View Full Version : Consolodation: The Merc With The Mouth

Jacen Himes
Apr 30th, 2002, 10:39:04 AM
As the well crafted man walked down the streets of lonely Tatooine, he couldn't help but remember how he'd gotten started on this trial.

In a seedy establishment, just east of the tracks at the Boonta Eve, he'd overheard a Rodian and a humanoid talking rather drunkenly. Something about a mysterious bounty. The way they talked about it made it sound like a ghost had put out the hit.... nah, that was too Scooby Gang to be true.

Aurelias Kazaar, what a funny name. Who names their kid "Aurelias" and is allowed to walk? Anyhow, the hit was overheard at some fat Hutt's place, so it might of been true. Wasn't it a hit? Jacen didn't recall hearing "dead" or "alive", so he decided to take him in one piece if possible. If he died, he could always sell him on the black market. Plenty of people needed livers and kidneys now a days. This option lingered. Because he didn't know who put out the hit and where to collect the money.... Oh the things one will do for the chance at a quick buck. With a name like "Aurelias", how tough can it be? But before begining on his search through the web of seedy alliances, he'd get a drink.

"Tatooine Sunrise."

The bartender questioned his order. They prefered stiffer drinks in this dimly lit pub, on the ground levels of Coruscant.

"I like the taste."

The man snorted something contemptly as he turned to his mixing notes. He obviously didn't have many customers who enjoyed that drink.

He was safe, right? His three piece suit was a good concealment. The bounty hunting costume/disguise he usually wore was hidden underneath the black dress attire, the mask and gloves shoved into a poket lining the inside of the jacket. One couldn't he but feel like a superhero with these duds.

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 30th, 2002, 11:24:58 AM
This is nuts, the black haired man thought as he slipped in and out of shadows on the Imperial Center, Comin'ere again, specifically after running into that Tohmahawk character few months back. Ya'd think th'Empire would put a bounty out on 'im, but noooo.

The man walked past two stormtroopers discussing of all things politics, paying no attention to those who passed by him. The bounty hunter wondered if he could've worn a sign which said, "Hey I'm a former Rebel!" and made it by them without drawing his blaster. Conisidering the targetting ability of most Imperial Stormtroopers, Kazaar bet he could.

Aurelias Kazaar: bounty hunter, general scum, and right now, errand boy for Gorgja the Hutt. He never considered having the Jedi Padawan Estelle Russard as a burden anymore, rather...he was beginning to like her.

But the brown-haired Jedi wanna-be was not with her rather odd friend. Rather, she was getting supplies for Kazaar's ship, The Flying Dutchman. Kazaar, on the other hand, currently entered a tapcafe east of Boonta Eve.

His employer had requested he deliver a package to the tapcafe, a shipment of spice for the manager to lace all drinks with.

Gorgja's doin the right hting with this United Hutt Syndicate. Not sure what the hell he's thinkin', but turning his best bounty hunter inta an errand boy...Ah well, the kid wants t'see Coruscant. 'Long as the Imperials keep to themselves, I won't cap any of 'em.

He walked up to the counter, taking a seat next to a well dressed man.

"Yeah, I'm Garek Flim, I gotta delivery for ya," Kazaar smirked to the barkeep, "And gimme a bourbon."

Kazaar stuck a dark, oily cigar in his mouth, then lit it with a black butane lighter. He noticed the well-dressed man was staring at him.

"Anythin' I can do for ya pal? Or are ya just gonna stand there and stare?" he smirked, as he took a swig from his glass. Throwing the packet on the table, the bounty hunter took another drink of his bourbon, then waited.

Ken Jiang
Apr 30th, 2002, 12:56:42 PM
"What the hell am I doing back here?" Ken thought, preparing the Tatooine Sunrise for the smartly dressed man. Obviously, his current employer, apart from Sanis Prent, couldn't be bothered to make the effort for his customers and after a quick glance at his mixing notes grew uninterested and got Ken to do it, or "Tai Winns" as he is known down here.

The ninteen year old hadn't seen his parents in three months now and he kept away from the upper levels in order to avoid being recognised. After all, to be the son of an Imperial Senator meant that if you were on the run you had to lay extra low in order to not get spotted. After their last job, Ken had lost contact with Sanis and was now stuck down in this wasteland until he could get a ride or take one, either way would do, the sooner the better.

