View Full Version : Reclaiming Eden

Verse Dawnstrider
May 9th, 2002, 09:44:39 AM
::Verse stood on a hill and looked at the slaves working below. Theypulled gems out of caves. Those caves used to be a Alter to Gaia. Now it had be defouled. Verse growled slightly. Behind him were a mixture of Freinds and family. All here to take the planet back. This was once the home of Verse and the Garou. Now Sith Master Kama ruled it. He took it when Verse, Pivo, and Chaos left. Now all three of them were here to take back what was theirs. Garou, Sith, and Jedi stood beside Verse. Chaos was missing right now though. Said he had to go get his army. Where would he find on on this rock? The valleys below were filled with trees and wildlife. Verse looked up now. He saw the mountain. The Mountain that was his home. It was were teh Garou oncelived. Their city in the trees's and caves. It was in this dead Volcano. The crater was a hidden city. One that the Garou had always thought of as their safehold.::

"It is time..."

Xazor Elessar
May 10th, 2002, 04:59:03 PM
Xazor, clad in her Warrior armour and Garou furs stood beside her father, Verse. She looked out over the vast expanse of the planet that was her birthplace....the home she never knew. Somehow now as she stood on the solid ground over looking what should be theirs....she felt almost connected with the place. Her heart felt at home and she felt like she belonged. It was at that very moment that she realized that this place was truly her beginning. She looked out over the mountain and down in the valley's. There were patches of beauty and she could only imagine what it once had been. No it was surrounded by hatred and ugliness.

"Yes.....it is time to take back our home....."

The Knight said with in a confident tone....but no smile rested on her lips. She was hurt by this, everything that Kama had done. Now it was their chance....their turn.

Chaos Alexander
May 10th, 2002, 09:21:24 PM
::Chaos sat a few miles away. Beside him were a couple of friends. Jared was one of them. A fellow Sith. Also one of Chaos' best friends. Infront of him were people no GArou would have thought of being in teh same room with. Cat Warriors. All the tribes of the Cat Warriors. Chaos rubbed his robotic arm. His Hell Hound, Greel, sat outside. The head Cat Warrior spoke in tongues to Chaos. With teh Force, Chaos was able to understand.::

Chaos- "So, do we have a deal? I could use your help."

Cat Chieften- "No Dice Garou. We can take Kama without your kind. Besides it would be suicide."

::Chaos smiled and looked at his cargo ship outside. He licked his lips and jerked his head at the craft.::

Chaos- "How about I spice up the deal. There are some things in there I think you would like to see..."

::Chaos walked over to teh ship and opened the Cargo hold. The Cat Chieftein's eyes grew large. He started to studder and was at a lose for words. He slowly nodded at Chaos as he held one the items in his hand. He carrssed it and smiled.::

Chieften- "Brother Garou. I think we have a deal. This changes EVERY thing."

::Chaos just stood there at looked at the horizon at the mountain stronghold that Kama had made into his base of operations. He just stood there. Then he smiled one of his smiles. The one that seemed to show up anytime he went to battle. He just stood there, and smiled.::

Chaos- "I thought it would"

Jared Mriad
May 10th, 2002, 11:10:40 PM
During the small ‘transaction’ between Chaos and the Felines, Jared examined the broad horizontal view of Eden; it was his second time to the homeworld of the Garou. The last time resulting in quite an escape and the loss of Chaos’s arm. Soon, a war would commence for the right of the planet.

< So, Chaos. > Jared mind-spoke to his friend, < I presume we’re going to be fighting a bunch of your kinsmen along with this Kama fellow, right? > Letting the question fall, Jared continued to look at the horizon as the camp prepared for a battle. Shouts of instructions rang out in the air, muffled conversations, and running feet. One wouldn’t need such an army to face one foe; they would need this for a full-scale war.

Around a few minutes later, Jared turned from the view and watched the progression. It was then that he actually noticed the amount of cats in one area. There had to be thousands at least, enough for a good fight. He shifted around, feeling the blackened armor-like garments he wore. Black on Black with crimson red trim, the tails of the arms of the upper-half hung past his fists, but concealed several weapons (Knifes, Daggers, Throwing Daggers, displacement sabers and the such stashed all over his persona, along with a large greatsword strapped to his back, the scabbard nearly touched the ground). “This is going to be…bloody. If the Garou are as I’ve read. This will be very bloody.”

