View Full Version : Standing outside the Fire (Jedi Challenge)

Jared Mriad
Apr 28th, 2002, 01:24:37 AM
The Sith warrior strolled down a odd alleyway in a forgotten town. There was not a soul in sight that could be vanquished, yet, there was a force signature somewhere in the ghost town.

Jared turned out of the alley onto a road, glancing both directions he continued on left, stepping out of the way of a box or a lost part here and there. After a few minutes of treading, he became furious that the signature kept eluding him. Stopping in the middle of a square interection, the wind blowing through the abandoned buildings, he called out with a snarl;

"Enough! Show yourself!"

Apr 28th, 2002, 11:17:56 AM
As Jared speaks, a shuriken is thrown from the top of the building in front of him, the weapon imbedding itself into the hard packed dirt by the Sith. As he looks up, he spots a figure in a black trenchcoat that was the source of the Force signature.

"Looking for me?" Satine asks, igniting both of his pure black lightsabres, the onyx blades coming out of the hilt with a hiss.