"One Tatooine Sunrise, mister! That'll be twelve credits."

For a moment, his attention was diverted as another man approached the bar rather casually, he seemed to know the bar owner and had something to deliver. Ken's eyes narrowed as he threw the bag on the bartop, then looking back to the man he had served so that his distraction wasn't obvious.

"Ah, another shipment of the good stuff, no doubt." He thought, grinning inwardly. Ken was not one of the "big-hitters" by any means so he made his own business no matter who's expense it was at, including his current employers. He knew of his the bar owner's dirty dealings and frequently would Ken "borrow" a portion of Spice and repay with a nice, cheap substiture, like salt, sugar or cinnamon. Subtlety is the key.

That and a few other hush-hush avenues of income were what kept Ken under a roof; as long as there'd be a black market here and there, Ken always would have a customer.

"I think he just likes ya, matey. So asking 'Anything I can do for ya pal?' would not be a good question to ask. If ya know what I mean." He grinned and shot a wink back to the first of the two gentlemen whilst drying a glass, not meaning any offense, in a vain attempt to lighten the mood.

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 30th, 2002, 03:26:40 PM
Kazaar shot a glare towards the barkeep, then smirked, "Ya gotta smart mouth on ya kid. I'd watch it. Could get'cha in trouble sometimes."

He took a puff of of his cigar, then a drink, "Your boss 'ere? I need t'speak to 'im. And if he's busy tell him Gorgja the Hutt sent a 'friend', to talk to 'im."

Ken Jiang
Apr 30th, 2002, 04:06:42 PM
"Sometimes?" He replied with a smile, "I think sometimes my mouth has a mind of it's own, just as well I got a quick pair of feet to go with that mouth otherwise you wouldn't have the pleasure of my company right now."

With that he turned and made his way out into the back, there were muffled voices for a minute, then they grew louder as they approached.

"...yeah, that's right, Gorgja the Hutt. That's him right there!"

Ken gestured over to the man who wished to see Ken's employer, following Ken came a stout, rosey-cheeked man, with a shirt and waistcoat. His baldy head gleamed from the lights of the establishment, and upon approaching Kazaar, he stroked his moustache in thought, then said, "You wanted to see me?"

From across the bar, Ken listened as best he could whilst taking empty glasses from the bartop and occasionally serving a customer or two.

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 30th, 2002, 04:28:37 PM
Kazaar gave his best 'pleasent' smile, then handed the package to the stout man.

"There ya go, pops. Special delivery.

"Hey kid," he nodded towards Ken, "Gimme 'nother bourbon."

Aurelias blew smoke out of his mouth as he regarded the owner, "And he'll take th' payment now too. Don't stiff 'im this time either. Or I'll hafta git rough."

The moustached man sighed, got up from his seat, and then exitted through a blue, knicked door behind the bar. A few minutes later he returned, a cloth bag in hand.

"There you go, sir. Give Mr. Gorgja my regards."

As the bounty hunter walked away, the owner called to him, "Oh and Kazaar. Ask him if he'll give the number of Fral Connel to me. I've always wanted to meet the Twi'lek."

Kazaar smirked, "Yeah. Sure."

It was then he noticed the well dressed man almost leap up in excitement.

"You find something you like pal?" Kazaar smirked once more as he finished his cigar.

Jacen Himes
May 1st, 2002, 12:01:23 AM
As the conversation was unfolding, Jacen reached into his pocket. He was getting bored... all this "you know who" talk... and that punk bartender, he wanted to wring his little throat like a wash rag... In his pocket was a tiny, rigged comm. When a button was pushed, it sent a homing beacon to his ship's computer; Smiley. Smiley was a overconfident, no nonsense, A.I. He needed company and guns if he ever wanted to do this job right. In four minutes he estimated, the ship move close. Then, Smiley would transfer/copy himself to a robotic self. Ah, the wonders of technology.

