View Full Version : JediEb, you are our only hope...

Apr 26th, 2002, 03:42:50 PM

Apparently, they are not selling the Jorg Sacul anywhere but at the Convention. So, I guess it's like two per purchase. So, you, the wife, and how many kids you got? ;)

Help us here.. I'm sure we can mail you the money in advance. :)

Apr 26th, 2002, 06:48:59 PM
I thought it was 2 per person period?

Apr 26th, 2002, 07:33:59 PM
For some reason they keep saying it is two per purchase. But, on the prinicple of it being two per person, JediEb could get two, his wife two, his son two, and if he has more kids... :)

Apr 26th, 2002, 08:16:23 PM
From what I've heard it's a limit of 2 figures per PURCHASE, not person. I was planning on buying at least 6, 2 per day. QuiGon knows he is one of two people I've promised figures to. The other is Corran the-cursed-Diamondback-lover-Luke-clone Horn. I haven't spoken to CH in awhile so I don't know if he's still interested. (QG, let me know if he still wants one the next time you talk to him.) So if you need a Sacul fig just let me know. I think I can help out 2, maybe 4 collectors. Naturally, I'm more inclined to help out long time SWFan posters than newbies, no offense to any new posters. So if you think you'd like me to get you one this is the place to let me know. Don't worry about the money. I'll charge it and then we can arrange payment when I get back from the convention. Basically, I'll charge you the cost of the figure plus shipping. I may round things off to the next dollar just to make things easy. If you consider that evil then you haven't spent much time on ebay!:cool

Apr 27th, 2002, 11:16:39 AM
If you can spare one Jedieb, I'll take one off your hands for you! ;)

Apr 27th, 2002, 01:00:27 PM
No problem, here's my shopping list so far;

1) QuiGon
2) Corran Horn (?)
3) JMK

Ideally, I'd like 3 for myself. One to keep carded, one to open, and another to open so I can do a body swap with a Porkins figure. Then I'll REALLY have a Lucas X-Wing pilot.:D

Jinn Fizz
Apr 27th, 2002, 01:38:46 PM
Would it be possible to add me to the list too? :angel

Apr 27th, 2002, 01:56:58 PM
I always thought it would be cool if they made figs of the main guys in charge; Lucas, McCallum, Burtt, and anyone else heavily involved. The thing is, they would all be wearing their street clothes. :)

Apr 27th, 2002, 04:26:25 PM
i'd love one but someone else was going to look for me too and i really don't want to impose

Apr 28th, 2002, 09:14:25 AM
1) QuiGon
2) Corran Horn (?)
3) JMK
4) Jinn Fizz

Okay, you're the last one I'll add to my list Jinn Fizz. dizzy, you can see I've got a decent sized shopping list already so if you can buy one through someone else that'd be great. There's one other person I may get a figure for and I'll contact them individually.

Jinn Fizz
Apr 28th, 2002, 11:37:30 AM
Thank you!!!! :) :) :)

Apr 28th, 2002, 12:24:48 PM
Yeah! Thanks alot Jedieb! You're keeping the collector in me alive a little longer! :)

Apr 28th, 2002, 02:03:43 PM
yea iunderstand jedi thats why i didn't want to impose

Apr 30th, 2002, 04:11:53 PM
Corran Horn and Child Padawan are going to be there also, so he's covered, but I do have a friend that's interested who doesn't post on boards. :)

Apr 30th, 2002, 06:57:35 PM
I'm sorry to be a grinch QuiGon, but I don't think I can help your friend out. I don't want to spend all my spare time shopping and I've already got a pretty big list. I contacted someone from these boards and added them to my list just the other day. I want to have at least 3 for myself so, 1 carded, 1 open, 1 custom fodder. Maybe CH or CP could help your friend?

Apr 30th, 2002, 08:25:08 PM
nah, that's fine, I'll bug the Luke clone for an additional then :)

May 2nd, 2002, 10:36:29 AM
The Luke clone agreed! :D

oh, and JediEb, I can get the Amidala with the dot on her face for you.. would you want that one or are you into variation figures?

May 2nd, 2002, 11:44:58 AM
I like to get variations if they're major ones, like the tan vested Jedi Luke. I've heard of the Amidala mole figure, but I haven't even looked for the variation to tell you the truth. For all I know, the version I have at home has the mole. If it doesn't, then all I need is steady hand and some paint and presto, I've got Amidala with mole! The only thing I'm looking for right now is a Dexster. I'm going to give it about a month before I try to strike a deal or trade for him. I'm pretty sure he'll be sitting on pegs as soon as more Collection 2 cases start shipping. Thanks for the offer though!

May 2nd, 2002, 01:19:51 PM
I decided to get Dexter at amazon.com. Yakface has posted a bunch of gift certificates for orders over $50. I got Slave 1, the Reek, and Dexster for $38. That total includes shipping. At retail I would have spent close to $50 once tax got figured in. Amazon's original total was around $63. The coupons give you over $25 off! Here they are, you just have to type each one in and then hit apply and watch your total adjust each time you do it;


Hope this helps someone!:)

May 2nd, 2002, 01:30:39 PM
ok, just PM me with your real address and I guess I'll send ya a check. :)

May 2nd, 2002, 06:57:06 PM
I'm going to wait until I get back and I'm sure I have figures in hand for everybody. Then I'll go ahead and PM or e-mail everybody. BTW Qui-Gon, have you seen the Sacul auctions on ebay? There's already been over 100 of them! The figure is going for anywhere from $80-$120. What bugs me is that people are auctioning off figures they don't even have yet. A couple of people have included "In-Hand" in their titles. Then you read and see things like; "By the time the auction ends, I'll have your figure "in hand!" That's kind of sleazy if you ask me.

