View Full Version : Yes another newbie....

Apr 30th, 2002, 03:39:22 PM
Alright, I may be stupid, but I cannot seem to find a place to make a character profile. I don't want to affiliate with anyone yet, I just want to create a independant bounty hunter....

Could someone help me?

Dovi Jod
Apr 30th, 2002, 03:43:22 PM
You are aware that Jango Fett is very much dead, right?

Also...who is Bobo Fett?

Apr 30th, 2002, 03:48:01 PM
I never said I was going to be playing as Jengo Fett, I just in need of an alias, and that seemed like a good one. I mean with a alias like Fett you can't go wrong. I would have taken Bobo Fett, alas, it was already claimed. Ahem...Bobo Fett is the famous bounty hunter in The Empire Strikes Back.....does that ring a bell? He was thrown into the great Sarlacc in Return of the Jedi. However he did survive....

Anyway, do you know where I could make this character profile?

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Apr 30th, 2002, 03:59:45 PM
*tries to keep from laughing* user cp, then edit profile.....

Apr 30th, 2002, 04:12:30 PM
Trying to keep from laughing? What do I need to edit my profile on?

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Apr 30th, 2002, 04:14:23 PM
oi vie..click on user cp then click on edit profile......

Ken Jiang
Apr 30th, 2002, 04:17:09 PM
I think she meant in order to create a character profile, but I get the feeling you mean more along the lines of a character biography. To look at different approaches to character profiles, check out the profiles (http://www.thegjo.com/biograph.htm) on the GJO website. Then once you've made one, post it in this thread to help introduce your character, maybe put a link to it in your personal profile and if or when you join a group you can put your profile on the groups wensite, assuming they have one. :)

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Apr 30th, 2002, 04:18:51 PM
I had a feeling Jengo may have meant that but since profile kept being said, I said what I did.....

Lady Vader
Apr 30th, 2002, 04:58:38 PM
Jengo... what Dovi was refering to when he questioned Bobo Fett, was the name. It's mispelled. It should read Boba Fett.

Also, as a tid bit of info, the other Fett is spelt Jango Fett. But I'm assuming you spelled it Jengo so as not to associate yourself with the movie's character, so as to make you're own character.


Oh, and BTW, welcome to the board! :) Hope you're able to get your profile and whatnots going alright. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask. :)

Apr 30th, 2002, 05:18:18 PM
Thanks Ken Jiang. Sorry about the confusion Seerrasseei Tsseerra. I meant for rping. Anyway I will just put something up right here....

Name and alias: Hunter Fett or Dengar

Occupation: Bounty Hunter/ Freelance Mercenary

Race: Human or assumed to be.

Age: 45

Height: 5'8''

Weight: 227 lbs

Hair: Unknown

Eyes: Unknown

Appearance: He wears a battered suit of Mandolarian Battle
Armour. Of course with the accompaning jet pack and attached missle launcher. All concealing his identity as well as his person. Underneath his obvious suit of armor Hunter also wears a jumpsuit that is tan in coloring. Across his shoulders a long, thick piece of cloth is draped and clasped on his left shoulder guard. Around his waist a utility belt is secured beneath his chestplate.

Contacts/Friends/Enemies: The only ones Dengar will associate himself with are clients. Otherwise just keeps to himself.

Bio: Was born on Ashogar, a lush forest like planet. While growing up he learned how to hunt and survive among the native beasts of the planet. They were much larger and bulkier than that of Dengar, however through primal desire to live he proved himself among their ranks. While growing up he had no real knowledge of who his one time family might have been but simply grew away from compassionate feelings in his time alone.

Finally the empire came to the planet, and upon finding him recruted him at a tender age of 11. They began to train him in more civilized ways in hope of making him a versatile assassin as well as a soldier if need be. After the demise of the empire's power and leaving Dengar after 24 standard years of service, he decided to use his aquired skills to his own end. Taking the credits he had saved working for the empire and pulling several of his now dead "strings" he aquired his ship Oblivion 2. Along with it several personal modifications to particular weapons and defense systems, Dengar now searches the galaxies for bounties to satisfy his need for a hunt. They call him "Hunter Fett" due to his predatorial nature towards bounties and of his appearance in the Mandolarian armour.

Just a little something to start with... Now I just need to get involved. And the whole Jango Fett thing was another stupid mistake on my part. Think I could get it changed?

Gurney Devries
Apr 30th, 2002, 06:01:22 PM
5'8" and 227 pounds? I think you need to go on a diet, my friend! :eek

Apr 30th, 2002, 06:02:32 PM
Originally posted by Jengo Fett And the whole Jango Fett thing was another stupid mistake on my part. Think I could get it changed? What would you like to have it changed to?

Apr 30th, 2002, 10:03:53 PM
He PM'd me about correcting the mispelling, but the name is already taken. "Jango Fett" :\

May 1st, 2002, 08:14:46 AM
well I am a finely tuned militaristic super trooper with a heavy suit of manolarian battle armour. Maybe I over estimated his weight. Either way I don't think he is too terribly heavy. Since the Jango is already taken, how about Dengar? He's a bad ass too. If he isn't taken could I change my sign in name to that?

Melusine Galilei
May 1st, 2002, 12:37:03 PM
I guess that takes originality right out, then, neh? :p

Er.. Sorry, sorry, ^^; I'm just pestering you.

--Waves a little "Welcome" sign--

Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 1st, 2002, 01:27:15 PM
Welcome hyuu-mann! :cat

Tevit Ramastan
May 1st, 2002, 09:10:23 PM
You might weigh 227 in all your getup, but folks usually list their weight as if they were standing on the scale in their skivvies. A decent muscular build in that height would probably land you at about the 180 mark. Maybe a little higher if you want to be really buff, but 180 is a good muscle weight for that height.

May 1st, 2002, 11:19:35 PM
Name changed. Let me know if you need anything else. :)

May 2nd, 2002, 08:19:23 AM
Thanks, to everyone. I am used to writing as if someone were looking at me. Third person. Anyway, now I guess I just have to get involved.

Oh and one more question, if anyone cares after all my babbling. Does everyone have to wait for a reply while rp'ing? Where I rp, we do a more story like form of writing. With some small control over actions and speech. Nothing that would kill a character or something like that. Just writing to keep the story moving along.

Morgan Evanar
May 2nd, 2002, 12:42:38 PM
Most people don't like to have dialouge written for them, at least without input.

May 2nd, 2002, 04:04:47 PM
What Mr. Phlanges said :)