View Full Version : AOTC Merchandising Onslaught begins today! Take away my wallet, PLEASE!
Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:20:15 AM
It's 2:15 AM EST and I have no earthly reason to be up. I have to be at work and ready to deal with 23 10-year olds tomorrow morning. But I'm all wired from my midnight toy runs. I posted the damage over in the collecting thread, but there's only a few of us that check that place out so I thought I'd start a little thread here. Here's a quick summary of the damage my credit card did tonight;
WalMart #1 $36.87
WalMart #2 $26.69
WalMart #3 $224.31!!!!!!!!!! (CURSE YOU GIANT LEGO YODA! WHY AM I SO WEAK?!)
I'll be hitting stores again tomorrow morning and some bookstores tomorrow night. I didn't think I could spend more than I did on 5.3.99 but it looks like I might do just that. I still have a couple of vehilces and figures to get so I may be looking at another $100. When my wife see's the damage I'm a dead man. I might as well just grab the kids, go to the park, and leave the following note on the kitchen table;
"Here's the credit card. Take it and shop without distraction or conscious. I did a bad, bad, bad, thing last night.
Figrin D'an
Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:33:41 AM
lol... sounds like your gonna be busted Jedieb... :)
I hit TRU earlier... got the Lego sets (not the giant Yoda though). I'm not big into the action figures anymore, but Legos.... I'm all about that. :)
Got the soundtrack, too. I might wait on the novelization, though, because I wouldn't allow myself to read it until after May 15th anyway...
Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:45:02 AM
I am totally with Figrin on this one.
Action figures are not my deal... I would just open them as I did my TPM figures and kind of mess around with them or set them up, haha, you know... not worth the money for me. I was stupid to get so many for TPM, but I got caught up in the moment and spent $1,008.03 on just the toys.
Plus the $500 on TPM signed prints, the $400 Lucas banner, $1,000 on framing those TPM prints (ya ya, but I like protecting my stuff), $350 on protecting the Lucas banner, a few hundred on books for TPM, hundreds and hundreds more on toys and legos even after day 1. Ugg, overall with tickets includes ($250), I'd say I spent probably $3,500 on TPM.
For AOTC, I just really really want these Master Replicas, the real deal, the actual collectibles. Limited, awesome quality, oh man, I'm drooling. I haven't ordered the first two yet, but I will.
I am with Figrin on the legos though, they are sweet. I still collect most of the legos, but I don't have them all. Some are really expensive. I got the super expensive X-Wing and TIE Fighter, but not the huge Falcon and there are other things I don't have... Got the technic R2, but I'm betting that right now I'm at least 10 sets behind, even though I have most of the TPM small stuff and medium stuff.
I haven't put it all together yet, just almost all of it.
Seeing the AOTC legos, ugg, this isn't fair, I am going to spend a lot of money I just know it. I really don't want to either because I don't have the money to spend now, haha.
I will get the soundtrack, oh my god I cannot wait, that is seriously one of the coolest things about a new SW movie: new music. I love Williams and have most of his best soundtracks anyway, regardless of the movie (about 25 to 30 of his CDs). But SW music is just unquestionably his best work because of the evolution of the music from one film to another and the leitmotif work and whatnot.
I buy all Star Wars books that are not novels, too. I don't think there is one that I am missing actually. I have every essential guide, every cross sections, art of, dictionary, encyclopedia, Star Wars Chronicles, etc.
I just cannot afford all of the novels because I hate paperback so I know I'd have to buy them in hardcover and that's $25 per one or something, so if there are 50 novels or more, and there are, that's... a lot of money. :)
This is very exciting, definitely one of my favorite parts of a SW film. It's like we are all kids looking for our presents under the x-mas tree, haha.
Anyone catch that E! special? It was really cool, just about 5 minutes of footage from Toys "R" Us New York, New York! Pretty dang cool. I was drooling.
You know how badly I want everything, but I know I don't need it. It's not like those things will make me happier, haha, but it's a great experience just seeing SW stuff ALL over, I LOVE it.
Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:47:02 AM
I got Jango's Slave I. It's bigger than LEGO's first version of Slave I and I just couldn't resist it. Those two sets alone totaled over $150. CURSE YOU LEGO!
Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:49:23 AM
That's too much darn money. I love Lego, but dangit dude, that's a lot of money.
I'm only 19 when I'm not in the toy store. Otherwise, I'm 8. :)
Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:57:53 AM
I didn't WANT to spend so much, but I just kind of went loopy when I saw that Yoda. He's very similiar to the Yoda that was displayed and given away at Target a few years ago. I won the R2 display so I think they'll look great together. The best looking LEGO I saw I actually walked away from; New Republic Gunship. That one was cheaper than the Yoda (around $89 I think) but I just couldn't get both.
