View Full Version : SW Celebration 2 Report

May 3rd, 2002, 03:39:35 PM
Actually, all I have time for right now is a quick update. THIS PLACE IS CRAZY! Thousands of SW Fans as far as the eye can see. The prop replica guys and their costumes steal the show. Some of them look simply amazing. I'm off to stand in line to see if I can catch Rick Macalum at 7:30PM. If buff or Jon read this, I'm wearing blue jeans and a tan polo shirt with a green USF (University of South Florida) logo.

I'll try to post some pictures later tonight, at the very least I'll post a bit. C'YA!

May 3rd, 2002, 06:20:11 PM
You lucky rat! Keep it up!

May 3rd, 2002, 07:07:22 PM
Here are some pics from the Celebration. The first couple are just of the lines, but there's a decent pic of a great Fett costume and a lifesize Jedistarfighter.

May 3rd, 2002, 07:17:36 PM
I didn't get a chance to see Rick Macullum's presentation today. There's suppose to be 8 new minutes of footage. I'm going to see it first thing tomorrow morning. I'll let everybody know what it looked like and I'll use spoiler tags.

May 3rd, 2002, 07:50:57 PM
Wow..sounds like you're having a blast! Those are some great pictures by the way. :)

Wish I could be there...maybe next time it'll be near Los Angeles.

May 3rd, 2002, 07:59:14 PM
Thanks, I am having a good time. I wish I could have run into buff or Jon, yes even Jon. ;) Maybe I'll spot them tomorrow.

May 3rd, 2002, 08:14:22 PM
Eb...you should have a big sign...like they have at airports in movies that says "Buff, Jon...this is Eb!".

May 3rd, 2002, 10:17:27 PM
Or one that says for a great time, call Bea Arthur. You're bound to have Buff all over in mere nanoseconds!

I especially like the pic of the Jedi Starfighter. Very cool. Too bad you can't get closer to it...

May 3rd, 2002, 11:23:40 PM
I took a close up of the cockpit and the R2, but I'm too tired to upload them. I'll take some more shots tomorrow. I just got back from the screening of TPM and ANH. I was so tired that I left as soon as Tarkin was about to blow up Alderaan. It was still a blast! That was by far the best viewing of TPM I've ever had. Everyone cheered and applauded when the hanger doors opened and Maul removed his cloak. People went nuts during the entire duel. ANH was even better. Everytime a major character was introduced fans cheered and applauded. I can't wait for tomorrow night when they screen ESB and ROTJ. I'm going to line up early just to make sure I get in. If I get shut out of that event it'll break my heart!
muussst sleeeep 6 am wake up call soooooo tired......:zzz

Jedi Master Carr
May 4th, 2002, 12:27:59 AM
Cool Pics makes me really wish I could be there, oh well maybe next time. Jedieb, did you see the fighting Yoda trailer? I read about that on theforce.net.

May 4th, 2002, 05:29:23 PM
Rick Macullum Presentation
I saw the Rick McCallum presentation today. The fans went nuts as soon as Rick appeared on stage. Rick was very upbeat and appeared genuinely happy to be there and interact with the fans. He went right to the new footage. It was a montage of scenes set to music. I was awestruck by what I saw. I literally mouthed "Holy sh..!" as soon as the clip ended. This is a very different looking film than TPM. The sheer breadth and scope of what I saw surpasses anything we've seen in ANY SW film. The shots of Coruscant are longer and more detailed. The action scenes are of a scale we haven't seen before. Anakin's and Obi-Wan's lightsaber work looks awesome. The battle between Obi-Wan and Jango is amazing. The glimpses of Dooku fighting were short, but great. And then, McCallum ended the presentation with the best part of the show. People were cheering wildly during and after. The Yoda clip was incredible. Yoda wields his lightsaber against in what looks to be an incredible showdown against Dooku. The best part was the Force lightning. Yoda wields Force lightning! It no longer looks to be an exclusively Dark Side power. It looked as if Yoda was both deflecting, AND projecting Force lightning.

The other thing I'd like to comment on is the digital projection. Unless you see it, it's VERY hard to appreciate what a difference digital projectors make. The film was sharper and more colorful than anything I've ever seen on a movie screen. I may have to drive 3-5 hours, but I plan on seeing AOTC form a digital projector at least once before its run is over. The difference in quality is worth the long drive. McCallum made a plea for fans to voice their support for digital film and theaters. He denied the whole "Lucas will only screen EP3 on digital screens", but he did urge everyone to DEMAND digital. Talk to managers, make calls, etc. They really want this to happen.

