View Full Version : Celebration Loot -- $1,000+!! Yikes...

May 5th, 2002, 04:48:07 PM
Actually, I have spent a lot more than $1,000, but I don't want to exaggerate so I'll leave it at that amount because it sounds better than to say $1,500+, which is more like it :)

BUT I have some really really cool stuff so check this out...

-I got two original pieces of artwork, both from Richard Chasemore, illustrator of STAR WARS: ATTACK OF THE CLONES Original Cross-sections as well as for the previous books in the DK series. My two pieces of artwork are ACTUAL originals sent to the printer for the book, then returned to the artist and they are his final and only renditions. I would tell you to flip to so-and-so page to see each one, but I do not have that book with me, just the AOTC one (getting to that). They are both small pictures, pretty tiny really, but super detailed and wonderful I think. The first ($300) is of the main spire in the middle of the Senate building where you see Vallorum standing with the two people next to him. I'm pretty sure you can find it by that description. The second ($200) is of Fode and Beed in the Podrace area where they announce the races. These are two of my finest collectibles now because I do not have any other totally original pieces and these are actual originals of the mass-merchandised book, so they are just awesome I think...

-AOTC Cross-sections signed by Hans Jenssen and Richard Chasemore.

-Celebration II program SIGNED by the cover artist, on the cover, and inside signed by AOTC co-screenwriter Jonathan Hales (I met him and got him to sign it!) and David West Reynolds, author of the Visual Dictionary for AOTC and also the TPM incredible cross sections (but not the AOTC one). The program was $10, but it's worth a lot more than that now after the signatures I am sure. I'm personally quite proud of that :)

-AOTC pin set limited to 2002, framed, and numbered ($95).

-Original Trilogy pin set limited to 1977, framed, and numbered ($95).

-Every single AOTC Rawcliffe collectible besides the keychains ($195).

-7 autographed Celebration II pictures, 10 total autographs (one pic has 2, another has 3), including one of Carrie Fischer in her bikini ;) ($160 -- includes all COAs).

-22 (!!!) boxes of collectible card games from Decipher. As in actual booster pack boxes. This one guy was selling them for SO cheap I could not resist. $10 per box of Young Jedi when they used to be $90 or $100 or whatever, so I got 6 of them plus 16 of the OT sets from A New Hope and Premiere to Endor and Death Star II and everything, literally everything, between. Cost of all that was about $530 (pretty good considering, hehe).

-Signed (by Salvatore) and limited (to 500) special AOTC book with special cover and case only available at Celebration II -- unlike last time where they just SAID that (and there were 5,000), this time they were down to 15 left when I saw just before they closed, so that is it. ($150).

-Badge set of 14 Celebration badges in a tin, shipped to me later. ($50).

-Stamp set limited to 5,000 and numbered, apparently available only at Celebration II also ($30).

-8 Star Wars lithographs (and one Indiana Jones one my mom wanted) signed by Dave Dorman (Star Wars artist, did a bunch of Marvel work earlier that I love too). ($300 for all).

-5 Ralph McQuarrie lithographs that are also very small and framed, of course also signed, $30 each. ($150 total). (On a side note I have 16 signed McQuarrie lithos at home already, a few thousand dollars worth, so that is one of the best parts of my collection, plus I got his photo signed at the last Celebration).

-Celebration II "25 years of Star Wars" poster. $20 (I think...).

-Celebration II exclusive poster signed by the artist ($20).

-The Art of STAR WARS: EPISODE II -- ATTACK OF THE CLONES signed by the author (this guy, Mark Cota Vaz, is really nice and he is just awesome!). ($35).

Uhhh, that is all of the main "cool" stuff I can think of actually but you never know I may be forgetting something. Honestly that does seem like it surely must be all of it, LOL. Oh wait, no, the exclusive action figure of George Lucas (with a different name) available only at Celebration II, plus this Celebration II pin I got there, kinda cool... cheap though.

So ok you're probably thinking, "What DIDN'T you get?" but honestly as a SW fan this was just heaven. I could not resist getting so much because this happens one time every three years and that is only right now! There will not be more of these with such regularity after Episode III, so then it is basically no more except maybe a 30th anniversary one or a 50th anniversary one or whatever. You have to get this stuff when you can and this seemed like a good opportunity to get it, so... I went for it :)

This is just after blowing $1,500 at MasterReplicas.com on Wednesday night, by the way. So there goes at least $3,000 on Star Wars in less than 5 days. LOL.

