View Full Version : Hatebreed: The Winnowing

Vega Van-Derveld
May 7th, 2002, 10:14:01 AM
For Vega, wedding his late apprentice Gitane had prooved useful only in one respect - creating his son Darius. The Sith Warrior's life had been fruitless and she herself had been weak, however she did succeed in creating the young red haired boy. Thanatos and Galatea both were discraces to the Van-Derveld name, sympathizing with the lightside. Though Thanatos had left, with the twins only remaining, Vega knew exactly where the boy was. Galatea had been to visit him; her silence spoke volumes as her thoughts were uncloaked.

"Weakling," he thought.

The Lupine Sith sat at the wide backed chair in his study, on the planet of Helios. He leant back and stared at nothing in particular, whilst mulling over his current thoughts.

Galatea, to him, was of little importance. She showed no sign of becoming a Sith, and the disease she had only further lowered Vega's respect for her; if she touched anyone she would absorb their life force for a moment or so, she could never be a Jedi yet she believed she could. Stupid girl.

Darius, he was the only sane one. Just as Vega had done with his ancestors, Darius was detested to winnow the Van-Dervelds. Only the strong would survive, the weak must be eliminated. In this case, the weak was the boy's siblings. Vega knew he had no respect for either of them, infact he delighted in tormenting them both.

What he was about to order Darius to do was something he could have done himself, though it would have been too easy. To cleave Thanatos' head would have been oh so satisfying, but to Darius it would be more beneficial.

"Son," he called out loudly, glancing back over his shoulder.

Darius Van-Derveld
May 12th, 2002, 01:28:52 PM
Darius came to a stop before his mighty sire.

"Yes my father....you have need of me?"

In the giant lupine, Darius saw everything he could become, everything he wanted and everything he would strive to surpass.

Vega Van-Derveld
May 12th, 2002, 01:34:11 PM
"I sense that you already know why I have called you here, Darius."

Vega looked down at the arm of the chair that he sat in, his fingers lightly tapping against the surface. His eyes remained locked in this in silence for a moment, before returnin to the crimson-haired teen before him.

"For a long time now you brother has been a blemish on our family ... It is no secret that he has turned to the lightside, in a vain attempt to defy me."

He laughed softly beneath his breath.

"It is also common knowledge that you hate him as much as I ... he is no longer one of us. He is a Jedi ... to be killed."

Darius Van-Derveld
May 12th, 2002, 01:43:52 PM
He cleared his throat and in his most formal tone asked,

"Then my father...I ask you're permission to destroy him, it would bring me the greatest of pleasure."

The answer was a foregone conclusion, Thanatos had been a stain that was sorely in need of cleansing and Darius' elustrius father had been waiting for any excuse.

"I see that you have finally dispensed with this tiresome 'waiting for a reason' to kill that mistake, but why me...may i ask?"

Vega Van-Derveld
May 12th, 2002, 01:46:26 PM
"Isn't it what you want? To destroy every single last Jedi,"

Vega gestured one hand into the air, shrugging his shoulders softly.

"He is a Jedi. Extinguishing him is no different from removing another of his kind."

Darius Van-Derveld
May 12th, 2002, 01:53:09 PM
"Father, it is every Sith's ambition to destroy jedi..why not just order one of youre more capable toadies to snick his head off?"

His reactions were puzzling the Lupine sat behind the desk and that was pleasing to Darius...normal games had no place in the Van Derveld childhood, he settled with these little mind games, they pleased him.

"Of course if your childs destruction at my hand is youre wish; I, as ever dutifull son should, will comply."

Vega Van-Derveld
May 12th, 2002, 01:55:20 PM
"What fun would there be in that, hmm?"

Vega grinned toothily.

"Consider it a test of sorts. If you can kill you own kin, then you have a true Sith creed."

He leant back, reclining comfortably.

"Of course, if you doubt your abilities, then I will find a more able candidate. Perhaps your sister could do the job..."

Darius Van-Derveld
May 12th, 2002, 01:57:44 PM
Darius snorted, the lupine must be becoming addled in his advancing age.

"Would you like me to kill her to?"

