View Full Version : Yavin IV.(open)
imported_Corin Zetith
May 8th, 2002, 09:30:22 PM
Corin was awakened by the sound of Sketch's annoying toodle.he went to the controls and immediately sent a line to the planet!
"Hello is anyone down there? this is Corin Zetith requesting immediate landing!"
"hello answer me damn it!"
"im starting my landing cycle and am in desperate need of medical attention!"
Corin landed the Viela in a clearing of grass amidst the jungle trees of Yavin IV.he lowered the landing ramp and stumbled down it to the ground. he stood up with great difficulty and pain from his injuries and started walking across the clearing. he stumbled and fell but did not rise this time.
Corin-through the force:"help me! please God! somebody! anybod......."
Corin slipped into a state of near death commatose and said no more!
(ooc:read the begining of the end)
imported_Corin Zetith
May 8th, 2002, 09:39:40 PM
Corin was in a deep hellish nightmare of a dream. he kept seeing his mother and niece killed over and over again in his mind! and then it would go to the face of his love enya but her face would slowly fade out of existince.
Corin-feverishly: "Mother! Elise! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"
"Enya not you please dont go. dont leave me.mother and Elise are gone you are my only one left! no GOD! Damn It! dont go please!"
"ENYA! I love you! dont go!"
"Uhlen im going to kill you!"
Corin then slipped and fell into a realm where he could no longer even dream! he was too close to death!
Enya Ramelian
May 9th, 2002, 06:38:40 PM
Enya woke up still in her small cramped room where she was being held. Corin's name on her lips, tears still wet on her cheeks. She could feel him and his pain. Sitting up she pulled her legs to her chest and wrapped her arms around them.
"Corin where are you, I need you. Please don't be hurt." She said in a choked cry.
It had been to long now, she knew that. He probably thought her dead, or completely lost to him. She still didn't know why she was locked in the tiny room or what was wanted of her. All she knew was that she was dying inside without Corin.
Bowing her head on her knees. She tried to feel him, to connect to him but he wasn't there.
"Please Corin don't be dead, I need you."
It seemed the only time she could feel him now was when she was sleeping. In the day they drugged her food and it made it hard to feel.
"Corin I'm alive, find me." She begged softly as she did every night when she as left alone in the darkness....
imported_Corin Zetith
May 9th, 2002, 07:22:08 PM
Enya's invisible hand through the force reached out and touched Corin's screaming body. his eyes fluttered open and he realized that he was not where he was before! he was inside the praxeum looking through the glass of a bacta tank! he lolled his head to the side and went back into his dark dreams!
two days later Corin woke up again. this time he was inside his room at the temple! he got up and fell back when he felt a sharp pain in his side, and Enya! he had felt her.he had many questions running through his mind. where was Enya! how come he couldn't feel her all the time? who had helped him?he walked out of his room to see Jedi master kam Solusar sitting cross legged on the floor near his room's entrance! Kam's eyes snapped open!
Kam:"it's about time you woke up young Corin."
Corin:"master how did you find me?"
Kam(indignantly): "through the force, what else? i am your teacher after all padawan. i do share a rather strong bond with my students!"
Corin: "sorry! i didn't thi......No offense."
Kam: "none taken young sir. now do you want to tell me what you were doing lying in the middle of Yavin's jungle with 4 broken ribs, a punctured lung, and more cuts on you than i could count?"
Corin:" i was attacked by Darth Uhlen on Dagobah! he did not seem like he wanted to let me escape."
Kam: "your right about that he sure did a pretty good job! your lucky he didn't get the chance to finish it! well we are deffinitely glad to have you back and healthy again. your ribs are fully healed just the fact that you think they aren't is what causes your pain."
Corin: "thank you master."
Kam left Corin to his thoughts and went about his everyday routine with the younger students.
Corin: "now, to find Enya!"
Corin went into a meditation trance and reached out to his love through the force. he found her; distant yet not so. she was on the planet! Corin felt that she was tired and he could feel the pain she was in almost as if it was his own! he gave out a sharp gasp as he felt a wave even more extreme than the rest hit him through their bond!