Chaos Alexander
May 11th, 2002, 06:21:54 AM
::Chaos nodded slightly.::

<There are a few Garou Tribes loyal to Kama. Black Spiral Dancers are what they are called. Plus, Kama has a few thousand of his own Sith Troops. Normaly I would rather die that work with these Cat Warriors, but I want Kama dead. Then me and you can loot his chambers and take all the Sith artifacts.>

::Chaos jumped on top of Greel's back. The Garou rode thes wolves like horses. It was easy sence they were teh size of cars. Jared had one as well. The two rode aroun while the Cat Warriors got in formation. It would be bloody. Very Bloody.::

Sage Hazzard
May 11th, 2002, 10:58:23 AM
Coming up only now to the zenith of the hill. Before he had left Knights Xazor and Verse, father and daughter, have their sacred time together. It might be their last chance. Battles do not make one great but they do make one dead.

"I am ready to do my duty. Although I don't bode well with the fact I am battling alongside Sith, it is the same cause and the effect desired is the same. Give me the word and I shall unleash my hell on Kama."

Xazor Elessar
May 11th, 2002, 11:04:24 AM
Xazor smiled at Sage warmly. She nodded slightly and then her eyes fell back on the many camps...and the mountain.

"Thank you Sage...your help is greatly appreciated. The Sith that are here are at peace with us at this moment...show them how a true Jedi acts and perhaps some of our goodness will rub off onto them."

She said hopefully. Finally she turned to him and spoke softly so no one else would hear her.

"If something happens to me...make sure that my padawans find good Masters and that my daughter is taken care of. Please..."

She pleaded with her eyes, hoping in her heart that it wouldn't come down to the death of her or anyone that was helping their cause.

Sage Hazzard
May 11th, 2002, 11:07:42 AM
"Never would I do otherwise," he refered to the plea....

However, he was not the truest Jedi. Perhaps this endeavour would prove to the Sith that Sage could kill them, but not that the Jedi are the true path.

May 11th, 2002, 02:16:29 PM
Xazor hears the cocking of a pulse rifle, and looks to see Satine, his expression deadly serious for once.

"Time to pay him back for the LQ incident, don't you say sis?"

Pivo Nightstriker
May 11th, 2002, 03:23:25 PM
::Pivo stood behind the crowd and looked at the mountain as well. How little these Jedi new of war. It almost made him sick. They were Warriors of the Light Side, but the thought of killing sickened most of them.::

"This will be bloody Brothers and Sisters Jedi. We must kill them all. Not one can excape. Teh ground must run red with their blood. It willbe an offering to Gaia,a nd a warning to all those that wish to battle the Garou again. Can you handle the fact that the blood of thousands will be on your hands before dawn?"

May 11th, 2002, 03:59:40 PM
They chose their own destinies. They deserve what they get for choosing the wrong side." Was all Alpha says.

Xazor Elessar
May 11th, 2002, 04:19:11 PM
Xazor smiled at Sage and nodded.

"Thank you great Jedi Master..."

She turned around then when she felt the presence of Alpha. She could see the serious look on his face and in his eyes. She embraced him quickly and smiled as best as she could at this moment.

"Greetings my dear brother.....I am glad that you are here. Thank you....and yes, we do need to repay Kama for the little incident in the Living Quarters. Punishment for that is long overdue."

She said softly. She then heard the words of a man whom was familiar to her. He was Verse's brother, the one who had posed as Kama during a test that had been given to her. She shook her head slightly as he spoke.

"The blood of thousands is already upon my hands, brother Garou..."

She said to him. Her eyes then went back to her father. Everyone that was assembled there had many weapons, and Xazor was no exception. She had three long swords strapped to her back, the most deadly one closest for her to reach. The name "Chase", engraved on the blade, caught the light from the suns. She had her duel-phased saber, four throwing knives, three daggers, a rail-gun, and a blaster hanging and connected in various places on her weapons belt. On both legs under her robes, she had two holsters. On her left leg was her most prized blaster, and on her right, was the other blaster that was given to her by Nash Stolar. She was a walking armory of fire power...a litteral aresenal.

Crossing her arms over her chest, she looked out over the land once again. This was her home and they had destroyed it.....now she was going to do whatever she could to take it back. There would be peace here once again....and Eden would be theirs. Her eyes drifted to her father and she offered a half hearted smile.

"We will have victory over him....."

The Knight said confidently.

May 11th, 2002, 05:19:04 PM
"Easily." Satine replied, checking his other weapons.

On his back was twin crystal katanas--a throwback from the days when he was a Sith, these swords were just as powerful as lightsabres--and a pulse rifle, the twin to the one he was holding. On his belt was a long, curved, wicked looking dagger, two pulse pistols, both of his black bladed lightsabres, and various other, smaller weapons. He was armed to the teeth, and ready for some fun.

