View Full Version : What scares you?
Mu Satach
Apr 26th, 2002, 04:38:48 PM
Just curious... what get's your heart jumping in your everyday world?
Apr 26th, 2002, 04:49:46 PM
I wouldnt say Im SCARED of anything, but I dislike standing over drops(not heights mind). Im bad getting on downwards escalators because of this :)
Apr 26th, 2002, 05:22:42 PM
Santa Claus. Oh, and eye doctors.
And I really really really hate spiders. Borderline arachniphobia.
Apr 26th, 2002, 05:32:26 PM
Nathanial K'cansce
Apr 26th, 2002, 05:45:30 PM
Bees and people with a sweetooth..
Admiral Lebron
Apr 26th, 2002, 05:48:50 PM
The only thing I really find uneasy is the dark. And women.
Apr 26th, 2002, 06:08:55 PM
Well for me right now it's moving away from where I am, clowns, and Bees/Wasps.
Lady Vader
Apr 26th, 2002, 06:31:42 PM
I honestly don't know what I'm afraid of. o_O
Gav Mortis
Apr 26th, 2002, 06:47:30 PM
Originally posted by Mu Satach
Just curious... what get's your heart jumping in your everyday world?
Being alone, never finding love.
Apr 26th, 2002, 08:19:40 PM
I'm scared of drowning, deep water, undercurrents, waves, etc.
I'm afraid of failing in life.
Gurney Devries
Apr 26th, 2002, 08:25:40 PM
I get uneasy around heights. It's not a fear, mind - I'm planning on going skydiving soon. I just have strong self-preservation instincts when around a ledge.
Darth Lynch
Apr 26th, 2002, 08:26:58 PM
I'm scared that I was going to post a topic like this at TSE asking people what their phobias were and came here to see a similar topic already made
I always wanted to fly, problem is do suffer from a mild case of vertigo :lol
Mostly at low heights, high heights no problem.
Sumor Rayial
Apr 26th, 2002, 08:31:23 PM
I'm scared of drowning, deep water, undercurrents, waves, etc.
Isn't that kinda ironic given your character pics?
As for me....
Death and all things closely related.
Basically that means that unless I'm unconcious or seriously hurt you won't find me in a hospital, and unless I'm dead you won't find me in a graveyard.
Some exceptions have been made for family members or close friends, but I didn't stay a second longer than I had to in either of those two areas though.
Apr 26th, 2002, 09:10:41 PM
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 26th, 2002, 09:12:02 PM
Morgan Evanar
Apr 26th, 2002, 09:37:30 PM
Commitment? I'm not really sure.
Jedi Master Leia Solo
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:10:33 PM
Probably what's going on in the middle east..the whole thing I just don't like WAR!!
Darth Viscera
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:24:41 PM
Like Fett, drops (it's hard to walk down stairs if I feel they're too steep), heights, arachnids, nuclear war, being alone, christmas trees, failing in life, walking in front of the barrel of a loaded cannon, dad, crawfish and extreme violations of privacy. Also smokers and a social situation where a trusted friend oversteps their bounds. Also I'm afraid of being stabbed.
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:26:35 PM
Couldn't resist this one.I'm afraid That one day I'll not be as awesome as I am now. To look in the mirror and look like the average joe:( That truely scares the Crap out of me.But than agian MAYbe My IQ would skyrocket:D
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 26th, 2002, 11:14:10 PM
But Buff, you are so ravishing! ;)
Anyway. I'm afraid of heights and falling from them. I am afraid of rollercoasters with big drops in them. I am afraid of failing my family, and I am afraid of relationships...not necessarily commitment, but afraid of being hurt.
Vinny Red
Apr 26th, 2002, 11:27:27 PM
What scares me? Nothing, i'm a man and not allowed to be scared of things!!!
I'd say heights, but it's not heights because i love roller coasters and that sort of thing. It's like when i'm on a ferris wheel
* shudders *
That and not being in control of certain situations. There are sometimes that I just don't trust others with my life and that sort of thing, if that makes any sense whatsoever.
Jedah scares me too. he's one crazy mofo
Apr 27th, 2002, 12:34:01 AM
People. People scare me. In fact all of you scare me. Bad experieces... being picked on, threatened, lied to, everything negative in my life IRL or online clumps and has made it deeper. It takes restraint to not be misanthropic 24-7. Others who have no idea of this and thusly have no respect for it tend to get on my defensive side. An honest mass-killer has more respect from me than a law-abiding, bible-toting liar. Human beings are the worst creatures. If I had to be stuck with either a room full of wolves or the bunch of you, I'd honestly have a hard time not choosing the wolves.
It's nothing personal, mind you-- well for most of you anyway. :D I hate all people (yes that includes me) and have a difficult time functioning because of it. That fear snowballs itself into many bad things such as depression and self-multilation. So my biggest fear in a nutshell would probably be all of you. :mneh
There's tons of things I don't like but compared to that fear and the torture I live through because I can't get over it, everything pales in comparsion.
You probably wanted something more light-hearted than that, but too fracking bad. :lol
Live Wire
Apr 27th, 2002, 12:42:56 AM
Spiders...but Im learning to overcome that one.
I have an irrational fear of fire. Its not like I cant be around fire cause I love having bonfires at the beach and having a fire in the fireplace but its raging out of control fires. Okay basically its the house burning down.
Definately afraid of flying but I will have to face that one in july.
Im afraid of heights. Not like being on a rollercoaster or in an elevator but lets just say you wont find me standing on any high ledges or going mountain climbing.
And Im afraid that I wont have the courage to do what I most want to do. Im afraid I lack the courage to be true to myself and not conform to what others expect me to be.
