View Full Version : Benevolent Forces - Zealousy Dictates

Syrius Cline
May 5th, 2002, 01:40:52 AM
The planet Kam-Deeri is in unrest. A criminally insane dictator named Kanon Krowe has swept this peaceful planet into his palm. Slowly he molds their minds to his own image of servitude through unknown means. Currently his mad plan for religious revolution has taken hold only in the planet's second largest city, Kam-Jeri. The threat for planetwide distress has risen as the forces of Kam-Jeri begin preperations for assualt on the captital: Kem-Gaar.

Meanwhile, the offworld Senator for Kam-Deeri has enlisted the Jedi's mediator talents. The Jedi Xazor Dawnstrider and her Padawan Syrius Cline have been the chosen duo to end this civil war before it begins. A New Republic Special Forces member has volunteered as well, Avolon Bisel. His past with Kanon Krowe is unknown as well as his reasons for enlisting himself in help.

Kanon Krowe has agreed to see the Jedi in a peacefull negotiation but promises nothing......


A shuttle veers towards the blue green planet. The sight is nothing short of a magnificant, magistic, breath taking beauty.

The transport lands without incident. It's doors part and out comes Syrius Cline and his Master. Avolon Bisel comes slowly behind along with his two 'droids.

Kam-Jeri is an aquatic wonderland. It's lands are sided at a magnificent, sirene lake. Unrest can't be seen with or without trained eyes. The locals seem to be in a blissful ignorace. Never showing signs that they're soon to be at war.

"Master, I sense danger."

Xazor Dawnstrider, his Master, had reminded him before this trip to be completely mindful of his Jedi intuitions.

"It's not here.... but there."

His finger points to a glooming and brooding palace. It was recently renamed to "Palace Asgard" by it's new owner, Kanon Krowe.

"That isn't our destination.... is it?"

A baghandler had just taken they're bags. Avolon drew back, grunting and growling. The handler went about his business, without Avolon's bag.

OOC - For involvement, please PM me.

Kanon Krowe
May 5th, 2002, 02:10:55 AM
The cold and serene atmosphere of the Odin Chamber gave a chilling reminder to Dedrick Homiside just who the boss was. Kanon Krowe, a brilliant mastermind it would be seem to this young servant, did things his way and his way only. The medically washed room gave a scent that echoed the binary thought process of the humanoid cult leader.

Asgard, it was a element of a religion the two had come across in their journey of "discovery". The Norse myth, as Kanon called it, dealt with a multi-god system, complete with demi-gods or lesser gods. Asgard was the eternal resting place for noble warriors that showed their might while living. It seemed to strike a chord in Krowe, as he used references to that obscure mythos often. Even the name of the main chamber, his office, was Odin. Odin being the king god of the Norse diety structure. It was all about provoking and evoking the primal instincts of men and women. He was their superior and he showed it with subtle hints. Even cheap and over played tricks were utilized. For example; Kanon's chair was approximately 1 standard meter above the two opposite guest chairs. It reminded this young servant of his lord's brilliance.

"My lord, I beg forgiveness for this rude interruption."


Seconds Before

In the Odin Chamber, a lone man sits in the throne chair. A metallic ball is levitating in the air. A strained frustration can be seen on Kanon Krowe's face.

He'd been practicing these arts of the Jedi for some time. He never seemed to be able to fully grasp them. Never could he go to the Jedi, asking for guidance. So instead he practiced alone, ill-informed and ignorant of what to do.

The door opened and his young servant spoke. A clang souded as the ball dropped, his concentration gone.

"No, I beg you're forgiveness in the fact I did not have the door opened for you. As you can see, I was busy playing with this toy."

Dedrick was unwise to the fact his Master was struggling at these tasks. It was all part of an ellaborate ploy to convince others he was the superior being. A god does not struggle at any task.

"Of course, Master. You're needs and desires rise above the petty things of this humble mortal plane."

Kanon nodded.

"Thank you, Dedrick, for your ever persistant servitude. What brings you in my presence today?"

"The Jedi have arrived. I recieved word from the landing pad operator. I made arrangements for them to be brought here. I hope this pleases my Lord."

"It does. Let the Jedi come and kneel before me. Let them see the power I possess. Then they shall turn and run away, they're tails between their legs."

