View Full Version : Learning to Cry - Act III

Apr 25th, 2002, 07:16:36 AM
, <a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8721>Learning to Cry Act I finalie (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8720>Learning)

Years ago on a planet that had no name, a battle happened in which a Jedi lost her life. After getting too close to her emotionally, the greatest Jedi of the time went insane, finally being killed months later. It was rumoured a bounty hunter of great skill, using a projectile weapon bought him down.

<a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8969>Learning to Cry Act II</a>

A year later, the daughter of that Jedi was discovered. The bounty hunter once again became involved, snatching her from the clutches of a Dark Jedi, with the help of a Imperial Royal Guard, who turned out to be woman. Once again, the bounty hunter went to ground and effectively vanished. The daughter, by now four years old, appeared in the care of the woman, who it became known was Elieen Cross. She joined the Jedi under the name Helenias Q'Dunn and proceeded to bend her mind and her will to the Jedi Ways. The daughter, Jina Jade, began to learn the ways of her adoptive mother.

Some would say that was how the story would have ended, the adoptive mother and daughter would grow in the Force and Jina would become a Jedi like her real father. But other forces were moving, forces that were covalesing. Evil was moving and watching. And in the mind of a human who was catching a shuttle off the planet called Arcan IV, threads that others had not woven together were becoming known. He had seen a man, a stranger. He didn't look like much, a rag tag human with a relic for a weapon. But to the middle aged man, a native fo the planet Naboo, there was something suspicious.


The man in the shuttle was named Palpatine. He had been on a fact finding trip about the secerative army that was there, the Special Forces. Lead by a equally mysterious General who seemed to have been killed and yet seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. There was much here he was concerned about. He had made many notes and made observations, seen the buildup and also much else. He had met a woman named Q'Dunn, a Jedi whom he noted of growing standing. He had seen what the Jedi were building there. He stayed quiet in thought for a hour while his shuttle flew up to his cruiser, flying in orbit. And when it docked, he barely said any word until he came into his private room. Inside, he made sure that no one was observing, before he raised the hood on his cloak, to effectively hide his face. His whole demeanor changed, from tired man he went to powerful and upright.

There was a console that had a secure communications holoprojector. He moved to it and on a code a smuggler had found once, he punched up. A few minutes later, the pause symbol flicked off and a face came on. Not the one he wnated, but it would do for now. His voice was laced with menace and power, a low snarl that was bloodchilling and calculating

"Is this the plaent Meras?" he snapped

"Yes it is..." replied the person on the other side.

"Good. I wish to speak to Darth Ogre. Tell him my name is Lord Sideous and I wish to discuss the growing Jedi menace. Inform him at once"

Apr 25th, 2002, 09:31:30 AM
The woman's screams were brief, cut abysmally short by the soft and increasingly familiar sound of a death rattle. Gently, still grasping her by the throat with one hand, her murderer laid her down on the forest floor, brown leaves crunching noisily under the weight. He laid her out almost gently, as a lover might. Then, taking a few steps back, the man grabbed onto a nearby tree-trunk, his head bowed. In the filtered light under the forest canopy, beneath the midnight blue hood of his cloak, his face was nearly invisible. The crimson glow of his mechanical eye, however, was instantly recognizable.

Yesss, yesss... you sssee? You must kill to survive. You have not yet dessstroyed the lassst remaining ssshredsss of weaknessss the Jedi insstilled in you.

The man scowled. "You mean my 'humanity', right?" He turned his head, spitting on the ground. "I don't think I'll ever get rid of this sickening feeling whenever I kill someone."

Oh, you will... in time, Jedi.

"Don't call me that, you sickening worm."

The one-time Jedi Master and philosopher, known to most by only his taken name of 'Nupraptor', glared into the stillness of the forest, his victim already forgotten. The insect which resided in his skull clicked it's mandibles thrice, but said nothing else in response.

He'd heard - and used - the term 'a disturbance in the Force' on countless occasions. It was a rather vague term, much to his disliking, but it served its purpose when trying to convey that peculiar feeling of unease that washes over one when something indellible and, ultimately, vague was wrong nearby. And, once again, he'd be using the term again shortly - for something certainly felt wrong now. His master would surely know of this already, and would not need his disciple to tell him of it.

Still... his instincts told him that it would be best for him to return now. He'd had enough "fun" for one day.


Ogre Mal Pannis
Apr 25th, 2002, 10:11:38 AM
Lush green fields, thick flourishing woods, towering majestic mountains, and the presence of a plethora of various wild animals graced the surface of the forest-laden world known as Meras. All appeared calm, serene, peaceful, and pleasant to one who would have casually stepped foot on the world and had but a brief look at the natural wonders the planet presented to the senses.

Within the dark, damp, and musty recesses of a place below the surface, screams echoed their tormented wails through a cavern, the depths of which were known only to a select few. The catacombs below the cave on this world which Ogre Mal Pannis had made his home many years ago, were a place that most would hope they would never see, for if they did, it very well could be the last sight their eyes ever beheld, or at the very least a sight they would never forget.

In the poor light of the ancient place where some past civilization had lain their dead to rest, a towering green being with long blond hair and white tusks adorning his face seemed to smile and laugh. His experiments were progressing well, and his new project would soon be ready to reveal to the galaxy, so that all would tremble and quake in fear of his deeds and what might happen to them were they to become a part of his twisted plans.

The beeping of an astromech droid interrupted his labors that he appeared to be taking a great pleasure in performing. Had Ogre not been so preoccupied in his work, he would have known well before the droid relayed the message what was occurring, and maybe even why, but…

“WHO WOULD DARE!” Came Ogre’s deep resounding voice in a rhetorical fashion in response to the droid conveying that someone was attempting to contact him over a secure holo-channel.

The tool that the three fingered hand of the Sith Master was holding, slammed upon the stony surface of what he had been using as a table near the bound body of the recipient of his experiments.

“You will have to wait until later, unless of course your feeble body perishes before I return…..in which case…” His voice trailed off as he turned to leave this dismal recess of the cavern and set eyes upon the cage that held a dozen more frightened faces of living subjects for his demented schemes.

Apr 25th, 2002, 09:28:06 PM
It was once said Patience was a Jedi attribute. For the Sith, patience was not in their nature. He had however decided that his goals could only be done through the use of patience - that and subtley. His own personal additions to the lexicon of Sith teachings. it had proved to his advantage and it helped him plan for years down the path.

Right now, it was helping him as he waited for the one known as Darth Ogre to respond. Palpatine stood there, still and quiet, mediating quietly while the pause symbol flashed. It didnt matter how long he waited - he would wait until Darth Ogre would speak with him.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Apr 25th, 2002, 11:11:43 PM
He arrived in the upper level of his underground home. It was not quite as dismal and dank as the lower level he had occupied before, but it was still a cave, with walls of stone, and stalactites hanging from the ceiling. He walked over to a holo-receiver and punched the receive button with an impatient and annoyed stroke of one of his claw tipped fingers.

“This had better be good whoever you are, or consider yourself as good as dead by the hand of Darth Ogre.” Was his immediate transmission, before he even saw who was on the other end.

Apr 26th, 2002, 08:36:35 AM
The Dark Disciple ran into the cave - arriving quickly, but not impetuously. He urgently wished to relate the news of the disturbance he felt to his master, but he knew better than to interrupt right now. So instead, Nupraptor silently drew his cloak up about him and flanked the vastly taller Sith, standing silent vigil by his side. Perhaps this conversation would provide enlightening as to the nature of the "disturbance".

Apr 30th, 2002, 02:41:48 AM
This had better be good whoever you are, or consider yourself dead by the hand of Darth Ogre

Ordinarily, such impertenance would anger him greatly. But Lord Ogre was in his estimation one of the best Sith in existance - and that was one of the reasons he was approaching this particular Lord.

"Lord Ogre, My abject apologies for this unplanned interuption. Allow me to introduce myself - I am Lord Sideous. I wish to speak to you on a matter of gravest concern - I have been to the planet the Jedi are on and I have seen they are becoming stronger than anyone imagined. Grant me a moment to speak more fully of my concers and why I would speak to you on this"

Ogre Mal Pannis
Apr 30th, 2002, 11:16:33 PM
His irritation quickly became an itching curiosity. Something, somewhere in his mind told him that the one he now saw on the holo-screen was someone he should know something of, someone that he should remember or recall from somewhere. He was unable to place the nagging feeling of deja-vu, which led him to be even more curious about this being’s business with him.

“And where shall we speak more of these concerns?”

Ogre knew his apprentice stood beside him without having even looked to see. He wondered if the same thoughts of unrealized remembrance touched Nupraptor’s mind as they heard Lord Sideous’ words.

Apr 30th, 2002, 11:46:40 PM
Nupraptor was afraid that, were he to clench his jaw any tighter, his teeth might be ground to a fine powder. His eyes were wide and unblinking, and nearly every muscle in his body was taut with tension. This must be some kind of trick, surely.

He didn't know if Ogre yet realized whom they spoke to - not many would recognize the name, lost so long ago in the muddled history of the Galaxy. But as a Jedi, Nupraptor was something of a scholar and philosopher, going to great lengths to learn of what had transpired in the time of the Old Republic and before. He had poured over many a holocron, and more than one made mention of a 'Darth Sidious'. The events of his demise were quite common knowledge, although most beings likely did not know him by that name at the time.

But that was just it... he was dead - The last of his clones destroyed by the Skywalkers. Surely, this was an imposter... one who wished to ride on the coattails of someone much greater than themselves. For now, Nupraptor would wait. If his master did not already know what he feared, he would tell him shortly.

May 4th, 2002, 05:50:00 AM
"Lord Ogre, unless you wish to meet me face to face, I am quite preparewd to speak what is of concern now. This transmission will not be intercepted. I believe that meeting face to face on Tattooine would be of advantage, for the sole reason of verifying whom I am. And as to answer that question to your satisfaction if I may?

Years ago, I ruled the Galaxy as The Emperor. Sadly, the treachary of my Apprentice ended my original life. Through cloing and the powers of the Dark Side, I stayed alive. The Skywalers destroyed my last body and I was forced to drift in a spirit form, weak and with only my hatred to keep me going. But not long ago... I found a relative who still lived on Naboo. I took over his mind and I am free again. If you want to confirm I am whom I say I am, a physical meeting can be arranged. Otherwise, I would speak of the threat the Jedi are now. I seek your help to that end as I am not in a position yet to do anything. I believe however, you are"

Ogre Mal Pannis
May 5th, 2002, 11:21:08 AM
The tale did seem a little far fetched, but something told the Sith Master that the being he was speaking to now was not attempting to lead him astray, but was indeed concerned about something and did honestly seek the aid of the only Kashirian left alive in the entire universe.

It wasn’t customary for Ogre to help those who needed it, but the man voiced concerns that included the ones who walked the path of the Force in opposite to his own. To Ogre they were an abomination, an existence he ever endeavored to cleanse the universe of. This threat that the man on the holo-screen spoke of interested Ogre, and he wished to hear more.

“Very well, you may speak your information here if you find it appropriate.”

May 9th, 2002, 12:20:51 AM
"This communication link will do fine." The older man seemed to press something into his holocam, just beyond Ogre's view. On Meras, the screen below the holoviewer crystallized into a view of a planet. Arcan IV read the screen, and the display showed population increases, and other details the green Sith seemed uninterested in.

"I have taken the liberty of uploading information on the fourth planet in the Arcan system. Some months ago I felt in the Force that the one known as Darth Turbogeek, a strong Jedi Master, was not as dead as he would have liked the universe to believe. The Force is not mocked, and I listened to it, as it whispered to me of these things. I left Naboo, and journeyed to this planet, only to find that the New Republic has set up its Special Forces there.

"There is a considerable influx of a NR military presence, especially in the last two months. I believe the New Republic is up to something, and that the one known as Turbogeek is behind it all. I am still in no position to actually do anything about this Turbogeek, but you, Master Mal Pannis....you are."

The older man looked out from his hazy hologram at the huge Sith. "To find the root of this disturbance in the Force, and to discover the true purpose of the NR on Arcan IV, I believe that a few Jedi should be able to answer that question for us well enough. They will not come easy. I'm sure you have others in mind who could help you with this task. Yes...yes...I see you do already from your eyes."

Palpatine smiled, a horrible, ghastly, ghost of a grin. "I trust you know what to do, Lord Ogre."

Ogre Mal Pannis
May 9th, 2002, 10:09:17 PM
He nodded and responded briefly before switching off the holo-display.

“Indeed I do. Expect results soon.”

As the holo-display flickered off, thoughts that had been going through the Sith Master’s mind continued. This could very well be some kind of ruse, or some kind of trap. But did such a notion sway his determination? Of course not, and he doubted it would sway that of those he had in mind to aid him in this task.

