View Full Version : The Taste of Revenge ( Sage Hazzard )

May 6th, 2002, 11:26:47 PM
" Nooooooooo!!! "

:: Phantom's heart raced, beating so hard it felt as though it would explode. He was covered in sweat, his entire bed was soaked. He tossed and turned as though he was fighting something, his breathing increased. Suddenly his eyes snapped open they burned a bright red, He nearly leapt out of bed ::

" It was just a dream. "

:: He looked at his hand and saw the knife that sits on his night stand ::

" What the fu... "

:: With a puzzled look on his face he put the knife back in its sheath on the table. Standing up he notices his blankets lay in shreds, he shakes his head and mumbles something under his breath. He kicks them to the side and walks to the bathroom, turning on the sink he splashes cold water on his face. He dries off his face and looks at himself in the mirror ::

" Sage. "

:: As he said the name his eyes burned with fury ::

" I will kill you this time. "

May 16th, 2002, 04:42:05 PM
" Damn It!! "

:: Phantom slams his fist into the mirror shattering it, drawing little blood from his hand. He shakes his head and cleans his hand with the towel, throwing it to the side as he walks back into his room. Grabbing his cloak and Lightsaber he heads for the launch bay, determined to win.

Having already contacted his droid the "Hell Raiser" was prepped and ready for departure as soon as he had arrived. Running up the ramp he headed for the cockpit, as he takes a seat he closes the ramp with a press of a button ::

" Computer, switch to Manual Control. "

" Manual Control activated. "

:: A joystick like controller jets out from control center, taking a hold of it. Flicking a switch he ignites the huge engines that power the ship, opening the bay doors via a button on the control center he takes off, heading for the planet of Agamar ::

May 19th, 2002, 04:09:07 PM
~Several Days Later on the Planet of Agamar~

:: The sound of humming motors fills the crisp morning air, as the ramp to " Hell Raiser " lowers to the ground. From within the Sith Lord known as Darth Phantom emerges, his pitch black cloak wrapped around him tightly. He slowly walked to the edge of the cliff where he landed by, a thick, heavy fog covered the valley floor, making it seem like an endless abyss, a small smirk formed as he looked over the edge ::

" This will do nicely. "

:: He said to himself. Turning away from the cliff he took notice of the thick, dense forest that covers much of the planets surface. Pressing a button on his wrist the " Hell Raiser " jumps to life, pressing and holding down another button ::

" Computer, cloak the ship and hide it somewhere in the forest. "

:: Moments later, the ramp closes and the " Hell Raiser " takes off, it hovers just over head for a second or two before cloaking itself and taking off. Removing his cloak and hood Phantom rested them on a tree stump near the outside of the clearing. Phantom took a seat on the ground, crossing his legs and closing his eyes, he began to meditate. As he meditated he send a message through the force to the Jedi Master known as Sage Hazzard, even those weak in the force could feel his message. Phantom continued to meditate as he awaited Sage's arrival ::

Sage Hazzard
May 24th, 2002, 12:55:54 AM
Sage was busy doing some ruitine barrell rolls in a modified X-Wing. Always good to keep the mind sharp.

The message hit him like a ton of bricks. Immediantly, he punched in a destination, and pulled back the hyperdrive lever. He was out to kill Sith now, and one had just called him. What a fool, he thought, as the star lines enveloped his canopy.

Jun 6th, 2002, 07:18:07 PM
:: Deep with in meditation a small grin tugged on the corners of the Sith Lord's lips as he felt the Jedi rush towards his painful destiny, Phantom would kill him and after him anyone he ever knew ::