View Full Version : Variety gives AOTC a glowing review!

May 9th, 2002, 01:55:34 PM
I actually just read the synopsis on TFN, then later checked the full review, but I had no idea from TFN it was so good!

It's not a good review, it's a glowing review!

They loved ANH back in 1977 and called it a refreshing film that was easily one of the best of the year. Well the AOTC review says that AOTC is in fact ahead of ANH and below just ESB! That is pretty darn awesome and almost all of their commentary is pretty positive, or not that negative. The critic there obviously loved the movie.

From reading the review I'd say it is an A- or somewhere around a 4 star review. I don't know exactly, but point is, it's darn good!!!

Looks like AOTC will be the second best reviewed SW film behind ANH.

Super Wookiee
May 9th, 2002, 02:27:23 PM
I think it all depends on the age of the reviewer. Somebody who was old enough to remember seeing the OT when they first came out is going to have a hard time at allowing the Prequels live up to what they remember.

But that fact that they are saying AOTC comes in right behind ESB is very good. Given the senario i just wrote above, AOTC has acomplished something great already.

May 9th, 2002, 02:37:11 PM
That is true. Neil was saying that "nothing will ever be as good as ESB and ANH." Well, I can understand what he means by that, nothing will ever be better than those films, but that goes for all SW films to me.

I grew up with ANH and ESB too, lest the older critics somehow forget that. They can act like the OT was their trilogy as kids, but it was mine too. I saw them over and over and over again as a kid and was very attached to them, but I don't have any problem saying that I think The Phantom Menace stands along side those excellent films as another wonderful entry in the saga. I also think Episode II will be my new favorite. Mainly because it contains all of these things I always REALLY wanted to see in a Star Wars movie and finally we get, namely the underside of Coruscant and a chase through the city!!! I have dreamed about that for 5 years now, since I saw Coruscant in ROTJ: SE. I always just thought, "HOW cool would that be to see a battle between the buildings or a chase or anything that sped us through that awesome city?" Wish granted. Then I wanted to see a nightclub on Coruscant and like Lucas was reading my mind, we get EXACTLY that in Episode II. It's just like the movie was crafted to be my favorite of the saga.

I am preparing for some MAJOR Star Wars viewing this summer. I wouldn't be surprised if I made it to 75 viewings, but we'll see. No promises. :) I'll beat 50...

Yoda kicks butt... :)

Dang I have a lot of other movies to see here before AOTC opens and I have a lot of work to do, but for the life of me I cannot concentrate on anything but Star Wars. It consumes my every thought right now. I had basically managed to go most of the 3 years without thinking too much about AOTC, because I wanted to keep my anticipation contained. Last time I got excited so far before, I felt like for TWO YEARS I couldn't wait a day longer to see TPM. This time, I wanted to pretend like I didn't know what was coming, but now I do, haha, and now I want to see it very very badly.