Corin: "Enya! im coming, stay strong. I love you, hang on!"
Corin grabbed his lightsaber and his survival pack and rushed off into the jungles of yavin to find Enya!
Enya Ramelian
May 9th, 2002, 08:13:37 PM
Enya sat by the small window. Her eyes distant. Her mind clouded by the drugs they put into her food. She felt nothing except her aching heart. The force was even denied to her in this state.
"Corin I cant do this much longer please." She whispered softly.
A harsh voice broke through her thoughts. It was cold, and always caused her pain with what it had to say.
"He is not coming for you Enya, he has given up on you foolish girl." She did not have to turn to see the cloaked figure. He was always there by the door, waiting to hurt her in some way.
Tears fell slowly from her eyes, her lips tightened into a thin line.
"He will come, he loves me." She whispered, her voice barely audible.
"Your a fool. He no longer loves you, he thinks you have deserted him. Already he has found another. Become mine Enya and I will take you from here." He said coolly, his voice soft and hissing.
Shaking her head in denial, she groaned softly. "What do you want from me, why am I here. I will never be your can't you see that. I belong to Corin body and soul, always." She stated in a dull voice.
"You will be mine." H said as he slammed out of the door in anger.
Leaning her head forward she placed it against the cool window. Tears pooled in the hollow of her throat. Her hope was waning....
imported_Corin Zetith
May 11th, 2002, 12:10:20 AM
Corin could feel Enya! she was growing weak with some deep emotional trauma. he felt her sorrow build and used it to find his way to one of the old massassi temples on Yavin. he unclipped his lightsaber and entered. the temples main entrance transformed into an extremely wide cavern with tunnels running off the sides of it to other parts of the ancient monolith! Corrin felt Enya was down the farthest corridor to the right of the entrance. slowly and cautiously he crept forward.when he realized that the coast was clear he walked down to the door where he could fell Enya's warm familiar force sense inside. he opened it and saw the thin, weak yet still stunningly beautiful woman lying on the small cot in the far corner of the cramped cell!
Corin: "Enya! I thought i'd lost you! oh thank God you're alive!
Corin rushed to her and rapped his arms arround her. fealing her weakness even more now, he gave her his strength through the force and craddled her in his arms.
then the dark figure came! a familiarly dark foreboding figure who threw corin up against the wall with a powerful force blast and closed the door behind him.
corin slumped to the ground and smacked his head against the hard stone floor! he was starting to lose conciousness again and his world was going black!
Enya Ramelian
May 11th, 2002, 12:39:11 AM
Enya's eyes fluttered open. She could feel herself in her loves arms. It had been so long since she had felt safe.
"It's a cruel trick. Not real." She murmured softly.
His words reached her mind. She dared not believe that he was here. So many times in the past she had woken from her dreams to find that they were only just that, a dream. It broke her heart every time.
"Corin..." Her voice trailed off as her eye's shut. Trying to slip back to the retreating safety of darkness. She could feel the dream slipping even as she felt his arms snatched from her. A soft moan escaped her. Trying to shake the drug induced sleep from her mind, Enya sat up. Her body frail, her mind almost broken.
"Corin, is that really you." She looked to the dark figure that advanced on her lovers crumpled form. Struggling she raised her self from the bed and made her way to him.
"Corin... I'm sorry." She murmured as her lips brushed his cheek. Wrapping her arms around him she tried to shield him with her small, frail body. It was all she could offer, the drugs held her to tightly in there grasp. The force was still denied to her. Tears clung to her eyelashes as she waited for death...
imported_Corin Zetith
May 11th, 2002, 12:15:46 PM
Corin felt a small, childlike body fall on his, protecting him from an evergrowing danger moving close to him, Enya! no, he could not let her do this she had been through enough pain! it was no longer her burden to bare. Corin opened himself up to the force. the unseen river of power from all the organic life forms on the planet came together as one! flowing through him like a great flood. he felt Enya in his arms and gave her his new found strength. incorporating it into her very dreams. wherever there was darkness in her, light flooded through Corin's bond and enveloped her in an undescribable peaceful harmony of power. she fell into a deep calm sleep all dark dreams forgotten; only the force!
