View Full Version : Ticket question!
Admiral Lebron
Apr 26th, 2002, 08:17:07 PM
Has anyone else been able to buy tickets for May 16th showings yet?
Gurney Devries
Apr 26th, 2002, 08:22:13 PM
LV better have been able to! :mad
Admiral Lebron
Apr 26th, 2002, 08:25:10 PM
I've looked online but haven't been able to find anything and I want to make sure I'm not alone and that this isn't a product of my own stupidity. ACK! :mad
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 26th, 2002, 09:13:20 PM
I'm not sure if anybody can, I heard May 3rd but that was a rumor I doubt it would be later than the 10th, I guess we will just have to wait and see.
Figrin D'an
Apr 26th, 2002, 09:40:24 PM
With the exception of charity screenings, I don't think any tickets have been sold in North America... the worst part is that most theater chains haven't made any annoucements about advance ticket sales, so it's possible that they may not even know themselves yet.
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 26th, 2002, 09:45:25 PM
I think they are working on it, I think the problem is May 3 which has been rumored on for awhile. Fox wants to start it that day but the the theater owners don't because Spiderman opens that day and they think that would make it a nightmare. Also SWC2 starts the same day that means that some fans won't get an early chance to get tickets. I was thinking they might compromise and do it somewhere between 6-10 but that is just a guess on my part.
Master Yoghurt
Apr 27th, 2002, 12:43:40 PM
Well, I got my ticket a long time ago.
:: the forum collectively gives Yog an annoyed stare ::
Never mind :angel
Apr 27th, 2002, 06:43:39 PM
The 3rd would just suck, I would seriously be thinking Lucasfilm must be the stupidest company in existence to start selling tickets May 3. I would not even get opening day tickets yet I am standing in line for three days before the movie opens. How stupid would that be?!
Every super die-hard fan is going to be in Indianapolis, Indiana on May 3, so that would be a big F*** YOU to all of the fans who paid a lot of money to get tickets to go there and stay there for that long. I'm there from Thursday afternoon through Monday morning. I cannot wait, but still, it's a lot of time and money and I wouldn't want to be left out of getting tickets because Fox and LFL decided to make a super idiotic decision.
It should be one week before exactly, so Thursday the 9th. No other day. Thursday. It's not an opening day for any movie, it's a week early, it's perfect.
I could have a friend wait in line otherwise, I suppose, but that would suck because I want to do it myself. Last time I left it up to someone else because I was at school and he only got there like 30 minutes early. This time, if tickets go on sale at noon, I'll be there at 6 a.m. or whatever, but I'm not letting someone else steal my tickets. :)
Apr 27th, 2002, 07:17:09 PM
Every super die-hard fan is going to be in Indianapolis, Indiana on May 3...
I'm not going to be there. Are you saying that I'm not a die-hard fan???;)
Seriously though, I wanted to go badly, but I just couldn't have afforded it. I'll absolutely be at the next one though. It will be the last one for a new SW movie, so it would be terrible to miss it. I hope a whole bunch of us can get to the next one and have a mass swforums gathering. That would be uber cool!
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 27th, 2002, 07:42:21 PM
I here you JMK, I wish I could go too, but can't afford it right now. Hmm Jon and Jedieb are both going to be there I wonder if they will get together. We know three people on this board who are going who is else is going to SWC2?
As for the tickets I really think it will be somewhere between 6 which is the monday after the SWC2 to the 10th some guy in Michigan reported on though that it would be the 7th so who knows I think they are all guessing right now.
Apr 28th, 2002, 01:07:12 AM
Maybe I should venture a guess, then if I'm right I will become some "insider" or whatever ;)
Dangit, seriously, I don't really feel like standing in line forever to get tickets when I'm already waiting in line to get my seats. Oh well, I guess it's ok but I'd personally prefer NO advance ticket sales. Sell the darn things on Wednesday, May 15.