Vega Van-Derveld
May 12th, 2002, 01:59:35 PM
"No," he replied stoutly.

"I think one sibling is enough for today," Vega sneered.

"You will be able to smell him, or that infidel Verse Dawnstrider, from a mile off ... go, find him, and don't come back until he's dead."

Darius Van-Derveld
May 12th, 2002, 02:29:28 PM
"By youre command!"

He bowed low to his august sire then turned on his heel and left the room.

The fighter bay was a short walk away and en route Darius pondered just how he was to find that single jedi out of the hundreds in active service.

Sitting in the center of the bay was Darius personal vessel, a beautifull corellian freighter, boarding quickly and powering up the idea came to him.

Peacekeepers will always seek the trouble in the galaxy, so lets try Coruscant, howsabout I kick the nest and see what crawls out.

He keyed the auto pilot and reclined into the comfortable captains chair.

Thanatos Van Derveld
May 13th, 2002, 09:57:35 AM
It would be just Thanatos' luck that his speeder would conk out whilst driving around Coruscant. The bike had broken down in the main city district, leaving him stuck in the center of a bustling metropolis with no means of transport or way of fixing the swoop.

Ticked off, he thudded one steel-toed boot against the side of the transport as he dragged it down the street. He knew that somewhere nearby there had to be a mechanics, and if he walked for long enough he was bound to find one. Hopefully.

Darius Van-Derveld
May 13th, 2002, 10:57:14 AM
The freighter burned down through Coruscants outer atmosphere, deftly negoteated the thousands of other vessels that seemed sluggish compared to the freighters breakneck speed.

Darius sighted a small vacant landing pad at low altitude, he kicked the autopilot off and dove at horrific speed towards it.
As the geforces pressed the Sith's body into the pilot he closed his eyes and deriving almost sadistic pleasure he held the dive.

Lower and lower the craft hurtled untill in an intuitive force guided twitch the craft pulled up and set down gracefully on the vacant pad.

Darius gathered his belongings; an overcoat, a blaster pistol his saber and his newest toy, a knife belt.

As the ramp came down, Darius saw that from the small building that housed the pads maintence crew several figures had emerged. The lead figure brandished a heavy wrench, the rest were similarly armed.

"Hey, you cant park that thing here!" the lead mechanic exclamed, pointing at the freighter.

Without answering, Darius gathered the force and cast it at the disgrunted spokesman. Wheeling like a broken doll the writhing body flew over the pads edge and began its miles of freefall before it would make contact with any sort of ground.

The rest of the 'crew' suddenly found other places to be, they took of at a run in all directions.

Let them go, there are enough people around to make a sufficiently large spectacle.

Grinning like a cat, he crossed over the footbridge connecting the pad to the main promenade and walked where his nose told him people dwelt.

Darius Van-Derveld
May 13th, 2002, 12:28:52 PM
Spread out before him was a plaza crammed with humanity, they roilled in a solid mass.

Darius' senses recoiled as the full olfactory signature of these maggoty little creatures hit home, they were a truly awfull reaking bunch.

Why do the Jedi use their great power to protect these,

He gestured to the crowds,

They might even prove more than an annoyance to the Empire if they cut their commitments and focused on us.

He sighed as if the weight of the world was upon him, shaking hie head and focusing as his master taught him brought him back to the task at hand.


Picking a target at random, a young woman, he sprang from his vantage point and drove one of his small blades deep into her right leg. The attack brought the attention of a group of youths; they pounded over, confident in their numbers, but they met a glowing blade that bit bodies and seared flesh.

Sweeping arcs delt death and wounds in the crowded plaza, seeing a real danger was present, the crowds parted and streamed away leaving a ruddy taint to the pavement and scores of still bodies, one however was still whimpering, the girl.

"I take little pleasure in this you know."

The oughtright lie was spoilt by the mithfull grin on Darius' face.

"Im sorry, that was not the best of my, tall tales" he told the whimpering girl.

The girls grizzling was infact getting on his nerves and he secretly hoped that his weakling brother would hurry up and arrive.

Bending his knee into the blood he gently took the girls head in his hands, he gently kissed her forehead before snapping her slender neck.