"Any Garou mind if I make a house around here once we clear out Kama?" Satine asks, smiling slightly.

Sage Hazzard
May 12th, 2002, 12:18:02 AM
The only thing the Jedi Master needed was his Lightsabre. In the hands of a Jedi it was a sword, blast shield, and projectile. With the Force, anything was possible.

"I have killed more men and women than you would imagine. I have no qualms about killing a few hundred, thousand, or million more. If they have decreed for themselves to not seek salvation, and they do not request it when my sword swings to their heads, then they must die."

He unclipped his sabre and spun in his hand, like an old holo-western.

"This is a tool of peace and justice. Death is not pretty. However, it paves the way for life."

He ignited it, bringing it to a hault in an offensive position.

"Give me the word."

Pivo Nightstriker
May 12th, 2002, 10:18:57 AM
"The Blood of Millions rests on my hands. Same with my nephew Chaos. My dear niece, I do hope you are ready to rage."

::Pivo sniffed the air. He could see the Gaurds on the ground::

"You will be welcome here Satine. Any Warrior that fights here today has a future home on Eden. You will not though if we don't win. On that note..."

::Pivo looked at his Dark Garou Knights. All of them were training in the Sith Arts. He had done so himself. Dire Wolf mounts were waiting on all the warriors here. For the Garou, Jedi, and Sith, They ignited their sabers as Pivo did.::

"The Time for Talk is over. Let us 'Releash the True Dogs of War!'. Charge!"

::With that note Pivo and his troops rushed into battle. All snarling and howling. Ready to taste the blood of their enemies once more.::

May 12th, 2002, 02:53:18 PM
Satine's armor shifts and melts as he jumps onto one of the wolves. His armor solidifes into something more draconic looking. The armor that helped give him the nickname of Dragon Knight. His wings unfurl--leathery, dark things, suitable for a bat or, of course, a dragon--and he smiles, raising his rifle as he follows Pivo.

"Let's rumble!"

Jared Mriad
May 12th, 2002, 06:22:16 PM
The cat army was on the move, minutes before they mobilized Jared had switched out his weaponary for a dual bladed scythe and armor with dragonic wings missing the memberanes. The tips of the wings were razor sharp and fully grafted into Jared's nervous system, it could be removed.

Jared stared over a cliff overlooking the battlefeild. From what It seemed Kama knew the Resistance was coming, Garou warriors lined up ready to battle another incoming wave. Jared senced that the Jedi Garou and Warriors, along with a Sith, were nearby.

< The battle has begun, Chaos. >

Xazor Elessar
May 12th, 2002, 06:47:29 PM
Xazor growled deeply and drew her saber from her belt. Igniting it, two blue beams shot forth from the hilt to reveal a duel-phased death bringer. She looked down on the valley below and thought of what it would be like after the war was over. She hopped onto a large wolf creature and took off with the rest of the group. Jedi and Sith, both Garou and not, fighting side by side....it was almost a beautiful thing. Pressing on, Xazor suddenly felt a bolt of anger. She shook her head, trying to make the feeling go away. It came again, along with a picture of Kama, in her mind. Scenes replayed themselves and she growled once again, her canines fully visible.

The Knight caught up to her father and rode beside him. They seemed to be leading the group of warrior onward, toward those that did not seek redemption. Now justice would be brought to them this day. In one sense, it felt almost wrong...but after giving it much consideration, Xazor felt that it was right. This was needed, and now she would bring a great plague upon the Sith Master who took her from Verse.

"I need to seek out Kama.....he is here.....and he is going to pay..."

She growled the words as they pressed on. She knew that this kind of anger would throw her through a loop and get her punished....she had to calm down. Emotions ran high, she could feel it in herself as well as in the group. Taking a few deep breaths, she fought back the anger, but kept the resolve to find Kama and give him the justice he deserved....

Chaos Alexander
May 12th, 2002, 08:25:48 PM
::Chaos ran on his Hell Hound. Greel was hungry for battle. The Car Warrior hit the oppisite side of the Mountain. The Others would be in for a surprise when they saw the Cats fighting beside them.::

<Jared, take your troops and hit the right. I will take mine a hit the left. We'll pin the enemy in the middle. The gut the lot of them. Let us go my friend.>

::Chaos ran through the enemies. His robotic arm transformed into teh quad gattling guns. Chaos ran through the center and opened fire. He cut down all that stod before him.::

Xazor Elessar
May 12th, 2002, 08:42:47 PM
Seeing her brother rush ahead, Xazor left her father's side and caught up to him. He fired out shots and took out those that stood before them. Innocence was not a question here....not this time. Xazor saw a man as she approached....he held his arms in the air and his eyes begged for mercy. Closing her own eyes, she looked away and sliced her saber through him. She couldn't look back, not now. Instead, she turned her eyes to Chaos.