A few comments about the Celebration, if you are still reading :)

Let's put it this way -- Yoda with a lightsaber is the greatest thing ever. Episode II is going to be the best movie of the saga, IMO, until Episode III which I believe is honestly going to be the new fan favorite for obvious reasons. Although it may seem like I just name the newest SW film my favorite, I think in time TPM may settle into a lower spot for me simply because it is an introductory part and the meat of the saga is really, well, 2-6. I think TPM is a great film and for sentimental reasons it'll always be my favorite in some way because I saw it first in theaters at midnight and nothing compared with that, but honestly Episode II just seems like it is going to be my new favorite, after seeing EIGHT MINUTES of exclusive footage you won't see anywhere else until it hits theaters ;)

It was all presented digitally, by the way :D

Listening to Jonathan Hales talk about the film and the screenplay also gave me very positive vibes about it, not to mention I talked to a few fans with press passes or exhibitor passes who have actually seen the film and I heard nothing but how much it rocks and how they loved it... not a bad word so far. You also get the feeling that if Hales didn't like it, he would honestly say so, LOL, because he somewhat worked on The Scorpion King and said he wanted his agent to take his name off it -- he mostly had no control and called it, in his exact words, "illiterate crap." He hated the final screenplay and never even bothered seeing the movie. LOL. This guy is awesome, he has a lot of talent and I have faith that the screenplay for AOTC is going to be fantastic. Of course I love them all so far, but this should please just about everyone imaginable including the critics.

Wait until you see the trailer (if you haven't already) that starts out looking like an ad for Spider-Man and then says something about "The Biggest Action Hero of the Summer," then shows Yoda and Yoda is absolutely, well, awesome. There. I won't spoil anything, but just... you gotta see it.

Those 8 minutes were so incredible that I just cannot imagine 2 hours and 14 minutes of a movie this breathtakingly awesome. It will be so cool...

I also got to see Ewan's stunt double and he was great, talked about the onset experiences and he was actually really funny. Seeing Hayden had to be a highlight, though, plus Peter Mayhew, David Prowse, Kenny Baker (saw him last time too though), Steve Sansweet, John Knoll, Ben Burtt (again), etc. etc. I skipped seeing Carrie to be honest, didn't even try, lines were too long and it didn't interest me at all as much as the actual AOTC coverage.

What can I say, the Celebration kicked major butt. It was a super fun weekend and really helped ease the total lack of a social life I have here while taking a semester off for college and waiting for all my friends to return from college (although I visited them last week). Talking to all of the Star Wars fans is great, all of the fans are so great, you do not meet too many rude fans in line and they all seem so excited to be there, nobody really minds the lines and you meet tons of people, so it is always worthwhile at these Celebrations. I never have to regret not doing anything really because at least I've done all of the Star Wars stuff I can fit in with the prequels so far, haha.

I regret not meeting up with Jedieb, though, I know we sometimes have our debates and arguments but it would have been great meeting you, EB, and I hope you also had a fun time at the Celebration. There is always Celebration III also, I will be there, maybe you can come too! :)

I hope a few more of you guys can make it out to the third, I know what a money problem it can be, but perhaps for the final one a few of you guys could make it. That would be so cool...

As I said before in another post, at least among the fans the excitement over AOTC is not "muted" as some critics tried to suggest, it's DEFINITELY every bit as great as with TPM, if not a bit greater because I feel like Celebration II was much much less about all of the sponsors and it was more about actually seeing the cool actors/actresses and interacting with the fans. Overall, far better planned than Denver, Colorado's Celebration and it was more enjoyable. I got to see and do more, although there is nothing quite like the first day where I got in the longest line man has probably ever seen! LOL

Jedieb, maybe you were there at roughly the same time, but maybe you weren't as dumb as me and actually got there super early, but anyway, if you showed up at like 10 on Friday you could vouch for that line being about a MILE long. It was honestly about a mile to a mile and a half long, took a solid 10 minutes at least to get to the end of it from the convention center. We just kept walking and walking and finally got to the end, then got into the Celebration at about 11:30 or 11:45 I think it was. Pretty insane, and everyone there was more amazed than annoyed. As big as Spider-Man is, the guys in front of me and I were joking that there sure isn't any Spider-Man convention or celebration. There weren't people lining up for that film since January 1. Star Wars is still the Big Cheese and the King of Summer, so AOTC is going to be absolutely massive just as all of the last SW films have been. It was quite an experience :)

May 5th, 2002, 06:50:56 PM
Cool :)

The figure is called Jorg Sacul btw

Admiral Lebron
May 5th, 2002, 07:27:02 PM
I hope Celebration three is near the DC area.