He turned to his apprentice and Nuprator could see within his Master’s eyes that an evil plot was brewing and taking shape in the Kashirian’s mind. The wicked grin forming on his face strengthened that perception.

“Prepare for a journey my apprentice. We shall investigate this under my terms.”

Not one to question his Master’s wishes, Nupraptor turned and departed to do as asked, while Ogre turned back to the communications transmitter and set some of his notorious plans into motion, by sending a few select and encrypted messages to those he intended to have assist in this crusade.

Lady Vader
May 24th, 2002, 01:11:10 PM
OOC: I figured this was a good a time as any to add my post. If it's premature, just remove it. :)


*LV was lounging on the balcony adjoining the small living room when her comm station began to beep softly. She stood from her lounge couch and stretched, wrapping her robe about her tightly before entering the room. Iesis, who had been sleeping next to the couch, opened one eye and yawned, the yawn ending in a soft growl. But the large cat remained where it was and continued it's afternoon nap.*

*Reaching the comm station, LV sat herself in the seat, examining the message. As she did so, she reached for her mask, but then stopped halfway as she saw the message was a recorded encrypted transmission. No live feed. Had it been a live feed, she would have placed the mask over her face, as no one, save one, had ever seen her unmasked.*

*Satisfied, she pressed a series of buttons to start the decryption process. Within moments, the message was decrytped, and she was able to listen to it. What greeted her was the face of Ogre, a comrade of the Dark Side, and what intrigued her the most was the contents of the message. She listened to the message carefully, and even replayed it again. Finishing, she turned the message off, and sat back in her seat, grinning. This was indeed an interesting proposition, and one she was eager to go through with.*

*Standing, she made her way into the bedroom attached to the living room to gather the things she would need. A few minutes later, she was out of the bedroom and walking through the main door to her chambers, giving a sharp whistle. Iesis immediately came bounding after her, the door shutting almost of it's own accord behind them.*


*Aboard the Cat's Claw, LV set the coordinates into her navcomp from the message. The ship whined softly and then jumped into hyperspace. Soon she would be seeing Ogre, and possibly some others.*

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 28th, 2002, 11:47:21 PM
It was a quite a day.

The sun was beginning to decend into the surrounding hills, the warmth of the day was beginning to switch to the cool of the night. The Jedi Master looked over the parapat of the tower turret, looking out over the sweeping and lush plains of the otherwise empty planet. Only three intelligent beings were here on the entire planet, a paradise of animal and plant life, a place so strong in the Light Side that a Sith or a dark Sider would suffer headaches and neausia. Life teemed here and now that the sun was ging down, some stirrings of the nocturnal birds and animals could be heard.

A place of great beauty, of calm, of peace. And with the castle he was standing at the top most peice of, his home. Not another structure existed on the planet that didnt even have a name on the star charts. It reminded him of the descriptions of Imdraldis, the place his wife came from, the tranquility, the beauty. He loved this place and if he could, he would spend more time here.

Normally home to himself and his Padawan Alaina, but today they were joined by a new visitor - Akrabbim of the Jedi Order. Seeking to advance in the Jedi arts, he had journeyed here. And now Marcus and he were were looking out west after the climb up the steps to the platform.

"Beautiful, isn't it? I know of no other place that shares the power and peace I find here. Have you ever experienced anything like it?"

Jun 29th, 2002, 12:31:09 AM
Akrabbim was indeed overwhelmed. His home planet was a marshy wasteland, continually dark. Since his sojourn, he had only lived in large cities and the like. A wilderness like this is beyond his comprehension.

No, I have never seen its like. It is indeed... breathtaking. I have no words for it.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 30th, 2002, 10:52:28 PM
De'Ville sat in space..in her Infiltrator Revenge.

Soon it would have started. She had been contacted, informed of what she must do, and now it was for her to do it. Vader, for whome she had no love, was nearing Arcan IV. As would the Master DrenKast. De'Ville smiled thinly and began the descent to the planet.

She had an appointment to keep with one called Satine. The Jedi liked to call him Alpha, for what reason, she didn't know. Nor did it matter. The woman piloted to the planet's surface and was soon docked under an assumed name.

Come out, come out, wherever you are. He was not far away, most Jedi hung around the so-called Bar and Grill. She would start her search there.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 6th, 2002, 06:03:17 AM
Both men looked out over the expanse of forests and valleys that seemed to stretch out forever, before Marcus borke the silence.

"I bought you up here for a reason. I sense you have a reason you wanted to come here and search me out - you had a reason that saw that you would not be denied. You hunted out someone who to the other Jedi does not exist, you found someone whose name is but a mere whisperr. That in itself impresses me a lot and it says that what you wanted to come here for.... you have a good reason for. Speak openly and name why you come, what you hope to gain. There is none who can overhear what you say. Do you seek wisdom? I can give that. Do you seek knowledge? I can also grant that as I know more than I have ever let on, even when I was known as a different name. Do you have something that you could only speak to me about, a fear that you have sensed?"

Marcus looked directly at the younger man, his gaze even and calm.

"Or is it some other advancement you seek?"

Jul 6th, 2002, 09:26:04 PM
Akrabbim chooses his words carefully.

Advancement, you say? That is an interesting choice of words. It is indeed advancement I seek. But I wish advancements in all aspects. I have studied illusion all my life. I wish to advance... to be a Master Illusionist. I believe that, if I attain masterful control over illusion, I can be a much greater asset to the Jedi cause. But I have reached the limit of what I can teach myself. I need help.

Will you help me?

Lady Vader
Jul 9th, 2002, 11:37:44 AM
*The Cat's Claw touched down lightly in one of the many landing berths surrounding the main city of Arcan IV, near the Jedi sanctum. The message had stated that she report to the planet, but what the rest of the message would be was beyond her knowledge.*

*Stepping forth from the enhanced Sith Infiltrator, she made her way to the Bar & Grill. It had been some time since she'd visited the place, and she began to wonder if it had changed any. Probably not. But no matter, she was here for business and not pleasure.*

*Reaching the entrance, she paused momentarily to look around before entering the etsablishment. With an inaudible grumble, she tossed her lightsaber and whip into one of the many bins near the entrance, next to the big security guard there. It didn't bother her too much as she was still quite armed, having trained extensively when she had been an Apprentice in hand to hand combat, without the aid of any weapon, save for what was near you.*

*But she didn't forsee any immediate trouble, and she certainly wan't here to cause any, as that would be pleasurable. And she had already made up her mind that this was strictly a business trip.*

*Reaching the bar counter, she ordered herself a glass of Corellian whiskey, sitting there and sipping it, waiting.*

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jul 9th, 2002, 09:16:00 PM
He had moved from the place where the message had been received from the mysterious one. Now he and some of his family and minions were working diligently in preparation. They were preparations of very ill intent. Just what those intents were only a few knew.

The wheels were turning, all was in motion, and soon there would come a time of great tribulation and suffering for many, which was something that the Master of the Sith, his Family, and his minions enjoyed immensely.

Within Ogre’s hands was a device that had not been seen in exactly this fashion before. But its basic structure was familiar if you had ever been exposed to slave trading. However these were special. Several of them lay about in front of him, besides just the one in his hands.

Dark Jedi Leia Solo
Jul 14th, 2002, 01:58:34 PM
A face familiar to many a Jedi was deep in contemplation and concentration. She looked, sounded, and even smelt, to those with good enough senses to notice such, just like the one from who’s cells she had been cloned. she was known as Leia Solo, but this woman was not the pristine and virtuous Jedi that was widely known throughout the galaxy. This woman was a much darker variation. She was breed and trained by the Sith Master Ogre Mal Pannis, and on this day, as like most, she was doing the tasks he required of her.

With an sideways smile that had a hint of mischievous intent, she looked at what she had just completed before leaving the cavern room and making her way to where her master was.

“It is ready Master.”

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 19th, 2002, 10:44:59 PM
"Advancement, you say? That is an interesting choice of words. It is indeed advancement I seek. But I wish advancements in all aspects. I have studied illusion all my life. I wish to advance... to be a Master Illusionist. I believe that, if I attain masterful control over illusion, I can be a much greater asset to the Jedi cause. But I have reached the limit of what I can teach myself. I need help.

Will you help me?"

It was Marcus' habit these days to smoke his pipe while thinking things through, especially as he might be knowing of illusions and was indeed quite good at them himself and knew how to defend and defuse them, he was simply not at Akrabbim's level of expertise in their creation.

"Why would you ask me Akrabbim? I am not a Jedi who relies on illusion and even if I am much learned of them, their creation is not something that I would call myself worthy of instructing you at. I would have thought...... oh, what is this?" For Akrabbim had passed a data card to Marcus. The Jedi Master stopped to read it, lookedup at Akrabbim and pinned him with a glare. He then closed his eyes. "Yes.... yess... very well, you are right. What I call I not knowing a lot or not able to do a lot would exceed most of the Master of yore. Your point is conceded. Very well, close your eyes and we shall begin"


The day began to fade into night and still the two Jedi sat on top of the turret, talking. Discussing. Finally, Marcus waved a hand.

"That will be all for today Akrabbim. I must say, you are an apt student and you learn well. Would you care for some dinner?"

Jul 20th, 2002, 04:14:31 PM
Akrabbim stands and stretches.

Yes sir, I would indeed. And thank you for the compliment. I am sure that I will go far with your help.

He bows to Master Q'Dunn.

After you, sir.

Lady Vader
Jul 20th, 2002, 09:25:11 PM
*The bar was quiet for the most part, though during this time of day on Arcan IV, it usually was. Hell, there weren't even many Jedi around, it being much too early in the morning. Something she knew one Jedi in particular enjoyed. Quiet and solitude with merely a cup of warm tea for company.*

*She looked at her chrono, and seeing it was nearly time for him to show up, she figured it was time to throw a bit of mayhem into the bar.*

*Remaining where she sat at the counter, her back to the rest of the bar, her mnd wondered and touched a rather sleepy Trandoshan in the corner. It wasn't difficult to flood his mind with various negative emotions, making him begin to wake up with a very sour mood. Step one ackomplished. Now for step two. Her mind again wondered, slipping into the thoughts of a cheerful Chadra-Fan, chittering to itself on it's way out to the door. A single thought sent the little bat-like creature careening into the knee of the very grumpy Trandoshan. The ensuing mess was amusing at best as the Trandoshan stood up abruptly and scooped up the screeching Chadra-Fan by the scruff. With a mighty roar, the reptilian being tossed the little creature into a table where three Rodians were gathered, whispering in conspiratal tones. The flying and landing of the Chadra-Fan in the midst of the Rodians made them jump up and out of their seats and whirl on the Trandoshan. Needless to say, all hell broke lose.*

*LV was all but nearly laughing. For not much traffic in the morning, it was certainly easy to make a mess of the place.*

*She looked at her chrono again. Yes, any minute now the Jedi would come in to a bar with very grumpy people in it, rather than the usual quiet for a typical morning.*

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 20th, 2002, 11:19:07 PM
De'Ville hung around the back alley behind the bar. She scuffed her toe in the dirt, and then walked slowly around to the front of the bar. She passed the door, and then the small, smoked glass windows, and down the street.

She felt her sister in the Dark side inside the building. Soon their purpose would be fullfilled. De'Ville kept walking.

Jul 21st, 2002, 07:40:20 AM
Around a half hour later, Satine mad his appearance in the Bar and Grill. He was dressed in his normal black jumpsuit, and sleeveless black trenchcoat, and his silver hair was pulled bac into a ponytail. Walking to the bar, Satine noticed the B&G looked and felt slightly different from the way it normally did, but he just wrote it off as an odd feeling from one or two nearby. Walking to the bar, Satine takes his normal seat on the left end of it, and waves over the bartender, ordering a cup of klah for himself.

As the bartender scurries away to get it, Satine turns aorund to watch the crowd...

It was about that time when the fight began to occur. Stepping off his stool, Satine takes out one his his sabres from the back of his belt, and ignites it with a snap-hiss. The unmistakable sound of the legendary weapon of the Jedi stops the combatents cold, and they turn to look at him.

"That is enough!" Satine says, looking at the people.

Maybe it wasn't just a feeling form one or two people after all, the silver-haired Jedi thought. Something is going on here...

{OOC:Is that alright for the opening post? :) sorry, I feel out of, place with all of you guys who are great at writing...:)}

Jul 21st, 2002, 03:12:14 PM
The little red blip in her handheld had moved along the grid in a predictory course. Its destination - Yoghurts Bar & Grill. Which meant Satine had atlast made his arrival.

Hera had hired a rodian to follow Alpha, and herself tagged the rodian to follow Satines progress far from the target himself. She didnt want to prematurely alert the Jedi by stalking him herself right out in the open, but preferred to take a more second hand approach.

LV and DeVille would be in place, she assumed. She had already registered on her ship the "Wolffschanze" - or "Wolf's Lair" - craft scanner that the "Cats Claw" and the "Revenge" had made port. Her smuggling data hardware came with all sorts of little knickknacks to trace the whereabouts of all manner of vessells, no matter how good their jamming codes.