"We have not spoken in a while dear brother...thank you for taking up arms with us, and for bringing your friends to help!"

She called over the rushing wind as they continued on.

Sage Hazzard
May 12th, 2002, 11:38:56 PM
Sage's eyes widened as he saw Xazor slash through the man.... killing those that did injustice was one thing. Murdering man pleading for his life, was another. He nodded his head, vowing to have a stern talking to with her later.

Instead of riding like the others, Sage prefered to run. Through the Force, he moved as swiftly as they did. Speeding up, he approached the front of the offensive.

A man came in, weapon charging. The Jedi Master blocked the bolts, sending them back through the shooter's body. The body dropped, lifeless. Sage stabbed two other eager warriors as they attempted to make contact with his fellow fighters. He wouldn't have that today. No, he'd take charge.

Then, a man ran up, arms raised. He pleaded for his life. Stating he had a family to feed. The Jedi Master grabbed him by the throat and send a soothing pulse... the man fell asleep. The Jedi pushed on....

Jared Mriad
May 13th, 2002, 04:29:08 AM
Jared's mount took off into the fray at just about the same time as Chaos's. Before the lines converged, Jared leaped off the wolf and into the fray, Instantly he slashed out with the scythe and wings. Infront of him a warrior raised his weapon and nearly brought it down when Jared imapled him on the scythe.

All during this, Jared was focusing engeries into the membraneless area's of the wings. Motes of light, with various colors, began to appear near the top. After a while, Jared could take flight with those wings. Another warrior fell to the scythe before Jared was disarmed, unvoluntairly he igited the implanted tri-sabres in his wrists and palms and continued with the fight.

May 13th, 2002, 06:15:02 PM
Satine rears his wolf back, and takes careful aim, blasting through three workers. Tapping into the Force, he burns two more, and then throws a shuriken at another. Smiling grimly, Satine looks around.

It was good to be fighting again!

Chaos Alexander
May 14th, 2002, 07:28:55 PM
::Chaos howled and saluted Jared. There was a fine Sith Warrior. Chaos watched as his sister killed the innocent. He smiled showing his sharp teeth.::

"You have the heart of a Sith my sister. I beleive I should call you Lady Darkness!"

::Chaos and his mount ripped through the guards. He was growing closer to the entrance of the Strong Hold. He motioned for some of the others. It was time to take the battle inside.::

"Let the slaughter begin!"

::Chaos jumped from Greel's back. His arm transforms back to it's arm shape. then two energy claws jet out. Chaos rips through the warriors. Chaos stops and touch the amulet around his neck. The Sith Amulet drew in power. Darkness rolled over him. He sent mental waves of darkness straight into the enemy minds arounf him. Chaos looked up at Jared. He drew in the Force and jumped high into the air.::

<Jared. Grab my organic arm and hold me in the air. Lets show them how well my guns are while I fire down at them. The Dragon and the Wolf shall strike fear into the hearts of all.>

Verse Dawnstrider
May 14th, 2002, 07:36:11 PM
::Verse ran through the crowd. His twin sabers moved with grace and speed. None of his attacks killed though. He cut gashes in the chest and sliced teh back of knee caps. Warrior after warrior fell, but he killed none.

A group of warriors ran tward him. Verse breathed deep and found inner peace in the Force. He reached out and touched the plant life. they call to his call and offered him help. Vines and roots shot out the ground. They wrapped around all who caar him. Then Verse felt others. Thorn Elementals. The gaurdians of Eden. They rose from the ground offering help to the Garou Knight. His peace touched them, and they felt his sence of urgence. They joined the battle slapping away all who came near them. The warriors that fell would spend weeks digging out the thorns from their skin.Verse only smiled and started to swing his sabers again.::

Jared Mriad
May 14th, 2002, 08:06:33 PM
Jared kept an eye out as Chaos jumped into the air, Blowing a force push all around his body and knocking the attackers to their rears. Jared extened the light-wings and jumped himself into the air and came down ontop a squad of warriors, Decapitating one and slicing another down the center.