May 2nd, 2002, 07:24:34 PM
That'll work, and no.. just as I don't go to hacker sites or devil-worshipping sites, I avoid E-zmark.com like the plague. :)

Nope, I do not scalp, and in the past week I have even gave the Baby Boba figure and the X-Wing Playschool toys to kids in the stores so they could play with em rather than put them in my collection.

I'm kinda hoping they'll announce during the con that they will put them up on the fan club site, just to hurt the e-bay scum.

May 2nd, 2002, 09:36:45 PM
Talk about doing anything to make a buck, if these folks are so into oppotuniusm, why don't they buy some damn real estate! >_<

May 3rd, 2002, 03:29:46 PM
I am happy to say that you have ALL been taken care of! :D

I just stopped into my hotel real quick to check in and unload. I'M EXHAUSTED! My plans were shot as soon as I arrived. THE LINES ARE MASSIVE! I'm not exagerating when I tell you that some of the lines I was in today strecthed back close to 1 mile! Getting the figures was no picnic, but it was doable. At one point one corner of the massive Wizard store table just started selling Sacul figures only. People were able to buy two, head to the back of the line, and then buy two more. I knew there was NO way they were going to be able to keep fans from buying only 2 figures. I managed to take care of everybody on my list and grab some extras for myself. It took me close to an hour, but it was worth it. Luckily, I got in early because I was a Fan Club member. I'm not lying when I tell you that when I left the line it was nearly four times longer than when I entered it. And yet, I will still honor my promise to sell figures to those I promised AT COST!

Damn you people! If I charged time and labor I'd be a millionaire! Toy Karma better pay me back big time for this! :smokin

May 3rd, 2002, 06:24:07 PM
You're the best Jedieb! Thanks a million! If you're ever looking for a tri-lingual figure, especially the elusive Dexter Jettster, I'd be glad to hook you up.

May 3rd, 2002, 06:46:23 PM
You are da greatest my man! Thanks!

Glad you are are tired from having fun, instead of tired from just having a really looooooooooooong week like I am. :D

May 3rd, 2002, 07:22:25 PM
No problem guys. Wizards has done a great job with these. They've alotted a certain number of figures for each day. Today's allotment sold out around 1:30 PM. I expect tomorrow to be even busier because it's a Saturday. How many they'll have for Sunday is anybody's guess.

May 3rd, 2002, 10:22:53 PM
Is Sacul really fat, or did they slim him down a little from what he really should be? ;)

May 3rd, 2002, 11:13:38 PM
He's really skinny. I went to a seminar with the Hasbro team and somebody asked them if they'd used the real scan on Lucas' body as well. Everyone was laughing because the answer was so obvious. I actually eeked out a question myself. I asked if Hasbro would ever reconsider releasing old figures and cards in new packaging, like Mattel did with He-Man. The answer was a resouding NO!

May 4th, 2002, 02:04:21 PM
I don't know how I feel about that. As much as I'd like to see old figures again, if they're just re-releases, then it's just not the same.

May 4th, 2002, 06:10:55 PM
Sides, there's no shortage of vintage figures in the world...

and JediEb, I am pleased to announce you have a copy of Star Wars Tales: A Jedi's Weapon and issue #1 of the new Jango Fett Dark Horse series. :)

May 4th, 2002, 06:14:17 PM
The figures sold out quick again today. Someone made an interesting announcement. I caught the tail end of it but I could have sworn he said that the Fan Club WOULD have the figures on line. Whether he knew what he was talking about is anybody's guess.

Jinn Fizz
May 5th, 2002, 08:25:43 AM
There's a report on Rebelscum direct from the Lucasfilm Licensing presentation, saying that the figure will only be available at the con. There are no plans to sell it online at the fan club, because they want to keep it as a special memento of the con. So I'm extra-glad you were able to get some for us, Eb, thank you ever so much. :)

May 6th, 2002, 07:28:55 AM
There were only 25,000 of the figures.
10,000 Friday
9,000 Saturday
6,000 Sunday

Sunday sold out around 9:45 AM. It was unbelievable how many people didn't get figures. What made it worse was some of the dealers were selling figures right in the big exhibit hall for $45. They were later told to stop because many fans were complaining about the instant scalping. I will contact everyone I got a figure for tonight. I have to unpack tonight and get everything orgainzed.

QuiGon, I was lucky enough to get a copy of that SWTales on Sunday. A comic book shop employee was handing them out right outside the convention center. The convention had just ended and I got one last treat as I left the convention center. It was perfect. If you want I can still send you a poster and you can just pay me for the cardboard tube and the shipping.

May 6th, 2002, 09:10:52 AM
Well, I also got you issue #1 of the new Jango Fett series, not because I had to, but because I felt like it. So, I'll ship that to you instead if you don't really don't wanr an extra copy of the Tales book. :)

May 6th, 2002, 06:02:15 PM
Man are those scalpers ever ruthless. At the next convention, every vendor should be flagged and only get a few figures, maybe 4 or 5 TOPS, for the entire convention. What savages.

May 6th, 2002, 07:25:19 PM
I'm surprised they didn't do it like San Diego Comic Con, where they did a punch on each pass for certain things to show you got your allotment.

May 6th, 2002, 08:57:15 PM
A lot of people suggested that hole punching idea. I think that would work. Yeah, your pass would get damaged, but it's really the only way to keep track of how many figures a person has bought. But if they'd done that this time, there's no way I could have gotten you guys any figures! I will tell you this, I have NO doubt some guys walked out of their with entire CASES of the figure. I've heard stories of people getting out of their with dozens of figures. You guys read how easy it was for me to get all of your figures on Friday. If I'd had a partner I could have easily doubled or tripple the amount of figures I bought. I can only imagine how many scalpers stocked up on these. They'll be selling them for years. :mad