Thanatos Van Derveld
May 14th, 2002, 09:56:11 AM
As all Jedi did, Thanatos felt the pain of others. Whilst walking down the street, he suddenly felt a surge, a temporary boon in the Force. Someone, somewhere was in a great amount of pain ... and then they dissapeared. Their Force presence vanished.

His immeadiate reaction was to draw his saber and look around for a Sith. People around him looked to him with gasps as he engaged the deep crimson beam and disregarded his speeder, shooting off at Force speed to where the disturbance was coming from.

Within minutes he was approaching where people were fleeing from, and could see a familiar figure in the distance ...

Galatea Van-Derveld
May 14th, 2002, 10:14:02 AM
Entering her Father's vast domain of Helios, Galatea pushed the door and stepped in silently. She looked around the empty place, nobody seemed to be there.

"Father ?"

imported_Blade Ice
May 14th, 2002, 11:15:25 AM
(blade Had just step from the shadows of vegas office as Galatea enter the room. blade was about ready to ask vega for permission to kill Thanatos but he held his question as vegas daughter entered the room. he just looked at vega and said.)

Master Vega we need to talk a little business and I'm guessing you will want to discuss it in private.

(blade then sent the rest of the message through the force.)

I wish permission to kill your son Thanatoes?

Vega Van-Derveld
May 14th, 2002, 11:17:08 AM
He had risen up from his seat and was about to leave when the light voice spoke in the chamber. He looked through the dull lamp light in the room at his daughter, squinting. Her looks was akin to Gitanes, youthful and angelic, so pure. Much as her mother had been, her drive to serve the darkness was weak, and emotions such as love and passion governed the girl's mind.

"Yes, Galatea?"

Blade had entered also, he felt it. The Warrior sent him a message via the Force, to which Vega responded:

"Darius has just left to accomplish the same task, my apprentice ... if you are to aid him, I suggest you make your way to Coruscant very quickly."

Darius Van-Derveld
May 14th, 2002, 12:07:41 PM
Looking up from the sad looking bodies cast around him he caught sight of a figure from the corner of his eye.

I feel you near me, you cannot hope to take a wolf by surprise...

His message was clear, and ambiguous... He cracked a smile at the absurdity of existance. The force whispers were designed to attract his enemies, those that would prevent his success.

Come...come to me...and know the true meaning of Van Derveld.


He engaged his saber and bowed his head, extending his senses, searching for jedi and sith alike.

imported_Blade Ice
May 14th, 2002, 01:59:41 PM
(blade ran from the office in a haste and made it to the nearest star port for ships to lift off. blade saw an on occupied ship and it looked fairly fast blade ran to the ship and got in the cockpit. Blade took off and left the atmosphere and with in about ten minute period blade was in hyper space on his way to Coruscant the home of the Jedi. blade had his weapons ready and was very impatient with his wait to arrive at Coruscant. Where a good fight would lay ahead. It would still be a good 30 minutes tell he arrived on Coruscant.)

imported_Blade Ice
May 14th, 2002, 09:40:07 PM
blade came out of hyper space and into Coruscant's atmosphere and quickly picked up readings on Darius's ship. blade knocked in the location and then as he came on the ship he landed on pad next to it. blade stepped from the ship onto the landing pad there where several scattered mechanics all over the place and none really took notice of blade as he walked away from his ship towards one of them who was kinda of in a daze. blade picked the man up by the neck and looked directly into his eyes. all blade had to ask was.

Which way?

the mechanic understood and pointed into the direction Darius had left in. blade then threw the man into a nearby work bench and walked away. as blade headed to the more crowded areas he could see darius's carnage so he was not hard to follow from that point on.

Galatea Van-Derveld
May 15th, 2002, 10:00:24 AM
Galatea tilted her head to the side, remaining silent as she felt one of her Father's apprentices come and go. As he left, she looked over her shoulder, than her gaze fell back on her father as she stepped towards him.

"What did your apprentice want ?" She asked, with a soft tone.

She folded her arms in her back, waiting for a response.

Vega Van-Derveld
May 15th, 2002, 10:26:20 AM
"Merely to ask permission to seek out a Jedi," Vega replied.

He canted his head whilst watching his daughter.

