View Full Version : Across the Stars Music Video [masked spoilers]
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 23rd, 2002, 02:32:03 PM
I just saw it on TRL, and it was great first I want to praise the music, wow it was the best piece of music I have heard from Williams in a while, since at least Schindler's List and is the best piece of SW music since The Imperial March and Leia's theme, it really blows every thing from TPM away. The tempo isn't fast but the music feels kind of dark and eerie alluding to the star cross lovers and Anakin's downfall to the darkside. Now as far as the video for those who are worried there will be spoilers there is really that much that is new the biggest thing is the beginning there is a scene with Obi-wan in a night club using the Jedi Mind trick on someone trying to sell him death sticks that is hillarious, other that most of it is just a combination of all 3 trailers. If you missed it and want to see it I think it might be on VH1 again tonight, and it will also be offered on the official site for download probably right now.
Apr 23rd, 2002, 03:47:25 PM
Yep - it is on the official site - here's a link to it. I haven't had a chance to watch it yet - Quicktime is all screwed up on my work PC, maybe I'll try watching it when I get home.
Apr 23rd, 2002, 05:21:42 PM
It just came on here(gotta love those tape delays for the western time zone...grrrr). Holy cow was I impressed with the music. Very "Lawrence of Arabia" I thought...which is one of the best scores ever written for my money. Plus..the stuff they showed was fantastic, even if most of it was stuff we'd already seen.
Apr 23rd, 2002, 07:16:13 PM
Very nice! It is very majestic and sweeping, like (I forget who) said. The only thing I noticed is the very abrupt changes in tempo. Maybe that's just the video version though.
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 23rd, 2002, 08:28:48 PM
I think so the track on the CD is longer so that is probably why. I loved the beginning though, with that guy saying ,"You wanna buy some death sticks" Obi wan waving his hand, "you don't wanna sell me death sticks."
Man "I don't wanna sell you death sticks."
Obi-Wan, "You wanna go home and rethink your life."
Man, "I wanna go home and rethink my life." I just found that scene hilarious :D but one question what is a death stick? Drugs? Weapons?
Super Wookiee
Apr 23rd, 2002, 08:49:59 PM
the guy had something in his hand, that he puts away when Obi Wan tells him he doesn't want to sell them. I didn't get too good a look, but it was a pencil sized long object, kind of like a cigarette.
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 23rd, 2002, 08:56:04 PM
Maybe he was smelling smokes then Death Sticks would be a good name for them :p Seriously I suspect it was some kind of drug that is smoked like a cigarette.
Apr 23rd, 2002, 09:33:27 PM
I laughed too when I heard that line. My first thought was that MacGruff was going to come out and congratulate Obi Wan for taking a bite out of crime! :lol
Apr 24th, 2002, 02:32:26 PM
I was the one giving the scoop on the soundtrack. Glad you agree, but you still haven't heard diddly squat :)
The guy's name in that scene is Elan Sleazebaggano (yes, its true), and death sticks are an illegal narcotic.
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 24th, 2002, 09:28:39 PM
Looks like we right and man what a name:lol
Apr 25th, 2002, 07:58:59 AM
The music itself is excellent.
Didnt think much of hte video itself, tho the scences from ATOC included was very good.
Starquest aka AndyR
Apr 25th, 2002, 08:36:13 AM
The deathsticks are drugs. There was an article on the holonet news site a while ago.
So far everything on the holonet news site has been a prelude to the movie. Its really cool to get a background of whats happening in the republic - various systems succeding fromt eh republic, etc...
check it out. not spoiler ridden...
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