It had been a long time since she had worked with the two women...a lifetime ago it seemed. What better way to re-aquaint than to be a part of this present assault against the Jedi.

Hera had received a directive from her Master, Ogre Mal Pannis a short time before this. In all obedience and zeal to perform the task he had set for her, she had sent him a breif reply - "It will be done." and had made her way immediately to Arcan IV.

"The target has entered the bar....Im gonna get a drink, too"

The Rodian's communque warbled into Hera's earpiece as the Sith, already in motion, made the short distance to the Jedi hangout.

Yoghurts Bar & Grill...named after the Master Jedi himself. Hera smiled darkly. Wouldnt he be happy to find her here.. But there was not time for such fun and games...Hera spied De'ville just up ahead walking languidly along the sidewalk.

The two nodded to each other as Hera passed into the Bar itself.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 22nd, 2002, 03:24:14 PM
De'Ville circled around the building again, and quietly entered the back rooms, nodding to the chef. "I think I lost my credit purse here the other night... Did any turn up when the bar closed? I don't know what I'll do without it..." She let a twinge of worry trace her voice, and figited.

"I'll send someone to look, you can stay here if you want." The cook motioned to his helper, who nodded and left, leaving her alone in the kitchens with only the chef.

De'Ville figited some more, and gave her commlink a double tap, letting her sisters know she was in place.

Lady Vader
Jul 22nd, 2002, 05:24:49 PM
*Damn Jedi. Always ruining a bit of fun in this hell hole. It was during LV's musings, her attention was caught by the almost inaudible double tap to her comm.*

*She casually looked up from her drink to stare at the wall behind the counter. She couldn't see through it, but she could disern the dark presence on the other side, fient as it was hiding, but there.*

*She looked back at her drink, swirling it with a claw, waiting for the others.*

Jul 22nd, 2002, 05:36:32 PM
Satine was in the middle of an argument with the people in the brawl, trying to sort out who started what. He had put up his sabre by then. Turning to the only three NR guards in the B&G, Satine has them escort the fighters out of the establishment. Sometimes it paid to be a Warrior Knight....Sighing, Satine goes back to his seat, and takes a drink of the klah left there.

Ryla Relvinian
Jul 24th, 2002, 09:11:52 PM
It was the tenth time the sound of broken glass had come from the bar, the fourth time someone had tried to smuggle in a weapon, (emphasis on the tried...) and at least the thrid brawl this afternoon. In short, it was a typical day in the B&G. There was something else, though, something different. There was a slight coloring to the force energy in the bar today... not to say that people from all shades didn't usually frequent the place, but something was off today.

I sighed and returned to my drink, setting down the small datapad of my padawans' training records on it. I sipped my drink casually, a red wine today, while my eyes scanned the place slowly. Nothing seemed to be amiss but... I smiled at my own paranoia and returned my gaze to the datapad. Must just be one of those days.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 24th, 2002, 09:27:03 PM
De'Ville figited in the kitchen, and when the chef's back was turned to her, she walked to where a pitcher of water was sitting on the counter. Clear, and full of floating ice for the hot Arcanian day, it certainly looked inviting.

Reaching over towards it, Lilaena suspended her hand over the liquid, and carefully uncorked a vial that was hidden in her palm with the finger of the same hand. There was a minute splash as the clear contents were dripped into the water. She repeated the dosing for the other pitchers on the counter. The more the merrier.

But there were only two that they were worried about. Not worried...concerned with. Those two would be easy enough to round up once the drug had done its work. The beings who ingested this water would become weak, as their muscles relaxed and their brain was overloaded with signals from its pleasure center. Basically, it made the reciepient wobbly and happy.

It had no taste...was virtually indectectible. And who would be looking for it, in water served at the Bar and Grill?

De'Ville walked back to her spot, and the assistant returned, just as a waitress and a serving droid trundled into the kitchen for the water. They exited to refill drinks (people with alchohol always had a glass of water as well) and De'Ville listened half heartedly to the young man explain they had no purses behind the counter.

"Oh well. Thank you for looking. Shall I?" She motioned to the back door, and he nodded. "Thanks again!" De'Ville beamed, and exited into the alley, giving her commlink another tap.

Jul 24th, 2002, 09:57:50 PM
As she stepped from the street and into the bar, Hera was immediately requested to hand over her weapons.

She smiled with cold blue eyes at the NRSF officer and stood with her arms loosely at her side and then swung them slowly outward.

"Help yourself"

The soldier was quite young looking - perhaps a littlel green. He leaned forward and took her blaster from its holster at her hip. Someone more experienced would have made her hand it to him instead while keeping a wary eye on her.

But it didnt matter. Hera wasnt gonna make trouble for him.

After scanning her over, he asked for the dagger tucked inside her boot, which she obligingly handed over. Finding no other weapon was visible, no lightsaber, that was certain, the soldier nodded her on.

Hera walked the length of the bar to take a seat. She ran her hand along what looked like a belt of sorts wrapped around her hips. The Morphal Crest remained in place and completely inconspicous. As she brushed past a thirsty Rodian, she dropped a small leather pouch bulky with credits in front of him, and moved on, not even sparing the alien a glance. Her eyes were watching others.

Jul 25th, 2002, 06:33:10 AM
Sighing as the people were escorted out of the bar, Satien goes over, and pours a quick drink, wondering how many other times today that would happen. Taking a large gulp, and draining half the glass, Satine smiles. Cold water was good on such a hot day...

Lady Vader
Jul 25th, 2002, 01:08:42 PM
*One more tap at her comlink indicated the deed was done. Perfect.*

*One of their prey was here already, but the other had not yet emerged. She still hadn't touched her drink in awhile, instead opting to keep her wits about her.*

*She casually looked over her shoulder and spotted one of her sisters of the dark enter, a lopsided grin forming as she watched the young NRSF reach for the woman's weapons. Satisfied, the soldier let the Sith enter, and she made her way to the bar. As her head was still turned, LV saw one of the Jedi drink some of the water the serving droids had brought out. She hid her smile in the shadow of her cloak, turning back to look at the wall behind the counter.*

*The drug in the water would work more quickly if the Jedi became more physical. So, to aid in the process, she let her mind slip into a bored Bith, sitting at a table with a few of his companions. She poured a bit of irritation into the Bith's mind, making him look up around him. He then looked back at his comapnions and began speaking, the irritation evident in his voice. What he was talking about she couldn't tell, so she moved to the next Bith's mind and did the same thing. Pretty soon, all four seated at the table were shouting at each other, waving fists, and fast going from irritated to angry.*

*Satisfied, she took a small sip of her drink.*

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 25th, 2002, 01:43:29 PM
:: A hand came to rest on her shoulder ::

I would have thought you of all would grow tired of such parlor games.

:: Another hand gestured to the scene that LV had caused. The Sith traced it up to its owner's aged face. Both incidents with the Chadra Fan, Trandoshan, and Bith were minor squabbles, extinguished nearly as soon as they had begun. If she was after his attention, she now had it, as Anbira took the seat opposite his one time companion. ::

Jul 25th, 2002, 01:54:01 PM
Satine sees the argument, and then sees it die down. the Jedi shakes his head, and takes another gulp of the water.

{OOC:I assumed the argument died down, if not I'll edit.}

Ryla Relvinian
Jul 25th, 2002, 04:16:05 PM
The serving droid came around with a tray full of glasses of water, which I took and placed next to my half-drunk glass of wine. Still reviewing my datapad, I took a sip of the water from the glass. It was cold and good, a welcome change from the hot, dry day outside of the bar.

It was even hot inside the bar, I realized, looking up as yet another scuffle broke out between a group of random residents, none that I recognized. I returned to my water and my reading, totally oblivious to the outside world.

Lady Vader
Jul 25th, 2002, 05:31:52 PM
*She hissed softly as Anbira laid a hand on her shoulder. She shrugged it off lightly, feeling the argument die down. She watched as the Jedi took a seat opposite her, making her lip curl into a half sneer /half smile.*

It does get boring playing with weak minds, but it's always interestig to see where it leads once you get the ball rolling.

*At least her little "parlor games" had gotten the attention of the one she had come for. She sat there silently regarding him before speaking, raising an eyebrow.*

You seem to be doing well for yourself...

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 25th, 2002, 09:39:52 PM
The door flew open, almost cracking in two by the force in which it was pushed. Dalethria only took two steps in but already her eyes fell upon the object that called her here. Her jaw was taut with anger and her eyes cast daggers towards her victim.

She would have continued on but the Officer outside the bar quickly footed his way in front of Dalethria. It was the same one that frisked Hera.

"I gots to have the weapon."

Sighing, she closed her eyes and slowly licked the front of her teeth to calm down. Her mouth opened with a smack and Dalethria unclipped her sabre and shoved it at the NR Officer.

"I won't need it anyway, dear."

He wasn't sure if it was the crooked smile that he saw or if it was the way her cold steel eyes captivated his attention, all he knew was that Dalethria's looked trapped him completely ....

Until she walked away. He had to blink himself into awareness before walking back to his post outside the bar...

Dalethria on the other hand quickly stalked her way across the bar counter, not caring that she rudely bumped into some patrons. In a few moments, she was directly behind Hera and pushed her forwards ... Hard.

"You Bitch! You'd think I let you get away with this!"

Jul 26th, 2002, 06:02:49 AM
Satine jolts up at the outcry, seeing Dale beginning to cause some trouble in the bar.

What is it with today? he thinks to himself, getting up from his stool with great difficulty. Walking slowly over to Dale, he taps her on the shoulder to get her attention.

"Umm...Dalethra? Now wouldn't be a good time for petty squables in here, ya know?"

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 26th, 2002, 10:19:43 AM
:: walks through the market place nearby, her face hidden beneath her cloak ::

Jul 26th, 2002, 08:45:10 PM
The shove was hard and rough and Hera couldnt help but stagger forward a few paces.

Her face flushed red in embarressment before she swung around. snatching up the offending arm, before it dropped back to Dalethria's side.

With her other hand, she held it palm outward and pushed Alpha as he approached them firmly in the chest to keep him out of it. "Beat it, punkass" He crashed back into the table where earlier a heated squabble had erupted causing them to all jump to their feet and start yelling.

Hera knew who it was before she even turned. The voice was familiar, and so was the rush of aggressive force power that assaulted her.

"You kiss your husband with that mouth Dale?" Hera's eyes narrowed and her lips turned upward into a smirk, "Oh, no...wait. That'd be me." And she ran her tongue along her lips in exaggerated innuendo.

Of course, it wasnt true. But if Dalethria wanted to start something with her tonight - Hera would damn well give her something to start about.

She twisted hard on Dale's arm, gouging into her pale flesh with her fingers.

"You wanna tell me what this is about, or need I snap your arm in half to loosen your tongue?"

Jul 26th, 2002, 09:06:49 PM
Something's wrong! Satine thinks, trying to get back to his feet, but failing. I can't move...Maybe if I just sleep for a while...

Closing his eyes, Satine slowly begins to black out, not bother to get out of the wreckage of the table...

Ryla Relvinian
Jul 28th, 2002, 02:17:09 PM
Damn it, not another fight... I thought to myself as I took another long, slow drink from the glass of water, the wine glass long empty. I turned my head towards the fight quickly, but my eyes suddenly got blurry, giving tracers to the images of the patrons who now seemed to be moving both slow and fast. I shut my eyes and rubbed them. I must have been reading for too long. I tried to open my eyes but found them incredibly heavy. I suddenly realized that somebody must have drugged my drink, and tried to get up, but instead felt myself falling uncontrollably down from shaky legs. The corner of the table connected with my forehead and everything went black.

Jul 28th, 2002, 03:13:34 PM
Satine lasts just long enough to see Ryla lose it, and groans--all the reaction he could do--and finally he blacks out too.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 29th, 2002, 04:20:07 AM
De'Ville frowned at the commotion from inside the bar. Figures that someone else would show up to crash the party. She only had dibs on two Jedi, the others could all go to hell for all she cared.

"Hera, get the goods and jet." She mumbled under her breath, and resisted the urge to rush into the bar. Vader and Drenkast were big girls. They'd get the Jedi out and from there De'Ville would assist, but she'd done her part for the moment.

She'd take Alpha in her ship, and the other two women could fight over who got the blue girl. The end result would be the same anyway.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 29th, 2002, 12:46:59 PM
Doing well for myself?

:: Anbira arched an eyebrow. It was a curious thing for her to say. Even as he asked, Anbira felt a growing disturbance...this time, between those strong in the Dark Side of the Force. Dalethria Mal Pannis, once his prodigy of darkness, and another...the Sith Master Hera DrenKast. As he paused to consider this, another disturbance in the force drew his attention...as both Satine and Ryla succumbed to some unknown ailment. The Jedi's eyes turned back to his former companion. ::

Is this your doing as well?

