View Full Version : Galaxies BETA testing

May 5th, 2002, 05:00:02 AM
GO GO GO! (http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/beta_questionaire.jsp)

Emperor Cyros
Jun 1st, 2002, 12:58:02 PM
Is only the PC version of it? Or will it also have beta of PS2 and Xbox?

Jun 1st, 2002, 01:58:11 PM
PC I'd guess

Jun 2nd, 2002, 09:52:42 AM
The PS2 and the X-box versions will each be different games on different servers from the PC version, so according to the SWG Developers, there are no firm plans on when the console versions will be out.

So yes, the Beta coming up is for the PC version. The first, closed Beta will be for handpicked members of the official SWG forums community, and every six weeks or so they will be expanding the Beta pool so that by Beta Four, it will be open to everyone.

If you'd like to learn more about the game, here is a link to an article about SWG on CCnet (http://www.coruscantcity.net/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=9). :)

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
Jun 2nd, 2002, 11:05:19 PM
Watching the Krayt Dragon in that preview movie is enough to make me sign up for the beta of spending the night with whoever's responsible for all of this crazy awesome madness.

Anyway, if YOU *points at wall* get selected to beta test this gem - whenever - let us (read: me) know. I can only hope I can get in on the beta, but I've never been able to before for any game. Sniff sniff.

Lady Vader
Jun 4th, 2002, 11:53:32 AM
I signed up for it. Hope I can get into the BETA testing, but I ain't holding my breath. Still, this is gonna be an AWESOME game! :D :rollin

Jun 4th, 2002, 01:07:02 PM
duh.. nm, I repeated myself.. yes, stress does that sometimes. :D

Dark Lord Dyzm
Aug 18th, 2002, 11:48:13 PM
If we all get it, we should start a clan or something, and use the same server.

On a side note, what will your starting charachter be?

Human, Male, Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, Imperial, Leadership Skill.
(Seger Darkblood) (Xhan Rhinehart) (Pyros Ignitous) Possible Names.

I figure, everyone will make a mad dash in creating Jedi, and Dark Jedi Charachters, so I will quickly create and build up a Military Commander or something, and then build a Dark Jedi.

Admiral Lebron
Aug 19th, 2002, 05:34:50 AM
Jedi will be rare. Really Rare. I got my chips thrown in with a group of people. I.E (Old/Perv) Thrawn, Bud, Itala(possibly), KVS, and some other folks.

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 19th, 2002, 11:02:24 PM
Well I am planning on either being a Jedi or Bounty Hunter I am leaning towards a bounty hunter right now. Also how many planets will be in the game from the beginning? I heard 9 but I thought there might be more, so far I heard Tatooine, Naboo, Endor, Dathmoir, Coreilla, and Yavin. Can't remember the rest though a couple of them are new and there is one planet that was in the Star Fighter games.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Aug 20th, 2002, 12:24:14 AM
I don't remember them off the top of my head, but they are at the Station.Sony Site. I was suprised Coruscant wasn't an option... maybe in another release. 1 month after release, add on comes out, allows you to get star ships.

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 20th, 2002, 05:35:13 PM
I tried looking there but couldn't find them, the six I mentioned I know are in it, there is one completely new planet, can't remember its name, a planet I have never heard of (EU I guess) and a planet that has only appeared in games, Nym's home planet which I just looked up is Lok, that should be a cool world full of Pirates and mercenaries. I am still not sure what planet I want to start on, it will probably be either Naboo or Coreilla, I also know a couple of the worlds you can only visit (Endor, Dathmoir and maybe Yavin not sure if you can settle there or not) I know with Lok you can't start there in the beginning but I think you can go there later on and live and do quests and stuff like that.

Aug 21st, 2002, 01:15:25 PM
Man, I am so torn on this game... It looks like it is going to be SO awesome. But I know that if I get into it, then It'll be such a big time commitment that I'll put into it. Maybe I'm better off just not getting started on it...

It looks really awesome. The graphics and gameplay look to be really sweet. The AT-AT and the Krayt Dragon (I'm assuming that is what it is) look really cool and well done.

Should I play or not?!?!? AHHHH What to do!?!?!?!?

Jux Ta
Aug 21st, 2002, 03:40:59 PM
Play it. How can you ask such a question? :)

I plan to be a human, with dark brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin, maybe a tattoo thrown in after awhile - name: Jai Deliete (the online handle I have generally gone by ever since I've been... well... online). And I plan to make him a bounty hunter just as soon as he can be one. Starting planet - Tatooine. Mmm, Krayt Dragonness.