This was one of the best experiences of the convention for me, but not the only good one. Today I also saw presentations by Jonathan Hales and John Knoll. The question and answer session with both of them was very interesting. It was interesting to see how the collaborative process between Hales and Lucas worked. You got the sense that Hale genuinely liked working with Lucas. He developed a script from a Lucas treatment. Lucas had final say and input along every step of the way. I think we're going to get a great script because of it. Knoll's presentation was packed, I was one of the last people to get in. He showed dozens of stills and quicktime movies from the set. He also played a great short of animatronics set to Bee Gees music. The crowd liked it so much it was played again at the end of the session.

This has really been a blast. I hope that we can get a good sized group together for the next one. I have a feeling we may even see Lucas himself at the next one because it will be the last one. Start saving some money people!

May 4th, 2002, 05:40:43 PM
Sounds great Eb! I guess you still haven't run into buff or Mr. Bowen though.

May 4th, 2002, 06:27:18 PM
Nope, I haven't seen those guys. I'm heading back to the convention center now. I may be going out tonight with some of the guys from the Penn. SW club, or I may watch ESB and ROTJ. I'm going to try to sit close to the projector, on its right side in case anybody's looking for me. I'll be wearing jeans and a hooded denim sweathshirt. Hopefully I'll see SOMEBODY!

May 5th, 2002, 01:43:36 PM
Wow - looks like you're having an awesome time... Post more pics if you happen to get some - or course its nothing like being there in person, but its something at least...

May 7th, 2002, 04:05:44 AM
Well Knolls also showed the clip twice when I saw him because actually I just snuck in for the last 25 minutes of that. I was at something else, rushed up to see the last of that, and he showed it again at the end (I had missed it before). I don't remember what day that was, but perhaps it was the same time and day, hehe.

Hales was great, but you were right on Knolls, it was super busy, it was full through the back and I got really really lousy seats. But to Hales, it was strangely almost empty on Sunday I guess it was. I mean I walked in and got excellent seats in about the 7th row or so, could have went farther up but I was happy where I was. That's where I got Hales to sign the autograph after the session. I know Knolls was a different day than that, though, can't remember if it was Sat. or Fri. I want to say it was Saturday.

Well I only went to 45 minutes of ANH, then I walked out to go see Spider-Man. AH!! What a traitor I am. Haha, no I was in almost the last row, I could not see above the person/people in front of me, the sound wasn't very good, and I really just didn't want to sit in that chair for the whole thing because I just had seen the two films in my home theater and they looked so crisp and awesome.

I went to the concert on Saturday. It was great, but I am sure as everyone here probably is too, I notice every single note that is even slightly off. It's not that I nitpick, it's just that I have that type of musical hearing where I notice any off note and you cannot replace the London Symphony Orchestra and Williams. Still, they did a great job in Indy and it was really enjoyable still.

I don't know about you, EB, but towards the end of the days there at the Celebration I was SO tired, I have never been that tired before. I was so tired it actually hurt just keeping my eyes open anymore. Long, long days, and it didn't help I stayed up all Wednesday night before I left Thursday for Indy. I was writing reviews for my site and taking care of some final stuff, which was a good idea but I ended up being extremely tired. I got in to Indy at 4:30 on Thursday and slept from about 5 p.m. all the way until 9 the next morning (we didn't get up super early to line up, whoops).

May 7th, 2002, 08:19:08 AM
That's funny Jon, I peeked into Hales' Sunday seminar. So I must have been looking right in your direction! I woner how many times, you, buff, and me passed each other without knowing? I saw the second half of TPM and the first half of ANH. Remember how people groaned because they were showing a full screen version of ANH and not the widescreen? Well they fixed that the next night and showed both the ESB and ROTJ widescreen versions. It was great watching with fans because of the reactions. People cheering whenever a major character appeared. Jeering when a villian like the Emperor appeared. Everyone laughed when Palpatine said "We will watch your career with great interest!" and then booed him at QuiGon's funeral a few moments later. Those screeening were one of my favorite parts of the conventions. But like you, I was beat at the end of each day. :zzz

May 7th, 2002, 12:13:48 PM
Here are some random pics. They'll probably take forever to load so be patient.


