View Full Version : Prayer for Death (open challenge to Jedi padawan)
Jodah of Giva
Apr 25th, 2002, 06:51:42 AM
A black robed figure walks out into the center of the Arena. He looks around for a moment, hoping for a suitable opponenet to be near him. Seeing none, he sends out a short, simple to understand mental message: *I wish to challenge a jedi. Preferrably a padawan.* He then waits for someone, or something, to answer him...
Gurney Devries
Apr 25th, 2002, 11:10:37 AM
"Itsa challenge ye want, issit?"
The voice came from behind him, gruff and somewhat accented. Jodah turned, apparently not surprised by the intrusion at all. One of these days, Gurney was going to have to learn how to properly conceal his presence from other Force users. For now, he'd just have to live with them knowing where he was. Frelling annoying, is what it was.
"I think I can provide ye with that, mein friend". He used the term 'friend' sarcastically.
Lifting both hands to grasp the sides of his hood, Gurney threw back the cowl in a singular, smooth motion. Underneath was the weathered, yet surprisingly young looking face of a man in his late 20's. A rather long and thin scar ran down his right cheek, reaching all the way to the corner of his mouth. And, perhaps most striking of all, was his endlessly blue-on-blue eyes, which seemed to almost glow with a light of their own. It was these eyes that currently bored into the Sith before him. And, under his breath, his whispered two words: "Vae Victus" with a small smile at the private joke therein.
Jodah of Giva
Apr 26th, 2002, 02:55:04 PM
Jodah smiled, giving a slight bow at the hip and an obliging nod. He then drew one of his sabers, rolling it easily between his fingers and releasing the long black blade. He slipped his hand into the curved grip/control hold on it, shortened the blade a bitwith a flick of his thumb, and brought his blade to the ready. "If you can provide, then do so, mon ami. " He added the same harsh undertone to his last word.
Edit- html error, TTT
Gurney Devries
Apr 29th, 2002, 05:16:16 PM
"Short on words... I like that. Means I dun hafta listen to yer squabbling as I'm tryin' ta run ya through."
One hand slowly reached under the folds of his cloak, returning with a long, silver cylinder in tow. His thumb brushed almost idly by the ignition button and, in response, the dark blue blade sprung to life with its unique humming sound.
Bringing it upright into a proper fighting position, Gurney locked eyes with his opponenet. There was probably some unwritten rule about how a Jedi shouldn't attack first, or some such nonsense. As far as he was concerned, unwritten rules were meant to be broken.
He dropped the tip of the saber to the ground, the end of it sizzling a bit as it touched the terrain. Then, with a sudden charge, he ran full speed at Jodah, bringing his weapon upward in a vicious slash. It was a difficult manuever to block, but to his credit, the Sith did manage to do so.Their sabers locked for the briefest of moments, giving Gurney the opportunity he needed to deliver a swift and vicious kick to the Sithling's side.
Jodah of Giva
Apr 29th, 2002, 07:11:43 PM
Jodah swung his saber down hard, clashing with Gurney's blade. He saw the kick coming, but far too late. The man's foot slammed into his side, pushing him away. Jodah used the momentum to roll, sliding under his opponent's blade and swinging it upward. He pressed against the ground with his feet, bouncing up and forward and rolling over Gurney. Jodah came down head first, swinging his body right side up while arching his blade into his enemy's back, trying to cut him.
/ttt (again, too. c'mon!)
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