Alec Lafeyette
Apr 27th, 2002, 07:27:23 AM
I'm not afraid of heights, it's actually really neat to be flying, I'm just afraid of falling. :p
Garrett Blade
Apr 27th, 2002, 09:56:23 AM
I can't think of anything off the top of my head that I'm truly afraid of. I suppose I'm kinda scared of aliens (from the film of the same name) since I had constant nightmares for a year when I was seven. After the nightmares, I was hooked on them. I'm still scared of them, but I enjoy the scares. :p
Other than that, I'm not necessarily afraid of anything. I've already been hurt by a girl, so that doesn't scare me anymore, really. I used to be afraid of talking to girls, but I'm fine with that now. I'm sort of afraid of letting my parents down and not becoming a director - but I'm so confident in myself (some would say big headed) that I know that I'll come out on top.
As for things such as death or being hurt. I don't know when or if those things are going to happen, so I ted not to think about them and therefore don't fear them.
Trivially, the thing I fear at the moment os being knocked back from the Krazyhouse this evening for not having any ID. :D
Sia-Lan Darkheart
Apr 27th, 2002, 10:15:59 AM
What scares me?? Normal People.
What really scares me?? death. Of any one.
Inabrin Tain
Apr 27th, 2002, 10:50:19 AM
Ahh yes, the fall of the British Empire.
*Leaves the thread to consolidate what little power he has left on the African continent*
Sanis Prent
Apr 27th, 2002, 11:17:53 AM
No. The aliens I fear aren't the H.R. Gieger monstrosities. I fear the real aliens. You know...the greys. Lithe, spindly little forms with bulbous heads, huge, black almond shaped eyes, slitted nostrils and tiny mouths. The ones with really creepy looking spidery fingers that abduct/experiment/torture/implant people.
I'm not kidding, unfortunately. I have an all-paralyzing and completely mortifying fear of that prospect, and have dealt with it all my life. I can't count the nights that I've stayed awake in my room, terrified, knowing that any moment, I'd see that blue light in my window, be unable to move, and suddenly my door would swing open to reveal one of THEM, as I was helplessly levitated off my bed and into their ship.
I am not afraid of many things at all. I'm not afraid to die. Not afraid to be shot, fall, etc. Maybe a little fearful of drowning, but nothing paralyzing. But for some reason....aliens MORTIFY me. I would likely die from my fear before they could do anything to me.
Apr 27th, 2002, 11:27:17 AM
What am I scared of? Let's see.. There is a long list of things..
I'm claustrophobic, first of all -- that means I'm scared of enclosed spaces. Elevators make me nervous, and dance clubs? You ever see someone go into a panic attack?
I'm afraid of flying in planes... Ever since I was little, planes have scared me. Maybe it's because I like to be in control of my own life. I don't like riding in a car with someone else driving, and I don't like the thought of being thousands of feet up in the air with someone else commanding my fate. Honestly, my doctor is prescribing me Zanex for my honeymoon.. since I can't get on the plane without some sort of tranquilizer.
I'm scared of losing those close to me. My parents, my best friends, my future husband. I always tell people to be careful because I don't know what I'd do if I lost them.
I'm afraid of the dark.. Yes.. I know. I sleep with a nightlight on most of the time. Kill the laughter.
I'm afraid of rollercoasters. Actually.. not really rollercoasters themselves.. but the feeling that I'm falling straight down kills me.. So I can't go on any of those damn rides like Tower of Terror. And trust me.. people have tried to get me to go on them.. They've gotten seriously hurt.
I'll think of more later :)
Inabrin Tain
Apr 27th, 2002, 01:22:40 PM
;;Returns to the thread, removes pith helmet, wipes dust from forehead and puts the kettle on;;
Well, yea, I suppose my biggest fear is, like the man said, not being in controll, makes me all paranoid, flying especially, unless its my dad flying the plane in question, in that case its completely fine.
Also, religious extreamists (any religion) freak me out a little.
And the grand finale, getting buried alive.
Apr 27th, 2002, 03:36:29 PM
Large Groups of people.
I also DO sleep with some form of light on at night, but I can't really conect that to any one fear. In fact im not really scared I just find it hard to sleep. May have to do with the fact that Im a night owl and sleep during the day most of the time.
Apr 27th, 2002, 03:40:24 PM
Oh and i can tell you one thing im not scared off........that's Ghosts. I mean the real ones(If you believe that) I'll spend all night in Graveyards that people have seen things just so I can see it too.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 27th, 2002, 04:11:07 PM
Just to expound a little.
Santa Claus - yeah, I still don't like the guy, but I'm not as full of absolute fear and dread of the man as I used to be.
Eye Doctors - I hate the feel of having strange men poking me in the eyes and getting so close to my face.
Spiders - ok, I hate spiders, simple as that. Spiders and I go a long way back. When I used to live in Florida, we had these huge wolf spiders that were as big as my hand, and it never failed that when it was my turn to clean out the pool filter, I'd take the top off and there'd be 5 of those nasty buggers crawling all over themselves trying to get out. And then my dad rented Arachniphobia which certainly didn't help my mental state. In Cali, we had Black Widows all over the place, and in Nevada, Brown Recluses. But now, in Seattle, I'm thankfully spider-free.
My dad - Well, I'm not afraid of my dad in any sense of the word, I'm afraid of ending up like him; condemning, arrogant, pridefull, untrustworthy, and unable to take responsibility for his actions. There's much more to that drama, but I don't want to get into it right now.
Losing a limb - I'd go bonkers if I lost an arm, hand, leg, foot. I don't know whay, but it just scares me.
Being annoying - I've had this one for awhile. I've always been afraid of being that one person in the group who is annoying, and no one knows why they're hanging around still.
And did anyone hear about or see that painting that used to be up on Ebay? The supposedly haunted one with the boy and the girl? That one freaked me out big time. The srange thing about it though is that I didn't get scared of it until a day later. I was asleep on my couch the next night when I woke up, and I had that paralizing fear going through me, and I swore that either one or both of those little kids was in the same room.
