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Kitssarri Reetissa
May 6th, 2002, 11:18:03 AM
It had been about a week since he'd returned from meeting Seer's parents as her mate and not just a manservant. Things had changed drastically during that time. At least with his life. He was now officially her mate in the eyes of her family, and their relationship was moving forward at a rapid pace. A bad thing? Perhaps with some, but not in the particular case. The two of them simply clicked. Their feelings toward each other were easy to see, and they complimented each other perfectly. Not a day went by that he didn't feel his love for her grow. He counted himself to be lucky.

ON this day though, he was with the other love in his life. In the hangar bay, Kitssarri found himself underneath the Cizerack's pride, working diligently away. The ship had been given to him by Seer, and it was a good one. But Kitssarri wasn't satisfied with his pod racer simply being good. No, it had to be the best. So far he had already replaced the engines, upgrading them considerably. Now he was tinkering with the maneuvering systems of the ship. Speed was one major component of winning races, however it wasn't the only thing that one races. If you could take a corner a little tighter then others, that was also an advantage. An advantage that Kitssarri had been known for when he was the series champion a few years ago . He'd hoped he still had what it took to make it to the podium.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
May 7th, 2002, 10:04:24 AM
Seer had been for the past few hours trying to get some work done but after the meetings with the clients were over, she had some free time. At any rate, she was missing the company of her mate, so after leaving Morrouw in the care of Jowarr, the midwife, she headed towards the warehouse to see Kitssarri.

As she entered the warehouse, a few of her mother's servants greeted her, but other than saying hello back to them, she paid them no heed, her mind was on her mate right now. It was odd to think but a few months ago, he had been nothing more to her than her servant but when she had let him get close, it had turned into what it was now, she had a loving mate who she loved dearly. For awhile she had pined for her son's father, but after a while, she began to see that what she needed had been by her side for many months. And in Kitssarri she had found what she had been seeking and ever since Seer was happy and in deeply in love with him.

When she found him, Kit had his back to her as he worked on something on his pod racer that she had given him. Seer smiled, she knew racing was Kit's second love and she remembered how happy he looked driving it. Allowing him to race and into her heart was a decision Seer had never regretted. She watched him for a moment as he hadn't quite noticed she was there, her tail swishing back and forth. Soon though she walked up and hugged him then licked his neck quickly before she spoke.

ssso arrre the modjifjicatjionsss gojing well?

Kitssarri Reetissa
May 7th, 2002, 05:30:46 PM
He approached her, standing by her side. The Cizerack's Pride was in front of them, components scattered across the floor, parts glimmering under the overhead lights. Sure the engines were put back into place, and upgraded, but that was about. Kitssarri needed to complete a lot more work before the pod would be ready for testing, let alone ready for the big race.

"Thejy arrre prrrogrrrssssjing well. Ssssorrt of. The engjinesss have been rrrreplaced forrrr the mossst parrrt. Ok, the enjingess arrre jin therrre, but thejy arrrre not fulljy jinssstalled. Ji've sssstjill a lot of worrrrk to do jet."

Kitssarri was filthy. All the grease and grime from the engines covered him from head to toe. He smiled and turned to face her. Reaching out with his index finger, he touched her nose lightly, leaving a small black mark on it.

"Ji have a few morrre ssspecjial parrrts on orrrderrr, thejy ssshould be arrrjivjing ejitherrr ssssometjime todajy orrr tomorrrrrow."

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
May 7th, 2002, 05:36:51 PM
Seer smiled before mussing up her mate's hair a bit in retaliation. Kit was pretty dirty but she didn't mind besides she had gotten dirty working on ships sometimes herself.

Hopefulljy jit wjill be done bjy rrracjing tjime, jit wjill be jinterrressstjing to sssee jyou rrrace.

She smirked before purring softly.

