View Full Version : Aggressive Negotiations (New Republic)

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Apr 26th, 2002, 11:27:46 AM
The Oorru'Gurre'Gurre' approached Calan slowly, as if it had all the time in the world. After all, the disputed planet was technically within the Carshoulis cluster. Technically, at least. The planet's hyuu-mann inhabitants had pleaded their case to the New Republic quite loudly, and the galactic superpower responded by annexing the world. To the Cizerack, it was a part of their sovereign domain. It was no small slight in the felinoid trade empire's eyes to see a portion of their territory denied from them. Despite a continuing trade relationship with the New Republic, the Cizerack were wary and suspicious of them...seeing them as invaders in peacekeeper clothing. Of course, New Republic civil libertarians had debated venomously against Cizerack treatment of offworlders, which to the Cizerack, was frankly none of their concern. Aliens that were legitimate citizens of other nations, visiting the Pride were treated equally...or as equally as could be allowed. The aliens that lived within the Pride, however, were subject to Cizerack law. And such law stated foremost, that the interests of Cizerack were paramount, and the interests of aliens were not. The New Republic had no claim or right to interfere in that, however much they might disagree.

However, the Cizerack could not deny the military superiority of their "trade ally"...and reluctantly relented in forcibly occupying the planet. However, there were times when this was to be tested. Onboard the Cizerack flagship, the personal emissary and manservant of the Pride Mother sat, sharp eyes on the viewport ahead of him. Around him, the bustling command bridge prepared for a possible conflict. Intelligence reports had stated that there hadn't been a New Republic warship in the area for nearly 2 weeks. In Sarrtarroa's mind, it was an opportune time to test the water, so to speak.

Flanking the immense warship, two formidable Korri class battlegalleons trundled forward, with a vanguard of eight Seeva class intra-system gunships speeding ahead of the larger vessels. Flights of Keerta fightergrapplers flew through the formations, in diamond patterns of four. The air on the bridge was thick with tension and anticipation...wondering if the New Republic would respond or not. If they did not, it would be a glorious day indeed.

Jasseeri Arreearruu
Apr 26th, 2002, 02:06:06 PM
The Huntress Admiral stood at the command deck's railing, her hands clasped tightly behind her back. She was taller than most females, and her physical appearance was enough to even intimidate males of her species. Though she still had the grace and beauty associated with Cizerack females, her body was a power house, that she kept well concealed under her uniform. It was, in a sense, a deception. But she prefered it that way. It made it easier to have the upper hand of surprise when dealing wth adversaries.

She looked down at her displays, to see the other ships in formation. All the ships communicated they were in the green and ready for whatever was to come, for the glory of the Pride. Satisfied, she looked up at the viewport to see the green and blue plnaet of Calan fill her vision. And, without a single repbulic ship in sight.

She scowled slightly, remembering how the Republic had denied them their right to the planet. It was in Cizerack space, and therefore should by definition belong to them. She didn't much like how they kept a silent peace between themselves and the Republic, but it was not for her to decide such things. She kept silent about it, yet still mistrusted the Republic.

Like the Emissary, she waited for any resistance. And if none came, then they would move right in.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Apr 27th, 2002, 10:02:59 PM
They waited...and waited some more. Caution was the rule when encroaching on Calan. The Cizerack were meticulous in gauging their neighbor's response to their incursions. Sarrtarroa drummed his claws on the arm rest of his chair. It had been two hours, with no sign of New Republic response. He glanced to Admiral Arreearruu.

Admjirrral, prrreparrre to land a ssscout parrrtjy on the planet. Two hundrrred sssoldjierrrsss, forrr now. Have them sssecurrre the majin populatjion centerrr. The planet jisss sssparrrssseljy populated, and the hjyuu-mannsss therrre arrre pacjifjissstsss. Thejy won't rrresssjissst ourrr actjionsss.

Sarrtarroa gestured with his right hand.

And djissspatch a fljight of fjighterrrgrrrapplerrrsss. Sssend them on patrrrol. Take them to the farrr edge of the sssjyssstem, and perrrforrrm rrreconajissssssance. jIf the Rrrepubljic arrrrrrjivessssss, jI want to know the moment thejy do.