Even though he knew of his struggles, he still believed he was omni-potent. His warped mind didn't allow the thoughts of anyone being greater in strength to have value.

"Of course, my Lord! Then they will report to Coruscant that it has a new leader! They're rightful god and king, Kanon Krowe!"

Kanon nodded once more. Dedrick always pleased him, adding to his ever growing ego.

"Now, leave me to my playthings."

Dedrick bowed deeply as he closed the doors to he Odin Chamber, leaving Kanon to practice his skills.

Xazor Elessar
May 10th, 2002, 11:55:54 PM
Xazor hopped out of the transport and smiled at her Padawan. Gently placing a hand on his shoulder, she gave him a comforting expression.

"Syrius.....keep your focus on the here and now. Do not worry about what comes in our future...all things are goverened by the Force and happen by will of the Force. "

She sent calming waves into his body with hopes that he would take to them and they would ease his tension. This mission would be a great test for the young man. He would learn a great deal...

"Now.....be mindful of the Living Force. Watch everything around you and take in all things tha your senses will allow you. Do not just see things with your eyes....but see things with your whole body. You will learn new things and not realize it....but that is alright. That is what I want you to do: learn more."

She said with a smile, and motioned him to follow her.

Jacen Himes
May 11th, 2002, 01:15:16 AM
Meanwhile in an airduct, a costume clad man grumbled under his mask.

He'd been hired by a wealthy business man who had an estranged daughter in this city. Tangled unfortunately for him in Kanon's web of deception. Fortunately for her and Jacen, the fat cat hired the best man for the job. Shuffling his weight along he came to a stop. Where he lay the sight of the Odin Chamber poured out in front of him. Good view. Because his target was straining to lift something. Preoccupied by that, it would be an easy kill. Although the merc did happen to note that the object was being lifted without physical interaction.

"Alright huidini, it's all over," he shouted while he dropped from the ceiling like a pile of manure on his desk. "Gig's up tinkerbell. You're voodoo crapola won't save you now."

Jacen's highpower hangun was pointed at Kanon's forehead. The red tracking beam that aided in aiming gave a cold reminder, to his bounty, of his soon to be untimely, death. Wait, he was supposed to make him suffer. Right? Yeah, that's what the pot belly aristrocat had told him.

"Beg for me shaman. Then maybe I won't skin you alive."

Kanon Krowe
May 11th, 2002, 01:56:47 AM
Kanon paused to brush away a speck of dust that had landed on his coat, from Jacen's fall.

"You surprise me. I would think you'd shoot before gloating."

He smiled through all of the chaos.

"I offer you a deal. In return for my safety, I will compensate you with adequete funds. Whatever your previous employer payed. Then, I will offer you a job with additional funds. I require you test two Jedi and their accompanying New Republic Special Forces member. Is this not ideal for both you and I?"

Jacen Himes
May 11th, 2002, 02:04:45 AM
Jacen thought a moment.... what a nut? This guy either was way too cocky or just had a zest for death.

"You're a moron."

This could however be for his advantage. He could do as requested and make some extra cash. Then, he could kidnap back the girl and kill Kanon. Ah, the triple cross. A delicious recipe for merc heaven.

"Morons are okay by me though. They're easily dealt with if they get out of line. You're on."

Jacen flipped back off the table.

"You'll understand if I don't shake your hand, of course. I don't swing for the touchy feely."

He holstered his weapon and sat in the chair accross from Krowe.

"Let's talk business."

Then, the negotiatons and intructions began..........

Avolon Bisel
May 11th, 2002, 11:14:21 AM
"And the great Genshu will save us all from stray metorites," Avolon said to no one, some ways behind the Jedi duo.

How anyone could be a Jedi or Sith amazed him.


"Yes, Mr. Bisel?" the protocol 'droid answered before Avolon finished.

After a sneer, Avolon continued. "Be ready to translate any language. That punk Kanon likes to talk in different tounges just to piss me off."

"Of course, sir. I am fluent in over--"

"Yeah, I'm aware."

Tapping Xazor's shoulder, he leaned in.

"This Krowe... he's a slipperly sun of a gun. Although you could probably kick his butt, he no doubt has prepared for that eventuality. Be ready for anything."