Nah I didn't mean you're not a die hard fan, I stated that poorly, I meant more like, "Most everyone who is going to be at the Celebration is a huge fan!" Unless of course perhaps they live in the area and are just going for a day for instance, but I mean most people who are there are going to be the huge fans, not like the casual fans who show up on SW forums a week early, leave a month later, etc. :)
The Celebration is going to be so fun, I'm totally excited about it. I will be at the third I am sure too, but next time I also want to go to a charity screening. I want to do everything for Episode III...
I really hope there is nothing stupid like a midterm or a quiz when I need to go to Celebration III or see Episode III. I mean, sorry, but I will flunk a class if I have to, school is very distant in my priorities compared to Star Wars. Nothing would stop me from being there opening day except like a giant earthquake that made it totally impossible for me to get there, lol.
I'm just glad I'm taking a semester off right now so I can really enjoy Episode II with all of my energy and not worry about anything else if I don't want to :) Unfortunately, I always worry about a lot else, lol.
Doc Milo
Apr 28th, 2002, 12:05:03 PM
If I remember correctly, tickets for TPM went on sale exactly one week early, on the 12th. So, I'd say Jon's demand that it be Thursday the week before is sort of like adhering to tradition :)
Apr 28th, 2002, 02:34:31 PM
Haha, yes, it is like a tradition.
Then again, THURSDAY?! WHAT?!?!?!?!?! ;)
No Star Wars movie opens THURSDAY! It's blasphemous. But that's ok, hehe, it's actually an extremely good move. You cannot open a movie on a Wednesday and expect 5 awesome days at the box office. Thursday WILL dip before Friday picks up and Saturday increases again. This way, you have that massive opening day come on Thursday, then followed immedialy by the first weekend day where everyone rushes to theaters for whatever is new, i.e. Episode II, and then Saturday where all of the kids are begging their parents to go see the film, plus Sunday, same thing.
No movie will ever have made so much in a four day period...
Jedi Master Carr
May 1st, 2002, 02:05:22 AM
So are they going on sale Friday?? Here is a theater chain saying they are
They could be speculating but it does give more evidence that it is the 3rd. I am going to call my local theaters tomorrow and see what they know, I need to know if I better get over there and get tickets, and I also want to know if any theater in my area is doing a midinight showing.
May 1st, 2002, 10:27:03 AM
All major theaters will do midnight showings...
When you have a line of anxious fans outside days early, you know you better give them the movie ASAP.
There is no evidence that any theater chain is allowed to sell on Friday, but these idiots might try it anyway. LFL will probably tell them not to, or already did, who knows. It is not going to be Friday.
LFL hasn't announced anything and it's Wednesday. They're not going to say, "Oh gee, btw, tickets go on sale tomorrow."
May 1st, 2002, 10:40:04 AM
It's mostly Fox's call on ticket distribution, since they are the ones handling the distribution chores.
I'm not sure where Wired got this info, but they seem to know already which digital theaters are playing AOTC.
From Trouz's post on CCnet's front page:
Okay, those lucky enough to have a digital theater nearby should check the following list to see if it is infact showing in their area:
looks like the cali kids are gonna be happy :)
Since we're having an all-day party in line at the theater we're seeing AOTC at, I'm okay if the tix aren't available till the day of, but I think that would be a PR problem. I've no doubt we'll hear something soon.
Figrin D'an
May 1st, 2002, 11:06:15 AM
My guess is that the ticket sales announcement will come this weekend, in conjunction with Celebration 2, and that tickets will go on sale a week before the premier.
We'll probably here something on Friday....