Kitssarri Reetissa
May 7th, 2002, 05:44:45 PM
"Jinterrressstjing to ssajy the leassst. Ji do not antjicjipate wjinnjing rrrrjight awajy, but sssshould jit happen Ji wjill be mossst pleasssed. Ji jisss mossst competjitjive, but Ji sssstjill have a trrrrjick orrr two up my sssleave."

Kitssarri took a quick second to lean down to her and kiss her cheek lightly.

"Well Ji need to get back to worrrrkjing on thjissss thjing. carrre to jojin me?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
May 7th, 2002, 05:53:18 PM
Seer smiled while her tail swished back and forth behind her.

jI wouldn't mjind helpjing out a bjit....

She said as she looked for something to tie her hair back with. Spotting a somewhat clean looking hankerchief, she reached over and put back her long raven colored hair with it so it wouldn't get in the way. She didn't really have to worry about her clothes getting dirty since she had already from hugging Kit a moment ago.

Kitssarri Reetissa
May 9th, 2002, 04:51:37 PM
"Excellent. Toolsss arrre prrrettjy much everrrjywherrre. Jif jyou cannot fjind the rrrjight tool forrr the job herrre, jyou don't belong jin thjisss worrrkssshop."

They had spent much time together lately, and each time was a new experience. Kitssarri never grew tired of her company, nor could he ever conceive the idea of growing tired of her.

The new racing season would begin shortly. Two weeks to be exact and there was still much work that needed to be done on the pod. It wasn't that the pod was some sort of cheap base model or anything. In fact the exact opposite was the case. What the problem was however, is that most of the parts were still stock, and while they provided good power and handling, they were only enough to put Kitssarri in the middle of the pack, at best. And that wouldn't be good enough. Not for the competitive Cizerack male.

Aftermarket performance parts littered the floor. One coudln' t help but wonder if they would all be installed in time to test them. Time was needed to at least perform tests on the compression modules, for if they were out of alignment even the slightest little bit, it really would be raining cats. The dogs would come later...

Out of the blue, there was a loud crashing noise. Kitssarri shook his head, and turned to find it's source. Apparently Seer had knocked over a tool kit, it's contents now all over the place. A smile grew across Kitssarri's face. Seer was good in the workshop, no doubt about it. She'd grown up around ships and shipyards. She knew the in's and out's. She would definately be an asset to have around, especially come race season. But what made this doubly special, was that the two loves in his life were coming together, snowballing into one big ball of joy. The adrenaline would rush through his system as he took tight turns at breakneck speeds, but that same adrenaline would coarse through his veins just as fast, if not faster when he was in her arms. Truly he was one lucky soul to have his life come together the way it had.

When Kitssarri glanced over, he could see Seer hunched over, picking up all the falling items. He stood there watching her intently, the same smile on his face growing into a large grin. With her hair pinned back the way it, he found that it made her even more sexy and attractive.

"How arrrre jyou makjing out overrr therrre?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
May 9th, 2002, 05:18:20 PM
With the tools littered all about, it seemed it was going to take some time to pick them up. She looked up though as she heard Kit's voice and purred softly at the wide grin on his face. She couldn't help but smile back at him.

jI could ussse sssome help rrrealljy, therrre'sss toolsss everrrjywherrre.

She said with a subtle purr in her voice as she picked up a few more tools, any excuse to be close to her mate was a good one. Besides she liked to see him happy, working on his ship made him happy along with any time he spent with her and any time she spent with him made her feel happy as well.

Kitssarri Reetissa
May 13th, 2002, 12:26:32 AM
She was right, there were still quite a number of tools littering the floor. And they weren't picking themselves up. He set down his power ratchet and began to help her.

The closer that he got to her, the more he could smell her scent. Among the scents of the oil and other engine fluids, her's was the most dominant, and it drove him crazy. It felt good to have her close, have her in his corner.

"Sssurrre thjing."