I'm not really afraid of dying, though, and I actually enjoy the dark. I love to fly, too; especially the landing and taking off parts, those are the best :)
Garrett Blade
Apr 27th, 2002, 04:56:31 PM
Since I'm making this post at 4 minutes to midnight, it must mean one of my fears has come true! Can you guess which one? :p
Apr 27th, 2002, 05:08:14 PM
You didn't have your ID and got kicked out of the Krazyhouse?
Bel, I am the same exact way about rollercoasters. Charley swears he's going to get me on one..I think I'll just watch everyone else. :D (oh and btw HI BEL! :))
I am afraid also of fire and knives, unless *I* am the one controlling them. Pocket knives freak me out, unless I'm holding it.
Apr 27th, 2002, 06:07:42 PM
I'll add some:
People breaking into my house--This is why I sleep with a nice long sword by my bed
silence--I sleep with ym CD player going because of this
Silence AND Darkness at once--which is why I sleep with my lamp and CD player on (I know I repeated half of that, but I'm too lazy to go back and erase that other one. :))
Alec Lafeyette
Apr 27th, 2002, 07:42:26 PM
I'm afraid of the same thing sIl. You basically described my dad right there and I'd hate to turn out to be anything like him.
Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 27th, 2002, 07:46:30 PM
I have a fear of Hell, not of death, but of Hell itself. I think about burny agony multiplied by a billion times for all enternity. Now that frieghtens me into a cold sweat and I thank God that Jesus was sent back to save me from that..
I also fear Zombies. I video games I can stand any type of terrorzing monster, but have a zombie... AHHHHHHHHHH I freeze up in the game I am playing. Then I run into a corner and hide. IN A VIDEO GAME!!! I could Never play Resident Evil. Replace the Zombies with Aliens, I can deal with them piece meal. But the moan, akward walk... I GOT FREAKED BY ZOMBIE RODENTS IN CONQUERS BAD FUR DAY!!!
I also High Cliffs without Railing. I can deal with things with railings, can deal with airplanes, but not just sudden drop offs with nothing to grab if you slip.
My most mudane fear is rejection, I hate it, its what keeps me from doing new things. Keeps me a Slacker it does.
Gav Mortis
Apr 27th, 2002, 08:43:39 PM
You didn't miss much, Peter, believe me. :\
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Apr 27th, 2002, 11:28:11 PM
I don't really have any fears that I can think of, I'm not afraid of heights, flying, spiders, snakes and or reptiles, mice, claustropobia or any of the fears most ppl have.....I can't honestly think of one thing I'm afraid of........
Master Yoghurt
Apr 28th, 2002, 12:20:22 AM
Well, there are some situations I would find discomforting:
Extremely small spaces. The thought of getting stuck and not being able to get out, frightens me a bit. Or even worse, when I have the irrational feeling it could collapse and I get burried. When I was a kid, I used to climb through some very narrow caves. I would not call it a phobia though, just a discomforting scenario.
Standing next to a ledge. The selfpreservation instinct Gurney described. I dont fear heights in general. It depends on the situation and how safe I feel. It is the fear of falling rather than the height itself. I absolutely love roller coasters for example, but find ferrie wheels somewhat creepy (I do enjoy them though). Flying, elevators or being on top of tall buildings is ok as well.
Spiders. I dont mind most critters and bugs, but spiders I dont like. Especially if they are agressive, huge and with giant fangs. Usually, I am not more phobiac than to find a sheet of paper to throw them out (depends on the spider). You could say I am a bit like the budhist monks. I respect all life forms, even though I dont like them much. After all, they are important part of the ecosystem.
Fear of drowning. I love swimming and diving, but the thought of getting trapped somehow, not being able to get fresh air freaks me out. Nighmare scenario: Houdini's Water Torture Chamber.
Gurney Devries
Apr 28th, 2002, 12:22:10 AM
The only spiders that scare me are the ones in Thief / System Shock 2.
That weird gurgling sound they make scares the bejeezus out of me.
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 28th, 2002, 12:23:45 AM
Has anyone watched "Fear Factor" on...I forget what channel its on. Yoghurt, you said Houdini's water Chamber, and that is what made me think of it. They put people in one of those once! The person who held their breath the longest won $10,000.
I was going to apply to be on the show. But i'm chicken...that and I don't have a video camera.
Master Yoghurt
Apr 28th, 2002, 12:45:37 AM
They have a Norwegian version of Fear Factor. Here some examples of contests:
* Eating a bowl of thumb size worms
* Climbing on the side of a trailer while in motion
* Balancing on a beam 50 meters up into the air
* Getting huge tarantula spiders dropped over your body. Some times rats.
I have only watched the show briefly, there are probably lots of more nasty challenges.
Deiim Ash
Apr 28th, 2002, 01:02:02 AM
Fear Factor is on NBC at 8pm mondays here in California. The winner wins $50,000 not $10,000. Great show! Watch it religiously after wrasslins Monday Night Raw.
I do not fear bugs because I have a small collection of tarantulas... centipedes that measure nearly a foot long from Peru and Asia that can eat small dogs :lol .... and some scorpions. My RL girlfriend is super cool about this. She's a trooper! ;)
What I fear is failure, BTW!
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 28th, 2002, 01:19:14 AM
You're right Deiim. My bad! I thought it was NBC!
Yeah they had one where the contestants had to eat two boiled bull testicles. The women couldn't do it, but the guys managed to. One female contestant said, after giving up (they had to do it in three minutes or something and those suckers were HUGE) "If I had to imagine what a testicle would taste like, THAT would be it!"