Jacen looked at the bartender, his glass of Tatooine Sunrise, then Kazaar.... He grabbed his glass, holding it like his last biscuit at a snowed in cabin.... His thoughts went back to the comment by that bartender guy... Maybe he'd get a two-fer? His free hand came out of his pocket, twenty cents in it. He layed it on the counter.

"Keep the change, kid, I'll make it back somehow...."

He spun back around, smiled widely at Aurelias.

"Actually, I just relized I have to take a huge wiz. You know where the bathroom is?"

Aurelias Kazaar
May 1st, 2002, 12:56:30 AM
Kazaar chuckled, "Ask the barkeep. He works 'ere afta all."

Then continuing to puff on his cigar, the bounty hunter turned to leave the tapcafe. As he exitted into the semi-deserted street, Aurelias pulled a comlink out of his pocket.

"Hey kid. You got th'ship ready?"

"What do you think Aurelias?"

"Well, hell for all I know you stopped to give a lapdance to a Rodian," Kazaar laughed out loud as he continued to walk away.

"Glad it's ready, kid...don't take things too hard, ya know I'm jist messin' wit ya. I'm ready to get off this overgrown rock."

"Sure Aurelias, sure." Kazaar could almost hear Estelle laughing. She was definately becoming someone easier to travel with.

"See ya back at the ship kid. Ten minutes, tops."

Jacen Himes
May 1st, 2002, 01:36:23 AM
"Damn!" Jacen yelped as Kazaar exited the establishment. He had hoped to get closer to him once he began to give directions, then he'd spill the drink on him, forcing him into the bathroom with him. Now he noticed the barkeep looking at him oddly. "Damn, I really have to unload my luggage you know. So where is that bathroom?"

He'd already done a scan of the area before. Any good criminal surveys every place he goes. So as soon as the bartender opened his mouth, Jacen was headed for the restroom.


Empty. Yes! Jacen now had his comm unit pulled out.

"Smiley, you get you're worthless durasheet butt out here now! The mark is on the move."

"Hmm, would you consider me worthless even though I have now layed my eyes apon Kazaar."

"How'd you know it was him?"

"I overheard the conversation he just had with a... I didn't catch the name. Someone on his ship, which he's approaching. The ship is prepared to take off."

"Well, pounce you stupid A.I.!"

The comm shut off and he layed it on the sink.

His clothes were ripped off and thrown into an empty stall, with the exception of his jacket. By the time they made the connection with the clothes and the man, he'd be gone. A gun was tucked away with his mask, in the jacket, he put it onto his belt. Next were the gloves. His boots were thin enough to fit under his dress shoes, so after he sheded those, it was done. Just as his mask was over his nose, a Dug entered the restroom, mumbling something in his language about a clumsy waitress. Jacen bothered to pull the mask on fully as he spoke.

"Hiya buddy. Get the hell out or I'll kill you," Jacen said, very calmly.

The dug turned to him, standing on his hands, smiling a grin that meant he was ready for a fight. Jacen pointed the gun at him.

"Good choice."

Still holding the jacket, he wrapped it around the barrel, silencing the blast. He fired the gun once. Brains splattered across the floor.


Outside, Smiley was approaching Kazaar from behind. He had a large compartment in his back, where all of Jacen's guns were. His legs were substituted for two long tank-like wheels. All signs that he was a threat were hidden. But the beauty of this set-up was the A.I. in this 'droid was a copy of the ship's A.I. They were also linked. So if this 'droid was destroyed, Jacen still had the Artificial Intelligence on the ship and that part of the A.I. had the memory of this physical counterpart being directly feeded into him.

"Greetings, sir!"

The 'droid wheeled in front of Kazaar, cuting him off but with in gentle way. Much like when a beggar steps in front of you to draw attention.

"Sir, I would like to inform you that there is a man after you! He seeks to kill you, after some bounty on you're head. I overheard this. He was reported over that way."

The 'droid swiveled his head to the opposite direction of the bar, to indicate where, then turned back.

"Logic dictates that the safest route would be through that bar you just exited. By the by, I haven't mentioned this but, I work for a law enforcement agency on this planet. I'm a observation 'droid. I record crimes and report them to the New Republic. On this rundown world, this is all the New Republic has been able to do in the way of law and order. So allow me to do my duty and see you to haven, inside the bar."