Syrius Cline
May 11th, 2002, 11:26:59 AM
Following as told, Syrius felt a deep ping in his stomach. That sense of danger again... Oh well, he couldn't dwell on it.

Avolon had just spoken when Syrius found himself thinking of how utterly at a loss he was these days. Everyone knew the inside scoop on every bloody thing.

"Xaz--Master, what exactly are we here for?" Syrius asked, the question leading to a conclusion in his mind....

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 11th, 2002, 12:28:30 PM
The ascent up the walls of Krowe’s palace was easy; easier than s’Il had previously thought. All of the defenses she’d come across so far were bypassed with smooth, practiced motions, but she did give the man points for his ingenuity in setting them up. She never would have thought that a standard system alarm grid could be set up without having to rely strictly on its infrareds; this guy had his brilliant moments.

Thankfully, so did she. The thermoptic camouflage suit she’d chosen for the job worked like a dream, masking her movements wonderfully, and the security grid was an easy thing to figure out once she found its pattern. She reached an overhang, and twisting her upper body, grabbed hold of the ledge and swung herself up and over with practiced ease.

Standing tall, s’Il looked out as far as the eye could see; it was a stunning sight, worthy of an artist’s brush. She watched with uninterested eyes as a transport dropped from the sky, landing softly within the city of Kam-Jeri. Continuing to gaze out at the sight before her, s’Il drank it in with deep breaths, her eyes closed as she soaked in the essence of the place. The palace itself was a dark place, it stank of despotic malice; you didn’t need to be a force-user to be able to feel the waves of malevolence rolling off every stone it was built from. It was the view she was offered while atop the overhang that captured her.

And then, the moment ended. She had a job to do, though in her opinion it wasn’t so much work as it was play. This was what she loved doing, and she would never stop. She likened it to a game, and the way she tended to play was very much out of the box. Not cheating, just…….a different method of playing her hand.

She'd left the Rascal King on the landing pad at Kam-Jeri, and MMU with a stern warning to behave himself. It had taken a lot of convincing to make sure he'd stay behind; regardless of the fact that he seemed to know every trick in the book on how to diffuse security systems. Which was another thing she would have to look into. She'd programmed most of his systems herself, yet random files tended to come into existence within his mainframe without her knowledge. She didn't mind the files of evasion methods so much as the occasional files with nothing but recipes on how to make a ham sandwich fifty thousand different ways.

Turning to look up, her eyes wandered the surface of the palace in search of the window she’d decided to use to gain entrance, and spotting it, began climbing once more.

s’Il had no particular prize in mind when she’d decided to ‘pay a visit’ to Kanon Krowe. All she knew was that he had an impressive collection of art, and that was good enough for her. A liberator of rare goods, diamonds, and artifacts; that was what she preferred to call herself.

Scaling the wall with swift movements, s’Il drew closer to the window, and finally she was able to reach up and grip the windowsill. Both hands latched on tight, she lifted herself up slowly. The thermoptic suit she wore allowed her excellent range of motion, which was a good thing because that was something she needed.

The window opened without a problem, and making sure the room it led to wasn’t occupied, s’Il lifted herself the rest of the way up and slinked inside.

Xazor Elessar
May 11th, 2002, 04:40:28 PM
Xazor nodded at Avolon. Smiling slightly, she continued walking toward the Palace.

"Indeed Avolon.....I am well aware of this man's history. I am not stupid, though."

She said abruptly. Syrius seemed deeply troubled by this, and she more than understood. Smiling with comfort in her eyes, she spoke.

"Syrius.....relax and feel the Force. You have no need to worry. We are on our way to that Palace to pay Mr. Krowe a visit."

She said gently, continuing their walk down the path.

Syrius Cline
May 13th, 2002, 12:37:44 AM
The baghandler was a safe distance away. He could talk in earnest, without fear of being overheard.

"Master, that's grand. However, I was thinking perhaps we should have a bit of back-up?"

He heard a grunt from Avolon. Clearly it was his feelings that he was more than enough back-up.

"Alright... I'll stay focused and all that bloody nonsense."

Syrius thought for a moment.