Hehe I'd go on it if they didn't have the gross eating icky live things part. :)
Deiim Ash
Apr 28th, 2002, 01:24:53 AM
For $50,000 that would convince me to do many things. I think I could do the gross stuff. However last week it was bung (pork rectum).
Ewwww...... *Yarg*
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 28th, 2002, 01:35:23 AM
I could do EVERYTHING else, but not eat raw live things. :x
Syrius Cline
Apr 28th, 2002, 02:05:32 AM
I'm not afriad of anything. Really.
BTW, I watched that perticular Fear Factor. I beat the guy that won in holding my breath. I was doing it while he was, to see if I would have won. Of course, being upside down wouldn't help matters...
Almost all of my family members have seen ghosts. Or SUPPOSEDLY. I'm not so sure if they exist.
I wouldn't mind being abducted. Even if whatever they did to me hurt, I'd still would see something no one else has.
I'm not afraid of heights at all. One time I was up on a roof helping my dad in roofing(he's a builder). I carried roughly 20 bags of 80 pounds shingle loads, walking near the edge of the roof. So I'm not scared of that, I'm sure of it. Also, my dad once fell of a roof, hit his head on a load of bricks, and refused pain reducing drugs at the hospital... I guess I inherited something from him. He's one tough cookie.
But girls.... well, they're not so scary. I actually walked about 70 yards, through a field, cold turkey, to ask out one. In a one on one manner, I'll have you know. I asked her out immediantly too. It's not so bad... but that does get my heart racing more than anything.
Apr 28th, 2002, 06:50:47 PM
"""""Eye Doctors - I hate the feel of having strange men poking me in the eyes and getting so close to my face. """""
That's really funny considering I'm marrying one.. :)... He's not so bad.. Really, I promise
Edit: Hyphenated.. All you people with new names... Who are you ??? !!!! LOL
Gurney Devries
Apr 28th, 2002, 07:01:26 PM
Hyphenated would be Lady De'Ville.
Alec Lafeyette
Apr 28th, 2002, 07:37:02 PM
Oh and seeing how there's a severe thunderstorm over my head right about now, I'm afraid of that too. :|
It's wierd because I know a lot about it, know that I'm safe inside a house, and I'm not even scared of being hurt by lightning. It's just natural for me to freak out when I see real lightning. (anything in tv or a movie doesn't bother me)
Admiral Lebron
Apr 28th, 2002, 07:44:20 PM
I'm not scared of lightning much anymore, since when I was 13 or so me and my friend went out in a thunderstorm down to a lake and had boats and sailed them...then the storm came and we didn't feel like leaving.
Alec Lafeyette
Apr 28th, 2002, 07:58:14 PM
Yeah it's a good idea. I'm not as afraid as I used to be when I was around that age, but I think I'm gonna get rid of the fear completely this summer when a huge storm comes my way. :smokin
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 28th, 2002, 11:17:16 PM
Itsa mee! Maario! OKay, yeah, I'm Hyphenated. :D Ain't I a beaut'? :p
Deiim Ash
Apr 29th, 2002, 12:55:43 AM
Yeah I have to admit Lilaena is a hot babe! ;)
But ... but what I really want to know ... is ... ah .... have you ever been hyphenated? Weelll aiiiiiiiiiii... am! :lol
*Don't mind me, haven't had my medication yet*
Mu Satach
Apr 29th, 2002, 02:16:57 PM
hmmm... I guess since I started this thread I should mention what I'm afraid of... :)
being buried alive... or dying and still being concious of what is happening to my body... normally I love to watch the outer limits and twilight zone thing but there's one where that happens to a guy and I get physically ill watching it...
Sanis Prent
Apr 29th, 2002, 02:31:33 PM
Shawn, you reminded me of more things that scare me:
Spiders from SS2
Eggs from SS2
Annelids from SS2
Flesh-eating insects from SS2
Monkeys from SS2
The voices of the Many from SS2
Protocol droids from SS2
The voice of Shodan from SS and SS2
Funny huh? I can't find a movie that truly scares me, but if I play System Shock 2, I can't play unless the lights are on and there's another person in the room.
That game is the scariest thing ever created by mortal men.
Gav Mortis
Apr 29th, 2002, 02:35:02 PM
It's odd, I love scary movies but will never play a scary game for more than five minutes. They all scare the living daylights out of me.
Ryla Relvinian
Apr 29th, 2002, 03:28:30 PM
File me under the "Claustrophobic" category - Even to the point of not liking to be bear-hugged or have my eyes covered or locked in a tight space ANYWHERE at all, ever. It is a serious fear of mine. I'm probably that way because I had to have major hip operations as a child and was placed in body casts from the waist down and had to re-learn to walk several times. I'm just scared of being trapped somewhere without any means of escape.
Apr 29th, 2002, 04:02:04 PM
Clowns... Never liked 'em, doubt I ever will. Don't know what it is about them, I just find them really creepy. ** shudders **
Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 29th, 2002, 04:23:15 PM
It's odd, I love scary movies but will never play a scary game for more than five minutes. They all scare the living daylights out of me.
Me to Gav dude. I can barely play Devil May Cry... You know that those giant zombie puppets will come to life, you know it... And you wish you can slash them to pieces before they do, but you know you can't. So you turn around and BLAM!!! Its alive and attacking you. The only way I am able to play Devil May Cry is that I know when things get bad I can turn into a Freaking Powerful Demon.
Gurney Devries
Apr 29th, 2002, 05:00:08 PM
I can barely play Devil May Cry... |I
Hardly what I'd consider a "horror" game. :rolleyes
Sanis Prent
Apr 29th, 2002, 06:31:46 PM
Nothing can compare to System Shock 2
The Emperor
Apr 29th, 2002, 06:37:43 PM
Sex comes close... but no cigar
Apr 29th, 2002, 06:40:11 PM
Originally posted by Darth McBain
Clowns... Never liked 'em, doubt I ever will. Don't know what it is about them, I just find them really creepy. ** shudders **
Here here!!! Clowns are the devil incarnate if you want my opinion (which you guys probably don't, but there it is anyways!)
