View Full Version : Has anyone here bought a fan-made Lightsaber?
Apr 25th, 2002, 10:01:03 PM
I just bought this month's SciFi mag and there are a couple of ads selling lightsaber replicas that supposedly are thumbed activated and they look pretty cool!
Has anyone bought one of those, how good are they?
Apr 26th, 2002, 08:05:20 AM
Never bought any but you might want to see if you can track down where the old replica props board went. They're bound to have some answers.
Figrin D'an
Apr 26th, 2002, 02:29:21 PM
I have never purchased a fan-made sabre, but I have made my own. :D
I used to be big into the replica sabres. I still am to a degree, just not as much as I used to be. I still have a couple of sabers (original trilogy ones).
Jedi Master Leia Solo
Apr 26th, 2002, 03:48:56 PM
Talk to me JB!! Obi has a few lightsaber replicas. Even an Obiwan one that lights up and all that ;)
We can get you the info :D Or talk to Obi ;)
Apr 29th, 2002, 08:58:03 AM
Ohhh JB.....this is JUST my sort of subject :)
The sabers you see there are from Master Replicas. The $300 dollar ones are supposed to be really accurate from what I'm hearing. They actually had access to Lucasfilm vaults and held the real props, etc, etc. The people who are doing these props are actually members of the RPF. From what I understand, Lucasfilm actually came to them and asked them to do it because of their work. Anyway, I haven't seen or held one of these but I'm hearing they'll have some at Celebration II so we'll see. I might have to check them out.
From what I understand, the ones with blades are of course cheaper but also less accurate to the original prop. The diameter of them is off.
Anyway, JB, I know I could help you out, no prob at all!! Like Leia said (*kiss* Love you Angel! ;) :)) I do have several sabers myself...a Luke ANH, a Vader ANH, and an Obi TPM....all of them all metal sabers and my Obi actually has a blade you can insert and fight with....and so does my vader...but I also have several other props and latest which is still in progress...but I'm going to wear it this weekend at C2 and also hope to post pics soon...have to let me know what you think :) I do have pics also of my sabers and other props (have a Han ESB blaster (all metal ;)) and holster among other things) too if you'd be interested in seeing.
Also, the metal sabers can be expensive but I know of places where you can get resin sabers. They're a LOT cheaper and some of them are pulled from the metal sabers meaning it's the same thing but in resin. A drawback to the resin though is that you'll have to paint it. Although I do know of someone who does the resin with an aluminum skin. I haven't held one of these but I would think that would give it a better feel. Anyway, if you want to know more or would like to talk to some people, feel free to e-mail me at anytime! I've been around the RPF for about 3 years now so I'd like to think I know a little bit :)
Gurney Devries
Apr 29th, 2002, 04:10:03 PM
Originally posted by JediBoricua
I just bought this month's SciFi mag and there are a couple of ads selling lightsaber replicas that supposedly are thumbed activated and they look pretty cool!
Has anyone bought one of those, how good are they? It seems that the RPF people closed their board, due to attacks by a "hacker". :\
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