Jedi Master Carr
May 1st, 2002, 11:21:12 AM
I don't know I think Qui Gon is right it is Fox's call and if they want to sell them Friday they will sell them Friday they could care less about SWC2, they have nothing to do with it. The reason why I say this is everything points to it the announcement in the biggest theater chain in the Midwest, several other theaters have said it too (one in the NE and one in Pittsburgh, this is all according to board they have a thread on tickets), I tried calling one of my theaters today but there was nobody there, I am going to give it a couple of hours and call again, I will let everybody know if I hear anything new. And for those worried about going to the convention all you have to do is buy them online from sites like Fandango and others its probably easier to do it that way anyway.
Jedi Master Carr
May 1st, 2002, 11:37:21 AM
Here are some more reports, I just checked out that thread again here it is if you want to read it too According to them somebody from another forum has already reserved there tickets for tomorrow in Tennessee, and one of the guys in this thread has called a theater in Nashville and they confirmed it to them that they are going on sale Friday. Some of them are speculating that the theater chains don't want lines that is why there has been no announcement. Some think its because of post 9/11 stuff and the terrorists alert on Shopping Malls and stuff. It could also be because of Spiderman coming out and they figure if they don't announce they won't have huge amounts of people coming to buy them. This also fits in with other movies though, they did not announce when tickets were on sale for LOTR, HP, or Spiderman (I had to call to find out when they were selling LOTR tickets otherwise I never would have known) I am still going to call so maybe I will find out something for my area.
Jedi Master Carr
May 1st, 2002, 02:50:43 PM
Well I called several theaters and they have no clue but this was just released on
Just got off the phone with the manager of AMC 24 theatres in ********* at (3:02pm EST) and they confirmed that upper management has sent them an email TODAY to all theaters ( carrying the film ) that they can start selling tickets for episode 2 as early as 10AM Friday Morning at the AMC 24 location. They will announce tommorow what show times will be available starting May 16th.
I followed up with a quick call to Lucasfilm Public Relations at (3:12pm EST) and they confirmed that Thursday 5-2-02 that FOX will announce which theatres around the country will be granted the copies of the movie.
It seems that every theater has a different story on this, so you might want to check your local theater before camping out. But this is the story we're hearing most frequently.
So maybe we will know tomorrow, I have to say Fox is doing a bad job handling this, they should have worked out this stuff weeks ago.
May 1st, 2002, 03:40:24 PM
They have to figure out the best way to do it in order to generate the biggest amount of buzz amongst fans!
You're right though, this should have been figured out a long time ago. Alot of people are waiting on this and have vacation days to use in order to get these tickets.
May 1st, 2002, 06:31:27 PM
I just emailed my local famous players theater, but I read on their FAQ that they often begin selling tickets 7-10 days before the movie opens, but considering this is no ordinary movie, I asked if they've made any special arrangements for pre-sale. Hopefully they get back to me soon. :)
May 2nd, 2002, 08:40:07 AM
I got a newsletter from one AMC theater here and May 3rd is the day! Tickets on sale there tomorrow! I expect The theaters closer to me to follow suit! Looks like tomorrow will be the big day indeed, convention or no convention! :rollin
Jedi Master Carr
May 2nd, 2002, 09:46:49 AM
Fox is suppose to announce it today, though they haven't done it yet, I expect we will hear something from them very soon. I still fix Fox bungled this, they should have announce this on Monday really, unless they don't want people lining up.
Figrin D'an
May 2nd, 2002, 03:08:34 PM
I just checked with the big theatre chain in my area (Marcus Cinemas), and they are going to start selling tickets tomorrow morning as well... they just posted the info on their website about 10 minutes ago. Most other chains around the country seem to be going along with this.
This is going to really screw over those people going to C2, unless they have someone getting tickets for them...
May 2nd, 2002, 03:52:23 PM
I'm hoping that they'll go on sale tomorrow around me. I was gonna take tomorrow off of work and was thinking of checking out Spiderman, so I'll be at the theater anyway...
Jedi Master Carr
May 2nd, 2002, 04:46:34 PM
Still no announcement though, maybe the theater chains don't want to make one, as I said they didn't make one for LOTR or HP so who knows, I guess I will have to call my local theaters to find out. As far as people for the SWC2 they could always buy them on Fandango or another online site.