May 5th, 2002, 08:09:18 PM
Nah...I hope it's near Los Angeles. ;) Sounds like both Eb and Jonathan had a blast...really wish I could of afforded to go. Oh well. :)

May 5th, 2002, 11:33:19 PM
DC would not be fair, sorry. You guys on the East had your chance here with Indy, which is on your coast, and then Denver was not exactly close for anyone on the West Coast either. I'm a bit tired of the weird locales, now we need to go back to a REAL entertainment city -- LA! :)

The next one should definitely be in Los Angeles, but that's not to say it will be. Nobody knows but there are rumors it'll move even further East, which would be super annoying. There are more Star Wars fans on the West coast anyway, according to some of the ticket sales from TPM and the Insider subscriptions. At least, that is what I heard. Probably mostly because California is a huge entertainment state and Florida just has a bunch of old people who still think Hitchcock is making the newest movies or something, lol.

Yeah I knew the name of the figure if I would have actually looked, because the last name is Lucas backwards, hehe, but I didn't bother writing it. I don't think the figure collecting is all that big of a deal. Problem is they make way too many figures and I just cannot see actually buying all of that stuff. I try to get mostly all high-end collectibles unless it's very valuable reference material, i.e. all of the books (not novels) and also the cards have tons of great info that you can't find anywhere else in some cases.

I get some of the more common items, but I always thought the kids should enjoy the action figures and the adults should go for more limited work and more, well, adult items.

Just picturing myself with some nice house or even apartment in Los Angeles or something and having action figures all over seems really out of place. But having fine art prints on the wall and prop replicas seems more refined, lol, definitely what I like more. Of course there are all sorts of collectors and the action figures are ok, but they are more to be played with I think. MacFarlane toys is a much better company for collectors than Hasbro and their toys, like the Spawn ones, are at least 10 times better than Star Wars toys. The whole point of SW toys is that many little kids play with them, so they don't need to be nor should they be super well sculpted like the Spawn toys. Instead, they are more durable and easier to play with for the kids. I bought a bunch of TPM figures, but just for fun. I think I'll sell them now or box them up.

I was hoping that maybe someone on the TFN collecting forum is into the CCG for Star Wars so that I could trade my duplicates (the ones I'll definitely have) for other ones I'll be missing. Although it's a massive (and expensive) project, I would like to have every single CCG card. The information contained on a lot of them is too good to miss for me, given that I have every non-fiction SW book ever written I think, at least among authorized material.

CMJ, you need to come to the next Celebration :)

May 6th, 2002, 07:01:50 AM
Damn Jon, I tried to leave you messages here so we could meet somewhere! Despite our differences, I wanted to meet you as well. Funny thing is, we were probably in the same room a couple of times! I saw Hales as well, it was one of my favorite parts of the convention. When did you see him? If my memory serves me right, I think I saw him on Friday. He was a good speaker and it was interesting to hear how he collaborated with Lucas. What a treat for a writer to actually get to contribute so much to Star Wars; dialogue, character names, etc. From what I got, Hales and Lucas cranked out the script, with Hales doing much of the grunt work and Lucas supervising him and editing the work every step of the way.

I didn't try to get a single autograph. It's just not something that I've ever really been into. I actually didn't spend too much money. I spent a lot of time on Sunday talking to the Hasbro staff about their line and plans for the future. They were really personable and eager to share information with the collectors. What bothered me was how rude some of the collectors were. They would ask questions that were nothing more than masked criticisms. But Hasbro (Andy) did a nice job of staying positive and answering people's questions.

I ALMOST bought one of the replica sabers. I came close to buying the full length Anakin saber that was only $129. Then I could have used that $30 coupon on the Vader one later this year. But I just decided to pass. I think I may just wait and pick up Yoda at some point down the line. Speaking of Yoda, that Spidey trailer was awesome! I think he looked great. Some people are going to gripe, but I thought it looked remarkably good, and I'm something of a traditionalist.

The Lucas X-Wing figure was a nightmare for many fans and quite a few people didn't get one despite spending hours in line on more than one day. I met a woman that was in line only to have them sell out with just a few feet from the tables. It happened to her TWICE! There were only 25,000 figures made. 10,000 Friday, 9,000 on Saturday, and 6,000 on Sunday.

The lines were long and brutal, but I don't see what Wizards could have done about it. There was just a massive number of people. Hopefully for 3 they'll do some presales on-line and that will cut down on some of the lines. Overall it was a great experience. We HAVE to get a SWFans group together for 3!