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
May 13th, 2002, 12:39:04 AM
Seer smiled at Kitssarri before she leaned over and kissed him softly. She pulled away after a moment but looked into his eyes still. A smile still crossed her face before she spoke again.

jIt'sss good to sssee jyou look thjisss happjy dearrr......

Kitssarri Reetissa
May 13th, 2002, 12:52:24 AM
"Well the rrrreassson forrr the change jisss rjight herrrre."

He made a motion, pointing to his heart.

"Ji have found mjy hearrt and mjy sssoul, both of them begjinnjing and endjing wjith jyou. Wjithout jyou, Ji would be nothjing morrrre then an emptjy ssshell, gojing thrrrrough the motjionssss of ljife."

He looked deep into her eyes. It was one of his favorite things to do. No matter what mood he was in, she could always bring a smile to his face just by looking at him. Her smile drove him wild, but it was still her eyes.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
May 13th, 2002, 01:05:07 AM
Seer purred softly at that before she set down the tools she had been picking up and hugged Kitssarri.

Good to know and mjy hearrrt and sssoul wjill alwajysss belong to jyou. Mjy ljife would have been a dull loneljy exjissstance jif jI neverrr met jyou.

She said while purring and then she licked his neck playfully.

Kitssarri Reetissa
May 13th, 2002, 01:13:35 AM
Kitssarri wrapped his large hands around her waist, pulling her to him. His eyes closed slowly, as he kissed her soft lips gently at first, then more passioantely. He embraced her as if he was trying to let all his emotions run through him and into her through the kiss.

This continued on for a long momemt. Kitssarri finally pulled away slowly, letting the kiss linger for as long as possible.

"Jyou know that Ji love jyou and alwajysss wjill."

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
May 13th, 2002, 01:29:15 AM
Seer purred softly during the kiss, she couldn't help it, anytime she was with her mate, the strong emotions that had never been as strong with anyone else surged through her. These emotions were what had led her to act on her feelings for Kitssarri, she knew there was something more that she felt for him, when she knew he was the one. And ever since then, she longed to always have him by her side.

and jI'll love jyou tjill the dajy jI djie.....

She said quietly as she hugged him again and rested her chin on his shoulder, enjoying the comfort and feeling of being close to him.

Kitssarri Reetissa
May 14th, 2002, 04:35:19 PM
Their bodies were pressed together in a long passionate embrace. Their hearts were beating in unison, as if one being, and it all felt so natural, so right. It was though they were mean't to be together. And that's when it hit him. This idea of his had been running through his head for a while now, and he figured there was no better time then now.

He pushed her away, but only slightly. She was only far enough away so that he could look deeply into her eyes, so she could see how serious he was.

"The thjime feelsss rrrrjight and Ji am ssssurrrre that Ji am confjident about ussss."

Kitssarri paused, second thoughts coming to his head, but were quickly extinguished by the look in her face.

"Ji have put thjisss off long enough, and now Ji want to asssk. "

He grabber her hands, taking them into his own. They were so small compared to his, but they fit so neatly into his own, like two pieces of a puzzle.

"Wjill jyou be mjine. Ji mean, let usss make thjissss offjicjial."

Kitssarri fell to one knee.

"Wjill jyou marrrrrjy me?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
May 14th, 2002, 05:01:43 PM
Seer's ears fluttered a bit, not sure if she had heard him right and she was a little taken back by the question. But as it all sunk in, she started purring and she smiled widely.

Of courrrssse jI wjill.....

She said before she kissed him softly and hugged him close again.

Kitssarri Reetissa
May 15th, 2002, 06:27:41 AM
Kitssarri barely even registered the embrace. How could he, her words were still echoing through his head.

Of courrrssse jI wjill.....

Did she just say what I think she said?

It took a moment or two for them to actually register, but when it did, the smile he had on his face was nothing compared to what it grew to be.

Happiness surged through him, like a wave rolling in from the sea. He was so happy in fact, that his picked her up in a tight embrace spinning around, completely oblivious to the world around him. So unaware of it in fact, that he tripped over one of the tools he was supposed to be helping to pick up. He toppled to the floor, Seer landing on top of him.