Admiral Lebron
May 2nd, 2002, 04:54:04 PM
Tomorrow as in Midnight today? Or tomorrow as in like 10AM Es. 7 AM Pst?
Jedi Master Carr
May 2nd, 2002, 05:17:23 PM
AMC posted something like 10AM for theres. Well it looks like its up to each theater when to sell them because I called two of the four theaters in my area (the other two don't sell them in advance) and one told me no and I mentioned AMC and she went to talk to the manager and came back and still said no. (I guess I shouldn't be surprised with them because they have gone downhill since Carmacle sold them) then I called Regal and they didn't think they were going on sale tomorrow they think its going to be Wednesday. Man its so frustrating, I guess I will have to ask the Regal people when I go see Spiderman Saturday maybe they will be selling them. I think what is they don't want to sell them with Spiderman coming out, they don't mind doing it Monday or Wed but they don't think they can handle the amount of people at the ticket line with Spiderman just hitting theaters, this could be why there is no announcement.
May 2nd, 2002, 07:00:20 PM
Dare I ask my mother-in-law to get me AOTC tickets? My wife says no, what do you guys say?;)
May 2nd, 2002, 08:30:18 PM depends on your relationship with your mother in law. Only you know that. :)
Jedi Master Carr
May 2nd, 2002, 09:11:07 PM
Are they selling tickets at all the theaters in your area, Jedieb? I know some theaters are not selling them tomorrow they aren't in my area:(
May 2nd, 2002, 09:40:32 PM
I say that or
Admiral Lebron
May 3rd, 2002, 04:17:05 AM
Just after six AM Est. Time here, no tickets on sale yet. I'll check again from school at 10.
May 3rd, 2002, 07:05:39 AM
I just checked online for my local theaters - nothing yet... I am heading over there later to catch a Spiderman matinee, so I'll ask then...
Jedi Master Carr
May 3rd, 2002, 08:48:59 AM
I am going to see Spiderman tomorrow so I will find out about it as well then.
May 3rd, 2002, 08:56:31 AM
Here's the reply I got from my local cinema:
Dear Kyle,
Thank you for your inquiry. Please be advised we are still in the works of creating a plan for advanced ticketing options for Star Wars Episode 2, however we do not have any details at this time and will not have those until closer to the date. Please inquire closer to the date for further details.
Bilkees Khan
Guest Services
Closer? How much closer do they want to get? :\
Figrin D'an
May 3rd, 2002, 09:05:31 AM
I just got my tickets... midnight premier and a Thursday evening show. The box office opened at 9AM... there were about 100 people or so, I was about the 15th person in line, and I got there a little after 6AM.
Despite that the local theater chain (Marcus Cinemas) initially said that no tickets would be available until 9AM this morning, I saw tickets up on late last night... somebody screwed up. Fortunately, it really didn't matter... the tickets went up on the site so late in the evening that only a few people noticed and bought them right away.
Anyway.... I've got my tickets, that's all that matters.
Jedi Master Carr
May 3rd, 2002, 09:22:47 AM
JMK on read on message board that tickets will be available on Monday in Canada for the Famous Players theaters maybe that is what they meant by closer.
May 3rd, 2002, 10:36:15 AM
Really? I haven't been to TF.N in a while since it's getting close and I really don't want to risk any more spoilers. But if you say that you saw monday, I'll start asking questions and making arrangements!
Jedi Master Carr
May 3rd, 2002, 11:43:02 AM
I've mostly just been checking out that ticket thread, I bookmarked it and been seeing whats going on also has a list of all theaters currently selling tickets here, it covers just the US so far and is dominated by AMC so far and a few other chains like Marcus and Carmike.
