View Full Version : Telan

Darth Viscera
May 10th, 2002, 01:31:24 PM
<center>***PRIVATE FORUM. FOR YOUR EYES ONLY***</center>

1. I can't let you back into the Empire. You and I both know the punishment for treason.

However, I can and will show a bit of compassion to you, given your current situation. I'm obliged to owe something back to those who go out of their way to join my groups.

What is of paramount importance to me is that Super-class Star Destroyer. The Empire built only 22 of them, and we need every last one, lest the command structure of an entire division fall apart. Before anything else happens, YOU MUST RETURN THE DECISIVE.

2. Although officially you will no longer be a part of the Empire, you will not be listed as an enemy of the empire. Your band will be more along the lines of privateers or mercenaries or a bounty hunter in armada-scale, like with Admiral Tavira, the female pirate from the Rogue Squadron comics.

You can be hired by the Empire to do certain tasks which cannot be done directly by the Imperial Armed Forces for whatever reason.

In compensation for accepting these tasks, the Empire will provide you with the necessary materiel to sustain yourself. Bacta, arms shipments, finances, tibanna gas, good food, custom-made Imperial uniforms, the requirements of maintaining a military group and waging kleineversteckterkriegen. We'll even appoint Imperial liasons to assist you in your ascendance at Centaur, and provide you with the uniform of an Imperial Grand Admiral.

I'll also give you a monthly ship allowance. Bean counting is prohibited at swfans.net, but it'll be enough to ensure that you can hold your own and then some against the smaller groups. The equivalent of 1 ISD per OOC month, I'd say.

To do this, however, you need to return my SSD and make peace.

Telan Desaria
May 13th, 2002, 07:02:09 AM
DV-I am sorry.

You knwo, I think, that I am, and shall slaways be, a die hard Imperial officer. No matter what character I play, you ewill alwayd be able toi dectect the Imperious-ness to my Rping.

But, to your offcer. If you can mke it IC, I will accept. If you can agree to this offer-

I R&Ded an SD a while back, the Plutarch-class Command Star Destroyer. I was wondering if you could give me one of those in replacement of the Decisive. And, in return, I promise that I shall not attack the Empire, and we shall makea treaty as such.

And Help with the taking of Centaur would help greatly. Maybe-you-playing TGE Naval Officer.

And One last unrelated matter. You locked out Rear Admiral Sarin Vorran from the Empire. He is still a loyal officer, in no way affected by my treason. He is appalled by my actions and would have me killed if he could. Don't forget, character separation.

-Fleet, no, now
-Grand Admiral Telan Desaria