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 30th, 2002, 12:24:09 AM
I hate Resident Evil and its zombies! My brother used to pretend he was a zombie and chase me around the house when I was ..younger. :)
The Borg also gave me nightmares when I saw First Contact, but I'm not so much of a wuss anymore. :)
Darth Vader
Apr 30th, 2002, 01:11:14 AM
Yeah the borg were creepy
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 30th, 2002, 01:15:38 AM
WUSS! ;) :mischief
Syrius Cline
Apr 30th, 2002, 01:16:23 AM
I still say they're pronouncing "futile" wrong. I've always heard it "few-tile". And delivered with an exact delivery, pronouncing each sylable. It seems odd to me that the Borg, being so robotic would slur one of their catch words together. They say it "fewtle". Ugh, sounds so... human.
If we're talking creep factor, not fear, I'll go with giant spiders. :)
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 30th, 2002, 01:21:19 AM
I always was afraid, not of the dark, persay, but that something in my room would grab me if I slept with my back to the room. So I used to always sleep smashed against the wall with my pillow between me and the rest of the room. Sometimes my mom couldn't find me in my bed to wake me up in the morning, I was squished THAT close to the wall.
Jacen Himes
Apr 30th, 2002, 01:41:26 AM
Now that I think about it, that might be my one fear. Being grabbed by that cold, dead, half rotting, strong gripped hand. I sleep on a bunk bed. No one sleeps on the top. It's a bed that was left over from when there was someone on the top. Now just I sleep in it.
There's a medium sized gap between the floor and the bed, filled with empty space. Since I'm outgrowing the old thing, my feet hand off the end. So it's prime for a zombie or whatnot to grab my ankle, pulling me to the river Styxx and maybe to the Elysian Fields if I'm lucky(been reading to much Greek Mythology).
I once read an Urban Legend book. It was filled with stupid stories. The pages were even in comic book form, a page a story. Fully illistrated. One story went as follows:
A couple check into a Las Vegas hotel room. Apon arrival they begin to report an odd smell in the room. Later that night, they find the smeel getting more unbareable. The husband jumps out of bed angry, his does the same. They search and search and finally it leads them back to the bed. The husband flips over the matress revealing a dead body, laying in a cut out section among the springs.....
That always freaks me out. My one ever going fear.
Of course, there are always things that bother or eerk me. But they aren't really fears. Plus, my father always taught me to face my fears head on. So one by one I've eleminated them. But I have no idea how I can get rid of that one. Sleep around a corpse? That ain't gonna happen.
Apr 30th, 2002, 01:46:58 AM
*sighs* I miss sleeping on a bed.
I've been sleeping on a couch for the last three years.
Miryan no Trunks
Apr 30th, 2002, 01:47:14 AM
Only Game that's ever gotten my system going was Silent Hill. It wasn't the nightmare world, that didn't really faze me at all. It was wandering through the town, with the creatures hunting you.
I dunno, I guess it was just the fact that I could connect with the town, I could relate, made me feel like it could actually be me stuck there.
Resident Evil series, it's always dark and somewhere that you'd unlikely ever be in real life (an abandoned mansion? a trashed city? a pharmeceutical company's secret bio-weapon development plant/private island?) Nothing to relate to, no horror. Hoping RE for Gamecube's going to change that tommorrow.
Real life, not much really scares me. Death itself doesn't bother me, it's just the idea of death really being it. You die and stop existing. You don't think anymore, you don't sense, you don't comprehend, you just simply cease to be. I guess it's just hard to believe that it would be possible not to be anymore. It's like, once you start thinking and feeing and everything, how could you ever stop?
As for what gets my Heart going, talking about the paranormal. Psychic abilities, Ghosts and aliens and such, All that crap.
Twice in my life I've seen UFO's, and I've seen ghosts numerous times (one spirit in particular seems to follow me around, I've discussed it with friends of mine, including one who's sensed and seen it around me once or twice, and it's concluded that the thing's some sort of guardian spirit..) I know they exist, they don't bother me, I accept them as a normal part of existance. Speaking about them and related things though, my heart starts racing, and my eyes tear up. Even right now >_< I dunno, It's not like it upsets me mentally to think about that stuff, not in the least, it just effects my body in a weird way that feels a lot like extreme fear =/
Apr 30th, 2002, 01:52:22 AM
I played about half of RE in one sitting. The thing that really creeped me out were those weird monsters in the water; I jumped everytime I saw one.
Darth Viscera
Apr 30th, 2002, 01:58:13 AM
Yeah, oblivion sucks. When you're about to go to sleep, at least you have the potential dream of a 747 filled with female flight attendants in heat to look forward to. Heck, humans are what they are because they can think. The ability to reason, and also to interact with the environment based on a primal urge to survive & procreate. It's hard to imagine simply ceasing to be. I happen to enjoy very much the electroencephalography that occurs in my noggin, and I'd rather not part with it.
I guess that the solution to that is that you die after you've done what needs doing. When you're old and feeble, oblivion won't be such a horrifying thought.
Darth Vader
Apr 30th, 2002, 02:01:53 AM
I don't dream anyways...not missing anything.
Miryan no Trunks
Apr 30th, 2002, 02:03:39 AM
True, but it's still a lot nicer to believe that your soul will continue to carry your collected thoughts, memories, and conciousness with it through eternity, into some other realm of existance, or even back for a fresh start as a new life in This one.
Apr 30th, 2002, 02:03:55 AM
I had the coolest dream the other night.
Me and the Duke were street racing against Erwin Rommel and Herman Goering(sp?).