Doc Milo
May 3rd, 2002, 01:29:51 PM
Darnit! I have to wait to see if my day off is approved before I can buy tickets! Plus, I went online to, and It doesn't have advanced sales for AotC yet -- the furtherst date they have is May 11. At, I get a listing of theaters, but each one doesn't have them available for sale online. Don't know if they are available at the boxoffice though. Doesn't pay to make the trip until I know if I have the day off. (The show I want to go to, the one I went to for TPM, is at 9PM -- I work nights, so I need the night off. If I want to go during the day, I have to go alone . . . I hate going to the movies alone . . .)
Jedi Master Carr
May 4th, 2002, 06:16:38 PM
I got my tickets today, yeah no midnight showing but I got the earliest show I could get on Tuesday, you may want to call or go to the theater because the same theater told me Wednesday (the guy probably just didn't know) I was lucky I found out if I came back Wed it probably would have been sold out.
May 5th, 2002, 01:28:59 PM
YES!!! I got my tickets! Midnight showing on the 16th, and then again at 10 AM. I'm debating if I should purchase more tickets online for Friday/weekend shows, or if I should just wait at the box office...
Jedi Master Carr
May 5th, 2002, 03:01:20 PM
How many tickets were sold at your theater for the midnight showing, Darth? At mine it was only 10 for the show I got but I think that is because nobody knew about Regal kept telling people Wed so nobody went to get them that is what I am guessing happened.
May 5th, 2002, 04:04:47 PM
I am very frustrated about the Episode II treatment so far. No Midnight Madness at TRU in Oregon, while last time ALL of them opened up then, and now...
I am here in Indy and I find out they are selling tickets already, which does NOT make me happy. In fact, it was rotten. Extremely inconsiderate of the fans, so LFL should have held them off until next week like last time!
Anyway, that's not what makes me mad really, or not the main thing.
There are NO midnight showings in Portland apparently despite the huge SW population we have and the fact that last time every major theater had midnight showings. Every one of them. Now we get ZERO?! What? I hope that is a Fandango mistake or something, like perhaps they will add midnight showings later...?
I am not really sure what is up, but I will go complain as soon as I get back because this is absurd. You think that's the worst part? HA! No, in the larger scheme of things, it's not even the worst part.
The most incredibly mind-boggling fact here, and I am not kidding you, is that Movies on TV 16 (yes, 16 screens) is playing AOTC on ONE theater screen. Same with Evergreen Parkway 13, my local theater. Now last time, both started with 2 screens, of course, and that did not even come close to meeting demand. Sold out, all showings, all days for five straight days at Evergreen. It's a very populated area anyway. So this time they have HALF as much supply to meet equal demand basically? That's a really lame idea.
Apparently the specific manager of Tigard Cinemas 11 realizes how STUPID these two theaters are being, though, as they have a mind-numbing 25 showings of AOTC per day on 5 of their screens -- one away from being able to say "a majority of screens at Tigard are playing Star Wars," which is pretty dang cool.
Tigard is not that far, it's about 1/4 mile from my best friend's house, so... hehe, maybe I'll be visiting him even more than normal (normal = 4 times per week in the summer, haha).
So seriously, what gives here? Most theaters in the city I looked at had only one single screen playing AOTC. Just a guess here, but I think they are going to want to amend that situation quickly.
So get this... my local theater, Evergreen, is sold out of 10 a.m. tickets, so I had to buy them to Movies on TV at 10 a.m., which is a solid 30 to 35 minutes away. I want to camp out still, so that means adding an extra night to my wait, which I will do because one single screen is going to be madness, and then it also means driving an hour (each way) each day just to get a shower and take a dump and run my online business. So that leaves 2 to 2.5 hours out of line per day, which is really lame actually. I would rather not be out that much. Evergreen is so much closer.
Anyways, cutting to the point, here are my pre-purchased tickets:
10 a.m. -- 5 tickets (best friend, a girl friend of his, not to be confused with his actual girlfriend, a friend of mine, and potentially someone else, otherwise I have a wasted ticket...).
