View Full Version : A first for everything

Alaina Edric
Apr 28th, 2002, 05:27:02 AM
In passing conversation with travellers and the like at home, Alaina had heard of the Greater Jedi Order and those who called it their home. Of all of the light side based groups, it was the most potent in the galaxy. Only recently, however, had she had the luck of meeting one of it's members.

He'd offered her the chance to train with him, promising that in time should too would become as powerful as he and thus too be able to aid the galaxy. Without a second thought she had, of course, accepted and journeyed away from home with him. Sometime they had spent training in their new home, however now it seemed that he wanted to here - at the Order. For what purpose, she did not know, but she trusted Marcus with her life and would follow him wherever he would travel.

Where she stood now, within the walls of the Temple of Avalon, she had come to be in thanks to a man named Kazaar, who had given her a lift here. He was apparently a smuggler associate of her tutor. The various security locks and scanners that lead into the inner sanctum had allowed her past without any hassle thankfully - she would have hated to make a big scene on first arriving.

Alaina cleared her throat, hoping to catch the attention of anyone ... though hopefully it would be Marcus.

Marcus QDunn
Apr 28th, 2002, 05:43:11 AM

He was still scraffy. Still had the same beaten up travelling clothes and the sword by his side. But his normally grim look was replaiced with a glowing smile.

"I'm glad your finally here!"

He walked over to his student.

"I'm sorry I was not able to come and get you in person. I've been delayed in returning to home with business here and I thought it was best if you joined me here as well. Please come with me inside!"

And even more notible, he was almost bouncing off the walls with enthusiasm.

"Come along! I want you to meet a few others of the Jedi!"

Alaina Edric
May 1st, 2002, 12:03:33 PM
She beamed in return to him, starting to walk alongside him. She too was overly eager to meet everyone, though it seemed Marcus was more excited than she!

"Your friend who helped me get here was very nice ... oh but I think I bored him, I didn't stop babbling all the way here about how I was excited and how I was nervous about what people would think of me-"

She stopped and laughed softly.

"I'm doing it again, aren't I?"

Marcus QDunn
May 2nd, 2002, 05:38:03 AM
"What... babbling? Nonsense! It's only natural to be excited. Sometimes I wish I had the same sense of perspective you did. I mena.... it so hard for me to be excited about anything. I have had much toil and suffered much - after a while you become grim about everything"

He stopped, placed his hands on his student's shoulder.

"It does me good to know I have not reached that point and I can feel joy. For that alone, your a gift to me. Now, come with me." Marcus recommenced walking with Alaina by his side. "I haven't made my presence known to most of the Jedi, but to the ones I have, I will take you to meet. There is Jedi Knight Navaria Tarkin, she is newer Jedi who sits on the Council. She I blieve will be a Jedi Master before much longer. A old and dear friend of mine, Master Yogurt. A great and powerful being he is, we have shared much over the years. A Jedi who is old but wise, Anbira. I taught him once. And.... Xazor Leo Dawnstrider."

He went silent for a moment, thinking.

"She was the reason I did not come home, but instead called you here"

Master Yoghurt
May 2nd, 2002, 05:53:31 AM
A door slid open, and an odd green alien creature with long pointy ears and some well worn robes entered. Supported by his gimmer stick walking cane as he approached the two, he smiled and salluted to greet them.

"Marcus! Good to see you again it is. Many interesting stories of your latest adventures I think you have, yes?"

Yog turned his attention to Alaina, with great interest

"And this must be.. Alaina! Your Jedi apprentice. A pleasure to meet you"

Alaina Edric
May 4th, 2002, 05:57:20 AM
She listened intently to Marcus as he listed the names of the ones she was to meet, then turned - a little startled - as another voice spoke. Alaina looked down at the little green character with a wide smile, head canted slightly to one head. This had to be the Jedi Master Yoghurt. With a soft bow, she spoke to him.

"A pleasure to meet you too, sir."