Corin: "sleep now Enya my love! Sleep! i love you and im sorry i got you into all this in the first place!"
Corin felt the dark presence somewhere in the temple but could not tell where. right now all that mattered was getting Enya to safety. he picked her up and carried her to the temple's entrance where Sketch had the Viela ready for liftoff. he placed her gently in the sleeping cabin and lifted off back towards the praxeum.
Corin(his own private thoughts): where had the dark shadow suddenly vanished to, and why had he not felt it leave? why did it not stay and try to take back it's captive? and worsed of all why had the presence felt so familiar?
Enya Ramelian
May 11th, 2002, 01:32:34 PM
Peace, it had been so long since she had felt at peace in her dreams. There was still a darkness hovering around the edges of her mind. Cold memories that wanted to invade and take away the protective light.
Corin's love and there bond kept it at bay for now. She knew when she wakened it would be there, the dark memories, but for now she clung to the light, and the peace Her love had given her.
Dreaming she saw Corin's face before her, his loving smile that had always kept her whole. They were together again and that was all that mattered. Off in the distance of her dreams she could see a figure, cloaked ad menacing. A small whimper escaped her lips and she tossed her head back and forth. Corin stepped forward blocking her view and slipped his arms around her. Her mind once again eased and her dreams did not seem so dark with him there.
"Corin..." She whispered as she eased into an untroubled sleep that she had not had in a long time...
imported_Corin Zetith
May 11th, 2002, 01:51:14 PM
when they arrived back at the praxeum Corin disembarked and carried the still sleeping Enya to the grotto under the massive temple. he bathed her head with a wet cloth. and then her eyes fluttered open. those same deep blue beautiful eyes that had captured his love for her at the very bigining.
"Enya! I thought I'd lost you! I would not been able to bare it if i did. thank you for holding on and staying strong!"
with that he wrapped his arms around her and sat there rocking her back and forth never wanting to let go for what seemed an eternity!
Enya Ramelian
May 11th, 2002, 09:59:58 PM
Enya opened her eyes they lingered on Corin's face. Her heart did not want to believe that it was really him. It had been fooled to many times before. Bringing her hands up she trailed them through his hair in a remembered touch. She trailed them lower over his face each contour familiar to her finger tips. Closing her eyes she began to cry.
"Corin... I didn't think you would ever find me. I thought you dead. He said so many things, so many, and I just didn't know what to believe." She said softly her eyes snapped open she wanted to stare at him to be sure he wouldn't disappear again as he always did in her dreams.
"What did he want with me Corin?" She asked her eyes locked on his. The blue eyes that she had longed for. The love that filled them and made her feel good.
"Am I safe now?" She asked with a worried frown. Her hands still traveling over his beloved face....
imported_Corin Zetith
May 11th, 2002, 10:21:20 PM
"ssssshhhhhhhhh! be still Enya! Im here. Your safe now! its no longer a dream. the nightmare is over!
As if to emphazise the fact that it was indeed himself she was seeing and not another mirage of darkness, he brought her hand up to the scar on his cheek and let her feel it.
"I've got you and im not going to let you go! ever again! i dont know what he wanted with you but next time he'll have to get through me to take you away again. and i promise you that is one thing that wont happen!"
"I need you Enya. your safe now and that is how you'll stay!"
He gazed into her eyes for a very long time. then he leaned in
and kissed her gently and warmly. something he had not done in a very long time! he felt a joyous shock run throuhg every cell in his body and he finally felt at peace for a change. he then picked her up in his arms as if she weighed nothing and twirled her around laughing with pleasure at his new found joy. he had found her and was the happiest he had been for a very long time.....
Enya Ramelian
May 12th, 2002, 10:02:22 AM
Enya gave a delighted laugh as he spun her. Throwing her arms around his neck she clung to him tightly. So may memories washed over her as he held her. She had loved him for far to long to forget what the shared.
The man who had held her captive didn't realize how strong there bond was. Enya knew it was strong but had not realized how powerful it could be until the moment when she had thrown her body over his and felt there life forces merge fully with the fear of loosing him.