Jasseeri Arreearruu
May 3rd, 2002, 06:41:01 PM
The Huntress Admiral saluted sharply towards the Pride Mother's chosen one.

At once, Emjissssssarrrjy!

She then whirled just as sharply, and barked orders to her crew. The bridge suddenly became alive as the Cizerack working on the crew pits relayed the orders.

Soon three ladning vessels left the belly of the Oorru'Gurre'Gurre', laden with two hundred soldiers, on their way to the planet. There task would be to secure the the humans below.

Moments after the landing craft had entered the planet's atmosphere, a flight of fighters screamed free from the mother ship, heading off to the edge of the system, surveying the area and relaying all information back to the Oorru'Gurre'Gurre'.

Once all had been done, she turned back towards the Emissary.

Landjing crrraft and fjighterrrsss awajy, Emjissssssarjy. All jinforrrmatjion frrrom the fjighterrrsss on the edge of the sjystem rrreporrrt grrreen ssstatusss. No enemjy vesssssselsss jin sjight.

She looked at her displays.

The sssoldjierrrsss wjill be landjing ssshorrrtljy to commence wjith the securrrjing of the populatjion.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
May 5th, 2002, 10:21:14 AM
Shadows loomed long and foreboding across the green fields of Calan, as Cizerack landing barges drifted down from the clouds on a repulsorlift cushion. The large vessels lumbered toward the center of a quiet mountain village, settling down with a screeching hiss. The massive debarkation ramps lowered, and dozens of Hunter Forces squads went to work, securing the entrances and exits to the village, and subduing the vital population center's inhabitants. They were not harmed, but in no uncertain terms, were forbidden to leave the city. Armed felinoid warriors reinforced the Calanic's deviotion to pacifism, at the edge of repeater autocannons and battle prongs. It was a tense meeting, but bloodless. In the skies above, a flight of fightergrapplers swirled overhead, then spread out across the wide landscape, scouring the planet to detect any unwanted New Republic influence.

Verse Dawnstrider
Jun 11th, 2002, 01:58:08 PM
::The V-wing of Verse Dawnstrider exited out of hyperspace to find what he really did not want to see. Cizerack Ships. Lots of Cizerack ships. Verse had heard of the problems between the New Republic and the Cizerack Empire. He had hoped it woudl not come to violence. Verse really hated violence. The ironcy of that was real funny if one thought about it enough. Violence comes from hate. Verse hated violence. Verse breathed deep.

The Garou and Cizerack were very different, yet very same. Both had alot of pride and honor in their races. Both races looked down on members not of their spieces. Verse was different though. He understood that all races had a purpose and were needed by the other. That was why there were few Garou Jedi. Two Garou Jedi, and 4-5 Garou Sith. The fact that he knew how the minds of people like the Cizerack worked is one of teh reasons he came. Not that he knew everything about this race. Only members of the race really knew. Verse opened up his comlink and hailed the Flag-Ship.::

"To the Captain of the Flag-Ship Oorru'Gurre'Gurre', Jedi Knight Verse Dawnstrider wishs to come abord for talk of a possible Peace Tready."

Jedi Neo
Jun 13th, 2002, 02:21:21 PM
::A Z95 Headhunter came out of hyperspace. Inside it, Neo wondered why the Cizerack had done this. There were many reasons for why this could happen, but without going directly planetside, Neo could not dismiss any of them. Also it was a bad idea to just land on the planet with so many Cizerack ships around, not even a mouse could escape their notice. So Neo held his position on the edge of the system and opened a Comm channel to Verse.::

Jedi Neo here, I am awaiting futher instructions before I try to proceed or do anything.

Liam Jinn
Jun 13th, 2002, 08:11:08 PM
Liam was doing some maintanence work to the life support onboard his ship 'The Nebulon' when a shrill alarm started blasting through the loudspeaker.

"Now what in the force is going on?!"

Removing his head from the panel it had been in, he jumped up and ran to the cockpit. He looked over the displays and found the problem.

