View Full Version : A trip to bespin

May 11th, 2002, 01:00:42 AM
::Saharia sat down the bar, looking at the life around her. The bickering, the love, the joy, the annoyances, the hate. She could practically feel the hate in some. The way people interacted here had been interesting. A cloud city had been interesting enough and a week here had certainly enlightened her further on this universe.
She smiled softly as a boy walked past, she could feel something come from him. A possible force user? perhaps. What made her smile was the hate she felt in him. Little things amused some.

The sky was becoming dark, welcoming the night into its grasp. The sun was being suffocated by the stars and she watched it go down. The moon was very beautiful, such little light was needed and it still did it's job. Just like you did not need many jedi, very few was enough. Not the big load that was around. Did the universe need them at all?
She sipped her drink and eyed the boy again.
The boy dissapeared behind a door and she grinned at the barman, who looked away. Did the man know what this boy might be capable of. Perhaps she would seek for him one day, or soon. But not now, she had too much to explore.::

What is your sons name

::The barman looked at her, a peculiar look on his face. She smiled innocently and he relaxed visibly::

Barman: Micheal. A talented boy, though he can at times lose his temper. Just like his mother

Sah: Oh? Lose his temper. And talented?..

::Saharia smiled widely and noticed the mans surname on his tag. Jones. Well, maybe she would look up someday. Either way she'd had enough time in this smoky bar and it's people.
She put down her drink, and put on her black jacket over her leather black pants, with a bright purple top. Why did everyone have to where complete black with no splash of colour anyway?

She was about to leave at the door when a twinge in the force made her look back at the bar. Some hate and dark feeling, but a far more sophisticated one. A trained one?::

Lord Vyle
May 11th, 2002, 01:33:25 AM
"Im REALLLLLY gonna enjoy killing these things."

*said the reploid overlord under his breath. Vyle walked around the bar and took a seat in the corner. His two reploid guards took their own seets where they could keep an eye out for danger to their leader. A service droid came up to Vyle, who merely glared down at it and gave it his usual simple order*


*Vyle reclined in his dseat and took off his helmet and regalla. He put them down beside him and waited for his drink

May 11th, 2002, 01:39:05 AM
::Saharia's eyes moved to the man near the end. man? There was something not quite right about him. Something in the lifeforce was wrong. He almost seemed droid but she shook her head. She studied him. He moved like a sith, almost like...like. It was vague. She looked at him, somehthing in his eyes reminded her of the sith. Some kind of connection was there all the sith held. She walked over to him, looking at him questioningly. She had not though any sith were here, she had wanted to explore without anyones knowledge::

are you a sith?

Lord Vyle
May 11th, 2002, 01:42:11 AM
*Vyle glared up at the woman with his red eyes. *

"Who wants to know?"

May 11th, 2002, 01:45:15 AM
::Saharia's lips curled in a half smile. He was sith alright. With an attitude. She could probably guess why he was here too. killing was a favorite past time for many::

A sith who did not think another sith was about. You do not say anything of me being (here), and I will not you. Perhaps we could help each other.... I'm looking for behaviors of people and causing trouble makes interesting results.

Lord Vyle
May 11th, 2002, 01:50:07 AM
*Vyle looked at her for a second, and thought about her request.*

"Normally i wouldnt even think to help another, but you intrigue me. What sort of trouble are you planning on causing?"

May 11th, 2002, 01:53:38 AM
::Saharia smiled and shrugged::

Trouble that causes emotion and chaos. I do not believe in killing a warrior accept on the battle ground, but these are not warriores, per ce. And experiments are what sith do best in the....creative ways.

::Saharia would not do the killing, only playing. IT would dishonour to take a life of an individual not in fair competition. But that did not take out playing with them and leaving them alive after the fun ended. She looked at the droid beside her offering water and she frowned at it, assuming it was the other sith's drink::

I'll have jawa juice if you have it. This bars alcohol is disgusting

Lord Vyle
Jun 12th, 2002, 01:06:59 AM
*Vyle had an evil grin on his face a mile long*

"Basically what youre asking me to do is to cause distruction pain and fear by any means necessary?"

Jun 12th, 2002, 08:46:27 PM
:;Saharia half smiled, indicating that he understood very clearly::

It is very interesting to experience how people react in certain situations

::She looked aorund the bar, everyone seemed so relaxed, for now. They all believed in love and did not believe they also carried evil, evil that was hidden away by the jedi lies::