4:10 p.m. -- 1 ticket, back to Evergreen for this one...
10:45 -- 1 ticket, again at Evergreen.
The space between is so that I can line up long enough to get decent seats at each screening.
Jedi Master Carr
May 5th, 2002, 05:43:51 PM
They could be just selling advance tickets to some showtimes they might not know yet how many reels they will be getting, that is my guess because the best theater in this area, the Regal 20 is only have listings for one screen (though I think Regal are just selling a few tickets to keep people quite) I be shocked if it wasn't on at least 2 screens perhaps 3. So they might be adding screens as the week progresses. Really this is not LFL's fault though, Fox is handling all of this and I think they messed up, for some reason they wanted to start selling them this weekend and that is why so much of it is unclear.
May 5th, 2002, 06:47:52 PM
I'll be working on that AFI film when AOTC I probably won't see it for it's first week or so.
May 5th, 2002, 09:01:04 PM
Originally posted by Jedi Master Carr
How many tickets were sold at your theater for the midnight showing, Darth?
Since I got them online I don't know how many were sold yet, but last I checked, seats are still available. I'm guessing tomorrow a lot of the stuff will start selling, since I'm guessing that a lot of people will be on their computers more during the week - I don't actually do all that much surfing on the weekend...
I did find it strange though, that the 2 major theaters here (both of which have at least 20 screens apiece) only have one screen set up for AOTC so far. That will probably change of course, but still a little surprising.
Jedi Master Carr
May 5th, 2002, 09:27:18 PM
I am thinking that it is because they were hit kind of quick with it and decided just to sell some tickets and probably starting announcing more showtimes later the closer we get to EP 2, I still Fox bungled this whole thing it should never had been this unorginized.
Doc Milo
May 6th, 2002, 02:08:19 PM
Well, I finally convinced my fiance to go see it with me. She's off on Thursdays, and I'm off in the afternoon, so we're going to a 10 AM showing. (Just have to go get tickets today.) I just called the theater -- United Artists Westbury, Stadium seating -- and they have tickets available for 12midnight (which they call the 15th but is actually the 16th -- just that it's the last showing of the day for Wednesday, before they close business on the 15th, so they call it the 15th rather than the 16th (This actually confused some people on another board -- they seem to think they're seeing it a day before everyone else!) and for all other times, 10AM 1230PM etc...
It seemed from the times they gave me that they are only pre-selling one screen as well... They will probably have it on more, I would guess. This theater is not selling them online, either -- I checked. A lot of other UA theaters in the neighborhood have online sales, but not this one. Oh, well... means I have to make the trip to the theater...
May 6th, 2002, 03:32:41 PM
Hey Doc, did that replace the Westbury Drive-in? When I moved, they were still debating tearing it down and putting up a new theater, but I never figured out what came of that... I had only seen one or two movies there (I usually would go to the Syosset theaters), but it was neat having the drive-in around - would have been neat to see SW there...
May 6th, 2002, 06:16:05 PM
I've been dogging my local theater for days now, and I even got a direct line phone number to the offices instead of that automated garbage that always gives the runaround. I couldn't get an answer from them at all until a couple hours ago when they said that the tickets will go on sale either thurday or friday.
May 6th, 2002, 06:54:54 PM
Can you feel that baby, huh? CAN YOU FEEL THAT BABY!!! (Jedieb screams as he performs vigorous hip thrusts against the evil forces that conspired to keep him from the midnight showing.)
May 6th, 2002, 06:59:44 PM
Student huh? Jedieb, you're not blowing smoke up the collective butts of the theater owners are you? ;)
May 6th, 2002, 07:36:01 PM
I have absolutely no idea why they charged me the student rate. Actually, now that I think about it, I may have still been wearing my ID badge from school. So I might have gotten the student rate because I'm a teacher. Or maybe my boyish good looks still fool people into thinking I'm a student? o_O
Admiral Lebron
May 6th, 2002, 07:41:15 PM
I have 7 PM Opening day. I wanted AM, but the nearest Midnight showing is in DC...And my parents find it to far away.
