:58 PM
Werd up, homegirl.
Apr 26th, 2002, 09:34:39 PM
<img src= ALT=":D"> I hope that I am right. I mean, she is a warrior too....and so am I. Just because Goku is someone's character pic, doesn't mean they have all of the powers possessed by him in DBZ. <img src= ALT=":)"> I think I'm right on this one. <img src= ALT=":)"> <img src= ALT=":lol">
Ryla Relvinian
Apr 26th, 2002, 09:54:47 PM
Yeah, I hope you are right. Part of me thinks, "hey, this universe is big enough for all sorts of powers." However, most of me just thinks that it's kinda silly to not take the time to investigate the universe, and then try to adapt their DBZ or whatever character into it. I don't know, which is why I am asking for official ruling on this one.
That way, we can put it in the recruitment FAQ (great idea, btw) and straighten out things before they happen. :]
Marcus QDunn
Apr 26th, 2002, 09:59:53 PM
"I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn. With my life I pledge to.... Ahhh @#%$, is that a shard of Narsil? I am not a pervy hobbit fanicer!"
Star Wars always takes precedence. Yes, I have blatantly ripped off LOTR with names, also how the character looks, but not much further. That's about as far as I would think would be acceptible. That is why I ignore the Vampires, because that is going too far. Taking your powers from something else I personally think is not on.
Now, that I will say is a persnoal opinion. What I recommend is that if it cant be explained in The Force or in SW terms, avoid it. Now others will have differing opinions to me, that's cool. I am becoming more narrow in what I will accept - cause I dont feel the need to really go on a peacock display much. I rather prefer relationship based stuff now.
Anyway, unless it's so far outside SW like undead, I guess there is a lot that would be accepted. Besides, as we will see in AOTC, the definitions of what can and cant be done are going to change greatly and be expanded.
But back to non SW. My policy is if I dont like it, shut up and ignore it, unless it directly affects me.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:01:35 PM
I'll add that some things in DBZ can be explained in SW terms. If it can, then cool. Ask Anbira, he knows all about that.
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:03:24 PM
<img src= ALT=":lol"> I am sure he can explain it. I like your policy Marcus, that is kinda how I viewed things also think that we should post this kind of thing to the new comers so they don't make mistakes right away. <img src= ALT=":)">
Gurney Devries
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:11:01 PM
If you turn into a 40 foot monkey and destroy a power generator out of nowhere, I'll probably be annoyed.
But I think most of us incorporate elements of other, non-SW fiction that we happen to like into our roleplaying. When I first started, I made lots and lots of references to the Sword of Truth series of books.
This character has some very obvious Dune references - which I think fit in very well, given the extremely similar nature of "Spice" in both sets of mythos. But, other than that, I try to avoid borrowing too heavily from other sets of fiction.
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:13:30 PM
The rule is that Star Wars stuff takes precedence, and that blatant cross-overs are flat out not allowed.
Its one thing to see something in another genre and rationalize how it might exist in SW. Its another thing to flat-out rip something off. For example, Anbira can create and hurl balls of plasma energy at somebody, akin to maybe a "fireball" or some kind of thing from DBZ. I thought about something like this being feasable, and remembered that in physics, if pressure of a gas rises massively, then it is heated up incredibly, causing a phase shift into plasma. Its a natural law of physics, and applied with a simple force push, its something doable in SW.
Now if somebody wanted to do a Kamehameha (obvious DBZ stuff), then that would be a different matter entirely.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:22:35 PM
I remembered once you explained the Force Enema in SW terms. I think I had a bout of hysterics <img src= ALT=":)">
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:25:47 PM
Well, if the DBZ guys aren't carbon-copying the stuff from the genre and stay within the realm of common sense, I tend to cut them some slack. The origins of the power in DBZ and the Force in Star Wars are both stemmed from the oriental concept of spiritual energy...Ki, or Chi, depending on if you're Japanese or Chinese, respectively. Its an energy field, created by life, that is capable of being harnessed for many tasks.
Since the concepts are so closely linked, I tend to think with a little more leeway than some in that regard.
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:40:07 PM
As to the Force Enema, its the above-stated plasma sphere, just guided up somebody's ass.
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:41:52 PM
<img src= ALT=":lol"> Anbira!! Force enema..... <img src= ALT=":lol">
Marcus QDunn
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:48:49 PM
Force Frying Pan - Hitting someone or throwing said Pan at someone with the power of the Force to back it up
Force Wedgy - Should be obvious
Force Acme Labs - An illusion in the Force, making the vicitm visualise and think something else is reality. Actually used that in a serious RP.