Jared felt an old feeling in his chest, Far more powerfully than himself, unfurled, and extending itsd wings, its arms, it's talons, whatever they were. and by means of a tremendous upward surge attempted to rip free of it's moorings in Jared's body. For now, Jared kept it at bay and knocked down another warrior. He roared in a battle lust and lashed out with the dragonic wings. Closer...closer... soon...

Xazor Elessar
May 14th, 2002, 08:57:27 PM
Xazor's heart sank at Chaos's words. Her eyes dropped to her hands that instance as she felt herself slipping away. She had to look back, and she did. She saw the dead body laying there on the ground, and it brought a tear to her eye.

"No! I am not Sith....I am not like the Sith. I am Xazor.....a Jedi...."

With that, she stopped the large beast she was on and ran against the warriors who were coming her way. Falling and stumbling here and there, she ran until she had reached the fallen warrior. Her heart ached for him so badly. She raised his head and placed her against it as tears fell from her eyes. She knew this was not the time to be crying, she had to be strong...but she could feel the disapproval from some of the others. She took off her cloak and covered the body with it. She placed his sword on top and then rose to her feet once again.

"I'm sorry.....I'm sorry and it's too late."

She looked away and saw the others rushing inside, then heard the terrible call of her brother. She didn't want to kill....she had learned her lesson now. Shaking her head, she ran after them, increasing her speed with the Force. Once at the doorway of the establishment, she witnessed her father work miracles without killing. It made her heart ache even more, and her stomach cringe at her deeds. She turned away and was almost decapitate by a warrior that came running at her with sword in hand. She ducked and sent her knee into his stomach. He went falling into his own sword, killing himself. Xazor gasped and turned ghost white at the horrible site....and the feeling that she had killed yet another.

Suddenly she felt a terrible dark force. It was familiar...and close...yet, distant. She lofted a brow, wiping a stray tear from her cheek as she looked out over the battle field. She then saw a lone figure walking slowly toward the building. His eyes glowed with hatred and seemed to pierce her very soul. Her whole body shook as she watched the inevitable loom....

"My dear Xazor! We meet once again...and on such a lovely occasion! This day I shall have my victory and we shall eradicate you and your kind. I hear you found your little family...how stubborn your father was. Look where he is now and look where he could have been.....powerful....like you used to be. Now your a weak little Jedi, out trying to save the innocent.....but you're not! Alas! You are out killing them...."

He said with a sinister laugh and a cold smile. Xazor felt the anger rise in her soul again and her elongated canines showed with a fierce look on her face.

"That's it.....bring forth your anger. Remember how you used it to get THAT!?"

He said, using the darkside to rip off her first layer robes, revealing her black pants and white halter top.....and the tattoo. He seemed to burn his eyes into it, heating up her flesh. Xazor winced in pain and tried to look away from him, surpressing her anger before it burst inside her. She then brought her eyes to meet his...and she knelt to one knee and lowered her head. She summoned the Force in her soul and calmed herself. It was amazing, but the aura she put off glowed visibly around her. She wiped out every past event from her mind and focused on that very second where she needed to concentrate the most.

"If eradicating myself and the rest of my kind is what you came to do....then do it. I offer you me first. Here, take my sword, the one that belonged to Chase...kill me with it....afterall, that is your mission...."

She said softly, drawing the silver sword from her back. Holding it in both hands in front of her, she offered it forth. In her heart of hearts, she knew that he would not take it...after all, he believed in a little bit of honor. The Sith Lord scoffed at her and drew the sword into his hand with the Force. Stepping forward, he raised it above her head.

"Now doesn't this look familiar little one...I do recall a day when, oh yes...I was holding my saber in this very position. But now my beloved weapon is gone for you took it from me...what a shame. I hope you sharpened this blade in the recent..."

He laughed evilly once again. She closed her eyes and stretched out her senses, reaching out for Verse as he battled inside the complex.

Father.....please help me.....

She said softly in his mind, so that only he could hear. The last thing she wanted was for Kama to know that she could speak telepathically...for when she had left him, she was not able to. He refused to teach it to her. Now she sat so vulnerable...waiting to see if she would die...or if her Father had heard her plea...

Verse Dawnstrider
May 14th, 2002, 09:13:27 PM
::Verse's head snapped around. He snarled. He was to far away. No way to stop Kama in time. Unless....::

Xazor, don't move...

::Verse ran. He let the Force run through him. He entered Kama'a mind. He made the image of Xazor blurry. The sword came down, and Xazor did nt move. Her trust in her father was that stronge. The sword touch the dirt. He had missed. Verse had messed up his vision to the point where Xazor looked like she was three foot to the right.