Looking up into her face, the smile still just as large as before, even though a sharp pain resounded through him.

"Jyou have no jidea how happjy jyou have made me"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
May 16th, 2002, 09:35:35 AM
After they fell, Seer looked into her mate's eyes for signs of pain from the fall. She could see it slightly in his eyes but his happiness seemed to be blocking out most of it. She kissed him softly again before she spoke, her smile as wide as his if not wider.

jI have a rrrrough jidea dearrr.....arrre jyou all rrrjight?

She asked, referring to the fall, she hadn't gotten hurt but he had taken most of the impact. She then ran her fingers lightly through Kit's hair and her tail down his back, all the while purring happily. She kissed him softly at first then more passionately, trying to convey the happiness she felt right then.

Kitssarri Reetissa
May 21st, 2002, 04:26:05 PM
The fall had hurt, but it was a pain that was easily forgotten, especially considering the circumstances. He pulled her closer to him, their bodies pressed together tightly. There was a soft purring sound that could be heard quite easily from anyone that got anywhere near the couple.

"Let me ansssswerrrr that jin anotherrr wajy..."

He kissed her deeply, letting each and every emotion and feeling that he had about her, pour through the kiss and into her. His eyes closed slowly, an expression of pure bliss growing on his face. That was when Kitssarri knew it would be a while before they got to work on the ship.....

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
May 21st, 2002, 04:56:51 PM
Seer's ears went back as her eyes closed as well, her purring a bit louder as her tail swished behind her. It seemed her fiance was just fine which was good since he didn't want any harm to come to him. She pulled away slightly for a moment to look at him.

Hmm, jI sssee.....

Seer said jokingly before she leaned back in and kissed Kitssarri back like he did with her, conveying all of what she felt through how passionately she kissed him. Her heart beat a little bit quicker as it always did when she was close to him and she could feel his beat quicker as well. It was easy to see that the pair was quite happy as they purred softly together as their kisses got more and more passionate.

Kitssarri Reetissa
May 23rd, 2002, 06:20:28 AM
A short while later, Kitssarri found himself in another familiar position, and then a not so familiar one, before returning to a final familiar one - lying next to Seer disrobed and his face flushed.

"Jyou know, jyou make jit ssso harrrd to get worrrrk done sssometjimtessss....."

The smile on his said it all, how he felt about her, how he felt this very second and what she did to him.

Kitssarri ran his index finger down her spine, letting his claw scratch her lightly.

"Ji could ljie herrrre all dajy, jin jyourrr arrrmssss and not have a carrre jin the worrrld. Howeverrr, asss much asss ji do not want to leave, Ji musssst. The rrrace jisss fasst apprrroachjing, and therrre sssstjill jis much worrrk to complete wjith the Pride beforrre ssshe jisss rrreadjy."

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
May 23rd, 2002, 11:19:11 PM
Seer kissed Kitssarri softly before she pulled away and looked into his eyes while purring contentedly. She started to say he had started it that time but thought better of it instead she smiled before she answered him.

jYou've kept me frrrom worrrk a few tjimesss so jit'sss onljy fajirrr.......

Seer said while her tail swept lightly up and down his back. She shook her head briefly to get the hair that had fallen over one eye before she spoke again.

Asss much jI'd rrratherrr jyou ssstajy herrre too, jI know jyou'rrre ssshorrrt on tjime and jI wouldn't want jyou to not wjin becaussse of me.......

She then hugged him tightly, whispering that she had a feeling that he wouldn't lose into his ear before she pulled away slightly and still purred softly.

Kitssarri Reetissa
May 27th, 2002, 12:27:49 AM
As she pulled away, Kitssarri couldn't help but feel somewhat regretful that he had to get his other work completed. What she said was true, he had stopped her from getting some of her work done, but on the other hand it did take two to tango, so to speak.

