View Full Version : The Vornskyr catches the fly

Tal Helons
May 11th, 2002, 08:36:19 PM

As I walked down the streets of Coronet City, Corellia's capital, I recieved barely a glance from people passing me. This is a good thing- my disguise works. A simple cape covered my entire body, its hood over my head. A satchel was held over my shoulder, weighing me down considerably, its size decieving most. Turning into the next alley, I stalked through, until a large building filled my view. My objective.

Sierten towers was the Headquarters of SiertenTech, a company that produced explosives for military use. Or, that was what they did officially. It was a commonly known fact in the Underworld that they funded a number of criminal organisations, their first objective to wipe out all competition. That is why my employer gave me this job. That is why I must kill Jorg Sierten, head of SiertenTech.