View Full Version : So I'm sitting here reading AOTC novel....[masked spoilers]
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 26th, 2002, 01:15:41 AM
And I had to put it down for a moment to recover.
This is no kids book. This is a graphic, bloody, no punches pulled novel. If the movie is the same........ I dont see how it could possibly be PG-13. And a real shock. i was not expecting anything like this.
:: goes back to reading ::
I'll reply to roleplays after I finsh reading.
Sage Hazzard
Apr 26th, 2002, 01:20:11 AM
There is a picture, I'm sure you know the one, that shows me it shouldn't be PG. The movie is rated PG right? It's incredibly disturbing. Read spoiler for specifics. DO NOT READ SPOILER UNLESS YOU'RE 100% SPOILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The one where Anakin has his arm being chopped off. I mean, you see the end of his arm where it's severed, you sees sparks coming from it, and you see the other part of his arm flying through the air! It's kind of gruesome. Although I've seen worse in movies, they've been rated harsher.
Darth Viscera
Apr 26th, 2002, 01:20:55 AM
Ach, ich habe pre-ordered it drei tage vor und it's still not hier!
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 26th, 2002, 01:35:17 AM
This is George's version of a love story? Good grief, what's EP III going to be like?
Darth Viscera
Apr 26th, 2002, 01:45:13 AM
Hopefully something directed by Irvin Kershner. More imperialism, less I'm-old-but-I-can-still-make-a-cliche-action-thriller.
Apr 26th, 2002, 06:38:56 AM
MArcus, you LIKED a Salvatore novel? He who wrote Vector Prime? EGADS! :)
Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 26th, 2002, 08:04:44 AM
And he's atoned for Vector Prime and then some with this. His writing is masterful.
Apr 26th, 2002, 08:10:10 AM
It wasnt that bad in VP :)
It was just a bit obvious he hadnt read the previous books
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 26th, 2002, 08:12:13 AM
Oh my word, has he ever.
The weird thing is, it's like reading roleplays here. I could just imagine the words of LL, Figrin, Dale, Ogre and myself spilling off the page. I could see the moves and visualise it all. I swear, I could imagine this place got ripped off. It's occasionally errie
Apr 26th, 2002, 08:15:51 AM
That happened to me when I read Dark Tide: Ruin. Corran turned his sabre off when fighting Mara. I did that aginst Boricua :)
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 26th, 2002, 08:30:51 AM
Are we sure Lucasarts dont read the stuff we do here?
No seriously. You read the novelisation, you will see what I mean.
Apr 26th, 2002, 08:39:10 AM
Don't laugh, DT: I've seen something very similar happen before, at another board. I wouldn't be surprised in the least to find out that LFL "borrowed" some concepts from us.
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 26th, 2002, 08:53:10 AM
Well, I predict a great change in how the Jedi a RP'ed on different boards - but not here. The ecclectic mix of styles is awfully similar to AOTC.
No other Jedi Temple or RP group had descriptions of computer rooms, lounges, training area, council room or living areas like GJO does. Most other Jedi places copy GJO - and AOTC Temple just sounds so familiar to GJO.
For another exapmle, I am sparring with Xazor. She uses a Force Wall. That is not new - I remember others doing the same 2 + years ago. There is a fight in AOTC where the Force Wall is employed in exactly the same way as it has been used here. Now if I see a panning, I;lll sue em
Sage Hazzard
Apr 26th, 2002, 09:46:08 AM
That scheming, bearded, two timing, old goat.
Marcus!!!!!!!!!!!!! I invented the Force Wall! That's my baby. Verse taught Xazor it, but I created it! Argh!!!!!!!! This actually pisses me off more than makes me happy. Can you PM me the area of text where it's used? I want to see how it's done. PM Syrius Cline's account, Sage's keeps saying the inbox is full.
This makes me VERY mad. It's good that it was used but if it was borrowed by Lucas from this board, I'd like a little credit atleast.
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:02:43 AM
Erm, WHAT? Someone suggested that at TF.N ages ago in a discussion about slugthrowers. It's a logical power!
Sage Hazzard
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:21:02 AM
Ah. I didn't know that when I created it then. My mistake.
Was I atleast the first to use it on SWFans?
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:33:21 AM
Id presume so :)
Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:46:06 AM
No you weren't Sage :)
Anbira = physical manipulationist guru.
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:49:24 AM
BTW, Lucasarts makes the games. Lucasfilm makes the films, and LFL is the more general group
Sage Hazzard
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:49:28 AM
Well, since Marcus was saying Lucas might be "borrowing" from this board and I was the creator of it on here, I guess I'm entitled to be mad. But the more I think about it, the coolor it seems. I only hope when everyone here starts doing it, they can remember I was the one who started the trend.