Lady Vader
Jul 29th, 2002, 01:59:28 PM
*She gave him an irrisistably innocent smile, one that would make anyone nervous.*

Why must you think that whenever anything goes wrong when I'm about, it must be my doing?

*She glanced over her shoulder at the dizzy Jedi on the floor, at the other one attempting to right her focus, and at the two Sith women duking it out with words. She nearly laughed. It was so fun to see things in chaos when it came to the Jedi. Anything to send their lives into turmoil.*

*She turned back, just as a droid came by, seemingly ignoring everything around it as though it were normal behavior for bar goers, and placed two complimentary glasses of water on the table before them. She reached for hers and brought it closer to herself, letting her fingers rub up and down it's sides, letting the wetness from the condinsation moisten her finger.*

If you must be assured, no, this is not my doing.

*She looked at him again, her greens eyes boring into his.*

You still haven't asked me why I've come. It should be obvious to you now that I am not here merely for drinks.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 29th, 2002, 06:29:35 PM
Dalethria had grabbed Hera by the back of the next when there was a crash and then a loud thump.

Eyes narrowed and she turned around to see a sleeping Satine and a passed out Ryla.

When she returned her focus to Hera, Dalethria had a visible pout.

"And we barely even started. :( You owe me." :D

Sighing, she let go and quickly scooped up Satine, since he was right there, and raced for the door. Hopefully Vader can keep Anbira occupied while she made her break and Hera picked up blue Jedi girl.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 29th, 2002, 07:47:20 PM
De'Ville felt them on the move, and she inwardly growled at the intrusion of her siblings. At the very least they could have called. Now she would probably be left out in the cold on this deal, after doing all the hard work.

The Jedi seemed to have been hit harder by the drug than she'd expected..they should have been dizzy, and disorientated, but not unconscious. Perhaps this was going to be easier than she thought.

However, if the drug had hit harder at first..then it would probably wear off sooner. De'Ville turned suddenly and walked briskly back towards the bar, ready to intercept Drenkast as she came through the door. She would need to know to take extra precautions.

Jul 29th, 2002, 07:57:35 PM
Hera heard LD clearly in her mind and as if Dale had sensed the same instant, released her hold around Hera's throat. A little reluctantly, Hera noted with a grin.. Pity, she was looking forward to trashing the joint...another day. She and Dale would make up for it another time.

Lifting one of the light-frame chairs with her booted foot, Hera hurled it across the room and into a throng of patrons, just to add a little color to the whole show.

She then snatched Ryla up, gripping the girls shirt collar roughly. She was pretty heavy for such a trim build. She glanced at LV and the Jedi Master sitting across from them. Vader had placed herself between the "targets" and old brittle-bones Anibra - quite strategic of her, Hera admired. She smirked almost as her gaze crossed Anibra...pfft..ya think the old man would know his days are done..

In two strides the 2 Sith were at the door, and one quick wink at the NRSF officer, Dale and Hera were gone from the Bar, the limp bodies of the two jedi under arms.

Lady Vader
Jul 29th, 2002, 10:42:52 PM
*LV stood abruptly as Hera and Dale made for their exists with their prey in hand. She smiled sweetly to Anbira.*

I'd love to stay and chat longer, but I do believe my ride is leaving. Cheerio!

*She immediately hefted the table they had been sitting at, toppling it and the water onto Anbira. All went down in a heap. She called over her shoulder, already halfway to the door.*

Sorry bout the mess! Here, I'll right it all up for you!

*As she disappeared through the door after Dale and her Jedi captive, LV created a Force illusion in the bar, something she knew far too well that Anbira could not easily block. The illusion did indeed right everything, with not a mess in the bar, but it also "erased" all site of doors and windows. Soon, the bar seemed to be closing in, disorienting itself, making as though it were turning itself upside down. Pretty soon the patrons within the bar were screaming and falling over, some becoming sea sick. The insuing mass confusion would give the Sith enough time to leave.*

*As a parting, she sent Anbira a message via the Force during the disorientaion within the bar.*

Do look me up when you have a chance.

*The message was followed by a laugh that faded softly into his mind.*

Jul 31st, 2002, 12:29:01 AM
The door slammed behind them, but Hera knew a trouble-free get away would be just too much wishful thinking. The Jedi were a plodding lot, but they werent completely inept. Although..the one Dale was lugging had that dopey look about him... Course he was drugged and half up-side-down. Hera shook her head, deciding that probably didnt make that much of a difference.

"De'Ville!" She hollered up ahead as she saw the familiar form of her darkside sister.

"How bout doing some real work and help with this lot."

LD's glowering scowl as she approached them increased Hera's enjoyment of the whole scene and she could practically feel the venom sparking off her friend. "What?"

Ryla Relvinian
Jul 31st, 2002, 12:32:00 AM
I awoke with a jolt. I could feel someone lifting me up, and struggled to fight against them. A hot trickle of blood ran in my right eye, bleeding from where I had hit on the corner of the table. I again tried to reach up to brush it away, but could not even muster a small movement. Once again, the fog closed in, and I fell into deep, inky darkness.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 31st, 2002, 08:19:26 AM
“Bored now.” :(

:: Sorsha frowns as she meanders through the market place.

She watches a young boy from across the street. He wore the braid that clearly marked him as a Jedi. A Padawan learner. How vulgar. She was after larger prey. Garik Loran, Boricua, Leia Solo … where were the ones that constantly eluded her? She sniffs in disgust, her lips curling into a feral sneer.

Lileana De’Ville, Lady Vader, Hera Drenkast … she didn’t particularly play well with any of them. It was Dalethria who convinced her to come along, but whatever they were planning, she wasn’t really a part of it. Nothing had really changed it seemed. But why should they have all the fun?

Using a sith talisman as a focus, she incants a spell and draws a pattern in the air with her Kris knife.

Blood, internal organs, and bonemarrow become superheated. Flesh bodies boil from the inside out as a hideous cacophony of death fills the air. Men, women, children, aliens. None of them would be spared this day. Flame wraiths spring to life out of screaming mouths as bodies spontaneously combust.

Sorsha weaves the living fire into different animal shapes - serpents, bats, dragons, and unicorns. Creatures mythical and fantastic.

“Fly my little pretties, fly!!!” :wings :wings :wings

A child-like giggle of delight rises in her throat as they spread through the market place, igniting everything they touch into magickal flames. It was so beautiful to behold. The pain and suffering. So pure. If this didn’t bring the leaders of the Greater Jedi Order running from Temple Avalon, then nothing would ::

<table border=0 cellpadding=15 cellspacing=0 background=http://darthogre.clanpages.com/sorsha/pics/misc/SorshaKasajian.jpg width=555 height=284><tr><td width=271 valign=center><img src=http://darthogre.clanpages.com/sorsha/pics/sacrifice2/sacrifice2_47.jpg width=240 height=182 alt="Sith Witch"></td></tr></table>

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 31st, 2002, 03:13:29 PM
De'Ville scowled, "The drug was more potent thatn anticipated at first...it is going to wear off faster." She jogged up beside Drenkast, and hefted the weight of the blue skinned girl, using the Force to lighten the load. Was she awake? No. Good.

"I can take her to my ship, and we will meet at the rendevous point. Plenty of fun left back here," De'Ville flinched as screams suddenly erupted from a marketplace. "What the frell!?"

She cursed as they ran towards the spaceport, "That frelling Witch! Well it will take everyone at the spaceport being blind and dumb not to notice us leaving now." De'Ville adjusted her grip on the Jedi, and noted Dalethria following her with the other Jedi. "Make sure Mal Pannis remembers that they are to be whole on arrival."

Jul 31st, 2002, 06:00:01 PM
The pain and suffering bled through the drug's affects, causing Satine to scream, and writhe in Dale's grip, but not waking...

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 31st, 2002, 07:52:46 PM
Alpha-Brat was squirming and Dalethria decked him right in the face, making sure the impact was directed as his temple causing a blackout.

"That was for Tirsa you pansy a$$ Jedi."

Now she wouldn't have to worry about the drug loosing its affects. Satine would be out cold for the next several hours.

"Oh and De'Ville."

Dalethria turned around with a lopsided grin.

"I think I would know the plan. I don't need reminders."

It was true. Ogre was the one that brought them all together for this. Why in Kashalla's name would she frell up the mission? She liked answering to her husband ... just not when he was mad.

Sorsha? Love the distraction but we gotta get going. I collected a favorite of yours.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 1st, 2002, 12:16:02 AM
De'Ville almost grumbled, but kept her thoughts to herself as Drenkast and she left Dalethria, and headed towards her ship's berth. I was mostly concerned about Sorsha.

Those two made her furious. Lilaena needed a sign.... does not work well with others... She looked behind Drenkast. No one was following. Strange.

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 1st, 2002, 12:19:19 AM
:: The terror of the vertigo was nearly overwhelming. Anbira collapsed to the ground, his eyes unfocused, glaring out in the direction of nothing. He struggled for control, fighting to regain his senses. The illusion was no doubt from Lady Vader. Only she knew him so intimately. When her attention was elsewhere, the illusion faded, and Anbira once more found himself in control. He rose to his feet, eyes intense as he reached out with his senses. The Dark Side of the Force hung across this place like an odious pall, touching everyone with a blight. Now...he understood. The water...

...he looked for Ryla and Alpha. He was not suprised to find them missing. The work of the Sith, no doubt. His eyes turned to the doors, and with a look, he commanded them to be cast wide. He stepped forth into the hell that awaited him outside. Now, without the element of suprise in their favor, the perpetrators were in a dire predicament. ::

Lady Vader
Aug 1st, 2002, 03:32:45 PM
*LV raced behind Dale and Hera, as De'Ville and Sorsha joined up with them. The writhing agony in the marketplace was enough to distract her, and she knew the illusion she'd set up in the bar for Anbira was fading.*

*No matter, they'd already reached the space port, all their ships berth there, with the exception of hers. She'd landed hers on one of the roof tops nearby, having engaged it's cloak.*

*Seperating from the others, she yelled over her shoulder.*

Take your burdens to your ships. I'll deal with any attempting to follow.

*She stopped at the door as the four other woman ran through, blocking shots from two security officials with her saber. One of the shots went wide, while the other returned back to it's origin, placing a deadly burning hole through one of the men. He went down with a muffle cry, the other one still firing, but now having taken cover.*

*Still deflectig the shots, she was able to direct one to the control panel for the door leading into the hangar, making the door close shut, fussing it's controls. Then with a sprint and jump, she landed on a ledge of the building adjacent to the hangar, the bolts from the blaster ceasing. Deactivating her saber, and unsheathing her claws, she began climbing the wall to the top of the building.*

Aug 1st, 2002, 09:34:55 PM
With LD taking the blue girl from her, Hera - arms now free - felt she was taking a bit of a stroll in the park...aside from the odd blaster shot or so. LV was taking care of that, so even that wasnt much of a concern.

The irritation between LD and Dale didnt go unnoticed and Hera laughed lightly to herself. Ahh, so much anger in the air, it was so pleasant. She breathed it in as she would a rich scented rose. The furor in the market place caused by Sorsha's effort boiled behind them as they moved into the Spaceport.

Hera trailed LD and Dale with their loads, and was not remiss to keep a careful watch to aid in protection should the situation warrent it. She had expected an assault before this, and hoped she would not be denied the pleasure of inflicting her own personal share of darkness on the wretches of this place. She was hungry for it now, the suffering around her only whetting her appetite for wickedness.

She had watched LadyVader scale the wall until she had disappeared from sight and so all was left was to board their craft and take the "cargo" to the place designated by her Master, Ogre Mal Pannis.

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 2nd, 2002, 09:47:53 AM
:: Sorsha takes a parting shot before joining the others, a high pitched banshee scream filling the air as magickal fire leaps from her fingertips ::


:: The fireball consumes a security transport and Sorsha watches as the men burn ::

"Blood and Souls for Vicet."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 2nd, 2002, 10:03:18 AM
OOC~ Bah .. hope this is not too sucky.

Dalethria laughed towards her Sister as Sorsha decided to join them finally.

"A for artistic ability."

Her humorous tone quickly vanished, replaced by a serious tone as they continued to run down the street..

"Hera. Splitting up now would be a good idea. Draw some attention away from the three of us."

Meet you back on Meras.

She nudged Sorsha towards the right, indicating to follow. Hopefully there wouldn't be too many NR soldiers around that would actually cause them to be late. A few wouldn't be so bad .... Dalethria hadn't the opportunity to cause much trouble yet.

Aug 4th, 2002, 02:41:10 PM
ooc: sucky? lol. no sucky here.


Hera agreed with Dale. Plus, she could see LD's hackles were still up. As much fun as a 4-way brawl with her Sith sisters would be, it was probably best not to start one here and now.