But that's actually pretty tame weirdness-wise compared to some nights.
The Emperor
Apr 30th, 2002, 02:03:57 AM
Ohhhhh, the Borg made me cry when they assimilated the Captain!
I was young then though.
Darth Viscera
Apr 30th, 2002, 02:12:36 AM
Soul? What's that? How many joules does it take up of EEG?
Jacen Himes
Apr 30th, 2002, 02:14:51 AM
Actually, Darth, I heard somewhere that you ALWAYS dream. Even if you don't know it, or don't remember it. Sometimes I'll have a dream, then forget what it was as soon as I wake up.
Actually, that brings me to another simi-fear:
Sometimes, I can take control of my dreams(anyone ever done that?). I can fly around, change the scenery, anything. Also, whatever I'm thinking about will pop into the dream. I can shut it out though or make it disappear. But sometimes, when I'm controlling my dream, my imagination takes over. I'll think up the most terrifying thing possible and it'll force me to wake up, just so I don't have to look at it.
That goes back to the simple fact that all fears are reliant on our imagination. :)
Miryan no Trunks
Apr 30th, 2002, 02:16:01 AM
Can't say I know exactly, but I can say I don't find it hard to believe in, considering all the experience I've had around ghosts in my life =P (My aunts house was haunted, and I've seen them around occassionally ever since I was a child)
Darth Viscera
Apr 30th, 2002, 02:16:56 AM
Of course we always dream. I'm not disputing that.
Darth Viscera
Apr 30th, 2002, 02:17:54 AM
MnT, could you possibly tell me about that when I'm NOT sitting alone in the dark in my room? At 4 AM?? :p
Miryan no Trunks
Apr 30th, 2002, 02:23:28 AM
Lol, will do my best, though it's not much better than where I am ^_^
1:20 am, alone in the dark in the computer room, surrounded by the basement which is Always dark and filled with noises, a BIG window with trees that are happily being blown and scratching the house with their branches, and listening to the silent hill soundtrack.
I dunno, I've never been around a harmful spirit in my life, so I love freaking myself out about them, because it's a neat feeling being scared when you literally Know there's nothing to be scared Of =)
Jacen Himes
Apr 30th, 2002, 02:24:12 AM
Oops. I was directing that "Darth" towards "Vader". He said he doesn't dream.
Lana Westbrooke
Apr 30th, 2002, 08:12:42 AM
I'm scared of being alone and life after death. v.v; Poor leetle Krisi-san.
Morgan Evanar
Apr 30th, 2002, 09:15:42 AM
The borg scared the crap out of me when I first saw it (I was about six or seven.)
I didn't really blink during First Contact. I didn't find it scary.
System Shock 2... that is creepy defined. Silent Hill and its sequel are also creepy, but after being bred on PC shooters (Wolfenstien 3d onward), the controls were so worthless and illogical to me that I simply let Nup play.
Darth Lynch
Apr 30th, 2002, 08:22:27 PM
Jedah scares me too. he's one crazy mofo
Pierce Tondry
Apr 30th, 2002, 08:26:31 PM
I have two fears. One is shadowy, nameless dread- the kind without reason or logic to it that you just can't seem to fight until it decides to go away and leave you alone. Fear itself, I suppose, is a good characterization.
The other is that people won't or don't like me. I am much better about controlling this fear than I am about the first.
Pierce Tondry
Apr 30th, 2002, 08:31:13 PM
No it wasn't... but that's okay. I fixed it.
Good choice with VBulletin, by the way. :)
Apr 30th, 2002, 08:32:55 PM
I was going to offer to merge it for you, but I forgot you could do it yourself. :)
Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 1st, 2002, 03:32:00 AM
I have a fear...that the links in people's sigs won't work when I click on them.
*clicks on Tondry's sig* AUGH! AUGH! *runs away screaming*
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 1st, 2002, 11:46:26 AM
I think that Sum's said this awhile back but mine is death. There has been way too much of it in my life, especially at an early age so .. the here after is something that freaks the crao out of me
Taylor Millard
May 1st, 2002, 11:49:41 AM
I'm not real sure what I'm afraid of. Being a disappointment to my family is a concern but not a fear. Heights can be disconcerting, especially when the ladder is rickety. The dark, nah, I like the dark. Relationships? Yeah...those can scare me.
Domini Leveresk
May 1st, 2002, 08:39:01 PM
Wow. I guess I'm afraid of having a kid. I'm not ready for that.
May 2nd, 2002, 12:01:55 AM
I had to think about this a bit. I'm not really afraid of Spiders or Heights, Spiders you just step on 'em and Heights you just don't fall off. I'm not afraid of Death, your going to die one way or another might as well get used to it, not afraid of Clowns they are just people, not giant spiders living in the sewer feeding on your fears and the local children.....or are they?
I think the biggest things I'm afraid of are:
and any of them running the country.
Note to Alpha: You crack me up, how are you going to hear someone braking into your house if you have your C.D. player on? Besides thats why you have a .45 under your pillow.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 2nd, 2002, 12:10:30 AM
I heard of a lady with athsma who kept a gun and an inhaler under her pillow. One night she thought she'd grabbed the inhaler..but hadn't...and...well...
Suffice to say, don't keep a gun under your pillow. Its DANGEROUS!
Jacen Himes
May 2nd, 2002, 12:17:18 AM
My place is like Fort Knox. Ain't nobody getting in here. We have all the windows and doors barred up and tied shut. We have shotguns and rifles. And my father sleeps with a knife next to his bed. Oh, and he can throw knives like a freakin' magician. Plus, he was in the army and won second place in a sort of "physical fitness" contest with the WHOLE betallion. That means he won over everyone on the base, except for one guy who won because he beat him in the speed contest. So I'm not scared at all about break-ins. I also know some Judo. :)
May 2nd, 2002, 12:33:13 AM
I talk in my sleep. That usually scares my roomates; which are the only people I worry about.
