View Full Version : Lightsabres....[masked spoilers]
Sage Hazzard
Apr 24th, 2002, 12:27:02 AM
If you haven't seen the latest Star Wars trailers, go to They have them for download.
They say under what Anakin has, among a twin engine speeder, "Crystal Lightsabre". Crystal? Yes, I'm aware that lightsabres are focused by crystals but why the name change? Let's discuss this.
Apr 24th, 2002, 12:54:31 AM
I'm not really sure about that myself, but I'd also like to point out that it says the same thing on the Obi Wan commercial too, if you're interested.
Sage Hazzard
Apr 24th, 2002, 01:13:28 AM
Yes, I'm aware. But didn't Anakin's also have the plural form, "lightsabres"? Does this mean he carries duel sabres always? Very cool.
Note: These spoilers aren't large. But since I don't want to be responsible for decieving anyone into reading, then they get spoiled against their will, I'm using spoilers. Don't highlight if you're one of the people who won't watch trailers, or if you want to see the commercial fresh.
Apr 24th, 2002, 01:50:43 AM
Strangely enough, the thought occured to me about an hour ago that that could be the case...perhaps he doesn't carry them at all times, and only does so when going after Dooku...or, since Dooku is Qui Gon's former Master, the green one is Qui Gon's old saber? It may be of importance that I think the same green saber the Anakin figure comes with in the Duel form is the one that the Dooku figure comes with as an extra (in addition to his normal saber)...though there's only one saber sold as Anakin's Lightsaber as a toy...if he carried both of them, it would seem that they'd take advantage of another marketing opportunity and sell them both, or as a two pack or something...with exception of the shots from the duel, and even during parts of it, I've only seen Anakin with one saber though, and I think it's the blue one in all of them I can remember. I'm becoming more and more interested...though not to the point that I want to go and ruin the entire thing for myself :)
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 24th, 2002, 02:26:08 AM
One of the interesting things about The hint that the correct name of a typical lightsabere is "Crystal Sabre", gives creedence to the rumour Dooku's sabre is in fact a new (to us) type called a Flame Sabre. Interesting
Apr 24th, 2002, 08:21:37 AM
well it does have a different shaped handle it may need a different type of crystal to focus it. I like the idea of anakin carrying two lightsabers
Starquest aka AndyR
Apr 24th, 2002, 09:50:18 AM
I am thinking that the second sabre is obi-wans or anakin grabs an extra one from the arena when another jedi gets killed or something. another theory I have is that dooku has qui-gons sabre as dooku used to be his master. Obi-wan tries to tkae it or it just gets passed around from one combatant to another...
Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 24th, 2002, 01:12:38 PM
No, no, no, no, no....crystal lightsaber only refers to the crystal within it. And neither belong to either Obi or Anakin. They are immediately thrown to them by Jedi when they storm the Geonosian Arena. Anakin gets his second lightsaber when Obi is rather seriously wounded in the arm and leg by Dooku and cannot fight anymore. He throws it to Anakin, who also uses it to fight the Sith.
Apr 24th, 2002, 09:07:24 PM
The new Mace Windu commercial refers to his saber as "Electrum Lightsaber", so apparently there's some kinda difference. I guess we'll have to see if Dooku gets a commercial that says something about his saber.
Apr 24th, 2002, 09:10:00 PM
In the Episode 2 visual dictionary, Dooku's saber is described as having an "artificial Sith crystal" instead of natural crystals, supposedly enhancing its power. Perhaps an artificial crystal is called "electrum".
Apr 24th, 2002, 09:27:34 PM
does the visual dictionary have anything about Windu's saber?
Apr 24th, 2002, 10:25:57 PM
It states that it is an electrum lightsaber, and it looks quite badass
Apr 28th, 2002, 08:08:25 PM
from tf.n
Mace Windu's Electrum Lightsaber
Thu, Apr 25, 02 03:28:50 PM EDT
Some of you have inquired about the meaning behind Electrum Lightsaber in the Mace Windu TV spot. This JC thread provides the answers:
Darth-sennin - "In the visual dictionary, it says Mace's saber has a gold finish that only council members can have. In the commercial his profession is jedi master, so it would make sense that that there is a distinction over the crystal lightsaber."
Mace_Winduel - "Taken from Encyclopedia Britannica: Electrum - Natural or artificial alloy of gold with at least 20% silver, used to make the first known coins in the Western world. Most natural electrum also contains copper, iron, palladium, bismuth, and perhaps other metals. The color varies from white-gold to brassy, depending on the percentages of the major constituents and copper. The first Western coinage, possibly begun by King Gyges of Lydia (7th cent. BC), consisted of irregular ingots of electrum bearing his stamp as a guarantee of negotiability at a predetermined value. See also coinage."
Mystery solved.
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