"Master, I stated before that I didn't believe in weapons. I think that lasersword of your's is the best form of defense, if a bloke was to pick one. Maybe you could detach it into two sabres. Insead of one double sided one. That way, maybe I can have some reassurence of mind, if you get my meaning."

Avolon Bisel
May 13th, 2002, 12:40:18 AM
Avolon layed the empty duffel bag around Kalvin's shoulder. He now had his rifle and arsenal of weapons strapped on.

"She doesn't have a clue."

Avolon mentioned to Max. Max was familar with Kanon as well and replied with a 'droid equalivent of a nod.

Xazor Elessar
May 14th, 2002, 08:32:33 PM
Xazor listened as Syrius spoke. She couldn't help but smile to herself as she recalled her first mission with her Master. She looked across the horizon a moment, before turning her attention back to him. He had mentioned about detaching her saber into two parts, so that he had a weapon also. She smiled and nodded, unclipping her beloved weapon from her belt. She gently placed her hands in the center and twisted the two ends apart as she had done only once before. She held it out to her Padawan, but when he went to take it, she put on a bit of resistance.

"You must swear to me that you will not loose this or damage it.....please. This is my dearest weapon, and I treasure it above all of the other ones I have. It's name is "Love" and it was a gift to me from a great Jedi Master on the day of my promotion. He holds my deepest respect and to recieve something such as this was a true honor if there ever was one. Just be careful with it..."

She let go, and he took it in his hands. Focusing ahead, she clipped the single half to her belt once again, making sure that it was tightly in place. They kept getting closer to the palace and she felt the tension rising amoung those they were with.

"And as for you Avolon......I heard your comment. You must keep in mind that I am Garou and my senses well surpass yours. Now look who doesn't have a clue....Sherlock."

She laughed slightly, for her comment was meant in good nature. She rather liked Avolon a great deal for he was a good friend. She looked over to him and winked, sending a silent message that she had meant no harm in what she said.

"Really now...you must not always take me so seriously!"

She laughed once again and continued on, walking beside her Padawan.

"Now....this is real training. Be aware of all around you. On this trip you are a Jedi...not just a detective. You'll find this to be different...yet the same as your old work."

She said gently, smiling to herself for she knew what she had meant. Hopefully through this experience, he too would see the meaning behind her words and through it, acquire a better understand of the Force and a better hold on it.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 17th, 2002, 12:43:18 AM
Like a cat s'Il tore through the halls of Krowe's palace, silent as death itself. She'd come in through an upper window, and after easily dispatching a lone sentry, she'd decided to head for the lower levels of the estate. If Krowe was like anything she imagined him to be, he'd horde all of his valuables in some sort of an underground vault for his viewing pleasures only.

The halls around her were dark, and she used the cover well, her invisibility aided by the thermoptic suit. Her boots hit the floor at a steady pace, and she kept on, flying down every staircase she came across.

The hall s'Il was running through opened into a large cavernous gran hallway type room, lined with pillars along the sides; arches connecting them to eathother with graceful lines, and what looked like balconies at both ends of the room. Tapestries adorned the walls, and the whole room was surprisingly tastefully decorated with works of art s'Il found herself admiring as she flew past. She would have stopped to study them if she wasn't here for more...... choice...... pickings.

s'Il skidded to a halt suddenly, her ears picking up soft, muffled sounds from behind one of the pillars ahead of her. She couldn't make out any words, but it was clear that the voices belonged to gaurds of some sort. From the double holster at her hip, she pulled out an ascension gun, and turning her head to either side of her, she ducked off to her right.

With a swift burst of motion, she leapt at the wall, placing her feet along it's surface and launching herself up and out from the wall while twisting the rest of her body around while in the same motion aiming the gun at one of the arches. Pulling the trigger, the line shot out; it's report silenced with a specialized silencer muzzle, and the hook shot upwards.

As the line flew up, s'Il further turned her body midair so that she could plant her feet on the pillar closest. The hook hit the arch, burying itself deeply into it, and activating the retract mechanism, s'Il pushed up off the pillar.

The line zipped taut, and she was pulled upwards into the air. The archway rushed dwon to her, and her up to it, and swinging her legs out in front of her, she swung herself up of the top of the arch, landing on her knees. Reaching a hand down, she felt for the tip of the hook, and easily unclipping the line free, she let the gun pull the rest of the cord back into its small cylindrical storage chamber.