Force Titanic Theme - Creating sounds in the Force that are immensly painful to the victim. Also did that in a serious RP.
Force Kittens - Using the force to calm someone to the point of docility.
Sometimes it's fun to make up something out of left field and then make it plausible <img src= ALT=":)">
Ahhh yes, the Force Enema. Absolute classic <img src= ALT=":)">
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:52:35 PM
Force cubes (something I discovered the other day <img src= ALT=":D"> )- Extremely cold ice cubes that are guaranteed to make it down someone's shirt. <img src= ALT=":lol"> They do not melt, and the only defense against them is Navaria's Force Coffee cup! <img src= ALT=":lol"> The hot liquid is the only thing that will extinguish the immense freezing sensation! <img src= ALT=":lol">
Satine Capashen
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:56:14 PM
I remember being victom to that once or
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:58:10 PM
<img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":evil">
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 26th, 2002, 11:05:01 PM
I'm working on a Force Nancy Kerrigan, which is just a severe, traumatic, localized Force Push to the knee.
Apr 26th, 2002, 11:10:43 PM
<img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> ROFLMAO....... <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol">
And for Marcus and all of us lunitics......... FORCE NINJAS!! <img src= ALT=":ninja"> <img src= ALT=":ninja"> <img src= ALT=":ninja">
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 26th, 2002, 11:13:23 PM
Hmmm..I need a CRAZY force move but I have no idea what!! *sigh*
Oh well ..stays traditional
Sage Hazzard
Apr 26th, 2002, 11:18:49 PM
I do borrow personality traits from character. Like Spike from Buffy, I use his personality and pic for Syrius Cline.
Also, I use Deadpool for Jacen Himes. He's also has a mouth, just like the comic book character.
But I NEVER use their power. That's stupid. This is Star Wars. If you can explain something through the Force, fine, but don't do it otherwise. Jacen Himes has a large mouth and incredible skill like Deadpool, but not his regenerating Healing Factor. That's insane.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 26th, 2002, 11:27:12 PM
Originally posted by Master Yoda, 21/7/1999
(The Offspring) Lyrics by Master Yoda
Force Wedgies Baby!! oh vey, oh vey!
Force Wedgies Baby!! oh vey, oh vey!
Force Wedgies Baby!! oh vey, oh vey!
Force Wedgies Baby!! oh vey, oh vey!
And all the Masters say he's pretty fly for a Jedi!
You know a Turbo's life is hard
Just to live through a day
What he does is kinda cool
But he live's it anyway
Turbogeek runs em through
His Wedgies have some style
But everything Geek lacks
He makes up in Sith piles!
So dont cry late, a Jedi's fate
You know Marzullo wont get away
He's gonna mine the field, and keep it real
Sith die today, Sith die today
So if you dont hate
avoid his bait
At least you know you can go on Jerry's show
The world needs Turbogeeks
So do the jedi thing!
Force Wedgies Baby!! oh vey, oh vey!
Force Wedgies Baby!! oh vey, oh vey!
Force Wedgies Baby!! oh vey, oh vey!
Force Wedgies Baby!! oh vey, oh vey!
And all the Masters say he's pretty fly for a Jedi!
He's into desert dunes
Nit just any will suffice
But they dont have Tattooine
So he bought Jawa's with lice
Now cruising in his A-Wing
He sees Darth Rastiln as he pass
But if that Darth looks twice
He's gonna kick that Darth's lily ass
Now he's causing some poodoo
He's makeing graveyards full
He fought a Darth Bane
now Bane's six foot ina hill!
Force Wedgies Baby!! oh vey, oh vey!
Force Wedgies Baby!! oh vey, oh vey!
Force Wedgies Baby!! oh vey, oh vey!
Force Wedgies Baby!! oh vey, oh vey!
And all the Masters say he's pretty fly for a Jedi!
Lizard say he's trying too hard
And he's not quite that great
But in his own mind
He's the Jedi's fate
So dont cry late, a Jedi's fate
You know Marzullo wont get away
He's gonna mine the field, and keep it real
Sith die today, Sith die today
So if you dont hate
avoid his bait
At least you know you can go on Jerry's show
The world needs Turbogeeks
The world loves Turbogeeks
So lets get some more Turbogeeks
So do the jedi thing!
