View Full Version : EW Article on Spider-Man 2

Lilaena De'Ville
May 10th, 2002, 01:58:52 PM
Just thought people might like to read this.



Also...in the article they say that the Hobgoblin turns out to be Harry Osborn...not true, right? The Hobgoblin and the Green Goblin2 are different, and the return of the Green Goblin is Harry.

Or am I smoking crack again? Wait don't answer that.

May 10th, 2002, 09:37:14 PM
Like I explained at the GJO, the Hobgoblin in the comics is someone else entirely. The first incarnation of the Hobgoblin was a fashion designer who managed to get ahold of the formula that transformed Norman Osborn into the GG.

Then there was some nonsense about him making a pact with demons for power, and the demon eventually seperated itself from him, leaving the Hobgoblin as a purely demonic entity. Or something like that.

Edit ~ The article made no mention of the Hobgoblin, that I saw.
But another possibility suggested by the first film's conclusion is the return of the Green Goblin, with Norman Osborn's son, Harry, under that fright mask -- a scenario straight from the comic books

May 10th, 2002, 09:44:45 PM
Well the movie clearly leads you to believe that Harry is going to pick up where Norman leaves. About this whole demon-entity thing, I don't know, I know the first movie has been out for only a week, but I don't see it delving into the paranormal/demonic world.

May 10th, 2002, 09:46:26 PM
Yeah, I doubt they'll use the Hobgoblin in the movies... it would be too confusing to try and compress the character into 2 hours. That, and you couldn't possibly explain him with a powered exo-skeleton. :)

May 11th, 2002, 10:12:32 AM
If we don't get Venom or Carnage by at the LATEST the third movie I am going to be incredibly ticked off and Spider-Man can bite me!

Venom is the best character ever in the Spider-Man comic books, including Spider-Man. He is actually an interesting character, not a villain, but, as they say, a "self-styled lethal protector." He's the man. The story there would be awesome, plus you could start with Spider-Man having the symbiote and then Eddie Brock attaining it in the church and whatnot.

Carnage still kicks butt, though, that would be a lot of fun too. Both Venom and Carnage, the two coolest characters.

I had every Venom comic at one point, every mini-series that is, then most of the appearances of him in The Amazing Spider-Man. His first appearance was The Amazing Spider-Man #300 if I recall...

Great stuff. :) I don't expect to see it in Spider-Man 2, but whatever, we better get it by the third film.

Jedi Master Carr
May 11th, 2002, 10:52:56 AM
The Venom storyline might be difficult to do. First you would have to explain why Brock hates Parker, then you would have to give Parker the symobonic suit, in the comics that happend during the secert Wars which would be impossible to do in a movie (it had every major superhero and villain brought by the Beyonder to this other realm, it was great but would be way to expensive and hard to explain.) I guess they could try to explain it another way but it would be difficult. Really though they better have Doc Ock in the sequel or it will suck.

May 11th, 2002, 11:49:53 AM
Doctor Octopus does not much interest me. I liked the newer Spider-Man storylines, even Green Goblin is just alright. The movie rocked, but it needs cooler villains, like Carnage and Venom. Who cares about explaining everything? They could just find creative ways to introduce the elements... :)

Jedi Master Carr
May 11th, 2002, 11:57:01 AM
I like Doc Ock I think he is a superior villain than Goblin (who is nothing more than a fruitcake really) Octavius is a genius smarter than Parker and easily smarter than Osborn, and the whole thing with the arms is just cool. I think they will never do Carnage because two symbiotes is just way two many to explain, as far as Venom, there is also a second problem, New line may still have the rights to him so that could be a problem in getting him in a film, I admit he is a possibility for the third film but not really before that, you really need to introduce Brock before you could show him as Venom.

Lilaena De'Ville
May 11th, 2002, 05:54:05 PM
The Hobgoblin was mentioned on page 2 I SWEAR! They must have edited it, because it DID say the Hobgoblin was Harry Osborn. Honest!