As always, collect what you like. No one can get EVERYTHING, just stick to what you like and you'll be fine. On a side note, one of the fans I saw tonight was wearing a Stormtrooper chest plate. Not something I'd ever wear with a pair of jeans, but an interesting fashion statement nevertheless.
Figrin D'an
Apr 23rd, 2002, 01:02:48 AM
Originally posted by JonathanLB
I'm only 19 when I'm not in the toy store. Otherwise, I'm 8. :)
Dude, I think that goes for all of us around here... especially on occasions like this. :)
I'm missing a few of the Lego sets... most of them are fairly small, though. Of the larger ones, I don't have the giant Yoda statue or the Maul bust, but I don't know if I want either of those... I'll have to think about it. And I don't have the massive Corellian Corvette... *drool*... 1500 pieces of Lego insanity.
The Millenium Falcon set is sweet... it's one of my favorites thus far, along with the X-Wing and the Imperial Shuttle. The new Slave 1 looks pretty awesome though, and the Republic Gunship looks solid too.
All of the new sets look fantastic though... I can't wait to start building them tomorrow evening. :D
Apr 23rd, 2002, 01:13:06 AM
That is a good point, I will have to get at least some AOTC legos immediately so I can build them :D
Yeah, oh man... I had forgotten about that Corvette. Yeah that just looks unbelievably awesome. But these things are a lot of money. I mean, don't get me wrong I have spent like $12,000 on my collection, but a lot of that I get for x-mas or birthday or whatever, my own cash only goes so far. I was thinking of attempting to sell off some of the TPM stuff I don't really find valuable to my collection. I'm more of a collector of the high quality stuff and posters, I love art, love posters, love the prop replicas, that is the stuff that I find awesome. Because I can see myself in ten years having that up around my house, or apartment more like it (lol), but I cannot see crowding my space with a ton of toys... I have a hard enough time meeting girls, don't need Star Wars toys all over my apartment stamping "geek" on my head ;) Haha, j/k!
At least with the nice quality stuff, though, the value seems to be a lot better and you put more of your money into a smaller space and I end up enjoying those collectibles for a long time. I still love my $1,500 Icons X-Wing, it's great.
Those lightsabers have gone up in value too, despite there being 10,000 of them. Now with Master Replicas they are making only 2,500 of the Luke lightsaber, 1,500 of the Solo blaster. That is actually exceptionally limited for something like that. Should be highly collectible I think. Not that I care. I'm not selling that stuff ever and I don't consider it an investment either, or not a monetary one ;)
I love the legos, though, I for some reason do not consider them as much toys, even though I realize they are of course, I just consider LEGO such a high quality company... I love legos. I used to play with them constantly. I never built what the instructions said, though, just bought sets to use the pieces :D
lol, anyone who just makes the sets as a kid and never anything else is going to be a follower in life! Haha, j/k. I just make the sets with all of the Star Wars stuff of course, they do a great job and I like them.
The Imperial Shuttle? I am trying to think... I have an Imperial Shuttle Lego model, but is that the one you mean or is mine a lesser version? I was wondering if there are two, like a shuttle Tydrium and an Imperial Shuttle model (even though there really is no difference).
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 23rd, 2002, 01:23:11 AM
I am going out tomorrow, and I am getting the soundtract for sure I will probably buy some figures haven't decided how many yet. You mentioned the Lego slave 1 are they going to sell the slave-1 as a ship set not lego? Just curious. Oh well I better get to bed so I can get up and run around a fool I just hope I don't go spend crazy like Jedieb :p
Apr 23rd, 2002, 07:49:24 AM
Collecting is an uncontrollable disease that cannot be stopped, only put into remission, like I've managed to do, but not for long. I feel myself weakening...
Apr 23rd, 2002, 08:50:01 AM
There's both a LEGO and Hasbro version of Slave I. The Hasbro version isn't just a repaint, they made some new molds for the ship. I didn't get it last night, but I'll probably pick it up in a couple of weeks. This morning I picked up a R2 variant and I'm off to the mall and Waldenbooks this afternoon. That novelization is calling my name, calling me..., calling me.....
Figrin D'an
Apr 23rd, 2002, 10:23:10 AM
Originally posted by JonathanLB
The Imperial Shuttle? I am trying to think... I have an Imperial Shuttle Lego model, but is that the one you mean or is mine a lesser version? I was wondering if there are two, like a shuttle Tydrium and an Imperial Shuttle model (even though there really is no difference).
