View Full Version : Suggestion - placement of the General category

Champion of the Force
May 10th, 2002, 03:27:43 AM
Is it possible we could bump this category to the top of the forum index?

I can understand why it isn't at the bottom anymore (what with all the RP groups) lest it be a quarter of a mile down the page, however with its present location in the middle of the index it looks a little ... weird.

That and the fact that it took me half a minute to locate - I thought it had been deleted for some reason for a while there. :p

Might make location of the FAQ, Communications and Portal News forums a bit easier. :)

May 10th, 2002, 07:08:01 AM
Checks the subject of the forums

Yep, it’s a Star Wars site. I’m not being a smart ass, but. I really feel that its current placement is best. I mean, when someone comes to a Star Wars site, they expect to be greeted by things….well….about Star Wars. Having the Communications forum at the top would seem to confuse someone new to the site in my opinion, and make it look like Star Wars was more of an after thought than a main topic of discussion. That’s my opinion.

I’m also of the opinion that someone very accustomed to the way the site used to be arranged, is about the only set of people that would have difficulty locating these forums where they are currently located, but, with just a little perseverance they would succeed. :p

But I won't refuse to listen to more points on the subject either. :)

Champion of the Force
May 10th, 2002, 07:30:10 PM
Your call. I think at the moment they're kind of in the middle of nowhere.

Besides which, they may be general forums but they're forums dedicated to discussion and information about this site. It's not like you're putting a Spiderman forum on top of the board. :)

Maybe it would look better if you did it like this:

* Rename the category SWFans.Net Forums.

* Put SWFans.Net Forums before each forum so that people know right off these are forums concerning the board itself.

Kind of like this:

SWFans.Net Forums
<blockquote>SWFans.Net Forums - Communications
SWFans.Net Forums - Frequently Asked Questions
SWFans.Net Forums - Portal News</blockquote>

But again it's your call. I'm not going to make any further comment on it. :)

The only other thing I'll suggest since I'm here is that the admin list for the Roleplaying Groups be placed in their own dedicated thread, instead of thrown in with the list for the rest of SWFans. At the moment the present list is starting to get rather long a bit cluttered.

May 10th, 2002, 08:48:35 PM
The first idea isn't too bad, but with our dual forum name dilemma (SWFans/SWForums), its tough to implement. But this idea, I like a lot and will most likely implement soon. :)
Originally posted by Champion of the Force
The only other thing I'll suggest since I'm here is that the admin list for the Roleplaying Groups be placed in their own dedicated thread, instead of thrown in with the list for the rest of SWFans. At the moment the present list is starting to get rather long a bit cluttered. EDIT: On second thought, I think the first idea sounds good as well. :)

Champion of the Force
May 12th, 2002, 01:09:21 AM
Ok. :)

EDIT: I think a '-' in the name is a bit easier to read than a ':', like we did with Roleplaying - Archive. But that's just me. No further commemt :)

Master Yoghurt
May 12th, 2002, 04:36:00 AM
I agree a "-" is better than ":", minor detail though :)

Champion of the Force
May 12th, 2002, 06:11:54 PM
:: looks again at admin list ::


Can anyone else see it? :)

Here is a list of the administration, grouped by section (click on the section title to be taken to that area of the forums):

<font size=4>SWFans.Net Forums</font>
Administrator(s): SWFans.Net, Shawn

<font size=4>Star Wars</font>
Administrator(s): Shawn
Moderator(s): Jedi Master Carr, JMK, ReaperFett, CMJ

<font size=4>SWFans.Net Forums</font>
Administrator(s): SWFans.Net, Shawn, Ogre Mal Pannis
Moderator(s): Jedi Master Carr, Pierce Tondry, Sanis Prent, ReaperFett, Dalethria Mal Pannis, JMK, CMJ, Master Yoghurt

<font size=4>Roleplaying</font>
Administrator(s): Ogre Mal Pannis
Moderator(s): Pierce Tondry, Sanis Prent, ReaperFett, Dalethria Mal Pannis, Master Yoghurt

Wow, I didn't know there were 2 SWFans.Net Forums. So where is this mysterious 2nd board? :p

May 14th, 2002, 08:05:24 AM
Originally posted by Champion of the Force
Kind of like this:

SWFans.Net Forums
<blockquote>SWFans.Net Forums - Communications
SWFans.Net Forums - Frequently Asked Questions
SWFans.Net Forums - Portal News</blockquote>It was because of your own suggestion. :lol :p

Anyway...It is changed now.