May 6th, 2002, 07:55:47 PM
You're close to DC, I'm in SW Virginia. Where are you Lebron?
Doc Milo
May 6th, 2002, 11:42:57 PM
Hey Doc, did that replace the Westbury Drive-in?
I have no idea. Never been to the drive-in. It might have. This one is located off of Jericho Turnpike on Broadhollow Road, near the LIE -- if that helps?
May 7th, 2002, 02:52:09 AM
Like Jedieb, I am now a very very happy camper.
I got my midnight tickets today, right when I got back from Indy. I drove to Evergreen after my plane got in, then despite the fact that you cannot buy the tickets online, they are not advertised, they do not appear in the flyer at the box office, if you go up there and ASK for them, you can get them. It's just they aren't letting people know, so you have to ask specifically. They'll sell out easily, though, and as the time draws closer they will probably figure out how many screens they are giving the movie.
Right now Evergreen still only has one screen apparently, lol.
I have so so many tickets, darnit, I'm helping AOTC against Spider-Man and Titanic even when I'm not in the theater! LOL. I got 7 tickets to the midnight showing, 5 to the 10 a.m. showing that I don't even really want now, 1 to the 4:20, 1 to the 10:45, so that is 4 showings opening day. Man oh man. Not that it's too much, not at all, because I gotta get my head start to 75 showings or something ;) But still, it was my mistake not being patient and snatching up those 5 tickets to the 10 a.m. showing. Whoops... See it's at a theater that is farther away and I don't even want to go there, too damn far, so I may go there and give them away sometime this week. I mean, I am sure some people would just love to have them...
According to that same firm as last time, Challenger, Gray, and Christmas, Episode II will cause $319 million in lost wages. lol.
Admiral Lebron
May 7th, 2002, 05:58:30 AM
In up north in the south part of Prince William County. Near the Potomac.
May 7th, 2002, 08:27:06 AM
Ah, the northern part of the state. I kinda wish I could trade places with ya.
Jon, has your butt expanded so much that you need extra seats or are you buying tickets for friends? ;)
May 7th, 2002, 08:27:40 AM
Originally posted by Doc Milo
I have no idea. Never been to the drive-in. It might have. This one is located off of Jericho Turnpike on Broadhollow Road, near the LIE -- if that helps?
Yeah - that probably replaced it... Nobody went there anymore anyway... They probably tore it down 5 or 6 years ago.
I've got tixx to 4 showings in the first two days. Unfortunately, the better half can't get out of work those days, so I'm going solo, but I got no problem with that. I'm going at midnight, 10AM, and 1:30PM on the 16th, and then at 10AM again on the 17th with my office. So I'm doing my small part to help AOTC beat Spiderman's opening...
May 7th, 2002, 08:38:03 AM
I'll be solo on Wed. night as well, but I'm dragging the boy with me on Saturday or Sunday. I'd take the whole family but my little girl is just a year old and she'd never be able to sit through the whole thing. My wife is probably grateful for that. She's evil sometimes.
Jedi Master Carr
May 7th, 2002, 10:32:23 AM
I am going with some friends on Thursday then I am going with my nephew Saturday to see it again. And it looks Jon is single handedly trying to make AOTC top Spidermanm :p
Admiral Lebron
May 7th, 2002, 04:50:03 PM
I wouldn't mind living down south. No malls... No 10 some-odd movie theaters in ten minutes drive. No traffic! I'm going once Opening day, Once Friday, and maybe once Saturday.
May 7th, 2002, 06:11:41 PM
My plan is to see it at midnight, on thursday only if my girlfriend is working, on friday, and all weekend, at least once a day for a total of 5 times from wednesday midnight-sunday.
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