Good lying, for a 'droid.

Aurelias Kazaar
May 1st, 2002, 01:57:28 AM
Kazaar raised an eyebrow at the stuffy droid.

Even worse than protocol droids.

"Riiiight," the bounty hunter put down the urge to destroy the droid right then and there, "And I'm Luke Skywalker.

"I know all 'bout the bounty on my head, 'N Fact I'm trying to figure out who put it on me. Mebbe you can help. Go into the bar, and arrest the bastard, then we won't have a problem now will we?"

Puffing heavily on his cigar, Kazaar blew smoke into the droids optical sensors clouding them.

"Bug someone who gives a damn, Sparky."

Kazaar began walking away from the droid again, wishing to get off of Coruscant as quickly as possible.

Jaranda never said anything about the New Republic usin' droids as security agents...aw...frell!

Aurelias dove forward, his blaster coming from his body as he fired upon the droid.

Great, someone sent IG-frelling-88 or sumthing like that after me. Peachy keen with frelling sugar on top!

Estelle where the hell are ya?!?

Jacen Himes
May 1st, 2002, 11:46:06 PM
"Blast!" The 'droid got out before his head was unceremoniously shot off.

"Should have listened to the automata you smokestack punk," a voice appeared from thin air.

Jacen didn't know of Smiley's fake ploy. But no matter what he said, Kazaar obviously wasn't listening. He figured it was a bait and hook deal or an ultimatum.

The crowd was thick in front of Himes. The bar was at his back, the door still swinging on it's hinges from when he ran out. Now he was at a dead stop. The lanes of sight between the two men were few and far between, pedestrian traffic blocking the way. That was solved quickly.


Jacen loaded his blaster chamber. It was set to a low setting now, meaning it wouldn't vaporize his bounty. Kid gloves didn't fit on this merc but he'd suffer the restrictions.

The trained ears of the scummy lowlifes in the crowd heard the distinctive noise. They immediately ran for cover, leaving the scene like a high noon holo-movie. The barrel of the costumed merc's gun pointed at Kazaar's head. A laser tracking beam shined on the prey, making him all too aware of the fact a bullet in the head could be seconds away. Kazaar would of had his chance to blow the bounty hunter out of existence, if it wasn't for the animated objects called people that impaired his line of sight and blocked a clear kill shot. Now that problem was gone but Aurelias was left with a stalemate.

"Some young go getter like yourself must have royally pissed someone off. Hell, I've only known you for two seconds and I already want you dead. Must be the perfume."

Smiley had inconspiciously lowered the weapon hold door. It revealed all of Jacen's gadgets and luckily the 'droid's mass hid the compartment from Kazaar. All Jacen had on him was the blaster and the ammo along his belt. His sword sheaths and his many holsters felt naked without the warm and loving caress of durasteel.... Nah, that was greedy. Making a play for artillery when you have the element of surprise in a showdown is dumber than a Jedi in a Sith bar.

Ken Jiang
May 2nd, 2002, 08:20:35 AM
"Kazaar." The name echoed in Ken's mind, that wasn't the name he'd originally heard, his brow furrowed in thought, something wasn't right here. Judging by the other man's reaction to this, there was deafinately something up and Ken meaned to find out what. He wasn't prepared to be in the middle of any scandle that could catch some unwanted Imperial attention unless he was the arbitrator of it.

With narrowed eyes he watched as both men went their respective ways and once the other guy had entered the toilets, Ken nodded towards a dug sat at the opposite end of the bar. Immediatly, it jumped down from it's stool and nimbly made it's way over bounding up onto the bartop resting on it's long, bony hands.

"Desnubo, buddy, follow that guy into the toilet, have a glance at what he's doing and be out in less than thirty seconds, got it?"

In response the dug grunted something back and hopped down, making it's way over when Ken suddenly called out to him.

"And you've been drinking, so don't get confrontational!" He smiled a little then made his way into the back whilst Desnubo waved it's hand casually in reply.

In the back, he went to his locker, typed in a four-digit sequence and the thin, metal door swung open automatically. From inside he took a small cylindrical object with four rings on it, he slipped it inside on his right hand, his fingers fitting through the rings and he clenched his fist around the cylinder. He took three darts from a small jar labelled "Symoxin" and slipped them inside three little holes in between his fingers.