:( :cry

And I would love to see Venom in the third movie. :D

May 11th, 2002, 05:59:54 PM
His first appearance was The Amazing Spider-Man #300Yep. I still have it in a protective casing. :D

I thought the Green Goblin was a pretty interesting character. But I would *love* to see Carnage. As JMC mentioned, though, I think it would be much too difficult for them to explain how Spidey got the symbiote suit.

May 11th, 2002, 07:16:44 PM




I think they should stick with older characters and slowly work their way forward. I suspect that Stan Lee has at least a little input into what they're doign and so far I TOTALLY approve.

Just wait will they start doing the cross-over apperances of the different Marvel heroes in the movies. :D

May 11th, 2002, 08:04:06 PM
My memory may be a little fuzzy, but I think the recent animated series took a novel shortcut in dealing with Venom. Instead of the Beyonder, which I remember reading as a kid, they had a storyline involving a shuttle mission. Apparentlly the shuttle encounters the alien symbiote on a mission and brings it back to Earth. From there I have no idea how it and Spidey hook up. So I don't think the filmmakers should concern themselves with continuity. There are a plethora of ways to get the alien symbiote to Earth. I think Venom would make an excellent CGI villian, the possibilities are endless. I'd leave Venom for the 3rd film and introduce Brock in the next one as a background character. Then everything is in place for the second one.

I'd really like to see Doc Oc as the next villian. He was one of my foavorite Spidey villians. What about Kraven? Just grab one of the guys from Siegfried and Roy and you're in business! :p

Jedi Master Carr
May 11th, 2002, 09:22:20 PM
Who do you think could play Ock? Hopkins would have been great ten years ago, Dennis Hopper is too old, I thought about Dustin Hoffman but he has not done that kind of part since Hook, Christopher Walken, maybe, can't think of anyone else off hand.

Arya Ravenwing
May 12th, 2002, 02:41:15 AM
They said most likely its the Lizard and Doctor Octopus who are the villans in the next movie.

May 12th, 2002, 11:37:31 AM
They mentioned Dr. Connor (The Lizard) in the first movie. Apparently Parker worked for him and got laid off.

May 12th, 2002, 08:45:38 PM
Yeah, Peter comes home and tells Harry that Conners had fired him because he kept missing work. I think that line bodes well for an appearance by the Lizard man. Hopkins would have been great ten years ago, he may still work out. The role doesn't really require a young or fit actor, the arms do all the work. After seeing this movie today I have to say the casting was PHENOMENAL! Maguire, Dunst, and Defoe were perfect IMO! They brought characters I grew up with to life and I wasn't a bit dissapointed. I especially liked Cliff Robertson. His scenes were very touching and they helped establish Spidey's pathos quite well.

Jedi Master Carr
May 12th, 2002, 11:28:09 PM
Even though I thought Defoe was good I would have prefered Spacey as Osborn, he was up for the role and they tried to sign him but he said he didn't want to play villains any more. I really liked the casting of Jamieson he was perfect I wish he has more screen time. Also what other villains could work in the movie Here is my list either as main roles or cameos (like I said before we see them in the first 10 minutes and they go to jail)

Electro (he could be neat)
The Sandman
Kraven the Hunter
The Lizard
Doc Ock of course

I can't think of any other villains he has thought so many and there are some like Rhino, HobGoblin, Jack O' Latern that just wouldn't work IMO and others like The Kingpin and Dr. Doom who are more known for fighting other superoheroes.

One thing I wanted to see was some mention of the Fantastic Four, Spiderman really looked up to them and Reed Richards has been kind of mentor to him and Johnny Storm is one of his closest friends. Maybe they will do it in the sequel after they have started work on the FF movie.

May 13th, 2002, 05:38:59 AM
Anybody remember Ace? ..shudder...

Jedi Master Carr
May 13th, 2002, 11:33:04 AM
Who is Ace, I can't remember him. Anybody remeber Paste Pot Pete (I think that was his name I might be off a little), he first appeared in Spiderman Marvel later gave him a better name The Trapster, but his powers were about as lame as they come he shot sticky stuff out and trapped people, I really could never figure out why he was part of the Frightful Four.