Jedi Master Carr
Aug 21st, 2002, 10:02:14 PM
One of the game designers said the game is for the casual gamer too, hopefully that is the case, I hope its too adictive.

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 22nd, 2002, 08:49:38 AM
The combat system is a card type?!?!?! We collect cards to do battle?? I have been turned off.......

Admiral Lebron
Aug 22nd, 2002, 05:59:50 PM
No. You make your moves and it executes them as soon as possible. Its designed so that people on 56k can play people on T3 and not have to worry much about reaction times.

Verse Dawnstrider
Aug 22nd, 2002, 07:59:49 PM
OK, I think I got ya. I thought they meant a real card game.....

Dark Lord Dyzm
Aug 23rd, 2002, 12:18:12 AM
Well, I still think we should all try to get on the same server. I also think SWfans should make a page for nothing but SW Galaxies, that way, people who have the game, then come here at a later date, can join in on the same server. It could tell us about items we are selling, quests we need help with. Villiages to build, etc. etc. I honestly think it would be awesome if some of us team up and make the first guild and town. Think about it... The Guilds built in the first month have a very great chance of becoming the biggest. We can also invite more people to SWfans, building this place up and making it very, very large. I hope to see this site as Top Site of the Month in my local paper.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Aug 23rd, 2002, 12:20:54 AM
O yeah... and here is the link for the planets, 9 Total.
Yavin 4, Tatooine, Talus, Rori (Naboo's Moon), Naboo, Lok, Endor, Dathomir, Correllia


imported_Lance Stormrider
Aug 24th, 2002, 10:49:44 AM
X_x agh too much stuff

Aug 25th, 2002, 10:00:12 PM
Count me in on the Swfans group. I plan to be a casual player, I really don't have much time and I cannot afford to get addicted! I am going to be a scout of some sort, mercenary perhaps, or a scoundrel. No good or bad, just me!

Chaos Alexander
Aug 26th, 2002, 09:29:29 AM
I think it would be sweet if we all do that. I am sure that if enough of us join and ask they will atleats give us a sub-forum

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 8th, 2002, 10:12:59 PM
Current Updated Job List. More to come

Star Wars Galaxies will include 25 unique professions. Stay tuned in the months to come as we reveal them. Note that certain professions are considered "Elite" and will not be available to starting characters.

This profession combines skills from the architecture and general crafting disciplines. A player in this profession can build structures including player venues, installations, and municipal structures.

This profession combines skills from the armor design and general crafting disciplines. A player in this profession can create armor for players and structures.

Bounty Hunter
This elite profession combines skills from the investigation, slicing and combat disciplines. A player in this advanced profession can hunt down other players with bounties and is an accomplished combatant.

This profession combines skills from the cooking and general crafting disciplines. A player in this profession can create all kinds of foods. Foods are not necessary but are quite useful for temporarily improving a player's attributes

Combat Engineer
This profession combines skills from the engineering and combat disciplines. A player in this profession can both hold his/her own in a fight and repair items that are broken or damaged in combat.

Combat Medic
This profession combines skills from the medical and combat disciplines. A player in this profession can both hold their own in a fight as well as heal those who are injured in the field.

This profession combines skills from both the ranged and melee combat disciplines. A player in this profession is dangerous both at range and up close.

Creature Handler
This profession combines skills from both the combat and creature handling disciplines. A player in this profession can tame and train animals. A tamed animal can be sold to other players who have sufficient skill to control the creature.

This profession combines skills from the medical and chemical design disciplines. A player in this profession can cure all kinds of damage including shock wounds.

Droid Engineer
This profession combines skills from the droid design and general crafting disciplines. A player in this profession can design droid components, instruments and droids themselves.

This profession includes skills from the dancing and musicianship disciplines. A player in this profession can play musical instruments and perform dance routines for the benefit of others.

This profession combines skills from the linguistics, outdoorsmanship, and combat disciplines. A player in this profession can “solo” as well as translate for group members.

This elite profession combines skills from the farming and facility management disciplines. A player in this profession can grow plants and animals for foods and medicines.

This profession combines skills from the ranged weapons design and general crafting disciplines. A player in this profession can design ranged weapons and their components.