"Looks like Vader is on her way already."
She gave Sorsha a "heads up" to acknowledge her before the they all moved off in their different direction.

Moving into a slow jog, Hera caught up beside Lilleana.

"Deville, Im taggin with you." She paused looking over the ship LD was heading for. " That crate flies, does it?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 4th, 2002, 10:52:11 PM
Lilaena looked up at the nearly brand new Infiltrator, her Revenge, and coughed. "I would say so." She slapped the access panel, and entered a fifteen digit code. "Do not worry, it is not going to fall apart on us."

Voice print match: L. De'Ville_

The ramp lowered, and De'Ville charged up into the ship as blaster bolts splattered on the hull next to her.

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 5th, 2002, 01:27:28 PM
:: As Lady Vader's eyes cleared over the edge of the building's roof, she saw a pair of feet touch down on its surface. ::

The time for your lies is now over, Sel'arra.

:: A steel-clad boot toe gently nudged her chin upward ::

Where are they being taken? It must be important enough for you to swallow your aristocratic pride, and consort with Dark Jedi.

Lady Vader
Aug 5th, 2002, 04:01:50 PM
*Her eyes narrowed as Anbira used her real name. She didn't fight the tip of the boot as it raised her chin. She merely smiled.*

If it means throwing the Jedi community into chaos, I have no qualms about consorting with Dark Jedi.

*She looked at him hard, her dark powers beginning to form yet another illusion, just for him. In the illusion, she disapeared, and so did the building. Sure, he'd know it was an illusion, but the sudden feeling of vertigo would make even his stomache queasy. And then, he dropped. Her illusion gave him the sense he was falling; ednlessly falling into a drak abyss, down to the center of Arcan IV.*

*All the while she had been making this illusion, she had quietly taken her chin off his foot, and moved over to climb the rest of the way onto the building, making her way to her silent and cloaked ship, just a few meters in front of her.*

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 8th, 2002, 01:10:00 AM
:: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...

The moment his perception shifted, Anbira steeled his resolve...grounding himself from all stimuli. If he could not resist her illusions, he would withdraw from his senses. It left him unable to detect her, but his counter was as indescriminate as it was powerful. The air seemed to ripple as he cast a shockwave in all directions...strong enough to crack the building's edifice in many places, and to throw the fleeing LV to the ground, face first. The shockwave also buffeted the Cat's Claw in such a brutal manner as to cause a system's cascade failure, terminating several power couplings, and forcing the cloaked vessel into sight. Slowly, Anbira extended his senses once more, and turned to face Sel'arra. ::

Then even by your own questionable standards, the price of your integrity is cheap. How far, you have fallen, Sel'arra.

:: Before she could dabble in more trickery, Anbira seized her with a gesture, holding her body suspended in the air by the Force. ::

Parley with me now. Even Ryla Relvinian and Satine Capashen are not cause for your action. What more do you seek?

Lady Vader
Aug 8th, 2002, 02:48:32 PM
*She remained silent, suspended in the air, glaring at Anbira.*

Who said I was interested in them? They are not my captives. Why don't you go ask the other ladies?

*While she had been talking, she used the Force to survey the damage to her vessel. It was still space worthy, and it's hyperdrive was still functioning. The Cloaking device would need some power couplings re-plugged in so to speak, and a few of the comfort controls would need replacing. But at least the weapons systems were still functional. The port for the torpedoes would not open, but the lazer cannons required only power from their cells. And the ship happened to be facing Anbira.*

*As she stated her last question to the Jedi, her mind pressed the final sequence into the weapons system and a barrage of blaster blots assailed Anbira. He lost his grip on her, and she landed in a crouch, immediately turning and making for her ship's now opening hatch. In a few large bounds, she made it to the cockpit controls, and through the windshiled, she could see Anbira had already drawn his white bladed saber and was deflecting the powerful blasts while sidestepping others.*

*She quickly brought the shields up as some bolts pinged against the ship, and brought it to hover, turning the ship, letting the engines heat the air around Anbira.*

White? Personally I liked the red better for you.

*Those were her parting words in his mind as she gunned the ship towards space, forcing Anbira to duck down behind a concrete wall lest he be singed by the engines.*

*Next stop: Meras. No doubt Anbira would follow her to rescue his comrades. In fact, she was counting on it.*

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 13th, 2002, 12:22:27 PM
:: As the engine wash faded overhead, Anbira rose to his feet to see Cat's Claw blasting into the sky. His eyes stared fierily upward, as he deactivated his lightsaber. She had gotten away...for now.

But she could not hide from him. ::

Aug 23rd, 2002, 07:47:22 PM
After the dinner concludes, Akrabbim talks with Master Q'Dunn for several hours, discussing what will be required. He takes in his task stoically, preparing for what he must do. When the discussions conclude, he stands and bows, and takes his leave. He moves out to the parapets, scanning the clear skies above and the lush forest below. He clears his mind and sits down. He closes his eyes, and concentrates...

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 23rd, 2002, 10:47:21 PM
De'Ville stared at the console of The Revenge as Hera strapped the Jedi into a seat in the living area of the ship. "Hold on, this isn't going to be the smoothest ride."

She ground the controls, and shot into the air, disregarding the squawking from Spaceport Control coming through the comm. Lilaena switched it off, and flew on instinct, quickly clearing the traffic around the main city and blasting for open space.

The navicomp spat out coordinates and she plugged them into the hyperdrive as the Infiltrator zipped between two smaller freighters. The two freighters spun away, and ended up narrowly missing each other in their haste to avoid the other ship. De'Ville laughed as Hera came up to sit in the empty copilot's seat.

"Almost away..."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 25th, 2002, 02:44:52 PM
"Hurry up and strap in! And don't touch anything!"

Dalethria remembered the last time Sorsha was behind anything mechanical. Almost ended up blowing their allies away, which in retrospect, might have been a good thing. Now with her Sister in the co-pilot seat, she really didn't want to think about what Sorsha might do .....

Satine was safely cuffed by ankles, legs, arms and wrists with a watchful Avagdu at his side. The wolf would know instantly when the Jedi awoke but not through the Force. No. Just through instinct since Ogre was gracious enough to provide a ysalamiri to keep Satine's abilities sedated until they reached Meras. Until then, the Jedi Knight would rest in one of the small crew quarters...

The Koriolos received the same complaints that De'Ville's ship had and Dalethria ignored them much the same by blasting out of the space port.

Quickly, she worked on the calculations to hyperspace while handling the controls to get them out of Arcan's atmosphere.

Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 26th, 2002, 01:42:34 PM
:: she grins, then sniffs in disgust at the ysalamiri ::

Aug 26th, 2002, 01:46:34 PM
Later, Satine decides to finally wake up. A low groan announced his waking, and then a gasp as he tries to reach out with his Force. He looks around wildly...

Lady Vader
Aug 27th, 2002, 04:12:44 PM
*Finally relaxing a little as the ship disapeared into hyperspace, bound for Meras, LV stood from the pilots seat and passed a dozing Iesis on her way to the cloaking device generator. That blast Anbira had given her ship had knocked a few cables and bolts about, disabling the device.*

*Kneeling down beside the generator, she opened the hatch. A small plume of black smoke came forth, making her groan slightly. Ok, so he'd managed to fry the power couplink as well.*

*Grumbling, she reached over towards a cabinet near the generator where she kept it's spare parts, and pulled out what she needed. Then, setting to work, she began to remove the useless parts and replace them with the new. It would help her to pass the time on the journey towards her destination.*

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 28th, 2002, 01:07:34 AM
Lilaena pulled the lever, throwing the Revenge into the swirl of hyperspace. She turned back to look at the living quarters, where Ryla was secured, along with her yslamiri companion. "Nearly 'home.'"

She yawned, and kicked back to close her eyes.

Aug 28th, 2002, 10:28:43 PM
Hera sat comfortable in the copilot's seat, admiring the ease and expertise with which De'Ville handled the craft. Not too shabby she mused.

She followed her friends gaze back over to the quarters where Ryla was confined. She crinkled her face in a scowl and jerked her fingers over at the Yslamiri.

"Weird looking things those."

Sooner they arrived at Meras, the better.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 29th, 2002, 08:46:32 PM
Dalethria was feeling .... edgy.

She flew into oncoming traffic, about ready to cause a head on collision with a Bothan light freighter. A small giggle escaped her lips as she banked right at the last possible moment. The freighted was forced out of control as The Koriolos sped off into hyperspace safely with the clear space ahead.

Hopefully she didn't give Sorsha too much of a heartattack. Dalethria knew how much she hated space travel. Which was why it was more fun pulling of that stunt!

Ryla Relvinian
Aug 31st, 2002, 04:49:19 PM
What did I drink last night? I thought to myself as I began to wake up. Fighting to consciousness as a drowning victim claws for the surface, I gasped, shot my eyes open wide and tried to move. The drug that my captors had used must have knocked me out quicker than they had anticipated, but it also had worn off suddenly, a jolting movement had woken me up. A quick survey of my surroundings told me that I was in some sort of a cargo hold of a ship... a ship that was definitely moving.

Realizing after a moment's struggling that I was bound, hand, foot, arm, leg, and mouth, I relaxed, closing my eyes and attempting to use the force to loosen my bonds. It didn't work. There was... nothing. A bumper sticker that was on the back of a speeder I once owned came flashing into my head. Bottomless Pit of Wants and Needs. For once in my life I was scared. Somehow, something was blocking out the force. I tried again, feeling total emptiness cave in on me. The sheer... pain of it was immense, a total disconnect from all I had known for so long, unable to sense anything at all. Without the use of my body, I was seriously hindered, but without the Force I was totally defenseless.

OOC- Edited...

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 1st, 2002, 05:00:56 PM
Beep Beep

“Gah. Blt his it??”

Beep Beep

“The Jedi Master blinked as he fought to clear sleep from his mind, wondering what in the name of The Force had woken him up. The beeping of his personal comms desk, in the next room from where he slept, alerted him that there was a priority-1 message awaiting his attention.

Damn it, what in blazes could anyone want that could not wait? For that matter, who the hell knew he was here? Getting up out of bed (and noting he was fully dressed), Marcus stormed over to the console and slammed the receive button.

“Yes, who is it?” he snapped.

“That’s a nice way to say hello” replied the female voice, before on the holoplate, the image of a green dressed woman with long dark hair appeared. “We have a problem that requires your attention”

Normally, the sight of his wife, Helenias, would at least invoke a smile. But he was too still asleep to really comprehend. “Well, it better be a good problem. Do you know what time it is at Trinith?”

“Yes, about two time periods past local midnight and yes this is good. We had an attack on the Bar and Grill that ended about 20 minutes ago. From initial reports, it seems 3 Sith, Dalethria, Sorsha and Hera, along with Deville attacked and then killed some of the guards along with what is appearing to be kidnapping at least two Jedi – Ryla and Satine”

That woke him up quickly, very quickly. “Still don’t see what this has to do with me, Helenias. Can’t the Jedi handle it there?”

“Would you deny the Jedi your wisdom once again? You should not be as withdrawn as you are. The Jedi need what you can offer and all is in confusion on Arcan at present. Master Yogurt is calling the Council to session and wants you on holo relay”

Marcus sighed. “All right. As much as I don’t like it, I’ll….. actually, wait. I’ll come there in person”


Hardly had he touched down that he was down the ramp and almost running his way to the Council Chamber. It seemed like a mind blink and there he was, coming into the Chamber, with the rest of the Council gathered as well as Akrabbim, whom it seemed had managed to get from his ship to here faster than Marcus had managed. Not pausing to think how that was possible, he strode to where there had been an extra chair placed for him.

“Council is now in session” began Master Yogurt. “Discuss, this alarming development we will”

Sorsha Kasajian
Sep 3rd, 2002, 02:00:02 PM
Originally posted by Dalethria Mal Pannis
Dalethria was feeling .... edgy.

She flew into oncoming traffic, about ready to cause a head on collision with a Bothan light freighter. A small giggle escaped her lips as she banked right at the last possible moment. The freighted was forced out of control as The Koriolos sped off into hyperspace safely with the clear space ahead.

Hopefully she didn't give Sorsha too much of a heartattack. Dalethria knew how much she hated space travel. Which was why it was more fun pulling of that stunt!

:: clings to her chair for dear life, her face becoming ghost white as her fingertips dig into the arm rests ::

Sep 3rd, 2002, 05:33:36 PM
Seeing Master Q'Dunn come into the room, Akrabbim bows quickly, and turns back to the council. He too is very interested in the goings on here.

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 3rd, 2002, 09:45:35 PM
"I think the first order of business is to understand why this happened. We all know what happened."

A brunette spoke up first. Her face was thin, which having long flowing hair that spilt across her shoulders, did not help. It almost gave her a strangely sicken look today but Navaria had yet to heal completely from the bullet wound she suffered. It was in her voice that her fellow Council heard the strength of this Knight.