Just as Kame saw what had happened, Verse slammed into Kama full Force. he stumbled back and looked up to see the open palm of Verse Dawnstrider.::

"Who is the weak one now you sith B*#$@? Behold the Dawnstrider's Light! May it purifiy your wicked soul...."

::A flash of Light Energy rushed from Verse's hand. It blind Kama and send the Light Side through him like a raging river.::

"Never touch my daughter again...."

Sage Hazzard
May 14th, 2002, 10:29:12 PM
Sage admired the skill of Verse. He had disabled those warriors without killing. However, Sage thought the Knight niave in his small glimmer of innocence.

After Verse did his maraculous attack, rescuing his beloved daughter, Sage placed his hand on his shoulder. He had cought up by now, and in his wake was the gruesome sight of slain fighters.

"Think before you end his life. I have already crossed that line and I can never return. You have a chance to keep your hands clean of blood."

Sage glanced at his sabre, Peace, still in hand.

"Do what you feel is right. Remember, however, that I'm here to do what I feel is right...."

Verse Dawnstrider
May 15th, 2002, 02:24:01 PM
"The thought of taking his life never crossed my mind. The Dawnstrider's Light will only leave him dazed and blinded for a while. It will disable his from using his dark powers for a moment. "

::Verse looked at Sage. Then at his daughter. He finally looked at Kama. The Sith holding his eyes still in shock at what had happened.::

"I have killed before. As a Jedi. I was younge and foolish then. I vowed not to take a life unless I had no other choice. I never planned to kill this man. When this is done I shall send him to prison. Put him in a statis pod so that he can no longer hurt people."

::Verse looked at the dead warriors around him. He saw the twisted features of joy as Pivo and Chaos killed all arund them. Verse frowned.::

"This is a war. People die in wars, but death shall not come by my hand. I didn't for it to. I have my own morals, and what is a man without morals? I can not call myself a Jedi if I stoop to the level of Kama."

Xazor Elessar
May 15th, 2002, 04:43:46 PM
Xazor held a high respect for her father, and trusted him.....even with her life. She rose to her feet and felt saddened by the conversation that Sage and Verse were having. She knew that they did not condone the actions of her killing that man on the field. She looked down, trying to avoid eye contact with either of them....but she couldn't help it. She looked up to her father and her eyes met his. She could not read him well in this moment...and did not know exactly what to say.

"Father....I am so sorry....this is war....people die, and they shouldn't have to by my hands. What I did was wrong and I seek punishment from you, Master Sage...and if need be, the whole council. I am not a good Jedi am I? Perhaps that is something I always knew.....I'm sorry...."

She turned away a tear fell from her eye and ran down her cheek as she stood there, looking out over the battle worn field once again. She looked into the building where Chaos and Pivo were killing and it brought even a deeper heart ache to her. She stood there, her eyes seemed to glaze over.....she was torn, not knowing what to say or do.

May 15th, 2002, 05:44:20 PM
While this was happening, Satine was in the middle of a large group of Warriors, fighting for his life. He tries to move his Dire Wolf, but it is stabbed by three lightsabres as it moves. Growling, Satine's mount falls to the ground, throwing the Jedi Knight off of it. Getting to his feet, Satine blocks a sabre with a force shield, and then snap kicks one man, knocking him out cold. shooting another in the foot, Satine smiles as he hops away.

As the Knight ducks underneath another sabre, he ignites one of his black-bladed sabres, and stabs into the Sith's gut. Spreading his wings, Satine jumps, taking flight with his draconic looking bio-tech wings. Firing his pulse rifle in a cover fire pattern, Satine sees his sister, Verse, and Sage, and heads that way. When he comes closer, he gets shot by one of the smaller artillery batteries nearby, the bolt ripping through his left wing, and causing him to plummet to the ground. He slides as he hits, hitting the ground hard, and stops nearby the group. Getting up, he smiles, and looks around.

"What's up guys?"

Jared Mriad
May 15th, 2002, 07:08:55 PM
Jared battled through the warriors surrounding him, then noticed the four Jedi and the Kama dude ( who was, to Jared's pov, flipping out). Growling, he knocked another enemy down and hoped over him. Making his way to the Jedi's, and seeing Chaos attempting to do so. Jared extended the partical wings and took flight.

He landed on the edge of the porticullus and hopped down out of the line of fire and watched the proceeding with arms crossed, sabres deignited and blood from the enemy dripping down his hands and over his armor, whispering to himself, "Why keep the bastard alive in a prison? Then to everyone, Why not eject the bastard into space to drift?