Kitssarri Reetissa
May 27th, 2002, 12:35:52 AM
As she pulled away, Kitssarri couldn't help but feel somewhat regretful that he had to get his other work completed. What she said was true, he had stopped her from getting some of her work done, but on the other hand it did take two to tango, so to speak.

He carressed her cheek lightly. It was true though what he had said, there was work to be done. However there was no reason why they couldn't do it together. Being together would make it an even more enjoyable situation, and they'd get the work done even quicker, seeing how they were both good with their hands.

"Well, jyou can ssstajy and help me jif jyou want. Ji know Ji would ljike jit jif jyou stajyed."

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
May 27th, 2002, 12:44:23 AM
Seer smiled before she leaned into kiss Kitssarri softly before pulling away to look into his eyes.

jI wasssn't gojing to leave, two sssetsss of handsss wjill get thjisss done quijickerrr and besssjidesss jI would rrratherrr ssstajy wjith jyou anjydajy.....

Kitssarri Reetissa
May 27th, 2002, 01:01:25 AM
"Excellent. Jyou have jussst made mjy dajy."

He got up slowly, rising to his feet. The air was cool against his body, and he shivered accordingly. His clothes were tossed about on the floor, mixed in with those of Seer. Reluctantly, he began to pick them up and get himself dressed. Once he was done, he reached out towards his mate, who still lay on the floor. His outstreched hand pulled her from the ground and into his arms - into a waiting embrace. Kitssarri kisser her quickly on the corner of her lips.

"Well then, let usss get to worrrrk then"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
May 27th, 2002, 01:29:05 AM
Seer barely had time to get the last button done on her shirt before she was pulled up but she didn't mind. She purred before she kissed him softly before hugging him close. When she pulled away slightly, she was smiling again.

All rrrjight then dearrr, when jI'm done wjith thjisss rrracerrr, no one ssshould be able to keep up wjith jyou let alone passssss jyou......

Kitssarri Reetissa
May 27th, 2002, 10:58:01 AM
"Then Ji sssshould not have anjy prrroblem wjinnjing then."

Kitssarri looked at her with a smile, and winked at her.

"Qujite a team we wjill make. Both on and off the fjield, ssso to ssspeak."

The skattered tools still lay abotu on the floor. Kitssarri finished picked them up, putting them back into the tool case from which they came.

A small buzzing noise suddenly filled the room, it's source - Kitssarri's communicator on the work bench. It call could only mean one thing. The remainder of his parts that he'd ordered had arrived. He made his way over to the bench, answering the call with an anxious tone in his voice.


Sssirrr, jyourrr ssshjipment hasss arrrjived. Jit jisss bejing brrrought to jyou asss we ssspeak.

"Excellent. Thankssss"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
May 28th, 2002, 11:04:54 PM
Seer smiled and purred softly but before she could reply, the comm called away Kit's attention. After he went to respond, she followed and listened quietlly, leaning on him a little before she spoke.

Ssso what djid jyou orrrderrr?

She asked curiously, he hadn't told her earlier.

Kitssarri Reetissa
Jun 2nd, 2002, 11:45:47 PM
"Oh therrre sssshould be sssome perrrforrrmance enhancjing chjipsss to jimprrrove fuel effjicjiencjy, and to allow the engjinesss to worrrk a ljttle harrrder. Couple of otherrrr fun tojysss asss well. Antji Grrrav boosssterrrs, and there Ji am hopjing that the new bodjy kjitsss arrre herrre asss well. Thejy wjill make the pod ljighterrr and morrre agjile."

As Kitssarri spoke, footsteps could be heard. But their sound was accompanied by a soft humming noise. It was coming from the hover dolly carrying various large boxes which held the many parts that the Cizerack had previously ordered.

