View Full Version : vB Moderator Functions: A crash course.

May 7th, 2002, 08:12:21 PM
<font size=4>Standard Moderator Functions.</font>

A. Most typical mod functions can be found within forums as well as within topics in the small “Admin Options” drop down at the bottom right. Here is a small overview of forum level “Admin Options”:

Forum Level "Admin Options"
<u>“View Post Que”</u> – Unneeded unless you use moderated forums (like the Portal forum and explained in further detail in the “Mod CP use” section of this post).
<u>“View Attachment Que”</u> – Unneeded because post file attachments on these forums are not moderated.
<u>“Mass Move”</u> – Allows you to mass move topics from one forum to another.
<u>“Mass Prune”</u> – Allows you to mass delete topics from your forums.
<u>“Spin Threads”</u> – A more user friendly interface for mass move, mass close, and mass delete. Semi similar to ezboard’s checkbox system

B. Options within threads can be performed on a post by post basis, using either of the “Edit” links with a post. After clicking edit in a post you are given an option to delete the post at the top of the edit window. (note: deleting the first post in a thread will delete the entire thread.

While viewing threads you also have the drop down option box like in forums except the commands are a little different. “Admin Options” are located at the bottom right of the window when viewing a topic. Here is a brief description of each function.

Topic Level "Admin Options"
<u>“Open / Close Thread”</u> – One click closes the thread, or one click opens a closed thread.
<u>“Move / Copy thread”</u> – Opens a Move / Copy dialogue window that presents several move or copy thread options, including an automated “send PM notification” to thread author. (Note: If redirects are used you cannot delete the redirect from the forum it was left in unless you move the topic back to the original forum where the redirect is.)
<u>“Edit Thread”</u> – Presents you with several thread editing options. It allows you to change the initial subject (title) of the thread, without editing the first post and also allows you to open or close the thread.
<u>“Delete Thread / Posts”</u> – Gives you the option to Delete an entire thread or click the option to delete posts selectively (handy if there are several posts in a single thread that you wish to delete).
<u>“Merge Threads”</u> – Allows you to make two threads into a single thread (note: Will sort posts in merged threads by times posted).
<u>“Split Thread”</u> – Allows you to select multiple posts or a single post within a thread and make it into a completely different thread.
<u>“Stick / Unstick Thread”</u> – Stick a topic to the top of your forum.

<font size=4>Mod Control Panel use.</font>

Location of the mod CP: Click Me (/forum/mod)

1. Adding or editing “Announcements” for your forums.

On the left side of the mod CP is a section labeled “Announcements”. Its use is moderately self-explanatory. Note: Announcements can be specified to ‘expire’ automatically on a certain date, or you can remove them whenever you wish. They can be added to only a single forum, or you can go thru and add them to each of your forums. I believe choosing the add to all forums option will add them across all of SWFans.Net forum, in every forum.

2. What is the “Moderation List” section?

Something that most of you will not need unless you decide that you want to have any of your forums “moderated”. A “Moderated” forum is one that will not display new posts from users who are not moderators or administrators until approved by a moderator or administrator.

3. Using the "Ban" option in the “User Actions” section.

Clicking the Ban Option will bring up a search form on the right side where you can input a full or partial user name. (not case sensitive). Once a name or list of names is found, you are given multiple options. (banning is far from easy to do accidentally and in this case is only a user name banning). The options given are “ban”, “view user”, “edit user”, and “access masks”. More information about each of these option follows in later parts of this instruction set. If you choose the “ban” option a Confirm Ban form will come up with the name you chose to ban displayed so that you can answer “Yes” or “No”.

4. Using “Find” allows the looking up of users by email address or user name for editing profile (user name, email address, signature, custom title).

On the left hand side of the mod CP there is a “Find” option, under “User Actions”, which will open a search form on the right side. In the search form you can either input part of an email address, part of a username, or full ones. Choose the options you want displayed and click the “Find” button at the bottom of the form.

If only a single result is found in the search you will be taken directly to the edit area of that user’s profile. If there are multiples then a list of matching names will be presented to you. In that list there is a field labeled “Options” which allows you to either ‘edit’ their profile or ‘edit access masks’ (edit private forum access).

5. Using the “Edit Access Masks” option.

This option will bring up a search form exactly like the one for banning and its results window will look the same for multiples, offering all the same options as the ban option did.

Editing access masks on a user-by-user basis is the only way to allow and disallow access to your private forums. When a user is looked up and the “access masks” option is selected you are presented with a list of the forums you moderate. To disallow a user’s access to your private forum select no or default, to allow select yes. I recommend that you not edit any of their access masks except for your private forums unless it is a user you wish to only ban from your board.

To ban a user from only your board, look up their user name, select “access masks”, and click the no option on their options for each of your forums, followed by clicking the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the form.

6. Using the “List By Access Mask” Option.

This option will bring up a form on the right side that allows you to produce a list of all users who have access to your forums (private or public) It can also be used to find registered users who have been disallowed to your forums by selecting the “No’ option to the question on the form.

Once a forum is selected a list of users with or without access is presented and that list includes the option to “edit access mask” by each user name.

7. “IP Lookup”

This option is moderately self explanatory. If there are any questions please ask.

8. The “Mass Move” and “Mass Prune” options.

These options are for mass moving or mass deleting of threads within your forums. If you wish to use either of these features and are unsure please contact an Admin and we will help you out.

9. “Advanced Banning”

This feature is for email and IP address banning and will affect the entire board, not just your forums. Please use only after consulting an Admin or in emergency cases followed by a notification of the Admin. In emergency cases, I recommend that the offending threads or posts be moved or split and then moved into one of your private forums so evidence is not lost to deletion.

---------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTE ----------------------------
This information stays where it was posted, right here in this forum and with the members who have access to this forum, as you are now a trusted member of the SWFans mod team, even though your board is considered as much a seperate entity as possible, ruled by Darth Viscera.

Darth Viscera
May 7th, 2002, 08:24:24 PM
Where can I find the options to edit the appearance of the TGE forum?

May 7th, 2002, 08:27:10 PM
That is to be done through my or Shawn's assitance and cannot be done by moderators.

I can provide you with a set of the standard vB icons and graphics, (unread topic, closed thread, and all the icons you see inside a thread besides the New and Reply images) which will give you control of all the images, free to change them at your whims, after you have hosted them on another server and provided me with the URL.

Darth Viscera
May 7th, 2002, 08:33:25 PM
no thanks, these icons are cool.

May 7th, 2002, 08:37:35 PM
No problem.

These are the ones that are used in the Shipyard style, and were what I thought best matched your color scheme. :)

Darth Viscera
May 7th, 2002, 09:03:40 PM
about category access:

if you grant a person access to a category, does that automatically give them access to all forums therein, as well?

May 7th, 2002, 09:05:57 PM
Yes, I believe it does unless you specify No instead of Default for individual forums within that category. I was able to kick one of my other names (my mod test name) out of all your private forums by selecting No on the category and leaving the subforums as default.