Image Designer
The Image Designer profession combines skills from the body customization and tailoring disciplines. A player in this profession can modify the way other players look as well as create clothing.

Jedi is a special case profession that requires considerable prerequisites (such as being Force sensitive). A player in this profession has access to considerable Force wielding skills, but they would be wise to keep that information to themselves as the Galactic Empire aggressively hunts the Jedi.

This profession combines skills from the ranged combat disciplines. A player in this profession is extremely dangerous in ranged combat.

Melee Weaponsmith
This profession combines skills from the melee weapon design and general crafting disciplines. A player in this profession can design melee weapons and their components.

This elite profession combines skills from the merchant, facility management, and general crafting disciplines. A player in this profession can operate vendors and run player-venues.

This elite profession combines skills from the mining and facility management disciplines. A player in this profession can extract valuable resources from the environment.

This elite profession includes skills from the politics and linguistics disciplines. A player in this advanced profession can run for office and manage a player city.

This profession combines skills from the creature handling, outdoorsmanship, and combat disciplines. A player in this profession can “solo” as well as find creatures for the food or taming.

This profession combines skills from the smuggling and ranged combat disciplines. A player in this profession can move “illicit” materials past “faction police” with greater ease and are useful to players involved in commerce.

Squad Leader
This profession combines skills from the leadership and combat disciplines. A player in this profession provides combat and movement bonuses to anyone that is grouped with them.

Teras Kasi Artist
This profession combines skills from the melee combat and melee tactics disciplines. A player in this profession is extremely dangerous in melee combat. Teras Kasi, or “steel hands”, is a Bunduki martial arts discipline focusing on weaponless combat.

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 9th, 2002, 03:33:07 PM
I know what I will be....

Creature Handler
This profession combines skills from both the combat and creature handling disciplines. A player in this profession can tame and train animals. A tamed animal can be sold to other players who have sufficient skill to control the creature.

Then Later on start on this one.....

This elite profession combines skills from the farming and facility management disciplines. A player in this profession can grow plants and animals for foods and medicines.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 10th, 2002, 12:08:54 AM
Verse Dawnstrider, Warrior Farmer who trains animals :)

I won't pick a class, I'll just learn skills from here and there.

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 10th, 2002, 10:42:30 PM
You know me. I think it will be fun. I mean, come on. Who doesn't want to ride a Bantha or Dewback?

Sene Unty
Sep 12th, 2002, 10:30:43 AM
I am all over that Chef class like white on rice.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 12th, 2002, 11:20:51 PM
But I eat Brown Rice... AHHHHHHH SO CONFUSED!!!

Sene Unty
Sep 13th, 2002, 10:01:18 AM
Well then like brown on brown rice......

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 13th, 2002, 04:03:48 PM
what about Mixed white and brown? I sometimes eat both... AT THE SAME TIME!

Well anyway, the current release date for Star Wars Galaxies
(going by the game stores) IS


Jedi Master Carr
Sep 15th, 2002, 12:58:59 PM
I don't think I will take one yet either, I might become a Bounty Hunter eventually but it sounds like a hard profession, second hardest to Jedi. Also as far as Bounty hunters would we run into Boba Fett and other Bounty hunters.

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 16th, 2002, 06:11:14 PM
I don't know about you, but I think it would be cool as heel to be chased by Boba Fett or bounty hunters. My goal is to do something so big, or bad, that I get a bounty placed on my head. All I have to do is figure out how to do it with a Farmer. If only I could grow weed.....

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 16th, 2002, 06:20:28 PM
lol dude, we all need to form a secret organization to start troubles with all sides and get Boba, and maybe Vader chasing us

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 16th, 2002, 10:52:11 PM
I can grow the food and animals, one of you can be the smuggler. All we need is a Jedi or Two to ride with the smuggler to catch attention. Then we sneak into a large town and sell all of our goods from our town. If we have a weapon maker, armorer, farmer, ect. we can start our own Trade Federiation and get some massive bounties on our heads. That would be so cool. We could squeeze in on teh Hutt smuggling ring. hehehe.....

Sene Unty
Sep 19th, 2002, 12:33:37 PM
What would we call ourselves?????

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 19th, 2002, 12:40:23 PM
How about Death Wish because that is what you would be asking for, if you have Boba or Vader chasing after you I don't think you will last long. They said you couldn't kill any of the main characters from the movies so they would be so hard to fight you wouldn't have a chance.