The blood that was in her veins had commanded respect through fear at one time, but now, as a Jedi, Navaria Tarkin only commanded peace and understanding.

"Perhaps then we can calculate where they are taken our fellow comrades."

Navaria didn't like this in the least, especially that Dalethria and Sorsha were involved.

"Hera is friends with both Dalethria and Sorsha. De'Ville being there does not add up,"

Anbira Hicchoru
Sep 3rd, 2002, 10:07:34 PM
This very alliance is unprecedented and unholy.

:: Anbira's voice resonated presence, like a crier from a city tower ::

I know the Lady Vader more than any here, and she would not commit herself to Lilaena DeVille unless there was something to replace the pride she would swallow.

This raid is not a random act of aggression. I fear an immense underlying threat, unseen through the haze of enigma.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 4th, 2002, 04:23:39 AM
"What we have here is clearly a good deal more dangerous than what we have faced in the past" Marcus added. "All whom are named are all Force Masters of not inconsiderable power. If I have heard right whom did this, then this is basically the all of the Sith and Dark Jedi Masters known. There are few genuine Force Masters of The Dark Side and yet you have spoken most of their names. Meras, TSO and Black Hand. An Unholy alliance indeed. I would agree with Jedi Knight Hicchoru and state this was no random act. This was indeed deliberate and targeted. "

"The question is why and what is to be done. Definantly, we need to find where they have been taken - the only way for that is by The Force. Consult it we must"

Sep 4th, 2002, 05:46:39 AM
As Dalethria pulls the stunt, the newly-awakened Satine lets out a slight cry, feeling his stomach drop off a few miles back...

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 5th, 2002, 10:22:47 PM
Lilaena walked back to the living area, and watched the bleary-eyed Jedi woman. Relvinian was sitting quietly, and appeared to be nervous. But then, she didn't blame her. "Comfortable?"

De'Ville stayed a fair distance away, out of the Force null bubble that the ysalamiri produced. She filled a glass of water in the sink across the way from the Jedi, and then brought the glass to the woman. Walking willingly into the bubble was like diving into an mountain lake in the middle of winter. She managed to keep her reaction down to a shudder, and held the glass to the Jedi's lips. "Can't have you getting dehydrated from the drugs."

When Relvinian had finished drinking, Lilaena retreated back to the cockpit. She looked at DrenKast. "Almost there." The hyperspace lanes back to Meras were a little convoluted, and she would probably arrive after The Koriolos. Dalethira knew her way there just a little bit better than De'Ville did.

The ETA counter ticked down, and De'Ville leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 7th, 2002, 05:21:00 PM
"No, not really." I responded, more tired than angry. Being angry in a situation like this was... pointless and counterproductive. The water felt good, and as I drunk it I realized just how dehydrated I was. I had no idea how long I had been out... a few hours? A few days? Did it matter? The woman went back to the cockpit, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I worked my way a few feet over to the wall and lay my forehead against the cool metal. There was nothing I could do, so I tried the best I could to get some rest and relax. I had a feeling I would be needing my stregnth later.

Figrin D'an
Sep 7th, 2002, 08:11:20 PM
Figrin walked amongst the chaos of the Bar & Grill. Overturned tables, shattered glass and puddles of multi-colored liquid littered the floor. Fights were not uncommon... after all, this was Arcan IV... even a strong Jedi presence couldn't completely clean up the planet. But this was different... two Jedi kidnapped, and eyewitnesses naming four perpetrators... each powerful masters of the Dark Side, but not as group. So little of the attack made sense on the surface. A frightening but very real possibility seemed to have come to fruitation... the disciples of the Dark Side had put aside their differences and now threatened the Jedi as a united front...

Figrin shook the thought from his mind... he was getting ahead of himself. Right now, Ryla and Satine were more important. Getting them back safe was what mattered. But to do that, the Jedi would needed something... anything... to give them a clue as to where to start.

"Here's the rest of the eyewitness reports, sir." A NRSF officer handed Figrin a data pad. The Jedi offered a humble "Thank you," but somehow, he didn't think that any new reports would help... he needed something more tangible.

Figrin scaned the main bar itself. Some half-full glasses were scattered about the countertop... a bar-towel or two thrown aside in the fray laid about in careless folds... a data pad... a jacket left on a barstool... typical fair when the bar is cleared in a hurry. His eyes moved from left to right... wine glass, water glass, bar towel, split drink, glass with dark-colored liquor, water glass, broken barstool, water pitcher, partial pitcher of beer... it seemed normal....

He stopped himself... water... it was a pattern. Figrin looked about the rest of the bar, at the tables... drinks left behind by the frightened patrons... many kinds of alcohol... but also water, at every table... it clicked in his mind.

Figrin scanned the main crime report... several people, included the two abducted Jedi, had been described as being unsteady of foot, or having passing out all together. It made so much sense now...

He stepped up to the bar, and grabbed one of the pitchers of water. No odd aroma, no discoloration... still, the Jedi was sure he was on to something. He removed a small sample collection tube from his belt pack and carefully poured an amount of the water into it. He sealed it carefully and placed it in his cloak.

Figrin hurried out of the Bar & Grill... the clock was ticking, and some answers were need now...

Sep 9th, 2002, 12:15:44 AM
:: AB sat in her Council seat as the others conversed about themselves. She shook her head. ::

It doesn't make sense. The kidnapping... the Sith and Dark jedi mentioned. Usually, they prey on the Padawans who are impressionable, yet they kidnapped two Knights. And if what Master Hicchoru says is true, then it REALLY doesn't make sense.

:: Something went sour in her stomache. ::

I have a bad feeling they want us to find them. And I'm feeling it won't be pretty when we get there.

Lady Vader
Sep 9th, 2002, 12:20:43 AM
*LV brushed her hands against a mechanics towel, having just finished fixing the cloaking device on her ship. It was working fine again, and she stood, grunting as she made her way back to the cockpit.*

*Reaching the cockpit, she saw it was almost time for reversal to real space. Setting her hands on the controls, she watched the counter reach zero, then pulled back the hyperdrive levers. The ship came smoothly back into real space, coming near a very green planet.*

*She angled the Cat's Claw towards the planet, Meras. Soon the others would arrive, and they could get down to the next order of business.*

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 9th, 2002, 01:59:43 PM
De'Ville peered at the planet that appeared as they reverted to real space, and began vectoring in towards it. "Hera, can you make sure our guest is still in one piece? I think she may have been moving around." And with the jolt into real space, she might have toppled over in her chair.

Lilaena watched her sensors as the Revenge broke through the atmosphere of Meras. She had been here once before, a long time ago it seemed. Twenty minutes later the ship was settled on a landing pad near a huge house. The Cat's Claw, Vader's ship, was already there.

Sep 9th, 2002, 02:58:40 PM
Maneuving the Jedi with one hand ahead of her, and carrying the caged Yslamiri in the other, both distateful to the Sith Master, Hera's face was a picture of 'bad mood' as she followed De'Ville down the ramp and out of the "Revenge."
She didn't feel so good either - the creature was messing with her force sensitivity big time, and the sooner she rid herself of both passengers, the happier she was going to be.

The consolation to all this was, of course, the whole reason she and her comrades had snapped up the Jedi Knights in the first place.

She leaned forward to Ryla's shoulder to mention within her hearing, a twisted smile on her lips that the Jedi could feel rather than see.

"You ready for a little "Meras Hospitality, are ya?"

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 9th, 2002, 11:35:00 PM
I raised one eyebrow at the statement the woman made in my ear. Now that my head had cleared... as much as it was going to, that is... and I had regained use of the force, I was feeling a bit... testy. I held myself in, and did not reply to her taunting. I did, however, try to subtly use the force to unlock the binding on my ankles. I was fine, for now, with my hands bound, but I still had strong legs, and could run... If only I could get free!

Figrin D'an
Sep 9th, 2002, 11:40:44 PM
"It will take a few minutes for the analysis, and a few more for to cross-reference the database."

The tech placed a microdrop of the liquid sample into a thin transparent vial, and secured the vial properly. With the push of a button, the large analysis rack retracted into large biege box-like device. The tech moved to the computer terminal to set the testing protocals. Assured of the proper setting, type the command to begin the analysis.

She leaned back in her chair a little, looking back towards the cloaked Jedi who stood just a few meters away.

"This must be pretty important... I mean, a Jedi doing forensic work... usually we get requests from the local departments... planet security, NRSF occasionally... but never from... well... "

Her voiced trailed off, a little shaky, as if intimidated...

Figrin didn't move, but responded without looking towards the young woman...

"This isn't a usual case. Certainly not something for the... local authorities to handle."

The tech didn't doubt his words, but had plenty of questions.

"How did you get this request through so quickly? I've got enough work here to last me at least a month, and you just showed up a hour ago... I mean, I know you said it was not a normal case, but that doesn't seem to matter much around here."

The Jedi continued to look about the room, finally looking towards the main terminal where the young tech was sitting.

"Let's just say," Figrin began, "that I know people that can pull the strings of your superiors."

Her eyes went a little wide... she slowly turned back to the terminal display, as if she had maybe asked one to many questions and was better off not knowing anything further.

"I... umm... I think the spectrographic scans are done... I'll run a peak analysis and run it through the database," the tech said nerviously.

Figrin moved towards the terminal, and stood next to the young woman's chair. She continued to look directly forward at the display.

"You seem very comfortable," he said calmly. "My presence here is concerning to you."

The tech turned and looked up at the Jedi.

"It's just... well... I've heard stuff about Jedi... that they can read peoples' minds and even control them if they want to... it's kind of a scary thought."

Figrin showed a half-smile. In a way, the comment was amusing, but he understood it's validity as well.

"Most Jedi have some telepathic ability, some are more talented than others. And yes, Jedi do sometimes use something we call a 'mind trick' to avoid or diffuse certain situations...," Figrin responded. He looked at the young woman and smiled. "But we only use such things on those of ill-repute, and only when warranted."

She smiled a little at the response.

"The Jedi serve the Republic and the Force, which means we serve the greater good of the people. We're not unlike those in the fields of science, like yourself... working for the betterment of life throughout the galaxy," Figrin continued.

"Besides," he said in a joking tone, "I would be lost trying to operate this testing equipment, so I wouldn't want to use any 'mind tricks' or other strange Jedi skills on you."

The tech smiled even further, and followed it with a light laugh. Figrin could tell she was much less intimidated by him now, which in turn made the Jedi feel better. Throughout his life as a Jedi, he had encountered many concerns and fears about those gifted with Force abilities, some myth, some very real. It was a constant struggle to alleviate such fears and maintain the integrity of the Jedi... a task made even more difficults by the followers of the Dark paths... the Dark Jedi... the Sith. Perseverance was more than a virtue in such matters... it was a requirement.

"Ah... looks like we've got a match," the tech chimed as the terminal display blinked with the test results. She tapped a few keys to bring up the spectroscopic data and the data on the matching compound.

Figrin's eyes widened as he poured over the results, as the tech could only give an impressed whistle...

"You're right," she said, "this definately isn't a usual case. You know what this is?" she asked.

Figrin noded grimly. "Yes, I'm afraid I do. But at least it's a big clue... I'll keep the rest of the sample, and I'll need this information on a data pad."

"No problem," the tech answered. She grabbed a spare pad and tapped a key. In a few seconds, the download was complete, and Figrin was on his way out of the lab. He turned at the last moment, and called back to the tech.

"I'm in your debt... thank you for your help."

The tech waved it off nonsaliently. "All in a days work," she replied.

The Jedi Master moved swiftly out of the crime lab building and head for the starship hangers. He needed to talk to the council immediately.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 9th, 2002, 11:44:28 PM
"That is correct Amazon Babe" Marcus stated "This is a trap and we are invited to enter it. Notice the level of the Jedi Knights taken - long standing and important. If this was anything other than a kidnapping, they would have died. Thence, two questions we are to answer - where are they taken and whom will go, knowing that they will be more than likely be trapped themselves? This is a dangerous situation and I believe Jedi Master must lead this team - with the help of several other Knights. A force powerful enough to take on what we have seen today. Ponder this while we discuss where they could have been taken."

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 10th, 2002, 09:26:44 AM
::Verse leaned on a pilleron the Council Room. Many Knights were not allowed to just walk around these areas. verse was not like many Knight though. He had be on the Council twice and been in the order a very long time. There were a few times when they had asked him to leave the room. Those few times did not bother the Garou though. He was happy they allowed him to listen in this much.::

"I say lets work with what we have got. We have Meras, TSO, and Black Hand. Were ever they have taken the Knights, it would need to be protected enough to keep us away. My guess would be one of their bases."

::Verse shifted his wieght to his back foot and pushed himself off the piller so that he was standing upright.::

"Also, we need to keep in mind that three of the four women there had direct connections to Darth Orge. That points strongly at Meras. All three groups have strong pluses though. It could be anyone....or none of them at all."