"Can I help you with something? or are you defying stereotype and actually just coming to see me because I'm your father.."

Thanatos Van Derveld
May 15th, 2002, 10:52:43 AM
After seeing the figure, the ever familiar view of a saber became apparent. The red beam, matching his, swept back and forth and illuminated Darius' face with a demonic glow.


He yelled out with a hoarse voice.

"Why do you cause so much havoc? What is there to be gained from this?"

Darius Van-Derveld
May 15th, 2002, 10:59:29 AM
Looking up, he turned to face his....fathers son....straight in the eyes.

"You call me brother Thanatos?" he called across to the Jedi.

"Well, I can see nothing of family in you...and to answer youre question, I am here at my fathers behest."

Galatea Van-Derveld
May 15th, 2002, 05:39:14 PM
"Depends." Galatea muttered, but this wasn't what she wanted to talk about.

She let her gaze down and exhaled, folding her arms in her back, underneath her long brownish hair. She cocked her head from left to right, trying to find the words.

"I uh, went to see Thanatos ... at the GJO." She finally said.

Xazor Elessar
May 15th, 2002, 07:55:46 PM
Xazor had been on a mission of her own on Coruscant. She was there feeding the hungry and giving some of her wealth to the poor. It was the least she could do in the midst of her busy planning for the wedding of she and Shade. As she walked through the dirty streets, she suddenly felt a wave of distress run through the Force. Moving in the direction of which she physically felt it, her good friend Thanatos suddenly came into view......with another man weilding a red saber. She lofted a brow and stay back, hidden behind a beat up speeder. Somehow she knew that this was his business to take care of, and she mustn't interfere....but there was a nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach to do something. She did not see clearly the intentions of the man with the saber....but she could feel that it must not be good. The Garou placed her right hand on the saber that was clipped to her belt, ready for action if anyone came after her....but she had to leave this situation to Thanatos....he was strong, and her father had been training him well. For now, though....she would hide....and watch....

hooded man
May 17th, 2002, 10:45:11 AM
the hooded man came out to where darius and Thanatos where having a stare down and war with words. none of the force users around could tell exactly what side the hooded man was for jedi or sith but only that he was indeed a force user. Hooded man watched them do there staring and word battle and finally grew tried of it. Out of the arm slit's in the hooded man cloak came to ignited black light sabers. He then sent a message via the force to darius.

Kill your bother now or I will do it for you

the hooded man just stood there waiting with his sabers ready to bit into the flesh of Jedi.

Vega Van-Derveld
May 17th, 2002, 02:08:42 PM
His brow furrowed instantly.


Thanatos Van Derveld
May 17th, 2002, 02:10:53 PM
Thanatos frowned somewhat, striding forward a few paces.

"What do you mean?"

Galatea Van-Derveld
May 17th, 2002, 03:02:56 PM
"Why ...? Well, for no reasons, Dad ..."

Galatea called her father 'dad' only when she felt his anger rising up. Somehow, she turned back into the little girl that she was. Her head hung forward slowly, almost embarassed. She extended her arms straight behind her back and laced her fingers together, chewing on her lower lip lightly.

Darius Van-Derveld
May 17th, 2002, 03:09:33 PM
The hooded figure spoke to him; it was perplexing and a little irritating to have an unwelcome guest impinging on his mission; watching Thanatos out of the corner of one eye he shifted his scrutiny to the 'hooded man'.

"Yes...why should I be swayed by anything you have to say stranger?"

Thanatos seemed equally intregued, but he was a Jedi after all, always looking for the answers to questions that a Sith really could'nt care less about.

Again speaking to the man;

"I suggest that youre answers are good, I feel other, powerfull predators circling."

Xazor Elessar
May 17th, 2002, 04:14:57 PM
Xazor's senses picked up on a few words spoken by the two men. Her hearing and sense of smell were extraordinary because she was Garou....and it aided her well when she needed it. She ducked behind the speeder more when a hooded man entered the scene. Sniffing the air around her, she picked up on the fact that he indeed was a Force user...but whether he was for the Sith or Jedi, she could not tell. She felt ripples go through the Force and knew that he communicated to someone telepathically. She peaked up from behind the air vehicle and eyed the group closely. Her hand now rested comfortably on the hilt of her saber. She did not know what it was, but she had a very bad feeling about this whole thing. A nagging feeling bit at the back of her mind, and twisted a knot in her stomach. Something bad was going to happen, somehow.....she knew.....