That should be the same one that I have. There was only one Lego model of the Imperial Shuttle. I just think it was a great set because the scale seemed almost perfect, the folded wings work great, the shuttle cockpit tilts just like it should, and it comes with the Emperor and two Imperial Guards... very nice. :)
I've only put together one of the new sets thus far... the Bounty Hunter Pursuit. It's pretty good, although it has blue lightsabres for both Obi-Wan and Anakin... I though that was a little odd, unless this is some sort of spoiler thing that I don't know about, in which case I don't want to know... lol. :)
Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:49:03 PM
I was not planning on going to the stores last night, but I couldn't sleep. Having lost track of time, when I finally rolled over and looked at my clock, expecting it to be maybe 4 or 5 AM, it was only 12:45 AM. I took that as a sign and got dressed and shot over to Wal-Mart.
I didn't get all that much - I picked up the Yoda and Jango Fett figures, and the soundtrack. I was thinking really hard on the Reek and the Count Dooku lightsaber, but ultimately I passed on them...
At the time they didn't even have the CDs out on the racks, so I asked some guy and we went hunting for them in the back and finally found them.
Needless to say, I was able to sleep well after my purchases... :)
This morning, I swung by Barnes and Noble a little more leisurely and picked up the novelization. That might have been a mistake - that book will be calling to me for the next 22 days. But I figure if I held on for this long, what is another 3 weeks???
Apr 23rd, 2002, 01:17:16 PM
Well, I am proud to say I had a lot better restraint this time...
That is not to say I didn't spend a lot of money, though! LOL.
Last time was $1,008.03 at TRU just after midnight... but then I went after school to Target or something like that and spent about $300 more on stuff I missed! So May 3, 1999 was... uh, very expensive (but I've had many other days where I spent a bit more than that... camera accessories one day was very high, another was the TIE Fighter and another the X-Wing from Icons).
Anyway, I only spent about $128 this time at TRU!!! I basically just didn't feel that I NEEDED anything... There was nothing there I felt totally needed to be in my collection, which is a good thing, because I love the SW films but I want my collection to be focused and really high quality.
Don't get me wrong, though, I want all of the LEGO sets eventually. I really love that Corvette, actually, the Tantive IV model. I know it's from ANH and not AOTC, lol, duh, but it's just the coolest LEGO ever :)
I got two lego sets, the bounty hunter chase thingie, and the Republic Gunship I think. I wanted more, but I will get them, it's just that I thought perhaps they will be cheaper later. I am not impatient at all, I'll wait. I went there for the experience! It was great.
I met a few other Star Wars fans, and actually everyone I talked to, which I admit was only three guys, really liked TPM. I guess that makes sense, I mean they were in line for AOTC toys, lol, but we were all talking about the fine details of the films and how much AOTC is gonna rock, what TPM set up, etc. These guys were supposedly in the age group that "all hates TPM and wants revenge against Lucas" too, LOL. Whatever. What a media created myth. The guy I talked to most, who is also on my documentary footage (yup, brought my Canon XL-1S digital camcorder, hehe, and they let me tape everything including FOX 49 news crews at the scene), was 5 when he saw ROTJ in theaters. So I guess that makes him about 24. He should supposely be a bitter SW fan who hates Lucas and TPM, but there was nothing but excitement over Star Wars. I was really happy to see that...
Everyone seemed quite excited, though. The line this time was probably just about 4 times smaller than TPM's, 40 people I'd say compared to 150 last time. I don't know about the 40, that is a guess, but 150 is accurate to within 5 or 10 because the employees counted last time and I heard their final count. That was midnight, though, this was 6 a.m.
There is A LOT less merchandise, like, wow, I mean probably 5 to 10 times less in all honesty. I guess this is just the first wave, I assume there will be more, but it was kind of weird in some ways. I've only been around for TPM, so that was the biggest Star Wars movie so far in its total impact on stores and whatnot. I mean, it was the most ubiquitous.
I had a really fun time, didn't actually spend more than $275 or so today. But I got a few other things besides SW stuff ;)
I got this DVD with 2 discs, 4 Hitchcock movies and I really like him, so I want to see everything, and for $15... hey, great deal.
I had to get Behind Enemy Lines anyway, I was planning to make a separate trip if need be. Then I had to rent Novicaine, which just came to DVD, and with Blockbuster's program I got a free "Favorites" title so I got Raging Bull, another AFI film. So I have 9 movies on rent from Blockbuster at one time! LOL, new personal record...