The view of the cavern/grand hallway from atop the archway was actually quite stunning, and s'Il contented herself to simply kneel and observe for a few seconds, the tranquility of the place.

It certainly was something to look at.

Syrius Cline
May 17th, 2002, 09:48:27 PM
Syrius took the sabre and looked at it for minute. Clearly, he was baffled why anyone would feel the need to arm themselves, Jedi or otherwise. Weapons were a terrible thing.

"I seem to be learning a good lot as a Jedi. Never had battle scars though."

He looked up to the palace, which was looming ever larger as they approached. His words were not without guided merit. The day wouldn't end, he felt, without some kind of misfortune.


As they approached the double doors, the bag handler dropped the bags at the stoop. He then quickly ran away, too hastedly for the Jedi to stop him, if they even felt a need to. Although Syrius did feel the faintest since of fear from the man. Without a doubt, his Master did as well.

"Master, can't these bloody things be handled over holocomm?"

Xazor Elessar
May 17th, 2002, 10:28:06 PM
Xazor waved her hand at her Padawan, ignoring his question for a moment and eyed the palace. Evil seemed to emminate from the dark fortress...and she indeed felt the man's fear. Looking to Syrius, she motioned for him to follow her once again...walking quietly toward the large mass....leaving their bags where they sat.


She had heard the squeaking of the hinges with her extra sensitive ears, and then pointed at them. Indeed, the rubbed together, slowly opening the large doors to the palace. As the darkness from within flooded the surrounding area, Xazor did not even see a person. It was as if the doors had opened mysteriously....on their own...

"They just opened!"

She whispered to her Padawan as they inched forward toward the palace and then stopped directly in front of it.

Kanon Krowe
May 19th, 2002, 01:46:51 AM
"You may enter honored Jedi. My master, Kanon Krowe, has been expecting you. Come."

Dedrick said from inside the double doors. He stood in the middle of the room, far away from the entrance. Obviously, he hadn't physically opened it. Syrius, an attuned Padawan, must have felt a slight deception at play. Not mystical means.

"My lord can wait no longer."

With that, he turned and continued to the Odin Chamber. Never looking back to see the company of do-gooders.


The door to the Odin Chamber opened without touch as they approached. Kanon called them in from his desk.

"Avolon, I see you have turned honorable. I foresaw as much. Please sit."

Kanon ignored the others, gesturing to one open seat. He was like that. It was all part of his game. If he ignored the obvious leader, Xazor, it'd make her feel inferior, hopefully. Then there was the matter of the blonde man. The one who seemed to follow his every move with suspecting eyes.

"What brings you and your humble followers here, Avolon?"

Jacen Himes
May 19th, 2002, 01:50:25 AM
Jacen supressed a laugh. He stood quite vigil behind Kanon, waiting for his word to act. It's come soon, or much later, depending on what the dictator decided. This whole thing was ridiculous. This Krowe fella would have been shot and killed on any other world. His stupid mind games were enough to make Jacen shake his head in laughter. Where did he get this junk? The carnival?

Avolon Bisel
May 19th, 2002, 01:53:14 AM
Avolon ignored Kanon. He'd had enough of his nonsense and it showed on his lock jawed face.

Instead of sitting, he pulled the one seat out for Xazor, smiling at her as he did. A message not to get too worked up over the jerk's antics.

Xazor Elessar
May 19th, 2002, 03:28:34 PM
Xazor could have burst out into her shapeshifting form at any moment....but she surpressed the feelings. Instead, she was surprised when Avolon pulled the seat out for her. The Knight took in the silent message through his smile, and returned the friendly gesture. She took the seat, much to the dismay of Kanon and the other gentleman that was there. She looked up at her Padawan and then to Avolon before returning her attention to Kanon.

"Indeed, your mind games are well played....but not enough so for this Jedi. We follow no one except for the path of Light that is put before us...."

She paused a moment and eyed Jacen who was standing behind Kanon. She could not help but notice the smile that he was attempting to surpress. Shaking the thought from her mind, her eyes returnd to Kanon.