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 19th, 2002, 09:15:05 PM
Ahh, spoil-sport. It would be fun. I want to have a bounty on my head. We could make our town into a little Outlaw retreat.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 21st, 2002, 12:34:57 AM
Its a Deal, but here is what we are going to have to do.

Like all online games, people will rush into servers. (If they have servers, with each world being as large as the everquest world, they might make things differently)
And if you are one of the few buying the game the day it comes out, you will be in the rush. Go ahead, start a new charachter, get the know how of the game. But if you are anything like me, you will proberly forget about SWfans for a day or two. By then, we would not like to delete our charachters, or start new ones... BUT WE MUST! You must harden yourself! Keep telling yourself that your first charachter is a practice!

Now, with that over, we must decide a group name. Shout out suggestions.

Sep 24th, 2002, 11:11:48 AM
Ooo I want to join this little group! I can't wait for Galaxies...I got money down on it already :D EQ is like my favorite and now that they have an SW version I can forsee myself glued to the seat for all time playing...hehe

Sene Unty
Sep 24th, 2002, 12:19:53 PM
How about The Purple People Eaters?????????

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 25th, 2002, 12:58:29 AM
Purple People Eaters??? Hmmm, it has class... But I thinking more along the lines of:

The Smugglers Organization (that it's TSO has nothing to do with my thinking ;) }

Callista, what Server on EQ? I on A.A.
I use to play Everquest... never religiously. I always started a charachter, then started a new one a couple of days later. I just didn't like the "You start this class, you stuck with this class" system. From what I see, SWG is a cross between Everquest and Ultima Online.

Xhan Rhinehart. 32nd Season Barbarian Warrior
Eskodos. 23rd Season High Elf Wizard

My Two mains... but I started about a charachter every other week, deleting old ones all the time. I have gone through about every class for every race possible. I have tried Shamans for Ogre, Barbarian, and Iskar. Paladin's for Human (Qeynos and Freeport), Half-Elf, and High Elf. I have tried Mages, Enchanters, Druids, Clerics. I just never stayed with one long enough to get them to high levels.

In Ultima Online, I got them to high lvls without switching. Seeing how maybe you can pick the area you want to lvl up in. Magic, Swordsmanship etc.

Dyzm Kintrol: 4X Grand Master. Swordsmanship, Tactics, Blocking, Blunt.

Eskodos: 2X Grand Master, Magery and Meditation.
(Really Liked the tailoring in UO)

And now, I hope SWG will be the middle of this, no longer 1 or the other, but both. The Graphics of EQ, with the Options of UO, IN A STAR WAR's UNIVERSE!!! **Drools**

Sene Unty
Sep 25th, 2002, 07:37:03 AM
The Smugglers Organization is nice.....but I'm still leaning towards the Purple People Eaters.....

Oh and I think I have a perfect slogan for us: BOBA FETT LICKS VADER'S MOM'S BUTT!!

That way we can piss them both off :D

Sep 25th, 2002, 12:57:56 PM
Nameless server :)

some buddies and I had this "Rainbow" Knight group going on...so I was a High Elf Paladin...had this awesome rose colored armor, lol. PL'd like mad...one of the guys had several computers and differen't 50 some odd leveled characters to go around and get us all this high level stuff...we were invincible! ...sadly I haven't played in awhile.

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 26th, 2002, 01:24:08 PM
I would start a new char. My hopes are to have a Jedi, but those are just hopes. We need to keep doin' stuff to get or name out some. If we had liek One Jedi in our twon, that would be cool. What would really be cool is if he was a Fallen Jedi. I like the Smuggler's Alliance. what we could so is have people in our town use the houses for storage. We could stay in a nuetrual area and smuggler stuff past Imperal areas. An Idea on Helpin' each other....

I grow the food and Animals (along with otehrs if they want to)
I sell the food to Sene and give Animals to the smugglers.
Sene takes fod and makes it into some sweet ability inhancin' stuff, and smugglers sell the food and animals to town for cheap prices

This will hurt the sellers of that town. The Rebels, Imperals, and Hutts get mad. We get bounties on our head, and we keep growin' till he can recruit memebrs in other towns to spead our joyous message. hehe

Sene Unty
Sep 26th, 2002, 04:32:12 PM
I like that idea...I'll be cooking the coke.....hehehe :D

Seriously though, it sounds good. I'm all for it.....I like the Smuggler's Alliance.....:D

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 26th, 2002, 11:59:46 PM
So, we create the Smuggler's Alliance,

We have a Farmer/Creature Handler (Verse) Train some Attack Pets and farm some Mexican Maple Leaf.