They're nice guys, but they pick on me way too much.
Oh, and I also collect swords; got one over the mantle and four on the wall. I keep a huge knife on the sidetable by the couch I sleep on, and two compound bows at my mom's place.
And a really cool bullwhip.
Darth Viscera
May 2nd, 2002, 01:21:01 AM
Compound bows? Isn't it supposed to take a lifetime to learn how to use those things, ala the Mongols?
May 2nd, 2002, 01:25:54 AM
I've no clue, I just like target practice with them. One I got almost seven or so years ago, so it's fairly easy to draw cause it's a Bear Cub. The other I took from my dad just last year, so it's tougher, but still a fun challenge.
May 2nd, 2002, 01:29:18 AM
LMAO. Where would you suggest keeping them? Lady De'Ville there is a remedy for that ...... Don't be a moron.
Besides I highly doubt that happened, she didn't notice that there was a trigger and a trigger guard, she didn't notice it was heavier, she didn't notice how it was metal, she didn't notice how much harder it was to activate it, she didn't notice how she had to put her finger on the trigger?
Also, Swords, knives and bows will not help you in a gun fight.
* Thinks back to the scene in Indiana Jones where he shots the gut whileding the sword. *
May 2nd, 2002, 04:31:22 AM
My place is like Fort KnoxBah! Everyone in my immediate family was or currently is a Postal Worker. You want to talk about living in a fortress?
Myself? I got quite a nice sword and knife collection. I not only have a couple of compound bows and a bullwhip, but I have a Klingon Batleth. Booyah! :D
Something tells me you and I would get along well, MMU. :p
May 2nd, 2002, 06:36:04 PM
::Shakes her head::
I don't like guns.. and one will never be kept in my house. Call me stupid, but they are dangerous.. especially if you have little kids in the house.
I have another general rule: No one that lives in my household will ever go hunting. Period. Otherwise they'd better find a nice gutter to sleep in for the evening.
Oh yeah.. and clowns.. I HATE clowns..
May 2nd, 2002, 06:46:53 PM
Why don't you like guns?
they are dangerous...
So can a pencil if you use it right, so can just about anything.
especially if you have little kids in the house.
That is why you teach them the importance of not playing with it, its not the guns fault or responsibility. I think ignorance has a huge part to play in the fear of guns, the media pushes stories of how guns are bad and what not yet they don't even talk about how many lives they have saved or the fact that you all have the freedoms you do because of them or that this country was built on them.
Gav Mortis
May 2nd, 2002, 06:47:12 PM
No one that lives in my household will ever go hunting.
Madam, I applaud you! :)
yet they don't even talk about how many lives they have saved or the fact that you all have the freedoms you do because of them or that this country was built on them.
No civilian should have the right to a gun as far as I am concerned.
May 2nd, 2002, 07:08:04 PM
LOL. Thats right piss on the Constution, hell we don't need it, we don't need freedom of speach or press. There's a reason why the right to bear arms is on there and why it's the second one, not the tenth. I'm sorry Gav, but thats not the answer. The "Bad Guys" will always have guns, and you want to leave us so we may not defend ourselves.
May 2nd, 2002, 07:14:31 PM
I own a gun; it's a .22 rifle. That doesn't mean I go out waving it around. In fact, I don't even keep it with me. I keep it at my mom's place because she lives in a much more rural environment where rifle and guns are the norm.
In fact, when I went back for Christmas, my sister and I went out shooting with old high school friends. Frankly, I enjoy shooting; just as much as I enjoy archery, though I don't get to do either very often.
And Phantom is right, in my opinion. If kids are taught from the get go, than they'll know firearms are not playthings. My ex-roomate grew up in a gunshop; her father used to sell all kinds of guns, rifles, and whatnot. She was surrounded by the things till she left for college, and she's still alive cause she was taught to respect the things and not mess aroudn with 'em.
Certain people like certain things. If you don't like guns, hunting, etc, fine with me. You have a right to your own opinion. I'm not going to bash you over the head for it, that's not who I am.
Gav Mortis
May 2nd, 2002, 07:21:16 PM
Sorry Phantom, I stand firm by my views. Who do you think the "Bad Guys" are? Other than civilians? I'm quite sure Prince William isn't about to burst through my front door and mow down my entire family with an AK. Talking on a military level, then your respective country can deal with other militaries with their guns, as can the police. But to give a civilian a gun is ridiculous, it's not a matter of protection, it's simply a matter of what percentage of civilians WILL use the guns with ill intent.
If civilians were never allowed guns in the first place, I bet the probablem of guns wouldn't be half as bad.
May 2nd, 2002, 07:35:30 PM
*Is on the look out for Prince Williams with an AK*
Gav, I said nothing about the "Bad Guys" not being civilian, they more then likely are.
It is a matter of protection as well as a right. So you are going to punishes us for what a small group does? and belive me it is a small group who uses guns in an ill manner, there is a much larger group who does not. I have guns that doesn't mean I'm going to go kill someone, there has to be a good reason for me to pull the trigger while its aimed at a person, such as someone is trying to kill me or my family.
The fact of the matter is people were and are allowed to use, buy and own guns, and I'm sure the problem of guns wouldn't be as big, but people don't need guns to comit crime or acts of evil look at the mother who killed her own kids.
Gav, I'm not trying to bash you, doing that to someone does not good. I just think you'd have a different opinion if you were put into a situation where a gun could have saved your life or the life of someone else. The fact is guns are not evil, its the people behind them that are.
Gav Mortis
May 2nd, 2002, 07:47:32 PM
I just think you'd have a different opinion if you were put into a situation where a gun could have saved your life or the life of someone else. The fact is guns are not evil, its the people behind them that are.