Shutting the locker he ventured back into the bar to find the dug had not left the toilets, with that Ken jumped over the bar and ran inside, it took only one look at the discarded clothes and mess on the floor before he bolted across the bar and brust through the doors, he hit someone on the way out and the force of the door swinging open knocked the mask-wearing individual to the floor.

"Woah! Sorry there pal."

Jacen Himes
May 2nd, 2002, 11:56:55 AM
He'd been standing too close to the door, a rookie mistake.

"You pimple popping punk."

Jacen still held his gun, and it was pointed vaugely at Kazaar. Although his chest was on the ground, his gun arm was out ahead of him, layed against the dirt.

"Don't move. It'll take more than that twit to take me down."

Jacen didn't look at Ken, but spoke to him.

"If you move towards me, I'll kill you too. Understand? Just go back in the bar and wash dishes like a good little boy."

Aurelias Kazaar
May 6th, 2002, 08:55:28 PM
"Thanks kid," Kazaar smirked as he stared at the predicament Jacen was in. ANd technically Kazaar was in one too. Did he walk away and let the kid possibly die? Or did he do something he rarely did and save the kid.

To Kazaar, technically, there was only one 'kid'. And she was on her way in The Dutchman. So the bounty hunter did the only other thing he could think of.

Pulling out a thermal detonator, he pulled the pin and hurled it towards the two men.

He smirked as he saw them scatter, then turned and ran as fast as he could.

Jacen Himes
May 7th, 2002, 09:51:10 PM
"Cheap bastard."

As he sprung to his feet he couldn't get out of his mind what a low down dirty trick that was. He'd have to pay for that. Maybe he'd shoot first and hope the bounty was for "dead" later.

"Smiley, you got to take one for the team!"

Jacen had leapt in the air as he finished the sentence. He hook kicked the detonator into the 'droid's open compartment. The 'droid dutifully closed the hatch. Landing and pivoting, he kicked the 'droid at Ken with his other foot.

Finally, he darted after Kazaar. He was fully aware that his stock of avalible weapons just went low, as the detonator blew in the background. He didn't even turn to see what happened to that bartender, he didn't care. Raising his gun and aiming, he dropped to one knee to steady his shot. Closing one eye he got what seemed to be a good shot, if his on-the-fly calculations were right, it'd be a head-shot/kill-shot. He pulled the trigger.....

Aurelias Kazaar
May 9th, 2002, 04:06:42 PM
The blaster richoceted off Kazaar's Personal Shielding Unit, destroying it completely. It sent the bounty hunter to the ground, forcing him to find cover.

Patrons of Tattooine scattered as Kazaar's thermal detonator went off, destroying most of the storefront to the bar.

Gorgja's not gonna like that, Kazaar smirked as he knew the Hutt Crime Lord would express his anger, then send Kazaar out to kill someone he needed killed.

Aurelias fired off two quick shots at the costumed bounty hunter, Who in their right mind wears a costume to hunt in? 'Least Boba Fett's armored.

Damn, Jaranda'd mentioned the bounty for me was high, but never did I think I was high enough for every costumed wacko to go after me.

He fired again, then ducked as more shots came near him.

I need a better weapon...where the hell's a stormtrooper when you need 'em? Or where's that damn kid!?!

Jacen Himes
May 13th, 2002, 12:32:49 AM
Diving to the ground in a roll to avoid reply shots, Jacen felt the distinct feel of air on his shoulder. Yes... he'd been grazed by a shot. He'd have to pay for that. Although 75,000 credits would pay nicely.

Springing to his feet in a fluid motion he kept charging for the bounty. He continued to fire as he dove to the right, behind a large container of food supplies. Quickly releasing the used up blaster pack, he cursed to himself. Before long, he had another one loaded into the weapon. He waited a second for any return fire to die down before rolling from behind the container, firing as he rolled.