May 7th, 2002, 12:38:16 PM
Those are great!

I saw a story on NBC about the convention yesterday. Good stuff. :)

May 8th, 2002, 10:30:01 PM
Oh how my SHORT, trip to Indy SUCKED!!! (My favorite word now)don't have time to go into details BUT IT SUCKED (Long story ) :( :( :( :( :( :(

Jedi Master Carr
May 8th, 2002, 11:04:45 PM
Let me guess got striped searched by Airport security? I hear that stuff has been happening a lot.

Doc Milo
May 8th, 2002, 11:31:54 PM
What's the matter, Buff? Bea Arthur didn't meet you at the gate in her Slave Leia outfit?

::thinks about that image and goes blind!::

Jedi Master Carr
May 8th, 2002, 11:49:06 PM
Watch what you say your gonna blinde us all:x Unless it was Bea who stripped searched him, no I think he would have like that.

May 9th, 2002, 07:58:06 AM
I feel responsible for buff's "sucky" trip. If only we'd been able to meet! We would have RULED THE CONVENTION! :evil

May 9th, 2002, 08:54:57 PM
:lol :lol

Strip search by Bea arthur ??? That's what dreams are made of:D
You Know DOC, I never thought about her in the slave outfit.But I sure as CRAP !! do NOW:rollin :rollin :rollin

Well Let me just say YES!!! it is all of JediEB(S) FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had planned awhile back to have a road trip with a certain old wise man,BUT he bailed on me. So I had to change my plans. Well I left for florida for a week or so to check out some friends of mine and do a little relaxing.Had fun ,went to the Nude beach a couple of times in Miami(Hollover beach) I think thats how you spell it. I know it's an Immoral place to go BUT I could not resist.Met a few ladies ;) ;) I hung around (no pun intended) and well lets just say I"M THE MAN!!!!!!!!! no Just kidding I was a VERY good Buff. Anywho made my way back home, Stopped at a walmart in GA to pick up some SW toy's.and headed home. Well anyway to get to the real story here.

I reeally didn't want to drive all the way to indy by myself But really had Noone to go with me.well nomore tha hours before I was leaving for Indy my aunt called and said my Cousin wanted to go real badly. well I really do not know This Cuz real well BUT enough to know he was pretty cool and a Starwars Fan. I said ok and told him to be ready in an hour or so (can't really remember) anyway I told him I'd pay his way He just needed to buy his own food, collectors stuff EtC........well we head off (no pun ) You'll know what I mean later) anyway we (I) drove and we talked and was having a good time,listened to MICHEAL JACKSON,NKOTB, YES EB(S) youTOO could have enjoyed it!!!!).

anyway I decided to get soem rest and let my CUZ drive, SIGN #1 that he was an ARS HOLE form HE!!. He drove like an freaking Idiot and nearly got us killed by being JUST PLAIN STUPID!!!!!!!!!

Any way he drove No more that 2miles and changed seats.

we get on the out skirts of Indy and get a hotel. I knew we couldn't get one In INDY( No I did not make resevations) so we stop at a Run down rat invested Roach motel. 45 bucks a night EWWW!!!!well it's ran By the race of people that the women have Dots on there for heads (Indians ??? ) not trying to be rude..

Unlike my cuz who is making SMART ARS remarks under his breath about them.(sign 2 he was an ARS HOLE FROM HE!!)

Crap !! phone is ringing I'll have to finsih this in a bit.

May 10th, 2002, 08:52:54 AM
I"m scrared to read Part 2 of this....

May 12th, 2002, 09:08:12 PM
Long phone call:D

anyway we get a room , we are about 20 mins outside of Indy.We get up the next Morning and head out. It takes forever (I have No idea where the He11 we are going) anyway, we get there and the line is like a mile long and we stand and wait.well as we wait there a couple of honey's checking us out. Not hotty's but not to shabby. I give them the Cool Buffjedi look (as Only I can) and before I realized it my cuz was MOONING them,and then flicks them off . When I realized what was going on I (I was like a deer caught in head lights) I popped him upside his nappy head, yelled at him etc...(to long to go into). anyway as more people got in line More honey's, more honey's more Looks , more looks more immature and RUDE behaver from my cuz. (don't get me wrong it wasn't like all the ladies wanted us BUT we (I ) got my share of glares(;) )anyway when I would ask way he was being such an ARS to the girls he would say Oh there to ugly, or to fat ,or to nasty. Don't get me wrong some were what he said BUT there was no need in being STupid about it . And plus my Cuz is not a bad looking guy BUT he ain't all that.