Inabrin Tain
May 18th, 2002, 08:16:36 AM

Darius Van-Derveld
May 18th, 2002, 08:27:13 AM
Darius snorted, and rocked back on the balls of his feet, before settling into a dueling stance, keeping both of the figures in view.

"I grow tired of this," he said to nobody in particular, "I have a task to perfom."

Bringing his glowing red blade close to his face in a classic salute, he narrowed his eyes and challenged the jedi.

"HAVE AT YOU!!!!!!"

Thanatos Van Derveld
May 18th, 2002, 09:42:07 AM
Thanatos mimicked his brother, swiping his saber up with bravado - as his father had taught him - before binging to stalk towards Darius.


Darius Van-Derveld
May 18th, 2002, 10:05:51 AM
With a snarl and a flash of teeth, Darius launched towards his opponent.

The opening downward hack connected with Thanatos' identical saber, the twin blades clashed in a storm of coursing power.

The follow up came in fast, a flurry of horizontal sweeps, left to right, right to left, ending in an upward chop to the head, designed to seperate it from the neck.

Thanatos Van Derveld
May 18th, 2002, 10:07:01 AM
As the barrage of swipes came in to hit their targets Thanatos deftly arced his saber upwards, curving the blade at all angles to bat away the various lunges. The final cutting blow came inwards, and in response he ducked downwards to avoid having his head cleaved off, and drove his saber forward to impale his brother through his gut.

Knowing the shot would be deflected, at the last moment he jerked the beam upwards in an uppercut-like swoop.

Darius Van-Derveld
May 18th, 2002, 10:21:19 AM
As the lunge came in Darius' blade met it in a guiding downward diagonal parry, stepping adroitly aside Darius was left with his blade to his front and Thanatos' to his right.

Seeing only one way out of his situation, Darius brought his knee up hard into Thanatos' unprotected groin, before forcing his enemies saber away and spinning off, bringing himself right around to Thanatos' back.

hooded man
May 18th, 2002, 10:32:07 AM
the hooded man watched for a moment then pulled his hood back to reveal his face and which side he truly worked for. The sith blade ice with his black light sabers ready to attack at any moment. his master had given him permission to come and add darius in the death of thanatos. A smirk came on his face as he sensed another jedi in the area close by.

come out and play Jedi

blade readied himself for the fight he hoped would soon come into play.

Xazor Elessar
May 18th, 2002, 11:24:14 AM
Hearing the man's beckoning call, Xazor jumped from behind the speeder. She growled deeply and drew her saber from her belt. Her index finger slipped over the ignition button and two blades shot forth from the silver hilt. It hummed in a comforting tone as she approached the scene, her duel-phased saber "Love" in her right hand. She kept her eyes on the Sith and growled, exposing her elongated canines.

"Bring it on....Sithscum..."

She said in a low voice, holding her saber at waist level, parallel to the ground in a defensive stance.

imported_Blade Ice
May 20th, 2002, 11:21:55 AM
blade sabers where ready and eager to cut down this jedi. blade did not hesitate his sabers led the way.

Die jedi!

Blade's right saber came in low at swooping angel towards Xazor left knee. blades left saber came in defensively blocking away Xazor's saber. Blade knew this would not be his easiest fight but he cared little he would use every cut on his body from this jedi's weapon to his advantage twisting the pain into rage and anger.

Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 12:04:50 PM
Xazor blocked his strikes with ease and jumped over his head with one swift movement. Landing softly on her feet, she disengaged one side of her saber, and slammed the hilt of it into the base of his neck. This sent him foreward and as he fell, she constructed a Force wall for him to fall on. When he did, she heard a crunch and wondered if it was his ribs. It was likely and one could only hope. As he did so, she engaged the other side once again and held her saber in defense.

imported_Blade Ice
May 22nd, 2002, 03:21:36 PM
the crunch could have been blades ribs and if it was it didn't seem to faze him. blade twisted all the pain in his body to anger and rage to fuel his force use. blade used the force to help project himself back to his feet and quickly turn to Xazor. blade main job would be to hold off Xazor at least tell thanatos was dead.

a good fighter you are

blade came in this time a little more cautious he didn't use his normally fast offensive skills instead began to work slow. blades normal move would have been to work xazor wide but since her weapon wasn't one you could work that blades main plan of action started out with a thrust downward towards her right leg with his left saber and as she came down to block it her right side came up. the main problem with xazor's weapon is it needs to be balanced and both sides can not work independent from each like blade twin sabers can. as xazor came in at blade with open end of the saber. blade swooped under xazors weapon strait at the middle part and was going to split it into two parts but he caught in his eye that the blades could be separated and worked independently. blade twisted his saber back into a defending position to fend off the open blade. while they where in this close of combat blade slipped his left foot behind xazor's right foot and with blades sabers one being blocked and the other blocked xazor would either trip onto the ground or lose possession of her weapon out of her hands with just a little pressure from blades sabers. Blade flashed a wicked grin as he applied pressure to her weapon and instead of losing her weapon she stepped back to move away from the pressure and pull her sabers out she tripped over blades left foot to the ground.

Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 09:21:09 AM
Xazor kipped up to her feet and came at Blade hard with her duel-phased saber. She moved as if she was going to take out his knees with the lower half of her saber, and then struck him in the shoulder with the top half. She spun around and kicked him in the head with a spinning back kick. He fell back and she then did something strange. She unscrewed her saber in the middle...creating two blue single phased sabers. Held in the reverse grip style her father had taught her, she would be a difficult match against Blade. As he rose to his feet, she smiled.

"You're not to bad of a fighter youself...but you still need work."

She said as she kicked him in the chest and he hit the ground again.

Thanatos Van Derveld
May 26th, 2002, 03:43:16 AM
Thanatos fell forward, but caught himself immeadiately and sprang forward in a roll just as Darius saber shot through the air into where his back would have been. The Jedi Padawan rolled to the side and kicked up to his feet, swiping out one leg to knock away Darius' balance before driving his own crimson beam at his brothers chest.

Darius Van-Derveld
May 26th, 2002, 04:23:48 AM
Regaining balance just in time to duck from Thanatos' swipe Darius watched the red blade sail overhead.

A blurry hand caught Thanatos' sabre arm and held it extended whilst Darius' right hand brought the butt of his sabre sharply against the side of his opponents head.

Siezing on the moment of disorientention Darius released his hold and disengaged, moving a few paces away from the jedi.

imported_Blade Ice
May 27th, 2002, 08:43:36 PM
blade made a quick glance to his bleeding shoulder then used the force to add him as he kicked out from with his feet from the ground and flipped back onto his feet in standing position.

blade did think it odd that this jedi handled her sabers in such a way that would leave her chest unprotected witch would prove very dangerous to her for blade like his opponents to leave there mid section open for him to get a victory he often worked his victims wide just to open there mid section for a killing blow.

Blade flashed a smile at the jedi then hunch a bit in his stance and came in low with to swiping blows of both his sabers at each of her knees as she came to block and the sabers collided blade moved his sabers away a couple of inches then swiped them around in half circle underneath Xazor sabers and began to us his strength to push up on her sabers with his sabers to make her arms slowly rise out wide. Xazor then pulled her sabers away but blade used the force to speed up his moves and caught xazor off guard when blades forehead slammed into her noise hard knocking her back a step and perhaps even breaking her noise

Thanatos Van Derveld
May 30th, 2002, 01:44:27 PM
Thanatos fell backwards a few paces, grunting loudly as the pain from the strike spasmed outwards in his forehead. It caused a momentary dissiness in him, but this was quickly removed by a little light Force concentration. With a confident smile Thanatos looked back up towards Darius and swept his saber up into a guard.

"Not so strong now, are we? It seems father did not teach you as well as I had thought."

Darius Van-Derveld
May 30th, 2002, 02:03:13 PM

"No....you are right, but mi'lord Darkstar did."