My sig at hte time was
Darth Turbogeek, the Sith Administrator
Jedi Master, Turbogeek Elder [TG]
Master of the Feared FORCE WEDGY
Turbogeek Master to Turblgeek PAdawan Lendorin
And, LL's sig was
The Lounge Lizard
Jedi Master and Council Memeber
Sager Savant and Spirital LEader of the Turbogeeks
Master to Turbogeek Padawan Palpy
Leader of Assasinations - The JMP Club
Galactic Administrator and Moderator
"I have been redeemed! I AM A JEDI!!"
Helenias QDunn
Apr 27th, 2002, 12:16:00 AM
Your all insane. And I mean that in a nice way.
Ryla Relvinian
Apr 27th, 2002, 12:18:20 AM
LOL. Nice.
Well, I the officially lay claim to the "Force 70s Prog Rock" which causes it's victims to bang their heads and/or spazmodically dance around in 5/4. :]
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 28th, 2002, 05:00:57 AM
I have no problem with crossovers, so long as they're limited. I mean I wouldn't have a problem will small things - such as how I, among others, pull a little bit of the White-Wolf World of Darkness into characters, i.e. Vega/Thanatos/Verse/Chaos being Garou/Lupine. But things like Gundam suits don't exactly fit. I would be alright with them if they were seriously roleplayed out, like they had lots of background information and were brought into play in a serious and controlled manner - much like how Miryan continues to implement various DBZ attacks now.
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 28th, 2002, 12:17:15 PM
There are a few things that I'd actually like to see implemented from Gundam. The concept of Mobile Dolls (essentially droid/AI mecha) being a big one. But not on Gundam scale. Nothing near that big, insanely armed, etc. If Gundam-ish stuff ever had a place in SW, they would be about the size of AT-ATs, maybe, and also have to be somewhat slow. Japanese people forgot that the more mass something has, the less apt to moving faster than the human eye it is. Also, no super-duper station-killing guns and crap like that. I think giving them jump jets would be interesting, but in addition, I think if done realistically, these things would not be that good in space combat...for the reason that once again, they are simply not supposed to be that fast.
Morgan Evanar
Apr 28th, 2002, 01:17:00 PM
I've never liked Gundam at all, though some of them do look nice, I found the concept and execution both very flawed.
Honestly, I feel a Mobile Suit with SW tech would do very poorly in combat, which is why the AT-AT is quadrapedal. OTOH, some of FASA's designs (especially the Bushwacker and Marauder (which may have been Macross, actually) are very well suited to SW tech.
Edit: frell you ezboard.
verse dawnstrider
Apr 28th, 2002, 01:57:27 PM
I have no problem with crossovers as long as you can make them work without going God Mode.
ie: The Garou/Lupine
Myself, I only really 'claim' the name. Garou are werewolfs. I think that People that can change from wolf to man, can't happen in SW honestly. I say they are werewolfs in a different sence. They heal much faster than normal people. I don't do teh famous "Heals himself" in combat. I use it after combat. Heal after fights. That way my char is back in action ASAP. Increased smell and hearing senses. Also able to comicate with animals. All of which can be done purly with the Force. The last is the Garou Teeth. I have stretched this a little. Verse, and Chaos, have a habit and growling showing wicked wolf's teeth. They go from normal, to wolf. That is really all the stretching I do besides customs and beliefs. The real unfair thing is the healing and, as I stated, I only do it after battles.
Apr 28th, 2002, 09:36:59 PM
Yeah, Verse and I share the same thing with the whole Garou/Lupine thing. I only heal slightly during battle though, but not usually....unless it is a Sith that I am figting and I really don't like them. <img src= ALT=":lol"> I don't go God-Moding with it though. That is stupid anyway.
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 29th, 2002, 11:58:53 AM
I've never gone any further than claws and teeth with Vega. He has once or twice been a wolf, but the process of changing is so eratic and uncontrollable that if I was to ever use it in a combat/social situation, I would have about a year and a half of Vega simply learning how to harness it.
Apr 29th, 2002, 02:09:56 PM
I know I don't like blatantly obvious crossovers. I do accept the vampyres though, casue some of the things they do can be explained and fit into the SW universe. But it does require tolerance.
And some LOTR has been used and DBZ stuff, and I'm cool with that. Hell, I've seen some small things that can be related with ST, but it's usually kept water-down.
As for me, I utilize quite a bit from Poison Ivy from Batman. But I try to tie it in as best as possible with the SW universe and Force. I think so far I've done a good job. At least I hope I have. <img src= ALT=":)">
<img src= ALT=":lol"> @ Anbira. Force Nancy Kerigan?? <img src= ALT=":lol"> <img src= ALT=":lol">
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