Anyways as we get closer to our destination. two black guy's walk by us and my cuz say's ( doean't yell But doesn't keep it to himself) and I quote What are those N------ doing at a Star wars convention. I nearly Broke his Freaking neck!!! I was scared to death That I was going to Kill him.

May 12th, 2002, 09:15:49 PM
It was all I could do to stop myself.I do not know if they heard him or not But I wish if they had they would have beat the crap out of his sorry ars. Long story but I gave him a tongue lashing from he11

well anyway we get in and I'm still furious with him but as I see all the goodies I get a little calmer. BUT we were inside (I forget which section)anyway we are not in there for more than 5 mins when he is doing nothing But talking trash about people. There were several people dressed up in there star wars gear and he woul make rude comments out loud, I tried to get away from him but he was like crap stains on underware.than he started to mess with the display's (etc.....to long to go into

I finally had enough ( I was afraid we would get kicked out or someone was going to kill him (not that that would have been a bad thing.

May 12th, 2002, 09:19:34 PM
Wow, no offense buff, but it sounds like your cuz has a soul brother butt kicking coming his way. So what were some of the seminars you went to? I'm curious, were you there on Sunday? I was standing next to these 2 HUGE guys while waiting to see Sansweet and Nick Gerard. Could it have been...

May 12th, 2002, 09:35:56 PM
well any way we leave .

I decided since I had a few day's to kill that I would(we would) head to NY city . I know I was just asking for trouble:\

so we drive and drive and drive. we get there I'm tired and scared to death about drining in Manhatten.we get in a parking deck(well like a parking lot between to buildings. We gat to Nick's apt building , the security officer buzzes him he comes down signs us in we go to his apt and crash for a few hours. we get up later and decide to go get a bite to eat and show ARS hole the city.well we head to the village (Nick's gay ):x BUT he is a great guy so I could care less, But what got me was Cuz never said a word O_o while we were in Gay ville (no offense ment) that's what Nick calls it.we eat I'm still waiting for cuz to start some crap but never does.

after we eat Nicks suggest we go to a little nigh club,Cuz was all for it ?????????????????????????????????????????????????

May 12th, 2002, 09:43:22 PM
well I do not mind going (If you never beleave another word you hear Beleave THIS) GAY clubs are the BEST place to pick up HOT!! Women I do not know why BUT it is!!better than a food mart.

anyway we get there pay our memebership fee(had to get one???) anyway It was not little , it looked like a Huge Old warehouse.skip to an hour later and Buff SCORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! let me tell you guy's she was FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!she was white/latino mixed had some Big ole Boobs and full lips and a nice tight body DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!
so I get up with Nick/cuz and tell them I'm taking off to go and see dense's place

and ask if it would be alright if cuz hung out with nick for the rest of the night (all 1 hour) he said cool and Cuz had to problemswith that??????

May 12th, 2002, 09:50:57 PM
So I leave HAVE no Idea where the he11 I'm at . It's been a year or so since I was in NY (maybe 2) anyway we get to the subway and get to her place.

YIKES!!!!!!!!!!! Nasty !!!!!!! dishes everywhere It stunk and CATS every where.I sware she looked and acted like a Better class of a person than that.w'ell we got down to business :cool I was great!!!she was SO so (J/k)

I couldn't I mean I just could'nt the mood was lost the minute I stepped into her place.long story short she was pissed,I was sick and had to leave so I left.

took me forever to get back to nicks place.Had to take a cab(smelt better than her apt)

get there security had me on the list to go up I go up , lat myself in , trying to be quite head to the bedroom I/we are staying in

May 12th, 2002, 10:10:05 PM
I' real quite and I head to the room I/we are staying in. I open the door and ..well have you seen that downy jr movie??csn't think of it's name

So there my cuz was on his knee's between Nicks Naked legs(that's all I'll say about that.

I slammed the door and went to the living room and layed on the couch trying to get the image out of my head for what seemed like hours.woke up in the morning we decided (I ) decided we should leave (Have NOTHING agian Gay BUT that Just freaked me out ) He11 I worked at a Gay club but Nothing shocked me like this) anyway we say Bye thanked Nick Left.