"Collision warning...great now the damn navcomputer must be shot too!"

Moving his hands quickly over the controls, Liam brought his ship out of hyperspace. More alarms went off before he flipped his ship into a downward roll, narrowly missing a large vessel.

"Cizerack? Where in the hell am I?" The instruments in 'Nebulon' read Calan. Calan was under NR control though, why would the Ciz be here? A bulb in Liam's head lit up and his hands shot over the controls once again opening a comm to all surrounding vessels.

"This is Jedi Master Liam Jinn of GJO and Captain of NRSF. All cizerack ships listen up. Now, I hope none of ya'll had your furry hearts set on taking this beautiful planet away from the Republic. I mean, hey...they might actually take it as a sign of aggression. Is this planet worth starting something that'll cause a rift in NR trade?"

Liam tried to sound sincere, but he laughed at his performance. He took the controls of his ship once again and turned hard right, circling around one of the lead cizerack ships. Hopefully they wouldn't just blow him and his ship to pieces.

Verse Dawnstrider
Jun 13th, 2002, 10:19:18 PM
::Verse opened a channel up with Neo.::

"Wish I knew what to tell ya. I hope we are not flying into a trap. I hope the Ciz will rather talk. The downside to that is that me and you know the odds of that happening. Wait for more Jedi to come out of hyperspace. We need to see what we have to work with. Stay near though. I may need back-up."

::Verse closed the channel in time to hear Liam. He cringed at the remarks. The Cizerack would more than likely see that as an open threat. Verse opened a privite channel with Liam.::

"In all due respects Master Jedi, I don't think it is wise to press them so. This race is agressive. Maybe if me and you could set up a meeting with them, we can stop this without bloodshed. The leaders of this race are female. We may can work out....a deal. As much as that bothers me."

Liam Jinn
Jun 14th, 2002, 06:51:32 AM
Liam smirked to himself as Verse's voice came over the comm. Slowly he switched over to a secure channel.

"Hey Verse, think about that. Negotiation? Ever negotiated with a Ciz that wandered into Yog's bar? If the Ciz have their hearts set on something, I don't think there is anything a few Jedi can do to stop it. Let them get as angry as they want, as long as we get their attention off the planet. We need to contact the NR and buy as much time as we can. Also.." Liam's hands skimmed over the controls. "..there's a few Ciz craft on the surface. How about you take the guy in the Z95 down to investigate? Might as well get people down there while we still can."

Liam shook his head. "I know negotiation might buy time, but I don't trust the furballs enough to set my ship near them. If you think that you'd have better luck with talking with them, then say so and I'll go to the surface. But I do warn you, don't be too trustful of 'em."

Xazor Elessar
Jun 14th, 2002, 07:42:21 AM
WHOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Suddenly Xazor's X-Wing fighter, "Escape", came blasting out of hyperspace to find a place right beside Verse....upside down.....She grinned to herself and quickly brought the controls back up so that her ship was facing the right way.

"What's going on here? I don't think I've ever seen that many ships before....together at one time..."

She said over her radio. Looking over at her Father, she gave a friendly wave before looking back at the mass in front of them. She had gathered a large group of Jedi....and they were on their way. In the cockpit beside her sat a boy about the age of twelve. A Padawan of hers, Sene. He was an intelligent young man...and fit for such a mission.

"I heard your request, Father....and I wish to go with you. I have dealt with the Cizerack on several occasions, and I know how they think...."

She radiod to him once again, turning to face Sene. He offered her a nervous smile, and she placed her hand gently on his shoulder, telling him that all would be well. Peace could be restored here.....it was very possible.....

Verse Dawnstrider
Jun 14th, 2002, 10:04:35 AM
::Verse smiled. He opened a comm so all teh Jedi could hear.::

"Me, You, and Liam, are the Highest Jedi Warriors out here. You spend more time in that role than I do. I think it would be best if you and Liam head to the surface. I need someone to keep Liam in line, and I have known him long enough to know that only a woman could do that."