A Cook, and a something...

And I will be a Mechanic and Droid Builder. Time for some good old fashion War Droids.

And if we can have multiple charachters, Smuggler/Gunman

Sep 29th, 2002, 05:32:47 PM
Do u guys know if the PS2 people will have a differente server thatn the PC ppl?

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 29th, 2002, 07:23:58 PM
I didn't even know it was comin' out on PS2.

Sene Unty
Sep 30th, 2002, 12:47:34 PM
I pretty sure they are going to be 2 different servers....thats the last I heard....and also it will be coming out later on PS2 than the PC....

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 30th, 2002, 11:35:26 PM
I heard bout the PS2 Version about the same time I heard of the Everquest Version for PS2 (both in my opinion will suck)

It is all about the updates! Of course you can spend the extra 100 plus bucks to buy the planned (in making) PS2 Harddrive which allows you to update, or the extra 50 bucks for another game. (Expansions for PC only 20 bucks) And then, having to save a majority of the data on Memory Cards and or the Server itself. I see lag city. I buy Shooters, RTS, and MMORPGs, for the PC. and everything else for my consoles.
What they need to do is make Diablo for PS2. It is simple enough play mechanics to work.

Sene Unty
Oct 2nd, 2002, 08:06:42 AM
They made Diablo for PS1 didn't they??? I remember it sucking

Dark Lord Dyzm
Oct 2nd, 2002, 09:12:18 PM
I ment for a Online line thing. Diablo only did good because it works online.

Verse Dawnstrider
Oct 2nd, 2002, 11:33:20 PM
Diablo was sweet. I remeber killin' random people just because I could and thanks to the Hex editor....they couldn't kill me.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Oct 6th, 2002, 03:23:21 AM
Ok, I have some Ideas for:

Group Names
Group Town
Group Ship (Big Cargo Ships are expensive from what I gather, we may need to pull our "money" if we want a ship right away.)

This is all in theory, hoping the games turns out good. (Wouldn't it suck if it turns out this is the worst game ever made... ever?)
Also, this is hoping we get on the same server, and get together to form a group.

I will post the names and stuff tomarrow, I just got back from a "Party" And I kinda tired.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Oct 13th, 2002, 10:21:10 PM
Ok, here is my List of Names and Such (Very Bored During Math)

Names For Myself:
Nyn T'endo
Zakatiel Rhinehart
Seger Darkblood
Pyros Ignitious

Group Names:
The Underground
Smuggler's Alliance

Town Names:
Shadey Vista
Dirt Down
Alpha Base
Dead Center

Ship names for any Group owned Ships:
Runner Up
Saiatah Cruiser
Hidden Morning
Morning Light
Shadow Rose
Scarab Crawler
Emerald Fire
Shasta McNasta

Sene Unty
Oct 14th, 2002, 08:21:30 AM
I like The Underground...its got style.

Town name: Silverwood is nice, but I like Twilight too.

I love the names Shadow Rose and Emerald Fire.....cool.

I haven't come up with a charatcer name yet......still thinking! :D

Dark Lord Dyzm
Oct 15th, 2002, 12:44:57 AM
Shadow Rose is the Name of My ISD in RPing. Named after my Master who kinda... died in the RP Universe.

Anyone Notice Nyn T'endo? Nintendo? HAHAHAHA I crack myself up.
Help yourself to any name but Zakatiel Rhinehart and Nyn T'endo.

Ishan Shade
Oct 16th, 2002, 12:38:10 PM
I say if we all get it, we do start a clan and meet up once the game is up and going...maybe even carry out some RP's...it'd be very cool

Dark Lord Dyzm
Oct 17th, 2002, 04:46:19 PM
That was the original Plan. But I still want to host our forums here. It would bring more members... (Everyone! Petition Ogre to let us have a Forum here for only Star War's Galaxies!)

Oct 24th, 2002, 07:40:46 AM
Ok, what I want to know is, how do they make it hard to become a Jedi but make it fair enough so that anyone can become one? I really dont understand how they can do this.

Oct 24th, 2002, 07:45:10 AM
Act in a good way Im thinking. Maybe do something specific

Oct 24th, 2002, 08:21:04 AM
Yeah, but how hard can that be?