View Full Version : Last weekend before Summer
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 28th, 2002, 03:28:48 PM
Well the numbers are in and here is the top 5
1 Scorpion King 17.6
2 Changing Lanes 9.0
3 Life or Something 6.7
4 Jason X 6.5
5 Murder By Numbers 6.3
This list should help you for next weekend if you decide to go into the Box office Contest gives you an idea what might be in the top 5.
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 28th, 2002, 04:49:05 PM
If anyone picks anything else other than Spiderman for No. 1, they need to be hit with a clue by 4
Apr 28th, 2002, 04:52:16 PM
"clue by 4" :lol
That took a second to sink it, but it paid off.
Apr 28th, 2002, 05:17:02 PM
Originally posted by Jedieb
"clue by 4" :lol
That took a second to sink it, but it paid off.
Care to explain? I didn't get it. :)
That is, I take it there is a pun.
Apr 28th, 2002, 05:24:14 PM
Instead of hitting someone with a "2 by 4", he uses a "clue by 4". It's just a play on words with 'two' and 'clue' having similiar sounds. So when someone says or does something particulary stupid Marcus would reward their cluelessness by hitting them with a "clue by 4", instead of a nice piece of lumber. You're killing this joke by making me explain it!:x
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 28th, 2002, 06:45:03 PM
:lol I agree with Marcus though Spiderman is going to be #1 the person who doesn't agree won't being doing well on this contest.
Apr 28th, 2002, 08:20:09 PM
Dude, no way, you are all crazy. Changing Lanes is going to increase 800% and make $80 million next weekend, totally annihilating Spider-Man by changing lanes!!! :)
Ok, well, maybe in a parallel universe, but back here in the good ol' Milky Way, Spider-Man is going to make about $65 to $70 million in three days, I say. It'll dive quickly the next weekend, but man oh man this opening is going to be off the hook. :D
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 28th, 2002, 08:26:27 PM
No dude its going to be Deuces Wild that movie is going to rock, no wait a minute I got it wrong its going to suck and bomb like the POC it probably is. Seriously though I think Spiderman will make at least 70 to 80 million for the weekend, it will probably take down the TLW record of 72 I really doubt it will beat HP's numbers that just won't happen. Still it could open as high as the low 80's and I agree it will probably drop 50% the following weekend just like RH2, POTA, TMR, PH and JP3 all did last year. I think it will end up with either Pearl Harbor numbers in the end to Rush Hour 2 numbers so basically 190-230.
We really need to start making predictions then in the Box Office thread and see who comes the closest to the gross I guess everybody is waiting for the first person to do it.
Apr 28th, 2002, 08:29:09 PM
Man...I'm not gonna make predictions till at least Thursday. :P I need to get a feel for the mid week numbers....
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 28th, 2002, 08:37:00 PM
Well I think I have Spiderman's guess, and I think I know what Scorpion king will do after that I am clueless, you got Deuces Wild which looks like crap and then you have that Life movie, Jason X (which probably won't be in the top 5) Murder By Numbers, Changing Lanes and Hollywood Ending which I doubt will be in the top 5 either (Woody Allen movies haven't open well in a long time). So really its going to be tough to me and I know I won't be the first to post the numers maybe Tuesday or Wed, I at least want to see the final numbers from this weekend, so I can make a better guess from the older movies. One thing we can all change the predictions, so if everybody does that is cool, we will just have to look over the thread to see if anybody did.
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 28th, 2002, 08:54:01 PM
There's no real competition for SpiderMan. Now, I doubt it will get close to HP, but Spiderman will be a strong opener, no doubt.
Apr 28th, 2002, 09:16:26 PM
I'd say somewhere in the 65-70M range would be about where I'd say Spidey will spin his web.
Apr 28th, 2002, 09:22:41 PM
That is what I said. A $75 million opening, though, really would not surprise me. I hear the film is tracking off the charts and everyone wants to see it practically. All of my friends are really looking forward to it, but I must admit everyone I know, not even Star Wars fans, basically consider it just a minor amusement in the way to getting to see AOTC.
Ben, Bryan, and Sean are not like huge Star Wars fans, but come on, all guys like Star Wars and they are just absolutely stoked about AOTC. Especially after all of the positive word of mouth so far and the totally amazing trailers. Bryan saw the last trailer and he asked me to play it again... then he asked me to play it yet one more time. Then again. Finally we had seen it 5 times just that night, lol.
He has been looking forward to Spider-Man a lot, he's probably the most excited of all of my friends for it, but everyone else seems to be just like, "Yeah Spider-Man will rule, but AOTC! I cannot wait." Hehe. That is me too, I will end up seeing Spider-Man probably 3 times, but once AOTC is out, that's it, that's my main focus. :)
I must agree, Deuces Wild just looks AWFUL. What is this trash? Please spare us. I dread having to see that trash.
Then there is this horrid piece of junk with Sandra Bullock coming out in early June I think it is, oh man oh man, that's when I just want to quit reviewing and grab the golf clubs again or something, haha. Stupid, stupid looking movie.
Apr 28th, 2002, 09:30:24 PM
Actually I'm just so so on "Spiderman", but I'm sure I'll see it anyways. The film other than AOTC that I wanna see is "Minority Report". Oh yeah. :)
Apr 28th, 2002, 09:49:55 PM
I'm not seeing anything until Mr.Deeds opens! :lol :lol :lol
Just kidding.
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 28th, 2002, 10:33:06 PM
Really the second movie that I am looking foward the most two is Signs that movie looks like it will be awesome. I am not sure about Minority Report, I mean I really like Spielberg's films but I am not a big Tom Cruise fan (I just find him too arogant and I hate when he pushes that sciencetology crap) so I don't know I will wait and see how the critics view it and stuff and decide from there.
Apr 29th, 2002, 07:31:19 AM
Cruise is a scientologist? Since when? Damn...
I love Tom Cruise, he is the man. He's one of the better actors around and Minority Report is absolutely going to kick butt. I've been waiting years for that movie too.
Signs looks great. The first trailer was pretty so-so, but you saw "M. Night Shyamalan" and that's automatically enough to be excited, then the second trailer was awesome. That's when I said, "Yup, that movie is going to rock!"
Mr. Deeds is going to be cool, hehe, I love Adam Sandler. The only film I never bothered to see was Little Nicky which I am sure sucked, but Big Daddy was good. I have seen it like three times and have it on DVD.
Apr 29th, 2002, 07:43:17 AM
Oh yeah Cruise is a huge scientologist. Not that it matters to has nothing to do with his films.
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 29th, 2002, 10:18:23 AM
Cruise is been a scientologist for years and sure it has not effected his films like maybe Travolta (Battlefield Earth) my main problem with Cruise is his ego, I just don't like him I guess, doesn't mean I won't watch a movie with him, I just wouldn't be going because its a Tom Cruise film.
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