May 12th, 2002, 10:18:12 PM
Got almost to D.c had to pee and pulled off to a reat area. Asked Cuz if he had to pee. he said no. I went and peed and when I got to the Jeep I smelt a faint nasty oder.Got in the Jeep and the smell still faint but stronger was in the Jeep. Asked Cuz if he smelt anything he said nope. He was acting funny so I asked whats up , he said Nothing I looked at his eye's and I knew!!! i wnet shell.
I told him to get the F__K out of the GD car (sorry lord) he was like why why why . I told him you knew dam6 well why.I got out he got out wnet over to him crab him by his neck and slammed him into the jeep a few times threw him on the ground and just kept kicking the sh-- out of him. I cooled off real fast when I saw him bleeding , helped him up and into the car.he had a big welt on his head and his nose was bleeding(but not bad).

To end a long story . We said Not another word to each other didn't look at each other,

got home dropped him off END OF story Until...

May 12th, 2002, 10:26:59 PM
My aunt called me the next day yelling at me for beating his ars (for no reason) Needless to say They SAY they are taking me to court)ohh I'm scared the most i'd get would be a 100 dollar fine and a suspented sentence etc... But they will try to get us to mediated out of court.

well so to finally sum it up.

I find out my cuz is gay (I really want to see what his girl friend thinks of that.

I could have gotten busted carrying Pott threw a hundred states.

I didn't get LAID!!!!!!!!!!!which really is a good thing ( it is Immoral)

And I didn't get to do CRAP!!!!!!!!!! at the convention and I spent roughly 600 bucks on the whole F'n trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had waited for this trip for 3 f'n years.

Hell11 there is always convention 3

and I didn't get to meet Jedieb(s) I'm sure it was a good think, My Cuz would have more than likely ran his mouth to him or tried to hit on him and Eb(s) would have had to killed him ,

BTW Sorry mods I posted so many times on this BUT my connection kept getting lost so I would have to re type everything over (and My typing is bad enough the first time :(

May 12th, 2002, 10:33:43 PM
I was standing next to these 2 HUGE guys while waiting to see Sansweet and Nick Gerard. Could it have been...

Sorry I did not see this earlier EB(s)

I don't know If that was us or not??WE were there for such a short time and all I could think of was what cuz (Nat ) was going to do next . God I had such an awlful time , I sware I could just cry(I know not very manly)

Plus I'm Big :D and Very BUFF , Cuz(Nat's) a big guy but I don't know if we would be called Huge??WAS all the girls hawking these two guys???? If so It was us :cool

more later(with pics)on this subject :(

May 12th, 2002, 10:53:56 PM
That is extremely disturbing, no offense, haha. I can understand why you didn't have a good time. That sounds horrid.

I have a friend who is bi, but that's just because he is so desperate that he'd take whatever he could get. Oh man he is gross, but at least he likes girls way more and he doesn't seriously bother me about it that much, though he likes joking around. I do not see him in person much, mind you, only talk to him online (yet he lives literally down the hill 10 minutes away). I will be seeing AOTC with him and a few other people, and we'll be first to lineup, among my group of friends, so he's an ok guy and he's really nice and helpful (has helped me a lot of times with my Website), but he can be pretty bad, lol.

Celebration III will rock, but I will be sad. :(

I mean, I really look forward to AOTC here, because I know we got one more left and I know we have this three year cushion, which I personally really like because it's good time where Star Wars is still around and coming back, but not gone. After Episode III and Celebration III, it'll be pretty sad. I will be just as much of a fan and continue talking about the saga just as much and still spending a huge amount on my collection, no doubt about that, and Star Wars is my only huge hobby, always will be. I just hope there aren't a bunch of stupid poser fans who jump ship after Episode III. Seriously that's like the best time to be a fan right then, you got all 6 movies out and can enjoy them all together. How cool.

May 13th, 2002, 05:46:46 AM
buff wins the award for Worst SW Convention Experience EVER! Next time you keep your relatives at home! BTW, the hot chick you went home with, her name didn't happen to be "Lola"? ;)

Jedi Master Carr
May 13th, 2002, 11:23:59 AM
Have to say the story was intereasting to read but I am sorry that you had such a lousy experience, hopefully it will be better if you go to SWC3.