"Corin, do you feel how much stronger our bond is. I have missed you Corin." She whispered softly into his ear as she trailed kiss over hi cheek.
She watched him close his eyes and felt his joy at feeling her lips near his once again. He cradled her gently in his arms and murmured how much he loved her, how happy he was to have her with him again. Enya though happy she was with Corin again still had trouble closing her eye's for to long. In the back of her mind the dark figure still stood waiting to take her back to the room where he thought she belonged...
imported_Corin Zetith
May 12th, 2002, 11:47:54 AM
"Enya i have to go. i love it here with you and i want to stay forever but i have to go find Uhlen! there was something oddly familiar about that shadow and i think i'll find my answers with Uhlen. i can see he has hurt you more than just a kiss and gentle words can mend and if im ever going to even think about forgiving myself for what i let him do to you i have to find him! i also have to avnge my Mother and Elise's deaths. if i had just been there to protect them none of this would have happened!"
he looked in her eyes and she could see that he thought it was his fault for everything. he kissed her one last time as if he thought he was losing her again and then he let go he had to, Uhlen was still out there.
Enya Ramelian
May 12th, 2002, 03:56:50 PM
Enya backed up from Corin. The thought of him not being near her again was to painful to bear. Her eyes locked on his, the panic in her eyes was enough to show him how scared she was.
"You can't leave me again Corin, what if he comes back for me. What if something happens to you. I don't think I can handle that." She said desperately her eyes traveling wildly over his face.
"What happened to me, and to your family was no fault of yours. I don't want you to go but I do understand why you must. Let me go with You Corn. If things must end for good or bad I want to be by your side." She said as she stepped closer to him and wrapped her arms around him once again...
imported_Corin Zetith
May 12th, 2002, 06:27:41 PM
Corin looked at her for a very long time as if this was the first time this idea had occured to him.
"Enya! i didn't think you would want to go knowing how much that dark man hurt you. but if you want to go that is your choice and ill gladly bring you with me."
he smiled at her and she smiled back (and what a beautiful smile it was on the face of this angel he was so incredibly blessed to be holding in his arms). he thouhgt to himself, what was he thinking when he wanted to leave her behind. he would feel better with her by his side anyways. that way he wouldn't make the mistake of leaving her unprotected again!
Enya Ramelian
May 12th, 2002, 06:53:55 PM
Enya sighed softly, she was afraid that he would not want to take her along, she didn't want to be alone. She dint want to be without him for another second. Her mind had been taken from her, the force denied her, and she had thought him dead. All of this had taken a great toll on her.
Enya had never been afraid of anything before this happened and now she feared even closing her eyes. She kept seeing the small room hearing the ugly words that the dark figure would repeat day after day. She wanted to tell him all the things that she had went through but she didn't want to hurt him anymore than he already was.
"Someday my love I will be able to tell you but for now be at peace. Someday all of this wont hurt so bad." She thought to herself.
"Corin need my lightsaber and my cloths.
She looked down at the dress she was wearing, though clean it was not something she wanted touching her. He had bought it, the man who had kidnapped her and all she wanted at that moment was to be rid of it. Enya looked into Corin's eyes, her own blue almost matching his own. He could see the pain etched there, as he knew it would take a long time to take the haunted look from them.
He watched her small hands clench on the fabric of her dress, a look of pure horror filled her face. He began to wonder just what torment she had been through.
imported_Corin Zetith
May 12th, 2002, 09:26:21 PM
Corin looked at the small "dress" if thats what it was called it looked more like something a strip dancer at the galaxy moon men's club would wear. who was this man to do such a thing to a person. to take away her freedom of mind, body, and security. if this is what he made her wear he didn't even want to think about what he wanted with her. yet think he did! and Corin's eyes shone with determination. determination to find Darth Uhlen and rid the galaxy of his scum. he was not going to make the same mistake of leaving her behind again. it was already to much to bare that he had done once. once was enough for Corin. Enya was coming too!
"all right Enya your coming with me then."