I couldn't agree with that statement more.
So you are going to punishes us for what a small group does?
Not at all, my point wasn't that civilians should have their guns taken away from them now that they have them as that is just not do-able, I mean if civilians weren't allowed guns in the first place we wouldn't have half as many of these gun-related worries.
The basis of my arguement is, "Why in the name of sanity does a group of people (civilians) have the right to guns when it is unclear what their intentions are with them?" Of course it's a small percentage, but it's a percentage nontheless. Guns should never have been given to civilians if:
a. The Government cannot control the circulation of arms, and:
b: If the Government is uncertain what some of the civilians will choose to do with them.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 3rd, 2002, 12:12:40 AM
hehe I try to stay away from politically charged topics, but..what the hey here I go!
*dives in*
In the 1800s, kids grew up around guns. They were taught the responsibility it requires to use and shoot a gun. Most people used them for hunting food, and for protection, because (in America, btw, this is where my example is coming from) everyone lived WAAAAY far apart and there was no 911 to call or a police man to drop in from around the corner.
Guns were a necessity.
They aren't so much anymore, due to differences in our current society. HOWEVER, the reasoning behind our constitutional right to bear arms is NOT for defense persay, or whatever. It is put there specifically by our Founding Fathers so that the goverment would not be able to forget that it is ruled by the people for the people.
We have the right to bear arms, so that if out goverment got out of control, theoretically we could have another American Revolution.
Militia members take this a little too far. Okay, its a lot too far.
I think everyone should have a gun in their house. Bugalars are cowards, usually, and if they knew the person in that house migh wake up and blow them away, they would think twice.
Muggers would not MUG if they knew that that little old lady had a gun in her purse and knew how to use it.
Isn't it Switzerland where everyone is required to have a gun in the house and know how to use it? They have the lowest crime rate in the world!
The answer is NOT to take guns away from children. It is to stop namby pambying around the REAL issues in the family. A family must have discipline. A family must have love. A family must teach children responsibilty in a loving enviroment. A child without someone to guide them (whether the parents both work away from the home and leave them to after school programs and day care or not) will do whatever a child wants to do.
That three year old throwing a tantrum while its mother says "Do that one more time and I'll..." for the fifth time will grow into the kid at that high school who got mad and so blew everyone away.
The problem is not with guns, or America, or our constitution. It is with the family.
[/end politically charged statement]
Sejah Haversh
May 3rd, 2002, 01:07:08 PM
Get this:
In Switzerland, it is mandatory for every house to have a gun. Subsequently, there are very few break-ins, and even fewer accidental gun deaths.
A gun is a tool, just like a kitchen knife, or a socket wrench. If used improperly, or carelessly, it can cause damage, and even death. Proper education is a good way to prevent this, but things like trigger locks, and gun safes go a couple steps further to help that.
And the comment about if civillians weren't allowed to have guns. Well, might I point out that they are also not allowed to posess substances like cocaine, heroin, marajuana, and opium. But you all know that there is a significant problem in the fact that many civillians DO posess them, even thoguh it is not allowed.
To that effect, fully automatic weapons are also not legal, btu you see many robberies, and other violent crimes in which these are used. Odds were that the owners didn't own them back before the assault rifle ban was passed and they aquired them in less than legal manner. If you took away the right for civilians to have guns, you would not stop the problem. Guns, like drugs, find their way to those who want them.
Proper education and respect of anything, be it weapon or a paper towl, is the best defense against improper use of that item. I agree that fully automatic weapons aren't neseccary, and most folks shouldn't have them, but I respect handguns and rifles, and would never play with one, or do anythign with one to cause danger to myself, or more importantly, others.
Miryan no Trunks
May 3rd, 2002, 03:37:00 PM
Exactly.. If civilians were simply not allowed to have guns, those who got them illegally would have free reign. And it wouldn't be that there were less people with guns running about, cause those who would use them with ill intent would get them illegal or not.
Just that their law-abiding victims would have less protection..
May 3rd, 2002, 04:00:16 PM
He ain't lieing about that Socket gotta be careful with those things.
May 3rd, 2002, 04:04:25 PM
You too, huh?
Sejah Haversh
May 3rd, 2002, 04:06:06 PM
Hey, don't knock the wrench. I've got one that's pretty fearsome...
May 3rd, 2002, 04:12:58 PM
As I was growing up, my father (among other things) taught firearms classes in the army. By the age of 6, I was firing on a gun range, alongside some championship marksmen. Guns have been in easy access to me for as long as I can remember. Not once have I fired on a human being, intentionally or otherwise. The worst thing that's ever happened was that I got a very light powder burn once.
Guns are not dangerous if you educate everyone in your household about them. Yes, if you try to keep them hidden away on the top shelf of your closet without ever telling your son/daughter about them, then they're going to be curious. But if you educate your child, and teach them the proper respect for guns, there will never - never - be an accident in your home.
Guns, like drugs, find their way to those who want themYes. Something like 90% (this is not a figure I can back up - I just recall coming across this number) of firearms used in felonies were illegally obtained in the first place. If you outlaw guns, all you're doing is keeping law-abiding citizens from protecting themselves.
I'm sorry if I sound preachy, and I know I've had this discussion with you before, Bel. But I've simply been brought up with the proper respect and training where I can never adopt the whole "guns are evil" attitude. I have no particular love for them - personally, I like melee weaponry. But guns are not evil.
Morgan Evanar
May 3rd, 2002, 05:03:30 PM
As much of a liberal as I am, I have no issue with personal, legally owned firearms... I'm sort of jittery about the general public having access to assault rifles and SMGs, but I have no qualms with someone owning a handgun, rifle or shotgun. Personally, I'd like to know a lot more about firearms and proper saftey than I do. Education and responsibility are the correct answers for the gun question.
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