Marcus QDunn
May 6th, 2002, 08:03:42 AM
"Yes Yog, many stories I can tell you, as per normal. I seem to have the ability to find trouble too easily. Then again, that's what makes life interesting"

He placed a hand on the young woman's shoulder.

"Alaina is from Arcan. She was being looked after by a Jedi from the Old Republic, a Jost Olorin. He Force is with him and it is strong with Alaina as well"

Master Yoghurt
May 6th, 2002, 09:00:00 AM
Yog smiled to Alaina, and replied softly, "Marcus right is. The Force strong with you is. Sense it I can. A great mentor Marcus is.. long experience and knows much he does. Among the Jedi, a Legend.. a Warrior - Defender of Light Side. Fortunate to have him as your mentor you are. One day, you will become a Great Jedi Knight.."

The Jedi Master nodded slightly in an afterthought, apparently pondering the future.. he then continued speaking with a calm voice; "perhaps we could we could show you around? There is much to see here.. much history behind these walls.. and the most interesting people to meet.."

May 9th, 2002, 07:10:02 PM
Xazor walked into the Jedi Council room, surprised to see Marcus, Master Yoghurt and another young woman there. She turned her head to the side and lofted a brow as she studied her. Smiling gently, Xazor approached the small gathering, her red robes flowing gracefully behind her like ocean waves and her blonde hair hung at her waist in Garou Warrior Braids. Xazor bowed to the three and looked up at the woman, the silver specks in her sapphire eyes glinted in the lights.

"Greetings.....I am Xazor Dawnstrider. It is a great pleasure to me you."

She said with a smile, looking to Marcus. She then put it all together and remembered the request he had made to her to meet this young woman.

"Oh yes! You are Alaina, Marcus's Padawan learner!"

Xazor smiled once again, extending her hand for a hand shake. She realized that she was going to shake the woman's arm, as this warrior was used to......but then setteled for a traditional hand shake to make things simpler. She took the woman's hand in hers and nodded slightly as they "officially" greeted. Pulling away, she stepped back and looked up at Marcus.

"It is a wonderful thing to have her here Marcus. I feel as though she is a great asset to the Jedi...."

The new Knight said with a smile. She had just recently been promoted and was proud to take on her knew Knightly responsibilites and help out with making her comfortable in any way she could.

"If you need anything Alaina......I am more than willing to help. I'll show you around if you would like!"

Xazor offered as a friendly gesture. It was rather exciting to have a new person here.....and a possible friend as well.

Alaina Edric
Jun 7th, 2002, 03:36:47 AM
"Show me around?"

Alaina face lit up.

"Oh that would be excellent ... I mean this place seems so huge, it would be so easy to get lost in the halls."

A big smile covered her lips.

"Maybe we could all go together?"

Xazor Elessar
Jun 8th, 2002, 08:49:32 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded.

"That is a wonderful idea.....how about all of us go together? This place is very big....but you get used to it after a while, and it just becomes "home"."

The Knight said with a gentle smile.

Kelt Simoson
Jun 9th, 2002, 01:09:29 AM
Kelt was already on his way to see his master Marcus Q'Dunn as he had not seen him in a few days due to his buisy schedule, but that was fine Kelt could look after himself un till his master was ready.

It was just then that Kelt walked past a passage way and caught sight of Marcus and a small gathering, so he decided to say hello, with a quick walk up to the crowed of people he got there unexpected.

'Hello master good to see you on this sunny day...' He smiled.

Looking around the small gathering he took note of the other apprentices of Marcus and people he may be working with in the future before finally his eyes came to rest on miss Alaina very pretty she was.

' Err..hello Miss...you would be Alaina correct?...good to see you..' He bowed lightly before a warm smile.

Alaina Edric
Jun 9th, 2002, 09:05:32 AM
Alaina nodded enthusiastically to Xazor, spinning on the ball of her foot to take in the surroundings. As she did so she almost bumped into another man who'd just arrived. Flushing pink, he brushed off the embarassment with a giddy smile.

"Hello," she bowed lightly, mimicking the man's show of respect. He looked an awful lot like Marcus.