Reaperfett, do you remember the thread at TFN well? How was it explained? Just, through the Force? Because I have a complex scientific explaination.
NOTE: Don't talk about the Force Wall out of the spoiler box. Because then it gives away that it is in the movie, or atleast the book. That reminds me.... Marcus, the point where it's done, would you think it'd make it into the movie, or not?
Cool. Because I've been living a lie otherwise. :lol
Sage Hazzard
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:51:00 AM
Anbira, how do you explain the Forcewall?
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:51:34 AM
Im not saying anything about specifics outside :)
Basically, it was just you could create a wall of force. It then sortof expanded a little bit.
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:54:13 AM
BTW, just bare in mind the spoiler policy here. The current discussion is fine IMO. Keep it that way, or this speeds.
Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:58:13 AM
Its simply a seemingly-tangible barrier, crafted by the force. Its like the primary pillar in every fundamental thing Anbira does...ultimately resulting in his ability to compress the air around him into superheated, pressurized bursts of radiant plasma.
edit- Sage asked for this :)
Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 26th, 2002, 11:00:31 AM
I'd say I'm MUCH more peeved about the movie "The Mexican". If you read ANY Sanis stuff and then watch that...its crazy.
Sage Hazzard
Apr 26th, 2002, 11:08:15 AM
Well mine has to with turning gravity, or wind, or like you just said. I have three methods.
He's become a Master in the attack now, since he used it from the rank of Padawan.
Anbira, I don't mean to challenge you, but when did you come up with it? I just want to make extra sure that you came up with it first so. A) I can enjoy the movie without screaming RIP-OFF. B) So I can officially stop telling people I created the Force Wall.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Apr 26th, 2002, 11:21:53 AM
Its been a mainstay of Anbira's since 1999.
Sage Hazzard
Apr 26th, 2002, 11:25:48 AM
Ah. Good. Now I can be proud and easy going if it shows up. Because you created it, and you and I both are probably the only ones who have used it much. So now I'm happy. Thankies.
I'd still like a snippet of that part of the book Marcus. I still think of it like my baby.
Hey Anbira, don't give anything away but, remember that interconnecting thing you and I have? What you did with Vice, etc. Kind makes it doubly cool that you created the Force Wall, and Sage uses it. BTW, I'd like to start on a RP soon regarding that storyline. Contact me by PM when you can, Syrius Cline's account. :)
Apr 26th, 2002, 11:38:12 AM
If he is doing an exert, do it in FIlms or by PM please :)
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 26th, 2002, 07:16:32 PM
Generally, roleplaying concepts always start here first.We regularly do things that filter to other places. Our ruleset is the most copied for instance. I would bet the Force Wall occured here first. I am also fairly certain I saw Sith use it mid 1999. The thing that was weird is the way it was used was an echo of Anbira, totally.
It was the way the powers are described and the battles are done. So familiar it was.
Gav Mortis
Apr 26th, 2002, 07:33:33 PM
I can't wait to see the film so I can go back and read all these discussions safely. :)
Darth Viscera
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:55:22 PM
LucasArts has ripped off a few of my character names. Desann has been DV's aid for quite a while.
Figrin D'an
Apr 26th, 2002, 11:12:21 PM
Too bad I can't read any of that spoiler info... not until May 16th, anyway. :)
I've always held that Salvatore is an excellent writer... he really did a great job with his books in the Forgotten Realms series. I felt the same way with Vector Prime. It was very well written, I just didn't like the story. Not really his fault, since he was writting as part of a larger, preconcieved story-arc. I hated that Chewie got axed, and I mistakenly blamed Salvatore initially... but, it was really Lucas that decided to kill our favorite Wookie... Salvatore just had the unpleasentness of delivering the scene in his first 'Star Wars' book.
I am anxious to find out if I can see in the text what Marcus does... it would be interesting indeed to discover a bit of SWFans flavor to the new storyline...
Apr 27th, 2002, 05:59:57 AM
I think the thing is, if you take every name we use, every power we create and ever gimmick we do, we take most options up:)
Darth Viscera
Apr 27th, 2002, 06:34:11 AM
Why didn't Owen recognize Threepio when he bought the droid from the Jawas in ANH? I mean, Threepio did live on that very same Lars compound with Owen and sometimes Beru for 5 years.
Admiral Lebron
Apr 27th, 2002, 07:55:22 AM
I don't think he recognized C-3PO. For one In AOTC He had silver plating, as opposed to his gold in ANH and if you remember there were a bunch of other droids that looked like C-3PO like the one in the start of ANH and I think another one on cloud city. So by the time he showed up at Tatooine in ANH Owen didn't really recognize him at all, and 3PO didn't remember him from memory sweeps.
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