Ken Jiang
May 22nd, 2002, 04:19:44 AM
Talk about jumping in at the deep end! Ken had discovered in a matter of seconds that he had landed himself in one huge pile of bantha poodoo, one moment he had a gun pointed towards him, the next, a thermal detonator was coming his way and he had some quick thinking to do. Luckily he was familiar with his surroundings and to put it bluntly, when it came to chemistry and physics, he was a genius.

Once the strangely masked individual had gotten himself off the floor, not only did he escape the grenade but sent it towards Ken inside a droid of some kind. It would be a matter of seconds before this narrow street and the buildings either side of it would be decimated. To his left there was a thick pipe scaling the wall of what was a small hanger bay, it carried an engine coolant called Courenth to the small freighters often docked inside. To the left, there was a canister of pressurised Ves, another type of coolant that his boss uses for his landspeeder.

Raising his arm, Ken pressed the button on the top of his palm-shooter and immediatly a small dart was shot into the pipe of courenth, then stepping back he fired at the cannister. Getting his distance, he watched the white and pale blue gasses errupt from their containers, mixing in a hzey cloud of grey that engulfed a section of the street. Little is it known that when Courenth and Ves are mixed, the combination creates a gas which can disperse a blaster bolt on contact. Ken took a small flask of water from his belt that he usually carries about the bar, and opening it throws the contents into the cloud of gas. However, when the combination of Ves and Courenth are combined with water...

Suddenly the sound of the droid approaching was drowned out by a loud cracking, shimmering sound. Within an instant, there stood before Ken a tall, thick wall of dry ice. It would be the only protection he has against the intense explosion of heat created by a thermal detonator. He divided down behind a container and waited and not a moment too soon. There was an explosion that would've been deafening had he not covered his ears in time, it rocked the foundations of the bar, against which he sat and the sky was illuminated a brilliant red and yellow. As the blast died away, there was a splash of water that hit his exposed shoes.

Standing up he saw that most of the ice wall had melted away, and there just smooth ridges up the sides of the walls and across the floor. The street beyond was engulfed in flame and most of the bar had been destroyed and some of the hanger damaged too.

"Son of a Dewback!" He snarled as he jumped to his feet. Slipping his palm shooter inside his jacket, he ran, stepped over the remaining ice, and climbed through the hole in the hanger bay wall.

Once inside, he quickly found an abandonned speeder, it was pretty easy to slip pass any security, considering they were more or less running around like Bliz with their heads cut off. After a moment of tampering with the controls, the speeder was up and running, luckily it wasn't damaged. Ken didn't have time to adjust the positioning of the foot rests so his feet and legs were tucked up behind him so high that he had to lean far foward on the bike. It soared past the security check and out into the main street, whereupon he slowed right down and headed for the street from which many creaming civilians poured out.

He pulled up at the top of the street to see the two men shooting back and forth, the one called Aurelias was close and so Ken waited until once hwas close enough called out, "Fancy a lift?"

<FONT SIZE="1">OOC: Sorry about the delay.</FONT>

Aurelias Kazaar
Jun 7th, 2002, 07:24:37 PM
"I'm still waitin' for mine kid. Plus...it's a small ship!" Kazaar yelled back as he sent more blaster fire towards the masked hunter.

"What th'ell do ya need that money fer anyway? It's creds...ya can get more can't ya?"

Another round of blaster fire from Himes caused Kazaar to curse again. Damned son of a bith doesn't know who he's up against!

Aurelias then looked, realizing the bartender wasn't asking if he could give the barkeep a lift, but vice versa. Kazaar shrugged, muttering, "This day's gone nuts anyway. Yeah sure!"

Ken gave Kazaar a look as if saying, "Where to?"

"Anywhere ya dumb Rodian! GO!" Kazaar shouted, firing more blaster shots as the speeder took off.

They rounded a corner, picking up speed as they weaved in and out of the now clearing streets. A stormtrooper attempted to halt them, only to take the business end of the pissed bounty hunter as they went by. The trooper crashed into a pack of Jawas, running from the fight sending them all in a tangle of arms, legs, and brown robes.

Dumb stormtroopers, Kazaar smirked as he viewed the damage over his shoulder, I hate 'em all. Damned Empire.

"Can ya go any faster? We do have a psycho on our tail, ya know."

OOC: Geez this is what moving does to ya. Sorry for the delay.