Turning his head towards the noise, Kitssarri immediately grew excited. His parts had finally arrived. Now the real work was about to begin.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jun 2nd, 2002, 11:52:25 PM
Seer smiled at the excitement in his voice and manner, seeing him happy had a way of making her feel happy along with him. The parts he had listed off were all familar since she had heard them practically since birth and she knew what they would do to help his speed, etc in the coming races. She leaned on him a bit again, looking up at him and trying not to laugh at how perked up his ears were.

Well jif thejy help jyou wjin, jI'm fjine wjith gettjing anjy parrrtsss that jyou majy need......

Kitssarri Reetissa
Jun 3rd, 2002, 12:23:08 AM
He didn't even notice that his body language had changed, but apparently Seer had. She was always the first to notice the subtle changes in him. Although on further consideration of the situation, this wasn't a very subtle change. He chuckled slightly at that thought.

"The parrrtsss wjill come jin handjy, but jit jisss not them Ji am worrrjied about. Jit jisss mjy drrrjivjing abjiljitjy. Jit hasss been a long whjile sjince Ji have rrraced prrroffesssjonalljy. "

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jun 3rd, 2002, 12:32:51 AM
jI have a feeljing jyou'll do fjine, jI've neverrr rrraced a dajy jin mjy ljife and look how well jI do besssjidesss old ssskjillsss neverrr leave usss, thejy alwajysss come back......

Seer said quietly before she kissed him quickly and smiled a bit. She had a feeling Kit would do fine despite the time he hadn't been racing.

Kitssarri Reetissa
Jun 3rd, 2002, 01:03:07 AM
It wasn't that he didn't have confidence in his abilities, he did. It's just that being away from the circuit for so long, things have changed and drivers changed and evolving. He knew that he would get to be competitive again, just a matter of when. Kitssarri hoped that he wasn't over the hill and that he woulnd't be embearrassed when he did return.

"Ji hope jyou arrre rrrjight."

The Cizerack servant made his way over to where Kitssarri stood, bringing the dolly with the parts over to him.

"Herrre jyou arrre sssjirrr."

The servant then turned on hs heels and left the hangar as quickly as he'd entered it.

Kitssarri on the other hand made his way over to the boxes, ripping them open like a small kid on Christmas. The expression on his face was priceless. The joy and excitement were present. He tore through box after box, his excitement growing with each and every one, until finally there were no boxes left.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jun 3rd, 2002, 01:16:48 AM
Seer smiled as she watched Kitssarri open all of the boxes. It wasn't long though before she was helping him start to install them. Time seemed to pass quickly as they worked until before long the moon was beginning to descend in the night sky. After awhile, Seer caught herself yawning more often. Kit was still in a good mood from his new parts but she could see he was tiring as well no matter how hard he tried to hide it. She could see him yawn once from underneath the ship through one of the gaps, she smiled briefly at that. Stooping down, she reached out and grabbed his ankle to pull him out from under there, the roller he had been on made it easy for her to do so. Leaning over him a little, she smiled at him and kissed him softly before she spoke.

jIt'sss gettjing late, we ssshould call jit a njight forrr now......

Kitssarri Reetissa
Jun 3rd, 2002, 01:22:00 AM
Kitssairr stretched his large feline limbs, before opening his mouth wide, yawning.

"Ji thjink jyou arrre rrrjight. Almosssst done herrre anjywajys. We can fjinisssh tomorrrrrow. Orrrr wheneverrr. The rrrace jisss ssstjill a couple of weeksss awajy."

He took the chance to kiss her softly.

"Ssshall we go then?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jun 3rd, 2002, 01:38:55 AM
Seer smiled and nodded, her ears drooping a bit before she yawned again.

jI'm about to fall asssleep rrrjight herrre ssso we ssshould go.....

Seer looked up at the clock, noting the time, it would be morning in a few short hours.

Hmm, even laterrr than jI thought, the tjime flew bjy though......

Seer soon yawned again, it had been a long day and she would rather just curl up with her mate in the nice soft bed at home and fall asleep as soon as she could.