::Verse laughed at the joke. He knew Liam wouldn't take offense to it. They used to cut fool like this all the time. Verse opend a privite channel to Liam.::

"I handle the talkin'. We don't have many Jedi Masters. Losing you would be a big blow to use. I they turn violent and kill me, there are many Knights at GJO. I can be replaced. As long as I can stop them long enough for teh NR to get here, then I would have done my job. Me and you were in the GJO Spiecal Forces for a while. I know what you can do. No one would be able to lead them down there better than you. Take care of Xazor for me. She has a bright future. I will not allow that to put out. She is a good fighter. Thanks Man."

Xazor Elessar
Jun 14th, 2002, 12:05:52 PM
Xazor listened as her Father spoke and she smiled to herself. One of the highest Warriors....it made her feel like she was on top of the world. She listened to his instruction and nodded toward him through her window before smiling over at Liam in his ship.

"I'll keep him in line....and we'll take care of things down below....."

She said over the radio. The Knight knew that Liam and Verse were having their own conversation...for when she looked between the two, they were talking but she could hear nothing. Sighing gently, she picked up the radio and flipped it to a private station for Verse.

"Take care of yourself up there....I'll be alright. I love you and may the Force be with you, my Father....."

She said softly over the radio. Grabbing hold of the controls, she pressed them down hard and her ship made a sharp turn and then a nose plunge toward Calan.

"Let's get this party started Liam!!!"

She shouted over the radio as she went sailing toward the large planet that loomed below. They would make a great team....and they would get the job done.....

Liam Jinn
Jun 14th, 2002, 01:22:54 PM
Liam cursed himself quietly after Verse had finished.

"Alright, don't let your guard down, take your negotiation devices, and make sure you send a distress call out to the NR. If the Ciz aren't willing to make any negotiations, we'll be planetside and I'm sure you'll be able to find us. See ya shortly - by the way how long have you been in that tin can? I can smell ya from here!"

Liam flipped a few switches and took the controls. His shipped rocked violently to the left as an engine blew. More shrill alarms. With his hands darting skillfully over the controls, the Jedi Master sent his ship spiraling towards the atmosphere of Calan.

Hitting the comm once again, he opened a secure channel to Xazor as the 'Nebulon' went screaming past her fighter.

"I've got a little engine problem here. Getting on the planet is not gonna be a problem. Getting off it on the other hand might take...well...a miracle."

Slowly the surface of Calan appeared in the viewscreen. Liam prayed that his ship would hold together as he took it out of the spiral and deployed the wings. Slowly the craft lost it's speed and it's landing gear descended out of the bottom, soon hitting the soft ground with a thud. Liam wiped the sweat off his brow and waited for Xazor to land.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 14th, 2002, 04:18:33 PM
Xazor smiled as she recieved his message. He would be alright...and getting off the planet wouldn't be a problem. She entered through the atomosphere and as a ball of flames....but the heat shields held up well and did their jobs. Suddenly she came rushing in and touched down softly on the ground, right beside the heap that used to be Liam's ship.

Pressing a few buttons on the control panel, "Escape" began to power down and cool off. With a flip of a switch, the top of the cockpit hissed open....and Xazor jumped out, along with her Padawan, Sene.

"We must wait for the others. There is a whole group of Jedi coming here...."

She said softly and then moved to stand behind Sene. She placed both of her hands on his shoulders and smiled as she eyed Liam for a moment, wondering what they would do once everyone was here. They would have to do something....for the situation was heating up.....

Sene Unty
Jun 14th, 2002, 11:18:43 PM
"That was quite a trip master."

Sene was still a bit unnerved by the wild flying his master seemed to relish. There was once a time when Sene would have been quite upset over the rough trip. However his short time in the Order had taught him to appreciate life in every way possible. Even the most unpleasant of times.

Sene smiled as his master placed her hands on his shoulders. His nerves were on fire as he looked up at the sky, knowing what was just beyond the blue. The fight for survival would be difficult, Sene had no doubt, but as he stood in front of his master a calm came over him. He would be save as long as she was here. She would protect him, and hopefully he could protect her.

Together, and along with the large number of Jedi that were arriving, Sene hoped they could save this world...