"I'm afraid we have not been properly introduced. I am Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Dawnstrider. This is my apprentice, Syrius Cline....and our friend you seem to already be acquianted with. Though you do not even deserve to be in the presence of our kind, unfortunatly....you are. Now, Mr. Krowe...tell me about yourself..."

She said, sitting back and placing her hand on her lightsaber. She smiled toothily, exposing her elongated canines. Indeed, she was prepared in case he wished to do anything funny....he wouldn't get away with it.

Kanon Krowe
May 19th, 2002, 03:36:09 PM
Kanon's eyes went cold and distant as he seemingly looked through Xazor. It was the thousand mile stare.


Kanon leaned back in his chair, his face softening a bit, coming out of his trance.

"I do not take lightly to what you imply about me. You have insulted me and you must now leave. Good bye. You have failed, Warrior Jedi Knight Xazor Dawnstrider."

Xazor Elessar
May 19th, 2002, 03:39:05 PM
Xazor shook her head and stayed where she was.

"No. I will not."

Was all she said as she sat and stared into the cold eyes of the man. A deep growl could be heard throughout the room as she stared him down.

"It is you who has failed..."

She said in a deep growl, keeping her eyes fixed on him.

Kanon Krowe
May 19th, 2002, 03:49:47 PM
Kanon laughed slightly as he rubbed his brow.

"You are mistaken Jedi. Why were you sent here? Was it not to persuade me from teaching my religion? I have rights. I am doing nothing illegal. You have insulted me and stained the name of the Jedi by refusing to leave my premesis. Must I call the authorities to occupany you out of my home?"

Xazor Elessar
May 19th, 2002, 04:00:13 PM
"If that is what you feel necessary...then do it, but I still won't leave..."

She said deeply again. She carefully eyed the man, knowing there was something deeper behind all this. She kept her hand, firmly on the hilt of her saber.

Kanon Krowe
May 19th, 2002, 04:03:29 PM
"Unfortunately, I have removed all policing factions from this city. As well as I confiscated weapons. However, I do have the next best thing. A bodyguard. Mr. Himes? Would you be so kind?"

Jacen Himes
May 19th, 2002, 04:05:18 PM
Jacen stepped from behind Kanon. He held now in his hands, twin blasters.

"I'll have to ask you to come with me ma'am."

Xazor Elessar
May 19th, 2002, 04:10:52 PM
Xazor shook her head and drew the saber hilt from her weapons belt. Slipping her finger over the ignition button, the blue beam shot forth with a hissing sound. She rose from her seat and stood with it across her body in a defensive stance.

"I'm afraid not....I won't be going anywhere...."

She said in a calm voice, silently daring Jacen or anyone else for that matter, to make a move.

Jacen Himes
May 19th, 2002, 04:16:16 PM
Jacen smiled as he heard Kanon speak behind him. "Take them."

"Sorry, babe, you're going out one way or another."

As he inched forward, he saw Avolon and Syrius draw their weapons. Avolon kept a finger on his trigger, Syrius seemed hesitant to make a move.

Jacen pointed his barrell at Xazor.

"Come on now. Last chance."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 19th, 2002, 07:04:07 PM
s'Il had hit paydirt.

After making her way across the arches filling the grand hallway, she'd descended farther into the palace, keeping a watchful eye out for guards and sentries. The suit she wore masked her movements for the most part, and she ran through the halls with ease.

When she'd reached Krowe's personal vaults, she made quick work of the huge metal door, and it opened easily; its oiled hinges not making a sound. As she stepped inside, her eyes were greeted with stands and displays holding numerous works of art and precious statuettes. A few even held diamonds, and it was those that she headed for.

All it took was five minutes; five minutes and she had filled the pack on her back with everything that had caught her eye. She was almost finished when she spied something toward the middle of the room; a magnificient stand of gold and intertwining silver that held up.......... a lightsabre?

s'Il cringed as she approached it, her fear of the weapon slowly rising. Her curiosity had won out however, and she peered at the cylindrical handle. It was amazing; intricate designs etched along its length; the whole thing was modeled like the handle of a cutlass. And an intricately crafted cutlass at that.

Reaching a hand out, she gingerly picked the thing up, her fear put on hold for the moment as the sheer beauty of the thing held her complete attention. It seemed to form to her hand, but she didn't dare ignite it; even her interest in the thing wasn't enough to turn it on.