Bringing his blade high overhead and focusing all his will, Darius sprang at the jedi.

All I am is the stroke, the stroke shall be unerring in its path just as I am in mine.

Blurring limbs carried him past his brothers guard and the blade fashioned by a vengefull father severed head from neck.

The jedi Thanatos was no more; stooping to the still form Darius hacked at the clinging sinew that remained to hold the head to body, once done he relieved the corpse of its weapon; a blade unfit for that poor excuse for a jedi and stood, turning to face the other battle unfolding not so far away.

BladeIce, I thank you for your help, my father shall hear of your skill, I hope to see you again, soon.

With that Darius turned and stalked back to the 'Gavourden', holding his gristly trophy in his right hand and stroking his newest weapon with the other.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 1st, 2002, 10:03:12 PM
Xazor growled deeply and put her hand up to her nose, still holding her sabers. Sending healing waves of Force into the injury, she mended a slight fracture...and the rest would heal on its own. Dashing at Blade, she jumped over his head. When he turned around, Xazor met his face with her left foot, sending him falling to the side. As he fell, she set up a Force wall under him and he fell across it sideways, and a crunch could be heard...perhaps a fracture of a rib? Smiling, she let the wall fall and he met the ground with a thud.

Through intense concentration on her own fight, she had failed to see that her good friend Thanatos had been killed. When her fight with Blade was over....she would know...and it would crush her heart....

ooc: Thankies Blade! :)

Darius Van-Derveld
Jun 2nd, 2002, 04:21:25 AM
The engine whine had not faded before the landing ramp had decended; Darius stalked from the ship and began the last leg of his journey; the usual thirty minute walk took only ten by swoop bike and as the gates to Van Derveld mansion parted Darius felt visceral pleasure at a job well done.

Recovering his composure, Darius took the stairs to his fathers office at a sedate pace; paused at the door before entering.

The large lupine was seated behind his huge desk and glanced up to see who intruded upon his sanctuary; in one fluid motion Darius bowed and cast the head of his dearly departed brother toward the man who had ordered his distruction.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 2nd, 2002, 04:25:12 AM
His hand shot up in the air to catch the already paling head. A dark smile crossed his lips as he set it down infront of him, smoothing back the dark spiked hair.

"Hello son," he said through a chuckle, looking down into the violet and cyan eyes.

Darius Van-Derveld
Jun 3rd, 2002, 02:27:06 AM
"I am pleased that you are pleased, father."

A smile mirroring Vega's crossed his lips, before being replaced by an expression of disgust replaced it,

"It was sickening, I believe that he truly felt he could still be part of this family, even after all he had done; he called you father untill his end."

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 3rd, 2002, 02:44:53 AM
"The Jedi had deluded him past the line of his sanity, it is no wonder that he had such misconceptions,"

He continued to smooth down the dark hair, his other hand tugging the boys lip upwards. The Lupine canines showed instantly. Vega smirked at a bit at the sight, nipping one with his thumb and forefingers.

"These would make an interesting trinket..."

Darius Van-Derveld
Jun 5th, 2002, 04:24:40 AM
Drawing out a small blade from his belt, Darius lent over the table and handed it to his father.

"Cut at the roots to preserve their appearance."

Smiling to himself he waited to witness expert sith dentistry; he felt restless and considered broaching the subject of further employment with his father.

imported_Blade Ice
Jun 5th, 2002, 02:41:46 PM
how had blade fallen for the same move twice only blade knew the answer to that because he had let her. of course his ribs where broken and most had been broken before but blade let the jedi see no pain in him. blade on his back began to laugh histarically as a little blood ran out of his mouth onto his cheek.

" you think your winning mighty knight of the jedi"

blade disengaged one of his lightsabers and hooked it to his belt. blade always had tricks up his sleeves and if this knight would have known that she would not have done what she did.

" you have won jedi maybe"

blade said with an evil grin. he stood up slowly then his still ignited saber came up high at her right shoulder. then in blades other hand he produced a thermal detonator. with a smile blade spoke.