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jun 15th, 2002, 12:41:24 PM
Sarrtarroa's interest fixated on a computer screen, watching as several snub fighters entered the system, none of which seemed to be of any uniform make or class.

Admjirrral...we ssseem to have attrrracted attentjion.

With an amused smile, he continued.

Perrrhapsss jyou ssshould jincrrreassse ourrr grrround forrrcesss. Go, and sssuperrrvjissse them perrrsssonalljy.

One of the snub fighters began to break apart from the group, obviously heading toward the Oorru'Gurre'Gurre'. The fighter transmitted a message. The smile on Sarrtarroa's face evaporated.

The Jedji. Thjisss wjill not be easssjy.

His voice hardened as he turned back to his subordinate

Jasssssseerrrrrrji, move qujickly, and rrround up the Jedji on the planet. jI wjill handle thjisss negotjiatorrr. We mussst keep thjisss qujiet at all cossstsss.

Liam Jinn
Jun 15th, 2002, 07:28:50 PM
Liam's ship was smoking slightly from one of the rear engines. As he activated two repair droids, he grabbed his lightsabers and a blaster. The ramp slowly descended with the Jedi Master walking down. His feet hit the dirt and he turned to face the other two Jedi. His smile faded away as he felt something through the force.

"I don't know how long we're gonna be able to sit here. I have a feeling more reinforcements are on the way." With his smile returning to his face he nudged Xazor, "Lookin good today, it's a shame we've a planet to save."

The droids whirled down the ramp and found the smoking engine.

"It'll be awhile until they have it fixed and possibly awhile until the other Jedi show up so who's up for seeing what the Ciz have been doing down here?"

Xazor Elessar
Jun 15th, 2002, 08:00:30 PM
Xazor smiled at the sight of the Jedi Master, a friend. His words made her blush a pretty color of crimson...and she giggled slightly.

"Thank you....it is a shame."

She winked slightly and then looked around a bit as he spoke of the reinforcements. Indeed, it would be a while until they got here, but they knew where to go.

"We should go and see what the Ciz have been up to. They are a lot alike us Garou in many ways, yet so different. I'll be able to help a lot, I feel. I just hope my Father is alright...."

She said softly as her thoughts drifted back to Verse. There was a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach that she couldn't ignore, but she would have to. They were a team, and there to do a job. She intended to stick to it.....

Verse Dawnstrider
Jun 16th, 2002, 02:08:14 AM
::Verse replayed Liam's message in his head. He took out his "negotiation devices" in many areas of his robes. They were a trick from the days Verse was in the Jedi Spiecal Operations Unit. An easy way to turn the tide in Verse's favor. It was underhanded and sneaky. Verse would have loved it in when he first joined the Jedi. That was then, this is now. He really hoped this matter could be settered easily and without violence.::

"May the Force be with us all...."

::Verse wispered this to himself as he pulled his ship closer to the Flag Ship. Verse pulled in slow so that he would seem less threating. Hopefully all would go well.::

Jasseeri Arreearruu
Jun 16th, 2002, 08:42:39 PM
The Huntress Admiral watched as several small fighters came into view on the view screen. Her mind worked quickly, ascertaining what threat they posed to the fleet. After some calculations, she came to the conclusion that they'd be no more of a threat to them than a durg beetle would be to a ronto.But, then again, these were Jedi. You could never be too careful.

Jasseeri turned to Keerrourri as he suggested she take down reinforsments to the planet, and accompany them. She nodded her head in agreement.

As ordered, Emessary.

With that, she headed towards the exit from the bridge down to the hangar bays where the loaded transports were ready for take off. Once reaching the hangar, she boarded her shuttle, and took the lead, followed by three transports brimming with Cizerack soldiers.


Once they landed, she organized the troops, assigning each a commander, and ordered them to spread out and gather the Jedi that were already down on the planet.

She herself took a group and went off in search of these Jedi. The hunt had begun.

Liam Jinn
Jun 17th, 2002, 01:21:54 AM
Liam walked down the grassy path stopping suddenly as a few ships slid through the atmosphere.

