View Full Version : With "Clean Slate" finalized, a question/request

Sumor Rayial
Apr 24th, 2002, 09:20:46 PM
We at the Conclave have been discussing our place here in the Fans universe even before the advent of LL's clean slate proposal.

What we came up with was that we wished to return to our primary idea when we first made the group. Now I'm not going to say what that is persay.

However with the new "clean slate" there is a possibility that we will be able to easily alter our form to fit into the way we want to be more easily.

So here is the question. Would anyone be opposed to the Conclave "trading in" some of their ships for ships better suited to the idea we have for our organization?

This would be something along the lines of "x" amount of ship length (composed primarily of older ship types like VSD's), for a percentage of "x" in newer type ships that best suit our needs (smaller and less armed but with their advantages too).

This wouldn't be done with math of course, just sort of done. The ratio will probably be something like 70%, but that's just rough. I can provide numbers if some request it.

Apr 24th, 2002, 10:33:54 PM
To be honest, its irrelevent. With no roster to keep track of, it would only be to know roughly what you could/couldn't support. So if you had 200 Neb B's and decided to exchange for 5 SSDs, you would just have a rough estimate in your mind. Could you deploy a super strike force to X location? Perhaps not, cause you only have a finite number of ships, etc

You kind of regulate yourself in that regard.

Sumor Rayial
Apr 24th, 2002, 10:41:08 PM
Okay that's what I figured would be the answer but I wanted to check it out before we suddenly started to feild ships that hadn't been in our lists previously.

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 25th, 2002, 08:15:09 AM
The extent of it might be to list what ships you are capable of producing, and maybe what you might prefer to build.

For example, TGE would list most/all of the imperial ships, and then maybe say "Built on large scale, and with a balance of classes" meaning that they have a lot of ships, but many more pickets and frigates than Star Destroyers.

Cizerack Pride would say "Built on extremely small scale, with emphasis on battle galleons and unarmed freighters" meaning that they don't have many ships to field, but their average ship is a bit larger than most (slightly smaller than a VSD).

You could post that in your shipyard forum, or could be put in a thread here, that stays at the top.