May 6th, 2002, 08:13:21 AM
Jon, after listing all your purchases, you should have ended your post with...

Being at Star Wars Convention II... Priceless...


May 6th, 2002, 08:21:07 AM
Yeah...it'd be cool to try to get a group of us together. I'd like to meet alot of you guys...and a place like that would be great for all of us.

There were a few people that post in the role playing from here, in Los Angeles, that were getting a group together to see AOTC but they never called(like they promised). Of course it didn't really bother me since I'm gonna be working on that AFI thing, so I won't even be able to see it opening day(or perhaps week) anyways. If it's anything like most shoots I've been on...12+ hour days will be the norm, which equals a dead tired Mr. Jindra(me) who will come home and crash till the alarm goes off. :) For that week or so I won't be around much on here unfortunately...I'll simply be too dead when I get home.

Of course if any of you are EVER in the LA area...just shoot me a line and we can hang out(even if I am on a shoot..I'll work something out). :)

May 7th, 2002, 03:34:46 AM
Well we will see about Celebration III, because I will be there unless I am dead or something (hopefully not! lol), so that would be cool if you would be there again Jedieb and CMJ you gotta come too. I am shocked, won't even go opening day?! ;) Oh well if you contribute to the later grosses that'll help our staying power, haha.

"that Spidey trailer was awesome! I think he looked great."

Holy crap yeah, that was the best thing. I kept saying seriously that was the best footage, even though it was like 30 seconds long compared to the 8 minutes they showed and whatnot, seeing Yoda kick some butt was without a doubt the neatest thing. I thought Yoda looked flawless, but I was rather surprised he is supposedly CG throughout the movie!!! I thought he was just CG in parts, yet he is CG everywhere. Dang. I mean he looks totally realistic, it's remarkable.

That fighting, though, wow. Just wow. Unbelievable. I cannot even imagine the reaction moviegoers will have to that. Of course I want to see it all in context, because that's just going to rock, but still the footage we saw was great.

BTW: AOTC has 3,300 theaters, from what I just heard today, so that is more than what I was thinking it would have as TPM had 2,970 to open. So I definitely would change my prediction to more like $95 million in 3 days, Fri-Sun, and $135 million for four days. I did not realize it would have that many theaters, so my prediction goes up, hehe.

The lines were super long at SWC2, but as you said EB, you can't do much about that...

I found most of the exhibitors and whatnot to be very very helpful.

You know, lol, I found it funny that on Wednesday I wrote an e-mail to Master Replicas asking just IF they had other products planned for 2002, didn't even ask WHAT because I thought they would give me some BS about how they cannot tell me, but they would not even tell me they were making more replicas. So when I went to SWC2 and asked the guy the same question, he not only told me the number of new products over the next few years but told me exact products, release dates, prices, etc. He was not totally exact because it's all prelim. information, but he said he is a huge fan so basically we will be seeing everything he wants to see, which is just basically everything! He said A-Wing, B-Wing models, Thermal Detonator replica ($150), Tyrannus lightsaber replica in like July, etc. He kept going on and said there are "40 planned products" currently! I was drooling. I mean, I seriously love the high quality collectibles that rival museum pieces.

EB did you check out the Art of the Starfight Exhibit at the Indy Children's Museum? I made it to that on Monday morning before I left back for Portland and actually I just walked through it in 15 minutes, small room, only one main attraction, N-1 Naboo Starfighter, BUT it was pretty neat just seeing that at least. At least I can say I saw it ;)

What had me laughing, and why I just brought that up after mentioning prop replicas, is because with that starfighter in Indy they have both Icons Replicas, TIE and X-Wing, and they are not the actual models from the movies as I thought they may be. They are actually the ICONS replicas! LOL, so my collectibles were on display there. Pretty funny. I was just thinking, "Uhh, if I wanted to see those, I'd just open my closet doors, but thanks anyway."

Regardless, Master Replicas is going to beat the pants off Icons.

I can understand how you are not into autographs, EB, but I get addicted easily to any type of Star Wars collecting field from action figures to cards to posters to lithographs to replicas to autographs. It doesn't matter, I just end up getting distracted and go for it, haha. I have a lot of significant autographs I suppose. I mean, Doug Chiang, George Lucas, Ralph McQuarrie, and Jonathan Hales on the technical and behind-the-scenes side. Then for actors/actresses, wow. Well I'll just mention character names because they come to mind easier and I'm tired. Darth Maul, Nute Gunray, Princess Leia, Boba Fett, Darth Vader (Prowse), Lando, R2-D2, C-3PO, and a number of other smaller ones that I have NO idea who they are, like the two Jedi on this one photo I got at Celebration II for instance.