"but before we go there is something i have to do, come with me."
he lead Enya to the shuttle and they took off for Naboo!
the hyperspace flight lasted a few hours and then Sketch took them back into realspace again. Corin looked down on his home planet from the cockpit. holding Enya's hand as if he would never let go! Enya stay with the ship i'll be right back. the Viela landed and Corin hesitant to leave Enya alone again told her to comm him if something happened. he had to do this alone! he walked down the loney old familiar street that once felt so good and right now all he felt was sorrow and pain and guilt! he came to a stop infront of the grand mansion that used to be his home and walked through it and he went into the house and asked the butler droid where his mother and Elise were. M56-7 said they were in the back garden next to the fountain. Corin made it to the fountain hearing the familiar trickle as the tiny rivulets of water poured down into the small pond at it's base. he walked behind the small water falls to the two gravestones dug side by side in the rich black earth and fell to his knees.
"Mother! Elise! i am so sorry! if i had just been there you would be by my side right now. this shouldn't have happened, it couldn't have happened. not if i was there. God! Damn it! its my fault, its all my fault, i miss you both so much!"
[I]Corin felt Enya reaching out towards him to comfort him, he shoved the sympathy aside, he didn't want it didn't deserve it. he had let his only family ever slip through his grasp never to return. he stood up a single tear running down his cheek. he went to the long rows of carefull tended flowers and picked the largest he could find, pink was Elis'e favorite and Yellow was Mother's he laid the flowers on the lonely looking graves and then instructed m56-7 to pick new ones each day for the graves. with that done Corin went into the house and found his Elise's necklace lying neatly on her bed. he picked it up and saw as if for the first time there was a gem in it he took out the focusing crystal in his blade- which when ignited emmited a shallow yellowish blade and put it in his pack-he then took the his niece's gem and placed it in the slot of his saber. he clamped the casing back on and ignite it! a deep aqua-marine blade sprang forth. Corin vowed upon his familie's graves that he would strike uhlen down with this very same blade and he left his old home never to return to it again. he had made ammends with his family and would finish those ammends when he had finished Uhlen. he reached the ship and told Sketch to take off.
"im coming Uhlen!"
Enya looked worried for him and a little hurt inside, because she had felt him earlier and wanted to know why he had shoved her help aside!
"Enya that was something i had to do on my own! im finally at peace with my past and i didn't mean to offend you by blocking you out!"
He brought her face to his and kissed her, gently at first and then hard.
Enya Ramelian
May 13th, 2002, 05:43:01 PM
Enya kissed him back and tried to understand what he had said. She wanted so much to be able to give him the peace he so desired. She also knew that she couldn't, only the death of the one who had killed his family could give him that.
Enya knew she to would never find peace as long s the one who had kidnapped her and taken her peace of mind was still out there. She wanted to feel safe in her loves arms as she used to, she wanted back the innocence that she had enjoyed before all of this had happened. Enya's arms clung to Corin as her lips clung to his.
"Will I ever be what I used to be Corin, can you love this empty, scared person I have become," she thought to herself?
He had fallen in love with her fire, with her gentle heart, and her strong mind. What did she have to offer him now that all of that was taken from her...
imported_Corin Zetith
May 15th, 2002, 05:42:44 AM
Corin told her he was at peace bu didnt really mean it. he still held himself completely at blame for his family's destruction, and for Enya's painful imprisonment. he didnt want to tell her the whole truth 'cause he didn't want her to worry about him. he wanted Enya to try and heal the pain and sorrow the dark man had inflicted upon her. he also wanted to do this alone. these werre his mistakes; his wrongs to right, and he had to do it himself.
He kept all these thoughts to himself, making sure Enya did not see or feel the slightest bit of sorrow or guilt from him. he had to do it this way. he had to stay strong(if not for him then for Enya).
"Sketch, set a course for the greater jedi order recruitment center, i have to learn how to use the force before i can go after Uhlen!. Yavin is a good place to train at but i need more."
"we'll start looking there."
Corin then put soothing thoughts into Enya's mind, he put pictures of her home and her family and anything she felt security and comfort from into a giant mural through the force until she fell into an untroubled sleep. Corin entered a healing trance to regain all of his energy and rest he needed until they caame out of hyperspace.
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