Verse Dawnstrider
May 15th, 2002, 08:21:40 PM
::verse nodded at his daughter.::

"Your grief is punishment enough in my eyes. You must work hard to keep it from happening again. We can't change the past, but we can use it to make a better tommorrow."

::Verse sniffed the air. He then looked at Kama. Hearing what Jared said, Verse desided to follow up on that point.::

"It may be better to kill him, but that would make us no better than him. We must allow to New Republic to deal with...this monster."

Chaos Alexander
May 15th, 2002, 08:26:56 PM
::Chaos ripped through the enemy. Heads rolled and bodies fell. He held on of the heads in the air. He threw it at Kama. Then his arm switched into gun mode. He pointed at Kama.::

"Give me and Jared 30 seconds. I promise you Kama will be in the worse pain he has ever been in. Then.....he will die"

::Chaos grinned as he opened fire at other guards. Their bodies jerked and fell to the ground bleeding fro hundreds of holes. Chaos picked up sticks and stones from the ground. Then he slammed them into the crowd. More fell and blood covered teh dirt in a hue of red.::

"Just 30 seconds......"

Xazor Elessar
May 15th, 2002, 08:42:36 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled slightly as she looked into her Father's gentle eyes.

"You are so wise....I wish I could only be half the Jedi you are."

She sighed slightly and turned away to hear her brother ranting about something....then pointing his gun at Kama. She shook her head and ran toward him, stopping just close enough to slap him in the face.

"No! You will not kill him, understand? Yes, it is true that in my heart I have to admit that I would rather see him die....in the worst way! Our Father is right, though. It would make us no better than him, and I know you probably don't care about that....but I do."

She placed her hands on his shoulders and looked on him gently, hoping he would not take the slap too personally, though it had created a glowing red hand print on his face...

Sage Hazzard
May 16th, 2002, 02:20:20 AM
Sage deactivated his sabre, lowering it to his side.

"Xazor, Verse, you are gloriously rightous. Your ethical standards are to be commended."

He turned to Xazor.

"Your punishment is to live life with his blood on his hands. It may prove to be the best lesson you will ever learn."

Then, he looked at the knocked out Kama.

"You will not kill him.... good. You are a good Jedi, Verse Dawnstrider."

Suddenly, he ignited his sabre.

"I, however, will not go without seeing this monster destroyed."

He raised his sabre, poised to stab the evil villian in the heart....

May 16th, 2002, 08:07:26 PM
As Sage is about to stab his sabre, he is blocked by a pure black sabre, with a grim looking Satine on the other end.

"'Fraid not buddy. Those two right there," Satine says, pointing at Xazor and Verse, "do NOT want him dead. Let the NR handle it Sage. I do not want to take up arms to defend this scum, but I will, if my sister, and Verse both want him to rot in prison."

Verse Dawnstrider
May 16th, 2002, 08:57:06 PM
::Verse stepped betwen Sage and Kama.::

"In order to strike him down, you must cut through my body first, I will not allow you to slip so close to Darkness. What will you killing him accomplish? Will you risk taking his place as a Fallen Jedi? I will do all I can to keep that from happening."

::Verse held his arms out wide so that all his defences where down.::

"I am asking you to think this through Sage. Please, make teh right choice."

Jared Mriad
May 17th, 2002, 01:42:18 PM
Jared growled, then removed a vial from under the armor. Inside the vial, kept inside by a cork stopper, metallic liquid slushed around as Jared rotated it. Looking down at Kama, then at the others he jumped down to the lower levels. Levitating the vial over to the group he spoke in low tones.

"If we cannot kill him, than let the idiot drink this. Kama will not die from this poison, but be in a helluva lot of angish and pain for long enough to make him wish he was dead."

Xazor Elessar
May 17th, 2002, 06:41:48 PM
Xazor stood beside Verse and looked at Sage with pleading eyes.

"Sage.....I look up to you.....the other Knights and Padawans look up to you.....this is not the type of thing to be doing when you are in such an influential position. You....you gave me this very saber, "Love". You told me to use it wisely, and I have not, but I learned. I have watched my father, I have watched you...and I have learned from both some of the most valuable lessons ever. Why throw all of that away? Please don't kill him...please..."

She said softly as she gently placed a hand on his hand, the one he held his weapon in. She then noticed the vile and heard the words of the Sith. Quickly using the Force, she sent it right back to him, then focused her eyes back on Sage's.