"Hey Xazor," he said as he looked upwards, "we've got some more company on it's way."

"Alright, new plan. You and your padawan keep heading west. I saw a town on my way down about 3 miles down that way. Get to it and see exactly what the Ciz have got set up there already. I'm gonna see what I can do about those transports that just came down. Remember, don't do anything that I wouldn't...That Master Yoghurt wouldn't do." He said with a grin.

Xazor reluctantly agreed and started heading west with her padawan. If all went well Liam should be meeting back up with them in a few hours. Scratching his neck and letting out a quick sigh, the Jedi slowly made his way towards the transports that had just touched down.

After only about 10 minutes Liam felt the presences of the Cizerack move very close. He could tell there were a few groups near him but one was getting close enough that he could barely make out the faint steps of the Ciz as they made their way around the trees.

"Damn their quiet.." Liam said before a claw snapped shut around his throat. He felt himself lift off the ground before he shot his leg out and planted a firm kick in the chest of the tall Cizerack beast that had a hold of him. The beast released his grip around the Jedi's throat and fell back, hitting his furry head on the trunk of a tree on his way down. Liam landed in a crouched position and lept foward ontop of the fallen cizerack, jabbing him in the throat. With the cizerack now grabbing his own throat, Liam unclipped a lightsaber from his belt and ignited it. The gray blade sliced easily through a tree and disappeared back into the hilt of the lightsaber as Liam gave the tree a hard kick. It came down hard on two Cizerack that were unfortunate enough not to get out of the way in time.

"Sorry about that! Meant to say 'Timber'!" Liam said as he took off into the trees with the remaining ciz in the group on his tail.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 17th, 2002, 03:53:26 PM
Xazor listened to the Jedi Master and smiled gently. She led Sene down the path toward the town. Turning to face him, she suddenly got a bad feeling. They were following the two....the Ciz...and they were close.

"Whatever happens....don't worry about me, save yourself if this becomes violent. You have learned well, my Padawan....use your knowledge and may the Force be with us....."

She said softly as the Knight quickened their pace a bit. She couldn't get the terrible feeling from her mind as they continued walking toward the town....

Sene Unty
Jun 17th, 2002, 07:22:50 PM
Sene felt confident as he followed his Master toward the town. Her words to him were a boast to his mind, tearing away any thoughts on the coming battle.

"You don't know me so well master. Your crazy if you think I'll leave your side, and if push comes to shove I got one mean left hook."

Then Sene thought on it:
"But...just to be save ...have any spare lightsabers on you?"

Xazor Elessar
Jun 17th, 2002, 07:32:25 PM
Xazor smiled and looked down at Sene. He was a sweetheart...no doubt about it. Smiling to herself at his question, she nodded. Taking the saber, "Love", from her belt, she looked to him. The duel-phase was special....a gift given to her by Jedi Master Sage Hazzard on the day of her promotion to Knight. It was special for another reason, though.....it separated into two lightsabers. She did just that...unscrewing it form the center and handing him one half.

"Do not loose it....but use it to protect yourself if you must. After this is all over....hopefully we'll return to the Order...together, and you can build your saber. If not...go and build it without me, and carry on my teachings....."

She said softly as they continued to walk, hoping he would hear the concern in her voice. This was a real situation now....it was not a spar....it was not a lift the rock and toss kind of day. This was fight for survival if you must...but make peace where you can type of day.....

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 17th, 2002, 09:59:15 PM
The six remaining Cizerack in the patrol went after Liam quickly; four of them scrambling through the thickets with no weapons. The two remaining were equipped with repeater autocannons, which the physically-superior felinoids could carry like an assault rifle. Reddish-orange streams of blaster fire began to cut down trees on the periphery of the thicket, while the other Cizerack moved from either side in an attempt to flank the fleeing Liam.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jun 17th, 2002, 10:10:58 PM
The Oorru'Gurre'Gurre' locked a tractor beam onto Verse's ship, pulling it within its main hangar bay. An honor guard stood ready at the boarding ramp, ready to escort the Jedi to see the Emissary as soon as he exited his vessel.

