View Full Version : Test of Strength (Open to any rank of Jedi)

Vice Hazzard
May 7th, 2002, 11:13:44 PM
Vice had never really held a lightsabre the way he did now. With the intent to use it against another. He'd never used it in combat. Igniting the red singular blade, he swished it around. Seemed in working order. Now to put it to use....

OOC - Cut the theatrics for the opening post. I don't need a backdrop or background for this fight. Just for fun and training by experiece. Start fighting. If you really need a story behind this, pretend I just killed a homeless man and now you're bent on apprehending me.

Eldrak Gruuhl
May 7th, 2002, 11:17:57 PM
He stepped forward holding his sheathed Katana in one hand while the other remained open and free in front of him.

“My! That looks dangerous.”

Vice Hazzard
May 7th, 2002, 11:40:28 PM

He walked closer and closer. Each step gave an unsettling rumbling in his stomach. Nerves always ran high for this ill-experienced Sith Apprentice.

"Do you expect to defend yourself with those?"

OOC - Those Katanas aren't resistant to Lightsabre attacks are they?

Eldrak Gruuhl
May 7th, 2002, 11:43:13 PM
“I’m expected to defend myself?”

Came the simple question from the over three hundred and fifty pound being, standing at seven foot six inches tall, who showed no sign of fear or apprehension. His single Katana blade had never been unsheathed except on one single occasion. It was certainly no match against a lightsaber blade to blade, but was that his intent?

Vice Hazzard
May 7th, 2002, 11:53:24 PM
At this moment he could see the full extent of this beast's size.

Drawing his sabre higher in reaction to noticing the height of the creature, he spoke with an unsettled voice.

"Of c-c--course. I-I am Sith! Apprentice Vice of Lady Vader. I live to fight!"

The words were not with conviction, this quickly becoming a bad idea. Fear hit the bottom of his stomach like a rock in a pond. The ripples flowed throughout his body with small quivers.

"Now must I be forced to stri--strike you down in c-cold blood?!"

Eldrak Gruuhl
May 7th, 2002, 11:55:46 PM
The strike came…

It was shocking to the Sith to see such a large and lumbering looking being move and react as quickly as Eldrak did, but then there weren’t many in the Universe that were familiar with those born on the world of Kashir. The race was all but extinct save for two beings of its breed.

Eldrak’s knowledge of physics and book learning was unparalleled by most and as he stepped aside and out of the way of the strike, he gently placed a hand on the man’s hip, his center of gravity, and gave just the slightest of pushes. Slightest, only when one considers the strength of a being of this size in proportion. It was enough to send Vice reeling face forward, his balance lost. Vice was falling forward face first and Eldrak turned to watch, never taking his eyes off the being.

“I have forced you to do nothing sir. It is your own choice, and it is a very poor one.”

Lady Vader
May 8th, 2002, 04:49:22 PM
*LV stood off to the side, watching her pupil at work. She raised an eyebrow as he spoke uncertainly as the Padawan stood to his full height. Well, that showed her Vice did not underestimate his foe. That was good. That meant he would prevail.*

*Now to hope he didn't falter in his moves. And even if he did, she could not help him. He needed to prove to himself he had the power to over come obstacles.*

Vice Hazzard
May 8th, 2002, 11:46:20 PM
Vice put his free hand down and pushed hurriedly with his feet, scampering away from the beast. As he approached a safe distance, he turned back to Eldrak. Red sabre now raised, he charged in.

"Suffer the follies of you're insulting words!"

The anger in Vice was great now. Feelings of suppresion and subordinate. The mere eluding mention that Vice was inferior made him furious. All his life he'd worn the stain of his father's actions. His tained family crest was the monkey on his back. Everywhere he went he heard his own voice taunting him, bringing his self esteem down. Now he had a way to unleash thus hatred. The result was a vehicle of powerful rage, too hot to control.

Swinging with a violent and rage issued attack, he let out a war cry. Left, right, right, left, left, right. He didn't care if they landed and they indeed did not. They hit air as the green one dodged them. Even if his opponent were slow, he'd miss. The aggression in his eyes were like wet tears blocking his vision.

Finally, he raised his hand. The rage in him was enough to give him the power to create a Force Push. It swept the giant off his feet and onto his back. Vice, stained with sweat, didn't move. He deactivated his lightsabre and took a deep breath. This furry of emotions had taken a toll on his body. He'd accomplished nothing. The only thing he'd done right was to send him on his back. Now he didn't have the strength to stab him in the chest where he lay. Hooking the sabre to his belt, he dared to keep on with his display of false bravado. To show fear was to show weakness.

"Had enough?"

Eldrak Gruuhl
May 9th, 2002, 12:03:45 AM
Eldrak casually rose from the ground, looking nothing more than just a little bit dusty on the backside. His face showed no expression of fear, now sign of anger, not even a trace of amusement. One watching him closely might notice that he never took his eyes of the enraged Sith for even a second, but his gaze held no malice or scorn.

Once completely to his feet again, he used his free hand to brush the dust off his back while his other hand still held the unsheathed Katana. He had not once attempted to strike Vice during the flurry of offensive swings of the crimson saber. He had only dodged and moved, finding the lack of true focus of the Sith made staying out of the paths of his blows easy.

“Does it please you to release such hatred against someone you have never met?”