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 10th, 2002, 03:36:51 PM
Verse's suggestion made so much sense to Navaria that a horrid chill ran through the Jedi Knight's body.

"Verse ... is right."

She knew. It was instinct like it always has been with Dalethria and her Sith twin's motives.

"They are on Meras."

They are home.

Navaria thought to herself, eyes narrowed in meditative thought to this revelation.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Sep 10th, 2002, 03:51:37 PM
A yawning Dalethria, smugly stretched her arms and then waved at De'Ville's ship. The Sith was right. The Mistress of the home knew very well how to get to Meras expediently.

Already her husband, along with Sorsha, had his green meat hooks on Satine, having fun with the Jedi Knight. Dalethria had a feeling that De'Ville and Hera would stop here first, seeing as they didn't know quite where this little gathering was suppose to take place.

On approach, she reached out to the two inside the ship.

Let me on board. I'll take you to the cave where the others are.

Lady Vader
Sep 10th, 2002, 07:57:01 PM
*LV stepped forth from her ship, the latter closing and locking itself, then cloaking. She took a few steps towards a large mountain in which the yawning mouth of a cave could be seen at it's base.*

*She stopped momentarily to looked around a while longer, stretching out into the vastness of space, searching. With a smile, she returned to the task at hand, beginning the short walk that would take her to the mountains base. Soon, the cave's cavernous jaws swallowed her whole into it's darkness.*

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 10th, 2002, 08:55:39 PM
De'Ville nodded and let Dalethria enter her ship. A few minutes later the three women and their Jedi captive were walking into a vast cave, the Revenge hidden beneath a camocloak, and snugged in tight to the trees. Hera carried the ysalamiri and the Jedi, without the Force to aid her because of the null field.

Lilaena wordlessly stepped near her and hefted the nutrient frame that had been locked in place behind the Jedi's chair. Together the two women walked Force blind into the depths of the cave. Dalethria led the way, well out of the reach of the ysalamiri.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Sep 10th, 2002, 09:28:01 PM
He already had one of those that were supposed to have been brought and he could feel that the others weren’t far behind, yet stray thoughts revealed that one was missing. All had not gone as well as it was planned. No matter, the plan was flexible enough to allow for some discrepancies.

As the new arrivals to the cave were led by his wife, they were first greeted by the more typical area known simply known as Ogre’s Cave, a simple bar carved from stone and hand constructed. As their trip went further they exited that comfortable area and began to make their way into the depths of what were known to only a few of the Sith as the Catacombs. It was a dark, damp, and haunted place. The Jedi noticed each of these traits immediately as tortured voices screamed inside their minds, asking for aid, help, assistance, redemption, and peace all at the same time.

Some of the spirits were ancient and had been here long before Ogre had taken this place as his own, but many others were not so old, actually having died in horrifying and brutal ways at the hands of Ogre during demented experiments. Those of the Darkside were excited and pleased at their calls, but the Jedi were overwhelmed by the anguish, pain, and absolute terror assailing them from so many sources and directions all at once.

Occasionally a more real sound could be heard from even deeper within the recesses of the catacombs. Many creatures had been brought and altered successfully, or not successfully depending on your viewpoint. They were crying out in the darkness, having smelt fresh clean meat drawing nearer.

The group entered a vast open area within the dark depths, so far below the ground that the air was stale reeking of blood and death. The only things providing light were simple torches hung on the walls, their scent burning the senses of those accustomed to fresh or manufactured oxygen. There Ogre and Sorsha were found laughing at Satine as he sat on a platform, bound in one of the collars which Ogre had been working on earlier.

“Finally you have arrived with the rest of the …..”

The Sith Master had said something else but was drowned out by a scream from the bound Jedi, already in his clutches. Satine was in great pain.

Figrin D'an
Sep 11th, 2002, 12:22:53 AM
Figrin activated the comm systems and taped into the galactic holonet. He gave verbal commands to the his ship's computer to establish a link.

"Access secure channel Omega 1, destination: Jedi Council Chambers, Yavin IV... employ encryption code 12."

The computer beeped as it worked for a few seconds, creating the secure link. The holoscanners signaled ready, and Figrin tapped the key to begin transmission.

"My investigation at the Bar and Grill on Arcan IV has been completed. The identities of the four perpetrators have been confirmed. As expected, tracing efforts though ships logs and flight plans proved futile. The operation was conducted in a very clean and efficient manner. Tracking would have been impossible except for one minor detail."

Figrin held up the small vial containing the water sample he had taken from the bar.

"The water served in the bar shortly before the abductions took place was tainted. Many patrons, including the targeted Jedi, were physically impaired, eliminating potential resistance by the victims. The substance used was a very rare and highly potent type of neural inhibitor. A mark of a skilled professional... More importantly however, production of the drug requires a specific species of plant that only grows in two planetary systems."

Figrin paused before he confirmed what many of the Jedi had already dreaded.

"One of those systems is Meras."

"While not decisive evidence... this clue, along with the circumstantial evidence, points toward Meras as the likely origin of this plot, and perhaps the location of the missing Jedi. A trap can be nearly assured, but it may be unavoidable if we wish to see this to a legitimate conclusion."

Figrin remained on the holo to wait for the reactions and opinions of the council...

Lady Vader
Sep 11th, 2002, 12:31:28 AM
*LV watched the struggling Jedi in Ogre's grasp, taking a deep breath of the must and dampness... the death swimming within the air.*


*She observed De'Ville and Hera place their captive along side the wall, strung up on a rather high chain, causing the young woman to barely tiptoe. The Force-nullifying reptilian creature was placed on a table near the Jedi, but not too close where she could to it damage.*

*She then looked back at Ogre, his wife Dalethria having come to stand near the large green being.*

The Jedi will no doubt figure out pretty soon where their comrades are. We must work quickly towards the next part of the plan.

Sep 11th, 2002, 12:40:22 AM
:: AB listened to Figrin, wracking her brain for the plant he refered to. Rare... grew only in two planetary systems, one of which was Meras... Her memory kicked in as a vision of a long stemmed, flowerless weed came to mind. She looked at the hollow-vid. ::

Mirdia. It's a weed, and it's the weed's sap that can cause the symptoms you described.

And it is true what you said: the plant is found in two star systems... Naboo and Meras, both of which have marshes where the plant can thrive.

:: She fell silent. She doubted those around her wanted a botony lesson, but the fact they had most likely confirmed the planet their friends and collegues had been taken sent a chill up her spine. It wasn't so much the planet that worried her, but what they would find on the planet, and what trap, if any, awaited them. ::

:: She sighed inwardly, not being able to help but think, I've got a bad feeling about this. ::

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 11th, 2002, 01:50:28 AM
He listened quietly to what Figrin had to say, before bowing his head.

"I would have to agree. Meras is where the Jedi were taken and Meras is where we must send rescue. And I believe that there must be at least one Jedi Master to go - I volunteer to be one. Who else shall go? Who else shall vonunteer?"

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 11th, 2002, 07:18:59 AM
"I am no Master, but if you remember I was one of the Ground Attack Leader in the attack on the TSE base. I am willing to join your team Marcus. That is if you will have me along."

::Verse thought of Alpha. The young man joined the Order around the same time as Verse. They were made into Knights the same time. The Garou then thought of Ryla. He was mostly worried about her. She was a stronge Jedi, but no woman deserved what she was about to go through. Verse sighed.::

"Anyone else you have in mind Marcus?"

Sep 11th, 2002, 03:18:31 PM
The Illusion Knight bows and steps forward.

I too will volunteer. But I must make one preparation that may be very helpful to this journey. If you will all excuse me, I must leave to make these preparations now. I will be at the port when we are ready to depart, but time is of the essence.

With that, Akrabbim bows once more to the assembly and leaves.

Figrin D'an
Sep 11th, 2002, 04:17:40 PM
The holo-image of Figrin flickered a little, but he responded unwaveringly to Master Q'Dunn's request.

"I, too, will take part in the rescue operation. The investigative work on Arcan is complete, so I can be underway at once. I can rendezvous with the taskforce on the outskirsts of the Meras system."

Anbira Hicchoru
Sep 11th, 2002, 04:32:19 PM
I will journey to Meras, as well. This evil must be stopped now.

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 12th, 2002, 02:26:05 AM
They had strung me up in the dank cave, thick with the smoke and the screams coming from more than my fellow captive. For now, they seemed unconcerned with me, and I was happy to let things stay that way. I glanced to my left... the creature in the cage was next to me, but not close enough that I could swing out and kick it away. Even if I could, they would just replace it... and that was the best case scenario. To my right was only the cave, drenched in an inky blackness that seemed to absorb the weak torchlight. Escape was clearly out of the option.

Negotiations, however, might at least give me some information, for I knew that there was no way they were going to let me just walk out of there. Not after all this trouble with our capture. This was not just a random event, they had a motive, or else they would not be taking their sweet time. But I thought the better of it. I will not speak unless I am spoken too. I thought to myself, bringing my attention forward. I will not give them the satisfaction of seeing me suffer.

Sep 12th, 2002, 05:52:22 AM
Saine screams in pain feeling the pain as white-hot. It subsides fore a moment, and he gasps, trying to gather his strength to block out the next wave. It hits him. The pain causes him to scream again, and then hits his tolerance levels--since he didn't have the force to block it out--and he begins to black out, not noticing anything else in the room...

Ogre Mal Pannis
Sep 12th, 2002, 05:25:59 PM
Ogre moved away from Alpha, whom he had left bleeding from both arms. He stalked towards the tied up Ryla and stopped short before he got near the creature sitting behind her.

“There will be no more need for that.” He said to De’Ville, as he lifted a collar like the one he had placed on Satine/Alpha.

“This will keep her precious Lightside powers from aiding her.”

De’Ville went once more into the Force null field reluctantly and moved the creature as Ogre resumed walking towards the captured Jedi. Large clawed hands snapped the collar in place around her neck.

“You or your friend had better not attempt to remove these. That is if you like having your head attached to your neck.” What exactly he meant wasn’t further explained, but the tone of his voice as he conveyed the information was indicative of a sort of pleasure.

One of the Sith Master’s powerful hand reached out quickly and wrapped around Ryla’s shoulder. The claws on the tips of his fingers rending through blue flesh as a hot knife through butter. Blood began to flow down her arm as he lifted her into the air with one hand.

“Now to prepare you for what comes next. The real fun starts soon.”

His second hand started tearing the bindings off of her as he held her a good two feet off the floor by her shoulder. The pain in the wound produced by his meathooks for hands had to be excruciating.

Once she was no longer bound he lowered her to the floor bringing his free hand up to her cheek and pressing a razor sharp red claw tip to its surface.

“We will all get to watch as you play with my creations in the deepest depths of these caves. How will two weaponless and Forceless Jedi Knights fare against the monsters I have created?”

As he spoke to her he pressed his claw into her face and ran it downwards, spilling more of her blood, causing it to run down that finger. He then tossed her backwards into the wall firmly and stood before her, both of his hands dripping with her blood.

“The pleasure that awaits us is worth the wait we have endured.”

He brought one hand up and licked her blood from his finger.

“Ready to fight for your life little girl?”

Sep 12th, 2002, 07:15:54 PM
Satine gasps, and regains his senses, hearing Ogre's last comment.

"Hey! Greenie! Let her go, or else, I swear by all that's holy that I will rip your heart out." he snarls, trying to look imposing, but failing miserably, due to his injuries.

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 12th, 2002, 09:43:06 PM
Navaria sat thoughtfully for a long time after many of her fellow brethern of the Order had stepped forward.

"I feel that my presence would harm the mission."

She looked up in all seriousness.

"Dalethria is involved and my being there with all of you ... She would know we were coming. No. I shall stay behind. Besides, someone of the Council needs to attain to the daily operations of Avalon."

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 12th, 2002, 09:45:06 PM
The impact with the cave wall had made more than a few ribs break, and the wound from my shoulder was beyond excruciating. A rivulet of blood now was beginning to streak steadily down my face, mixing with the dust from the cave. I could not feel my fingers, except for a hot sticky wetness that made the air around me tangy with the metallic scent of blood. I moved my other hand over to cradle my wounded arm, wincing at the intensity of that simple movement which shot streams of pain, for it seemed that every nerve in my body was connected to my shoulder. Still, I did not make a noise, save for a small whimper, until Alpha cried out.

"No!" I screamed at him, "Don't give in to anger, fight it!"

Sep 12th, 2002, 10:45:11 PM
Standing back against the cold cave wall, she laughed quietly as the Jedi strove to "keep their faith" and joyfully anticipated their inevitable failure to do so.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Sep 12th, 2002, 10:55:34 PM
Ogre just grinned in response at Ryla, completely ignoring Alpha. The collars around Ryla and Alpha’s necks contained enough Ysalimiri DNA to keep their Force powers subdued entirely. His physical condition right now at a low enough point he was no threat to the five Sith all in perfect health. Alpha was bleeding from similar wounds to Ryla’s. Ogre seemed to be preparing them for something.