Liam Jinn
Jun 18th, 2002, 02:21:51 AM
Liam felt the heat of the blaster fire as it shot past. He lept to his left as another bolt shot past. Igniting the lightsaber in his hands, he ducked and rolled, thrusting the gray blade into the cizerack who was nearest. The smell of burnt hair crept through the nostrils of the jedi as he pulled the blade free from the torso of the now dead cizerack.

Another wave of blaster fire shot past Liam as he ran towards a newly visable enemy. The cizerack lept in his direction but was cut in half as Liam jumped upwards and sliced down with his saber.

"Alright, come on, I'm right here!" He shouted, allowing the remaining few to know his location. Two cizerack emerged from the brush on each side of Liam, growling deeply and letting their fangs be seen. As the next wave of blaster fire came rushing up on the Jedi Master, he raised his saber and with a tight grip, deflected two bolts into the unsuspecting cizerack. One fell to the ground with a smoking abdomen and the other one howled in pain, clutching the stub of an arm he now had. Without wasting precious time, the jedi quickly pulled free his blaster and shot the howling cizerack in the head.

His arms ached from the few bolts he deflected but with a few gasps of air, he ran off in the direction of the firing enemy.

Verse Dawnstrider
Jun 19th, 2002, 11:09:43 AM
::Verse got out of his V-wing and sniffed the air. Pulling is cloak tight he walked to the Honor Guard. Verse kept silent while he walked with them. Odds are that they were not strong in the Force. Some may be very weak willed. Verse did not want to but all his faith in that. This bunch was well trained. who knew what stuff they were trained in. There minds may be as tight as a vise. All Verse could do was follow right now. Soon he would talk to the head honcho around here. Then something may get done.::

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jul 4th, 2002, 09:00:53 PM
As Liam ran toward the patrol group, a second group of Cizerack emerged from a ridge to the east, sprinting down in a flanking attempt. The fire from autocannons continued on the forward location, soon joined by the reinforcements. However, just as suddenly as the fire erupted, it ceased. The Cizerack did not attack, but consolidated their position, encircling Liam and keeping their undivided attention on him. From the east ridge, a smaller figure approached, removing a similar battle visor from her face, and letting her blonde hair spill forward. By her gender and the markings on her suit, she obviously led the platoon.

"Jedji. Do not fjight usss. We would prrreferrr to not kjill jyou."

Liam Jinn
Jul 5th, 2002, 06:52:26 AM
Liam was trapped, so it seemed. He swung his saber out in front of him, warning the Ciz to keep their space. The circle tightened a bit more though, narrowing his escape options. He grinned at the one who spoke, then chuckled.

"Hey! You attacked me and expect me not to defend myself? Is that the way it works back home for you guys?"

He shook his head.

"What exactly are my options here?"

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jul 5th, 2002, 10:15:43 AM
The female smiled slightly. She could appreciate her prey's predicament, and was empathetic, if not sympathetic.

"Don't fjight. Don't rrrun. Come wjith me."

In a show of good faith, she approaches slowly, putting away her sidearm.

Liam Jinn
Jul 5th, 2002, 01:25:31 PM
Liam watched the female closely. Gah, great options... he thought. With a sigh, he holstered his blaster.

"Alright. But I think that I'll just keep this here lightsaber activated. You don't harm me, and I might not harm your men."

He didn't know how the female would react to his statement, but getting the saber out of his hands was going to be far from easy..

Xazor Elessar
Jul 23rd, 2002, 12:12:46 PM
Xazor passed off the fact that she was being followed as just her nerves. Suddenly she heard something again and decided to check it out. She ran back to where Liam was and noticed him being taken by a female Cizerack.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you...."

She drew her lightsaber and cut it on, two blue beams shot forth from each end creating a double bladed, duel-phased weapon of death.

"Let him go..."

The Garou Knight growled deeply and showed her elongated canines. How she disliked the Cizerack especially the ones that harmed her friends....

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jul 23rd, 2002, 12:19:23 PM
"What doesss a Jedji Masssterrr have to fearrr frrrom usss?"

