View Full Version : the begining of the end

Darth Uhlen
May 8th, 2002, 03:46:50 PM
Dark lord of the sith Darth Uhlen, an Incredibly dark man with an incredibly dark purpose was looking down on the planet of Dagobah.he had one goal: to kill! he could sense the lone jedi form down on the planets surface.he took his ship down and landed in a remotely clear area and disembarked. his yuuhzan vong communication villip inverted into the form of Master Shaper Nen Yim's head.

Uhlen: greetings my master!

Yim: have you found him?

Uhlen: you have interupted my hunt!

Yim: weln get on with it!

Uhlen: yes master!

The communications villip reverted back to its normal shape and Uhlen was left alone again! it was him and the hunt! the predator after the prey!




imported_Corin Zetith
May 8th, 2002, 09:20:52 PM
Corin Zetith Jedi padawan has been at the Dagobah system for the past three weeks undergoing vigorous training to enhance his jedi skills.he has spent all of his time in meditative trances and physical excersize.he has been trying to find his love Enya Ramelian through the force(they share a strong bond with one another and can sense each other over long distances).so intent is he in his trance that he hardly notices an ever growing dark presence looming up behind him until it is too late!!!

"Oh my G......."

Corin never got the chance to finish for Darth Uhlen's booted foot connected with his back and sent him flying.

Darth Uhlen then called upon the force and sent a furious maelstrom of jungle vegetation and rocks towards Corin! Corin was blown a full 10 meters backward and smashed up against a giant massassi tree.

Corin felt something crack and winced in pain. he felt his breath leave his body.

Uhlen allowed his victim to slump to the ground at the base of the tree!

Corin seized his chance to unclip his lightsaber! he stood up looking his attacker straight into his ugly face and set his sabre in the en gaurde position.

Uhlen lunged at his opponent's midsection.

Corin sidestepped and brough his sabre down in a sideways sweep, but Uhlen wasn't there.sensing the dark power behind him Corin front flipped out of the way of a cut that would have cleaved him in two!

realizing he was no match when he was in full health much less with a few cracked ribs Corin retreated to his Shuttle.

Corin:"Sketch ready the Viela for immediate liftoff!"

Uhlen:"you dishonor yourself Jeedai! come back and fight!"

As if to emphasize this Uhlen grabbed Corin through the force and brought him back only to throw him into another tree!

Corin slumped to the ground again but did not rise!

Uhlen advanced and brought his sabre down.as he did this Corin quickly backflipped behind him and force kicked him into a tumbling roll!

Corin jumped into the ship and took off!

Uhlen:"we will meet again Jeedai! i promise!"

Corin set a course for Yavin IV as soon as he got clear of the atmosphere and gave the controls over to Sketch his R5-M1 astromech.then he went in the back to his bunk and since he did not have anything on board besides an emergency med unit he turned it on for a quick examination.

MD4:"Master Corin you have suffered major internal injuries.many of your organs have been punctured from 4 broken ribs. MD4 suggests immediate medical help!"

Not liking the sound of that he told Sketch to wake him when the arrived and went into a deep healing trance to try and stop the bleeding as much as possible!

(ooc see Yavin IV.)