View Full Version : Why was Anakin killed you ask?
May 3rd, 2002, 07:09:50 PM
Simple, with the original Anakin set to rule the Star Wars movie world in AOTC and eventually EP3, there wasn't room enough in the present SW universe for two Anakins. I guess the galaxy just wasn't big enough for the two of them.
May 4th, 2002, 07:37:23 AM
You read a misquote. Luceno said this ISNT a "Galaxy isnt beig enough for the two of us" scenario :)
May 4th, 2002, 05:49:21 PM
I didn't read a misquote, I saw and heard Luceno and the other authors speak in person. :)
From the Dark Horse and Del Rey presentations I've seen it was obviuos that EU writers and artists work in a universe that's completely different from that of the films. When the Anakin question was asked an EU author started to answer the question. The writer, I can't remember which one, was answering the questions with a basic, "Nah, that's not why he was killed." and he was corrected him in mid sentence. The person correcting him said the questioner was correct, Anakin was killed because the SW galaxy only has room for one Anakin at a time. The writers on the panel looked as surprised as the audience. It was pretty obvious most of them were completely out of the loop on why Anakin was killed.
I also found it interesting that Hales and Salvatore had no communication whatsoever while they were each working on their individual assignments. They each worked with Lucas, but neither one had any input on the other's work. Hales joked about the fact that he was more likely to see the novelization at a bookstore than during the creative process. So you can imagine how far removed the EU writers are from Lucas. During both Hales and Salvatore's presentation you could see Lucas had tremendous input and complete final say. During every EU presentation I've seen he was rarely mentioned, it's alway "someone" at Lucasfilm or Lucasbook who's making the decisions. Many of the writers talked about having to play catch up whenever they were given an assignment. It was really interesting. Plus, everyone of them was easy to get into because the vast majority of fans were busy trying to get autographs, buy merchandise, or see some of the SW actors' sessions. The one time the Naboo rooms filled up and had to turn people away was when John Knoll gave his presentations. The other EU presentations were about 1/3 full.
May 4th, 2002, 11:57:35 PM
Cool.. thanks for the update! :)
Jedi Master Carr
May 5th, 2002, 06:21:34 PM
Interesting Jedieb, it does make since in a way I guess, though I still imagine there were some other reasons that went into that reinforenced the decision.
May 5th, 2002, 06:23:22 PM
thats 3 say TF.N misquotes, and 1 (you) agreeing with TF.N. Me confused :)
May 6th, 2002, 07:34:45 AM
There was more than one seminar so someone could have heard one version of the story. Plus, it's very hard to keep track of everything everyone says at something like this. The audience and most of the writers on the panel were very surprised. It may have been something that wasn't suppose to get out. But I disticntly remember one of the panel members started to give a "no" answer, and then someone on his right corrected him. You could hear a surprised murmur from the audience.
May 6th, 2002, 08:01:02 AM
ANy other intresting tidbits? If you dont know any, I'll post what I learnt second hand :)
May 6th, 2002, 08:32:46 AM
Salvatore was really cool. I saw him a couple of times. I only saw part of his seminar on writing the novelization. He talked about sitting down with George and asking him what he wanted from the novelization. What emotions or ideas did he want the novel to convey. It wasn't so much a direct translation of the movie as it was another interpretation of this episode of the Star Wars saga. There was a "continuity" session, but I missed it. You probably would have loved it Reaper! I did see a Dark Horse seminar with a writer and artist. The writer was pretty funny, joking about how he was lazy and always struggling to meet deadlines. There's a lot of editing and revising that takes place with the EU. That writer once had to resubmit a last page because the editor wanted a stronger ending. The artist jokingly complained about how some writers wil make huge demands of them by writing large and elaborate battles. She joked that if she reads a scene that says "10 Jedi burst into a room" she's tempted to draw 2 Jedi at the door and the other 8 are waiting outside where you cant see them.
I got the feeling that they really make a concerted effort to keep everything in line with the continuity. But they realize it's virtually impossible for everything to be correct. They don't think minor details are as important as the major events that occur. They also acknowledge that they're working at a disadvantage because they don't know the full story of the prequels yet.
Someone asked a question about Kyp. When it was said that Kyp was a character half the people loved and the other half wanted to kick him the audience broke up laughing. They talked about Jaina and Jag and how some fans were clamoring for a Jaina/Kyp relationship. One of the panelist answered that it was important to realize that Jag isn't necessarily who Jaina will end up with, just who she has a relationship with right now. They felt it wasn't right for them to be together right now. A couple of people near started talking about how powerful Jaina's and Kyp's kids would be. I think that's one of the major reasons some people are pushing for a Jaina/Kyp relationship. I'm one of the people who'd like to kick Kyp in the rear end, so I don't want them together at all. It was interesting to see that they really do have a sense of what fans like, and don't like. My one regret is that I didn't have the courage to ask a Calista question. I wanted to ask; "Yeah, I've got just one question; Calista.... WHY?" :p
Infinities News!
There are plans in place for SW Infinities comics for ALL the SW movies; ESB, ROTJ, and even TPM. They'll diverge from a point in each movie and take the saga in a completely different direction. TPM should be interesting because we don't know exactly how 2 & 3 are going to play out. They may not do it until EP3 is done, who knows. Here's a funny bit, at one point the ANH Infinities was going to take a direction in which Leia became very powerful and Luke took a subserviant role as her consort or apprentice. But Lucasfilm balked because all they could see was "INCEST! INCEST!" That cracked everybody up.
What I liked about those NJO and Dark Horse sessions was that they weren't too crowded and you had access to people. You could get up close and maybe even sneak in a quick conversation with them every once in awhile. It was a great experience, I highly recommend it for any SW fan.
May 6th, 2002, 08:43:47 AM
Eb, Im in the Kyp fan section, who can now start scaring the Jaina/Jag fans. Thanks :)
Tenel Ka
May 8th, 2002, 08:10:28 PM
LOL... I loved when RA S. said the part about saying Kyp makes half of the people want to shake your hand and half them want to kick you. ^____^
And I'm glad to hear that Tenel Ka is going to be back. :D
It looked like Anakin was gonna be the one to save the day... but now who...? >_<
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