She smiled thinly.

From behind, another approached, causing the officer to divert her attention. She arched an eyebrow. One Jedi was no problem. Two were. She commanded her subordinates with a mere glance, as they all lowered their weapons. She tapped a few buttons on a device strapped at her wrist, but likewise, assumed a submissive position. For now, their enemy was superior.

Liam Jinn
Jul 23rd, 2002, 12:40:40 PM
He shook his head, a small chuckle greeting Xaz as she approached.

"To tell you the truth, I have nothing to fear from you. But I do have my doubts about my safety in your hands. Alright, well this would be my que to get on with my work."

He walked out of the middle of the group of Ciz, stopping as he reached the female.

"Keep your distance from us...And if you're thinking of your mens lives then you might as well leave while you still can."

He brushed passed the female and flashed a quick smile at Xaz.

"We better move on while we still can.."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 23rd, 2002, 12:45:53 PM
"Wise choice, Ciz....now keep your distance as he said...and no harm shall befall you or your men. There are plenty more Jedi on the way."

She stated rather roughly. The Garou kept her saber ignited and kept her senses on the group as they left. If any of them tried to follow she and Liam....she would know right away.

"Yes...let us move on..."

She said softly and continued walking with him...wondering what they were to do now....

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jul 23rd, 2002, 12:46:33 PM
She smirked, amused at the male's bravado.

"And what jisss jit jyou expect to do herrre? jYou arrre outnumberrred grrreatljy."

Crossing her arms, she walked alongside the two Jedi.

"And of courrrssse, nobodjy wantsss a warrr herrre."

Liam Jinn
Jul 23rd, 2002, 01:03:16 PM
Liam had been thinking about that, and still hadn't figured it out. He stopped and faced the female.

"You're right on both accounts there. We don't want a war, but your actions can only be seen as hostile. You've invaded NR territory, and I'm afraid it'll be only a matter of time til they respond. We'll do what we can to ensure this does not escalate, but again, this wasn't the smartest of moves."

He deactivated his lightsaber and clipped it to his belt.

"Did you really think that they were just going to hand Calan over to you?"

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jul 23rd, 2002, 01:42:48 PM
The remark caused the female's ire to raise. She growled gutturally, then composed herself.

"Calan jisss ourrrsss! Thessse people have been ljivjing underrr ourrr good grrracesss. Now, we rrrequjirrre pajyment forrr ourrr hossspjitaljity."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 23rd, 2002, 01:49:57 PM
Xazor growled and looked at the Cizerack female. She shook her head and eyed her momentarily.

"Calan belongs to the NR despite the words that come from your lips! I do not know who you think you are...you speak of not wanting war, yet you create reasons for one!"

The Knight shut her mouth, realizing that if she said anymore, she would anger the Ciz and that was not a very good idea for the peace they were trying to restore...

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jul 23rd, 2002, 02:00:43 PM
The little dramatic charade was enough to buy time. From the moment she had activated her alert beacon, the forward command center had already dispatched four mobile platoons to her transmission location. Now, just over the horizon, she could pick up the low droning of the assault dropship engines with her sensitive ears. Within minutes, they would come to bear right on top of the Jedi.

For now, she assumed a stance of submissiveness. But she smiled...

Liam Jinn
Jul 28th, 2002, 04:55:00 PM
Liam suddenly felt uneasy. He put his hand on Xaz's shoulder and slightly pulled her back.

"Well, it's been nice talking, but we have work to do."

He flashed a smile at the female and took off, Xaz following closely.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 28th, 2002, 05:14:58 PM
Xazor felt the discomfort as well and took off after Liam. She bolted, so to speak, with Force powering her legs as she ran.

"So Liam......where are we going?"

She laughed slightly as she ran beside him.....wondering what his intentions were......

Liam Jinn
Jul 28th, 2002, 05:26:08 PM
"We're going to go and check out that town a few miles away. I'm curious as to what the Ciz have set up there already...perhaps we might be able to hold off there long enough for reinforcements to come."

He let the force take control of his speed, hoping that Xaz and himself could reach the town before anymore Ciz did.