The large Sith reached into the pouch hanging from his hip and held an upside down fist in front of his face, obviously holding something in his closed hand.

“The pain is bad isn’t it blue?”

His three fingered hand slowly opened revealing small whitish crystals in his hand. The mighty Sith drew in a large breath and then expelled it quickly, filling the air and hitting Ryla with the crystalline substance.

“My pets like their fresh meat salted. The additional pain it brings you is our bonus to see.”

He reached into his pouch and withdrew another handful, tossing it on Alpha and his wounds. As his Sith sisters watched with demented pleasure at the pain and misery being dealt.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 13th, 2002, 12:59:30 AM
De'Ville leaned against the wall, content to let the Sith have their fun. As long as it fulfilled the Purpose, it did not bother her. Just don't expect her to join in the barbarianism.

But then...ususally she had better things to do. Today, however, that was not the case. Lilaena took a few steps and wrenched the ysalamiri from the nutrient frame, and broke its back with her bare hands.

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 13th, 2002, 11:18:39 AM
::Verse turned and looked at Nav. He nodded. He would have faced all the fury of the nine-hells if she wanted to follow. That was her choice though. It was a smart one. Verse respected the fact he wanted to keep the rest of the Jedi safe.::

"I understand Miss Nav. You may can still provide alot of help. I know you are a clone of Dalethria, but what all memories do y0ou have of that woman? If you can, will you be able to give us ALL the information where you believe Orge and the others will be keeping our fiiends? Are there any back entrances? Secret ones? Anything, and Everything. That is if you have this knowledge. I do not know all the information on this subject. Even a little bit will help."

Sep 13th, 2002, 06:06:39 PM
Satine grits his teeth, and fights the pain. He loses. Crying out at the feel of salt in his wounds, Satine falls to the floor, hard.

Sorsha Kasajian
Sep 14th, 2002, 10:49:59 AM
:: Sorsha yanks Satine's head upwards, ripping his hair in her fingers as she growls at him ::

"I can't save you this time, even if I wanted to. You've brought this fate upon yourself. If you had only stayed loyal to me, you'd be a Lord today. But instead you chose to cling to the light. Such a waste."

:: she draws a slow cut across his jawline with her Kris ::

"There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
Your creed ... it's pathetic."

<table border=0 cellpadding=15 cellspacing=0 background=http://darthogre.clanpages.com/sorsha/pics/misc/SorshaKasajian.jpg width=555 height=284><tr><td width=271 valign=center><img src=http://darthogre.clanpages.com/sorsha/pics/roc2/roc58.jpg width=240 height=182 alt="Sith Witch"></td></tr></table>

Sep 17th, 2002, 05:04:21 PM
"Where there is no emotion, there is indifference and apathy.
There is no ignorance, there are only idiots who don't know better.
If there is no passion, there can be no strength and courage.
There is the Force - there is also loyalty, duty, honor . . . and friends." Satine shoots back, ignoring the pain from the new wound. After all, what was more pain? "That is my creed. It shows I'm not just a mindless follower, but a full fledged Warrior and Defender of the JEdi Order. To Hell with you!" he says, giving a weak laugh, and a sneer at Sorsha.

Lady Vader
Sep 18th, 2002, 03:38:48 PM
*LV wrinkled her nose.*

Typical Jedi ignorance.

*She then turned to Ogre.*

We will no doubt have company soon. Perhaps we should begin preperations for the... greeting party?

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 18th, 2002, 05:37:08 PM
I heard Alpha reply to the woman that now stood over him, but couldn't make out the noise over the sound of my own screams, coupled with the echoing pain in my head. "Why?" I yelped out, when I could finally regain control over my vocal chords. "Why are you doing this?" Then again the pain of the salt and the wounds hit me, and whatever devilish reaction my captors had to my words was lost as I sunk deep into a world of pain.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 19th, 2002, 10:36:41 PM
De'Ville threw aside the crushed body of the ysalamiri, and walked over to the others. "Enough of this! Send them into the cave. I tire of these theatrics."

Ogre Mal Pannis
Sep 20th, 2002, 08:32:23 PM
“Oh, I’m sure their brethren will be coming soon, considering that the evidence was left just the way it was intended.”

He gave a wink to the ladies and then turned to glare at the two suffering Jedi.

“But knowing those Jedi, their council is still convening to try and determine their exact course of action. One thing is for certain; a timely and prompt Jedi is not an average Jedi. Meditation and searching for guidance are slow processes.”

He stalked towards Ryla’s crumpled with pain form and took hold with one hand encompassing her salted shoulder wound. He then dragged her in Alpha’s direction, once close enough he tossed he next to her fellow Jedi Knight.

“Time for the two of you to pay a visit to my little pets.”

A large green hand slapped against a button on the wall and hydraulic machinery could be heard starting to pressure up.

“Enjoy the ten minute trip down, because once its over the vacation is over.”

The floor under Alpha and Ryla shook and then began to drop into the ground.

“My pets like the cool darkness of living two miles underground, and fresh meat being delivered makes for quite the frenzy.”

All could hear, even though it was far far below then, the sounds of varying types of creatures starting to rustle about, some began to howl and some roar. Dinner was about to be served.

Once alpha and Ryla were out of earshot, Ogre turned to the others.

“Phase two is complete, now for phase three.”

Sep 20th, 2002, 09:13:07 PM
Akrabbim arrives at the transport area, ready to depart for Meras. He seems to be deep in concentration. His katana and saber can be seen clipped to his belt, and his shuriken are tucked neatly into his gi. However, he also seems to be carrying a large bag of equipment over his shoulder, unusual for the Jedi's normal modus operadi. It seems to be rather heavy, and seems to clink a bit as he moves.

He sits cross-legged on the ground and awaits his fellow Jedi to depart. He sent out a message just before arriving, urging the others to be swift.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Sep 21st, 2002, 07:11:56 PM
With a raised brow, she leaned over the edge slightly to take a look. The faces of the Jedi were all ready taken by shadow and only the face of darkness stared back at Dalethria.

"Hmm. Hope they put up some sort of fight. The pets do need a work out after all."

She threw her love a smile and nodded.

"Yes of course. I will inform the others that we are ready."

It too was said only to the beings present in the room. Alpha and Ryla could not hear was what said between the husband and wife.

Sep 21st, 2002, 07:54:54 PM
Satine manages to take control of his pain, and stand weakly, looking at ryla.

"Ryla? Can you manage a fight?"

{OOC:Are there the little force-nullers (can't remember how to spell those critters' name) even down here, or will the two Jedi have Force powers?}

Ryla Relvinian
Oct 7th, 2002, 08:54:01 PM
The pain in my shoulder was throbbing angrily as I leaned my back against the cool metal of the hydraulic lift. My ears popped as we continued to descend into the unknown. The only sound that could be heard was the steady mechanical drone, and for once, I was thankful that I had worn full jedi robes that fateful day in the bar along with my usual leather combat pants. I had stopped caring about the scuffs in the knees a long time ago, and with my one good hand, began to unwind my tabard out from under my belt.

"I'll be more useful if this arm isn't swinging in the way." I replied, startled at how raspy my own voice was. With my good hand I raised the cloth up to my teeth and tightened the knot, slipping the band of fabric over my head and into a makeshift sling. Once my arm was secure, I turned to Alpha, examining his collar.

"There doesn't seem to be any way to remove these safely... It'd be just like them to rig it to explode or something equally unpleasant. We can't use the Force, but we still can run and use our wits. Do have any ideas?"

Oct 9th, 2002, 08:28:40 AM
"Well, aside from hoping to find some--as grisly as this may osund--bones or other things we could use as a club or spear, we don't have much of a chance in this. As soon as the lift lands, I suggest we both look first, and then we jump out, and try to grab something that can be used as a weapon."

Satine blinks back fatigue. If only he could just close his eyes for a minute, and get some rest...

Ryla Relvinian
Oct 9th, 2002, 10:15:52 PM
I patted my right calf and let out a frustrated sigh. "The one day that I don't wear my dagger..." The lift was still decending at a steady rate as I examined the floor. No access panel... nothing in here that could be used as a weapon. I turned back to Alpha with a grimace. "I think you're right. We're just going to have to make it up as we go along. It's a likelyhood that the creatures are used to being fed this way... so they'll probably be right up on us when we get down there. Someone's got to come looking for us. I mean, the rest of the council would know by now that we've been captured, right?"

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 15th, 2002, 03:38:00 PM
It seemed like days in transit, until they had arrived.


A beautiful, forest covered planet, yet home to some of the most inspeakable and dispicable evil the Galaxy had seen. Coming down th ramp of his ship, Marcus took off his sabre from his belt, closed his eyes and felt The Force.

"You know what you have to do. Get to it"

Oct 15th, 2002, 03:53:26 PM



All fed me as I tore out the throat of one of the pathetic creatures that were in this place. As I ripped it's backbone out, I felt the mental summons of my Master, the Ogre.

Come... I have new being for you

My bloodsmeared grin broke wider. That I liked! I threw down the worthless pieces of the being I had been torturing and with clawed feet, strode to where Ogre sent in my mind to go. Soon, there was a door in front of me that with one fell punch, I smashed aside in my keenness to get at the new blood. And... there they were. A Twi'lek and a human. The scream from my throat echoed as I leaped, intent on hurt.

Oct 19th, 2002, 09:37:53 AM
Satine echoes the scream, his instincts kicking in. He jumps to the side, barely avoiding razor honed claws, and rolling as he hits the ground. As he rolls, he picks up a heavy bone that was still wet with blood, and hefts it as he gets to his feet. He nods at Ryla, giving a slight, exhausted, grin, and then gives out a feral sounding yell, causing the beasts to turn their attention on him.

Ryla Relvinian
Oct 20th, 2002, 01:07:00 PM
The beast, intently focused on turning Satine into a pinkish smear on the cave floor, did not notice me as I slipped out the right side of the opening. I ran... ran for all I was worth, not stopping to look behind me as I heard scream after scream. The collar began to rub on the back of my spine as I ran, and I could feel yet another trickle of warm wetness slide down my back. In front of me was what appeared to be a cage... It couldn't have been this beast's cage, for there was the mangled carcass of some mutilated animal there on the ground. I quickly noticed that the dead beast in front of me was sporting razor-sharp claws that were as long as my forearm.

Well... It's a weapon I thought to myself. Thankfully, the beast's arm had been sufficiently mutilated that when I yanked one of them out with all of my might, the claw cut into my palms but came free from the dead beast's flesh. Using the one already free, I yanked out one more and then headed back towards the screaming.

Bloody as I was I must have smelled like a snack, because as soon as I approached the monster that was chasing Satine, it whirled to face me and reached out with it's long arm and sent me flying. With a scream, I hit the ground hard and blacked out.

Oct 21st, 2002, 01:06:09 PM
"Ryla!" Satine yells, trying to bring his fellow Jedi back to conciousness. Calling upon strength he didn't even know he possessed, Satine slams his make-shift club into the bests rear left leg, the force of the impact shattering both the bone-club, and the beast's leg. Running to his friend, he struggles to pick her up, and drag her away. While hem is doing this, he scoops up the claws Ryla mhad found too. He didn't want to be defenseless.

Oct 23rd, 2002, 06:51:03 AM
A dry and evil laugh started behind the Jedi.

"Good... Good! What entertainment this is! A good show Jedi!"

The laugh turned to an arrogant sneer. The evil old man was going to watch the Jedi die, for this beast was nothing compared what was to come.

Ryla Relvinian
Oct 25th, 2002, 11:12:36 AM
My temples throbbing, I opened my eyes and struggled to whisper a "Thank you" to Alpha, who seemed to be dragging me away... or possibly towards danger. I had no idea what, if anything, was broken, but I struggled and got to my feet, accepting a claw from my fellow Jedi. Behind me, I could hear a voice that crackled with power. The beast was charging again, front arms down to the ground, slowly dragging it's broken leg behind it like a rag doll.

I turned my head and spat out blood... I must have bit my tongue when I landed, not that it mattered now. "We can get it's other back leg... or something." The beast was already closing in fast, and my mind raced. Why was I coming up with 12x12 when all I wanted was a plan, something to do so our bones would not join the others that were strewn about this place...

Finally, I abandoned reason and simply ran, limping, towards the beast. As it raised up to swipe at me again with it's arms, I ran forward and drove my claw in and down through what appeared to be a knee joint. It jerked back, taking my weapon and almost my arms with it, and I could see Alpha out of the corner of my eye...

Oct 26th, 2002, 05:20:10 PM
Satine ignores the man's laughter, and he goes behind the beast, while Ryla attacks the front. Jumping onto the thing's back--by way of it's shattered leg--Satine stabs the clas deep at the joint of the non-wounded leg.