Her mind working for a few moments, s'Il finally decided she'd take it. Although it was a lightsabre (and however Krowe had come across it was by some horrible situation for the unfortunate soul who'd previously weilded it), it was superbly crafted, and s'Il couldn't help the fact that she tended more toward rare objects. She had no doubt in her mind that there weren't very many lightsabres of this intricacy or beauty.

Grasping the hilt in her hand, she exited the room as silently as she come in, and soon she was making her way back upwards.

She was passing what Krowe liked to call the Odin Chamber when she heard the snap-hiss of sabers being ignited, and she slowed to a halt. Her eyes watched the closed door, and she stood stock still; her suit worked at its peak when she wasn't moving, and waited, listening for any noise from within the office.

Xazor Elessar
May 20th, 2002, 05:47:53 PM
Xazor held her duel phased saber close, ready to react when needed. She shook her head and looked down the barrel of the blaster. She smiled and let her eyes meet those of Jacen.

"I'm sorry to dissapoint you....but your little gun doesn't scare me one bit."

She growled deeply, her Garou canines exposed and sharper than ever. She too inched closer to him and with a quick movement, she brought her right leg up for a crescent kick....sweeping his blasters from his hands. She spun around and kicked him in the face with great accuracy, sending him into the wall. She stood in a defensive stance and growled as she glared at him.

"You should never underestimate a woman......especially me."

She said in a low voice, keeping her eyes on him.

Jacen Himes
May 27th, 2002, 12:07:50 AM
Jacen Himes stood up slowly, grinning as he did. Of course, the cocky gesture was lost because no one could see his face through the mask he wore.

"Baby, I'm more scared of the women folk. Boy's..." he gestured to Avolon and Syrius, "I can kill. Women, they make me go all gooey. But the ones that kick me... well, they piss me off."

Jacen whipped out his hand. A long cable flew around her arm. With a yank, he pulled tight. She found herself being thrown on the desk.

Disconnecting that cable string, he tied it the other side of the desk. There was a drawer handle that was suitable. Jacen flipped onto the desk, rolling over it, past the trapped Xazor. She was strewn across the desk, her arm tied, the other end tied. A hard position, but nothing her sabre couldn't handle in... 5 seconds Jacen calculated.

Reaching behind him, he found two other blasters. Whipping them infront of him, he sent them firing. The bolts made Avolon and Syrius scatter for cover. Avolon being without Jedi training to deflect bolts, and Syrius being at almost the same disadvantage. 1 Second to spare... nice work, he congratulated himself. Sending out another cable string, it roped itself around her neck, from behind. He pulled on it. The fact one part of her body was fixed, and the other part was going the opposite way, but strain on her immensely, he imagined. Pointing both blasters at her back, the cable string still hooked to his wrist, he talked in a smooth voice.

"That exit's looking pretty nice right now, right?"

Xazor Elessar
May 27th, 2002, 12:36:42 PM
Xazor grinned to herself. If it came down to dying to get her point across....she was all for it.

"No....actually it's not. I still do not wish to leave, no matter what you do to me."

She remained calm and called on the Force to strengthen her body as she was in the precarious situation. She still had the Force, of course, but used nothing....she remained in the hold to prove her point.

"Nothing you do scares me.....I fear nothing..."

She growled deeply. Her deep blue eyes focused on her Padawan and she smiled.

If anything happens to me.....take care of yourself, and tell my other Padawans to do the same. I may not be with you....but you have to be strong. Keep the Force alive in your heart...and me in your memories...

She spoke in his mind. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and relaxed all of her muscles. It appeared as though she would be there for quite some time.....if she ever got out....

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 28th, 2002, 05:36:42 PM
Her back pressed against the wall, s'Il inched closer to the double doors to Krowe's "Odin Chamber", her booted feet sliding across the floor with an inaudible scrape. She reached out to the door with a tentative touch, testing it, and was rewarded with the smallest of movements. Apparently it hadn't been latched all the way.

Ordinarily she would have bypassed whatever was going on behind these doors, but curiosity often got the better of her, and in this present situation, it was doing just that.

She hefted the newly aquired lightsaber, admiring its beauty, but still very much terrified of its lethal potential. After all, she could attest to that particular fact; had done so twice as a matter of fact.