I have a few of Daniels' I suppose, a few of Prowse, 20 of Doug Chiang, lol, 20 of McQuarrie exactly also, and plus a lot of author signatures, but those are not Star Wars movie employees or whatever...

May 7th, 2002, 07:12:10 AM
Hey Jonathan...it's not like I WANT to miss AOTC opening day! When I realized we'd be shooting at the same time it opens I got a light case of depression.

Oh well.... my countdown is more like May 21st....since that's our wrap day. I hope I can remain mostly spoiler free till then.

May 7th, 2002, 07:25:32 AM
I didn't get over the the Children's museum. I didn't even go to the archives exhibit. The line was so long and since I'd already been to the Smithsonian exhibit a few years ago I figured I could skip it. I'm sure they had a few new items on display, but there was just so much to do that you didn't miss much.

Someone I talked to described the convention as a "team sport." They were soooo right! That's why a group of us would be awesome for SWC3. Some people could hold a spot in line while others go on food runs. The morning lines would be that much more bearable. Think of the after convention activities, movies, dinner, after hour clubs, etc. A group would make all of those things a better experience.

I was at the Omni Severin Jon, where did you stay?

May 7th, 2002, 05:48:17 PM
You're right guys, we HAVE to get something organized for the third celebration. That would be awesome to say the least!

May 7th, 2002, 06:27:13 PM
Well actually EB, we could do something where you have people in various lines waiting to get the tickets, or whatever, and then like one person waits in the store line to get everyone else what they want, or at least within reason because the limited stuff is 2 per person or whatever.

It would be a lot of fun, plus next time I will be 21, hell yeah. Then we can all go get drinks together and stuff :)

EB, I stayed at the Adam's Mark, about three blocks away. I do not recommend it, haha, not that we'll be back, but it kinda was lame. I mean, the rooms are pretty nice, service is HORRIBLE. They got everything wrong, I swear. That place just annoyed me, I think Embassy Suites is better and trust me, I'm totally used to staying at the nicest and most luxurious places wherever I go pretty much, but mind you my dad is a bit funny when HE is not the one going on the trip, so my mom and I always go to lesser places unless he is going there too, if that makes sense ;) LOL

I still gotta say my favorite place is the Bellagio in Las Vegas, Nevada, also seen in Ocean's Eleven which came to DVD today. I love that place! Ok, maybe it is because we stayed in the presidential suite at $900 per night and it had 4.5 bathrooms (!), lol, but it was great.

May 7th, 2002, 07:04:58 PM
The Omni Severin was great. It was just a couple of blocks away and connected by the skywalk, although walking was much faster. It was only $119 a night and I could have had twin beds if I was sharing a room. It was one of the hotels that was offered through the Fan Club. The biggest bonus, there was a Hooters on the same block. I didn't go because I was traveling alone, but with a group a stop at Hooters is a must! ;)

May 7th, 2002, 07:08:00 PM
4.5 bathrooms in a hotel room? Now we know why Nevada has such a problem with fresh water! :lol

Lilaena De'Ville
May 7th, 2002, 11:50:35 PM
:lol Portland houses your huge collection? Where?! I want to come see it! Unless its Portland, Maine. :p

Sounds like everyone had a blast! A bunch of posters are getting together in LA for the opening...CMJ, it would be awesome to meet you (even though I don't hang out in here much. ;))

May 8th, 2002, 11:05:28 AM
Yeah, Portland, Oregon is where my collection resides, except the parts of it still in transit ;) lol.

Oh man, EB!! Why didn't you tell me about the Hooters when I was there?! LOL. I love that place. I went to the one in Los Angeles and holy crap, I have rarely ever seen such hot girls. It was damn awesome. I went with about 12 guys and one girl, LOL, Molly was a pretty good sport. :)

Oh boy, I have an embarrassing story about that, though. One of the guys was joking earlier that they should say it was my birthday so that I would have to stand on this stupid stool and have all the Hooters girls sing to me and stuff, well anyway I told them they better NOT do that, and of course John actually did it. I was so pissed, because I had just been wasted off my butt the night before and was still really shaky and like recovering from that (I threw up about 12 times the night before), so I was not at all happy to be thrown into the center of this giant restaurant in Santa Monica. Jeez...

Still the girls were super hot, haha.