"knock me to the ground one more time and my thumb lets go of the trigger, cut off my hand the thumb lets go of the trigger try to take it from my hand my thumb lets go of the trigger and if I let go of the trigger we have six seconds to live"

Blade let his words linger through the air as his left saber came down at her right shoulder fast using the force to speed it up so fast a normal man could not even see but a blur.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 5th, 2002, 06:06:04 PM
Xazor blocked the strike, for she had felt his movements before they happened. As she spun around, she let her mind enter the detonator. The Knight had done it plenty of times before...and they did not scare her as when she was a child. Fishing around with her mind, she moved past wireds to get to the core of the explosive. Inside of every one was a small switch, just big enough to slip a needled down a hole on the exterior of the object....but easy enough for her to get to with her mind. Suddenly the detonator went dead, thanks to some quick work with her mind. It had only taken her half a minute to do so...and as he looked down at the object, she spun around on her heal and labeled him in the side of the face with her foot. It was enough to break someone's jaw, but she thought she had seen him move before she reached the point of impact....perhaps he had taken less damage then she had expected. Unbeknownst to herself, when she had blocked his strike, he had pulled his saber around in such a way that it knicked her in the arm....now blood trickled on the ground behind her...but it was not enough to do major damage. In time, the pain would increase...

imported_Blade Ice
Jun 5th, 2002, 08:18:51 PM
blade staggered back from the impact of the kick it had just knicked the edge of his chin but still had enough force behind it to knock him back about 4 feet and it would leave one big bruise in time. blade had seen his dumby detonator die but the thing about this false bomb was the little hidden secret witch the jedi had over passed when search to shut off the trigger. there was a very small almost not visible to the naked eye switch on the bottom of it. blade through his cloak off and now xazor could see battle scared and well muscled arms of blades and that he had a blaster strapped to his side of his leg he didn't look like the average force user.

" your bleeding"

blade pointed out xazors hand then in a matter of 10 seconds blade flipped the switch on the detonator through it up in the air. then blade drew his blaster shot the detonator and put his gun bake in the holster. then smoke began to fill a 40 foot area covering the sith and the jedi. there was a window of just a few seconds of confusion and with that blade used the force and flipped through the air behind Xazor and when she got her wits quickly about she spun around to face blade getting a high kick planted square into her jaw. blade then produced a force wall of his own as she landed he could here the crunch of ribs breaking or at least he hoped it was ribs.

"I'm sorry we will not be able to finish this right now jedi, I sense more jedi coming. I also hoped you liked that lasted move I think I will be using it more often. I must go now."

with out finishing the fight knowing the Jedi knight still had a bit of fight in her blade ran off into the city towards his ship. as the smoke cleared Xazor could see no trace of where the sith had gone nor sense him for he had dawned his cloak once again to mask his force signature.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 5th, 2002, 08:31:40 PM
Xazor growled and rose to her feet. Her ribs ached, and one was fractured. She would have won if he would have been brave enough to stick it out....but he was a coward, just as she had suspected. She hoped that more Jedi were on their way, for she had no means of getting from here to the Jedi Base. Closing her eyes, she placed her hands over her ribs and mended the fracture as best as she could. She placed her hand over the other wound and healed it quickly for it was not too deep or serious. The Knight then spotted something that broke her heart into a million pieces. During her fight with Blade...she had lost sight of Thanatos and Darius.....and now she saw Thanatos's body on the ground without his beautiful head. He was gone....forever. Tears immediatly clouded Xazor's eyes and she rushed over to the body and threw herself across his collapsed chest. She wept violently and pain swelled in her head.

"Why in the hell didn't I see it? I could have stopped the damn event from happening...."

She cried out into the darkness of the night. It felt like someone had ripped her heart from her chest. He was like kin to her....one of her best friends.....and now he was gone. She could do nothing but lay there and cry....

imported_Blade Ice
Jun 5th, 2002, 11:00:08 PM
blade reached his ship in a matter of minutes and hopped in and speed out of curscant atmosphere his heading was the planet of of the van derveld residence his journey was quick and soon he was landing his ship on the landing pad he had taken it from. blade got of the ship and headed for his master which he sensed very clearly and realized that his master was in somewhat of a good mood.

Blade reached the door that his master was behind and slowly wrapped on the door awaiting to be allowed to enter the room.