And that's when she heard the gunshots. s'Il froze in her place, listening with tuned ears at the altercation taking place in the closed off room, and she found herself all the more curious. It wasn't any of her business, but for the most part she almost always disregarded that.

Still standing with her back to the wall, she stepped forward to stand before the door, and reached a hand out, this time with more force, gave it a push. It opened surprisingly easily to reveal the scen inside.

Because of her thermoptic suit, and because she was standing stock still, she was nearly invisible to those inside. She recognized Krowe, and her eyes wandered to the Jedi restrained across his desk. And then, Avolon?? What was he doing here? She also recognized Cline; gods she hadn't seen him in a while, of course that could generally be seen as a good thing.

The one with the guns: Jacen Himes. She'd been at the end of his blasters before. He's a cocky sumb**ch, s'Il grimaced observing the position he'd put the Jedi woman in.

Still standing motionless in the open doorway, she knew the only that would greet the eyes of those inside would be empty space. Except for the Jedi. s'Il's thermoptic suit could fool the eyes, but she didn't kid herself when it came to force users.

Jacen Himes
May 28th, 2002, 09:15:19 PM
As the door opened, Jacen's honed senses caused him to spin around. As he did, he soon relized his folly.

A blaster butt smacked him in the nose, sending him skidding backward. Syrius Cline, a Padawan he could tell by the learner braid, that oddly fit the man's motif, slashed the cord that held Xazor to Jacen. Without the resistance, she could slash the other cord, and Jacen would be on the ground, in quite a jam.

Ready to fire when he hit the floor, he was stopped by an opposing gun barrell.

"Jerkoff," Avolon said, casually spitting on him.

Jacen chuckled as he still held his weapons at Avolon.

"Damn Jedi. So what now? Do I go to the big cell block in the sky?"

Kanon sat leasurely in his seat still.

"It is not over, is it? Pity."

Jacen rolled his eyes. He still had ammo, and he intended to use it as soon as Avolon flinched. Which seemed a while off from the looked of it.


As if a comm system was on, Dedrick immediantly appeared in front of the Odin Chamber doors. If he could see the burglar woman, he'd notice she was directly in front of him.

"Yes, my lord?"

"Is the ship prepared?"

"As always my lord!"

For a moment, Kanon thought. All the while, he was oblivious to the altercation still going on with the Jedi and the hired muscle.

"Put it on hold. I'm not sure if there will be a third act to this play," Kanon mused, looking at Jacen again, raising an eyebrow.

OOC - I'm writing for all my characters in Jacen's posts. Makes it easier on me.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 28th, 2002, 09:56:37 PM
And that's when s'Il moved. She burst into a sprint with a direct line at Himes. The field of her suit wavered with her movement, creating muddled reflective illusion that was her body and therefore giving her away. Although not totally, as the effect was confusing to most people. She didn't know how those in the roome in front of her would react, but she wasn't about to take any chances.

Her small form tore across the room, headed for Himes and Avolon, but at the last moment she veered off and vaulted onto Cline's shoulders.

"Pardon me, love," she quipped while using her momentum and an extra nudge off of the man's body to land gracefully on Krowe's desk.

With a fluid sweeping motion, she unsheathed a wickedly sharp and serrated knife from behind her shoulder, and in the same motion swung it down, out, and back up, cutting the remaining cord holding the Jedi woman's arm.

For a fraction of a second she remained motionless, and once more the reflective haze making up her body disappeared into complete invisibility; but only for a moment.

Her next movement was to stand up straight, still atop the desk to look down at Krowe. Reaching a hand up tp her head, she depressed a miniscule button, and the field faded to reveal her in her suit; knife still in hand. The headgear she wore made her appear as if she belonged on some cybertechnology holo, and with the same hand, she lifted up the eye visor covering her metallic eyes.

She glared down at Krowe with a steely gaze, then shifted her weight slightly. "I don't think it'd be a good idea to hurt them."

She unholstered the slugthrower at her hip and pointed it directly at Krowe's forehead. "In fact, I think it'd be a very bad thing if you did."

As if to further accentuate her statement, she cocked the hammer back while staring into the depths of his eyes.