View Full Version : Aboard the Flag Ship of the Pride's Hunter Forces

Jasseeri Arreearruu
May 10th, 2002, 03:19:40 PM
Hands clasped tighly behind her, her back straight and proud, and a gleam in her eyes, the Huntress Admiral looks out of the ship's bridge viewport. The stars twinkle almost imperceptively.

On the bridge, the Hunter Forces go about their assignments, as they also do elsewhere on the ship. She invisioned the troops in the holds below, training, waiting for battle. In her mind's eye, she saw the pilots in their flight simulators, drilling over and over again. But one thing they all had in common was pride.

Pride definitely had more meaning that just the title. It was a way of life. Being proud of their achievments. Being proud because of their abilities. Being proud because they were Cizerack.