It was plainly obvious that the Padawan was uninjured, and considering his size it was fairly easy to assume that if Eldrak wished, he could snap this man in half with one hand, but he made no aggressive moves, his voice held no mocking tone, only curiosity and eagerness to understand.

Vice Hazzard
May 9th, 2002, 02:34:34 AM
"You are a means to an end. Training is the reason I do this. Training for a higher purpose than you can understand. My rage does not concern you. It is an effect to a cause. A cause that has led me to kill you for my practice."

Vice raised a hand. Palm facing towards the green monster.

"Do not die Jedi, thinking yourself a martyr. You are the scum that has lead me down this path. A path I wouldn't return from if I could."

He let out his power..... but nothing happened. He was enraged anymore but not at peace either. The grey zone was where he layed. Between the Light and the Dark, where no true power could be drawn. This speech had reminded him of the happiness he'd feel when he accomplished his task... that joy brought a quick and short end to his burst of anger. His power gone for the moment, he turned to the mechanical instrument of distruction in his hand.

The red-white beam rose with a shallow sound that was dampened by it's quick movement towards the Jedi Padawan. It was held in a double gripped grasp, the point towards his enemy's chest. Arms extending, he closed his eyes, hoping soon he'd hear the thud of a body falling.... He was indeed inexperienced if he thought that was all it took to destroy a Jedi.

Eldrak Gruuhl
May 9th, 2002, 06:32:02 PM
The answer he received served only to further bewilder Eldrak, not a single syllable uttered made any sense. Yes they were actual words, spoken in basic, but together as they had been, did not hold any meaning or answer what he had asked. It was becoming obvious that this man, whose name he did not yet know, was not in full possession of all of his mental faculties.

Eldrak had no intention to die, and seeing how Vice was coming at him with his saber stretched out forward and his eyes closed, knew full well that death was not going to be served today in any fashion.

The green Jedi Padawan stepped to the side and plucked Vice’s saber from his hand quite easily, deactivating it in the process. He brought the hilt close to his eyes for a second and then spoke in the same instant.

“A very dangerous toy you have here.”

With no real effort he squeezed the saber hilt in his hand and the steel and parts within gave way to his strength. The device was crushed in his grip, but not mangled so badly as to be unrecognizable. He extended his arm and offered the now useless mangled piece of steel to Vice.

“I think it needs repair.”

Came his reply, no sign of mocking or ridicule in his voice.

“It appears to not be sturdy enough for such rigorous activities as one such as myself would make it endure.”

There stood the huge Kashirian, with his hand outstretched, holding the remnants of Vice’s weapon. His sheathed Katana still in his other hand at his side, his eyes big and open as if in great wonderment at all that occurred.

Vice Hazzard
May 13th, 2002, 12:43:41 AM
"Why do you not fight back?"

He had no emotion for his sabre. It was a tool for him to use his hatred. However, he did not the disrespect of both the tool and the hatred it symbolized.

Eldrak Gruuhl
May 15th, 2002, 04:06:30 PM
“What purpose would a thing such as fighting serve?”

He wondered why Vice had not taken back the weapon that Eldrak had merely thought the man was showing him, in his slow approach with it earlier, but the Kashirian shrugged it off unnoticeably and continued to hold the damaged saber in his hand.

Vice Hazzard
May 19th, 2002, 01:36:50 AM
Vice eyed him like a spoiled baby, not getting what he wanted. Slowly, his face faded into a boiling sinister backdrop.

"I will kill you. You overgrown behemoth."

He started in, his twisted smile never stopping. Slowly, he began pacing a circle around him, all the while talking.

"First, I will tear your small and large intestines through your nostrils. Then I will yank your throat open and feed your intestines to your lungs. Your eyeballs will then be shoved further into your skull and twisted around so you can watch your brain slowly stop."

Vice had stopped three full circuits around him. All that he said made no real sence to science or biology. It in fact would never occur if the green monster offered resistance. Vice's game was to push him slowly off his rocker, into aggresion. Then, he would be powerless and wreckless.

Eldrak Gruuhl
May 22nd, 2002, 08:01:41 AM
Eldrak held up one of his own clawed hands. The claws were sharp and it was so large that it could easily encompass Vice’s skull, and most likely so powerful, it could crush it as if it were but a small fruit. Eldrak then looked at Vice’s hands and the large Kashirian appeared confused as his eyes met Vice's again.

“You would do such a thing with your bare hands? I don’t see how such frail appendages as those you have would be capable, nor do any of your wishes make any sense. You speak nonsense and refuse to answer questions. Perhaps you should consult a doctor?””

Vice Hazzard
May 28th, 2002, 09:18:47 PM
"Yes.... Yes I should."

Vice was acting. Not extremely well, but not terribly. The man was a highly descrimatory person. He assumed the ogre would be a fool intellectually, following for his plot. Of course, he had much to learn.

"Accompany me... friend? Lead the way."

Eldrak Gruuhl
May 28th, 2002, 09:36:08 PM
His size and overall appearance was very misleading. It was typical for most beings so large in stature not to be gifted in mental capacity, but Eldrak was very much the opposite of that, though he had much to learn in the ways of the world.

It was simple to perceive that Vice was trying to fool him into something, but he was so carefree and content that he considered this man no threat. Caution would still be considered as he proceeded with this meeting.

“I do not know of one here on this planet, but if you were to ask around...”

A large arm lifted and pointed off into the distance over vice’s shoulder, towards a small building, as if to say that would be a good place to start.