I cannot let you fall, for you would take a lot of people with you...me included.

She spoke in his mind, her telepathic voice carried the same concern and tenderness as she had just spoken verbally. More than anything, though, her gentle blue eyes told a story of compassion, despite how hard her soul once had been....despite the life she had just taken.....despite all of the worry and tension, uncertainty and fear she was feeling all at the same time. She kept her warm hand upon his, silently begging him to not take the life of the one who deserved it above anyone else.....

Sage Hazzard
May 19th, 2002, 01:20:16 AM
Sage grunted to himself, then murmered something undechipherable. It was like his demons were battling each other.

Then, his sabre deactivated. He placed it on his belt.

"As you wish."

He then turned to Xazor.

"I wish this were a test, m'lady. You would pass with flying colors."

Then, turning to Verse, then Alpha, he spoke openly and loudly.

"If he makes any attempt to escape or harm anyone, I will kill him where he stands. Do I make myself clear? I will not have the escape of a vile Sith like him on my conscience."

Verse Dawnstrider
May 19th, 2002, 08:51:57 AM
"You tread very close to Dark Side my friend. I am use the Bards have many stories of Jedi Zealots who turned to the Dark Side because of too much zeal."

::Verse pulled out a shot. He injected it into Kama's arm. The body slumped over.::

"That will keep him out for days. Lets wrap things up here..."

::With that Verse made his way away from Sage. He had nothing else to say to the Jedi Master. Verse made his way inside the compound. Pivo fallowed him. There was still stuff to do.::

Xazor Elessar
May 19th, 2002, 02:19:30 PM
Xazor smiled at Sage and bowed her head in respect.

"I thank you great Jedi Master.....despite what the others may say or think...what you did was brave. It is a difficult thing to back down when there is a roaring fire in your heart telling you not to. I know....I have been there too."

She passed by him and patted him on the back. Standing beside her father, she joined him and the others back in the establishment.

"Your leader can help you no longer! I suggest that you surrender...."

The Knight said as she stood up on some large wooden box. The group seemed to listen for only a moment until suddenly, they all charged her. Igniting her saber, duel-phased, she shoved beasts and men off of her. Ducking under a blow intended for her head, she fell to the ground and swept the feet out from under the warrior. He fell, and she reached over him, putting him fast asleep by squeezing a hiddedn pressure point in his neck. It was similar to a death grip, but it only knocked them out for a few hours. She smiled and hopped to her feet, realizing that there were more ways than one to take out someone...and killing them was out of the picture. She looked above her and spotted a mass of broken beams. Using the Force, she called them down and they crushed a small group of men, about six or so. They were not badly injured, but trapped, that was for sure. She twirled her saber in her right hand and spun back around to a presence she had sensed through the Force. With her free hand, she smashed her fist into his face and knocked him out. She smiled and turned to her father, not realizing that someone was creeping up on her with a sword, ready to stick it right in her back. Some people in front of her looked behind her, then she sensed it in the Force. With a sudden movement, she landed a heavy back kick into his groin, sending him to the ground. His sword fell into Xazor's leg, though, and cut it up pretty badly. She winced in pain and dropped to one knee, holding her leg with both hands.

Jared Mriad
May 19th, 2002, 06:15:32 PM
Jared saw the rest of the army charged and returned to the rampants. He watched the proceeding for a few moments, particually focusing on the Jedi Xazor.

"Feh." He muttered, and removed a folded weapon (http://www.deathstar.org/~sword/glaive2.jpg). Flicking his wrist, the glaive snapped into a a throwing glaive (http://www.deathstar.org/~sword/glaive1.jpg). He took aim at a warrior about to cleave at the unsupecting and wounded Jedi and threw it, using the force to guide it true. It sliced into the warrior's jugilar vein causing a spray of blood which made the warrior drop his blade in panic and clutch at the wound. Jared caught the glaive as it rounded and returned to him. And sent a force message to the Jedi Xazor; Get up, Cauterize the wound with your LS. It'll stop the bleeding or else your history.

Xazor Elessar
May 24th, 2002, 09:16:46 AM
Xazor looked up at Jared and shook her head.

"Do you not think that I know that? I know how to heal myself...."

She said as she was in the process of cauterizing the deep cut. She did not wish to look at the fallen man. She had taken care of him for the mean time and then Jared had to go and kill him. It angered her so, but she had to keep her emotions under control. Standing upright once again, she backed into her Father.

"What do we do?"

She questioned as a bunch of warriors were coming there way...