Other than that, though, I also got a bunch of Star Wars magazines. Time, Newsweek, Premiere, Vogue, Maxim (article... I swear! lol), and a few others I've not much heard of, well actually Starlog is one I remember, then of course I want all 4 Empire Magazine covers, but they had not one yet... Too bad. Next time.
So Barnes and Noble: $113.
Sam Goody: $50.
TRU: $128.
B. Dalton (books): $60.
I got the Yoda soundtrack cover, I'm very curious to know what you all got...?! I couldn't decide for like 10 minutes, lol, and no buying them all was not an ok option. That's just a waste of money, haha, but in 1999 I would have done that. My friend who went with me through all of this (we are waiting for three days in line together, so don't expect to see me May 12 and on through opening, haha) got the Hayden/Portman cover... you know he got it for Portman, though, I mean he barely bought anything and of course he had to have the Portman action figure. Jeez.
I got Stratego and The Game of Life at TRU, which I did consider essential to our line wait! That'll be fun, plus I got a lightsaber, just a cheap $8 one, so that I would have that in line too (my other ones broke a while back I think).
Phew, what a fun trip! 6 hours of shopping, which is about 6 hours more than I've done in the last 3 years. ;) J/k. I went shopping for DVDs with my mom about 4 months ago and spent easily $300, got so many (most were on sale, many used, so I paid an average or about $12 per one probably).
Apr 23rd, 2002, 01:28:43 PM
Originally posted by JonathanLB
I got the Yoda soundtrack cover, I'm very curious to know what you all got...?!
For me it was a tough toss-up between the Yoda cover and the movie poster cover. In the end I took the Yoda cover. I actually wish I had taken the other one, because they have the same Yoda image in the inside booklet, but no matter - both were very cool (the other two were great also, just didn't grab me as much)
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 23rd, 2002, 02:06:45 PM
I got the Jango cover, I had to he is already becoming my fav. I didn't buy that much so far, might go on soon and pick up a couple more things. I bought the Mace deluxe figure, Jango fig, and Boba Fett along with the soundtract. I am just curious are they going to release Mace and Count Dooku as regular figures? I was thinking the would because there are some characters not out yet (a few jedi like Ki-Adi-Mundu and a few other Jedi knight like the two that were in Aproaching storm, Watto, and Palpatine I couldn't find either) still just about every other is out I though that new jedi Kit Festo looked vey cool the same with the female one (can't think of her name) with the funny face. I saw that Slave One Jedieb and I was very tempted to buy it but I think I will wait for now. I also thought they were release Mace's lightsaber but I didn't see it maybe it will be coming out later.
Apr 23rd, 2002, 03:28:02 PM
This afternoon I picked up one of the last three figures I needed, (Geonosian), but I passed on Saeseen because I thought I already had him! I'll be going back later tonight. I got the soundtrack and like Jon went with the Yoda cover. He may look different, but he's still Yoda. I also got the novelization, but that was all as far as books go. I don't know if I'll be picking up the comic. I didn't really like the TPM version (I felt the artwork was a bit below average) so I may just pass on this one.
Apr 23rd, 2002, 03:39:36 PM
Originally posted by Jedieb
He may look different, but he's still Yoda.
I think they did a great job with him - he still looks almost like the puppet version, so there doesn't seem to be too much of a disconnect between his appearances in the two movies (of course we'll know for certain May 16).
On the soundtrack cover, though, what's with his hair? I don't recall him having that much hair in TPM - he almost looks like Dr. Emmett Brown from Back to the Future. :) I'm not complaining though - I think he looks great!
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 23rd, 2002, 04:43:53 PM
I picked up the novel (I put it away won't be reading it for a while), I might get the Essential Guide to Characters, not sure when though, the comics I probably will buy other that I don't know. I picked up two more figures today, Man I spent like 75-100 already but I'm still away behind you Jedieb ;)
Apr 23rd, 2002, 06:05:20 PM
On the soundtrack cover, though, what's with his hair? I don't recall him having that much hair in TPM - he almost looks like Dr. Emmett Brown from Back to the Future
"Great Scott, dangerous and disturbing this puzzle is..."
Apr 23rd, 2002, 06:41:08 PM
i spent about $300 this time (this including the figs i got early)down from my $500 last time
i picked up the 26 of the 27 figs (no dooku) 2 extra red clones, and an extra yoda for a total of 29 figs
i got 2 deluxes (dooku and mace), i got both the anakin and zam speeders, both anakin and dookus saber, and the tie bomber
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 23rd, 2002, 08:37:41 PM
:lol That is very funny JMK
Jinn Fizz
Apr 23rd, 2002, 08:56:36 PM
I was able to get every action figure except for Yoda and Dooku. Supposedly there were some Yodas at my WalMart first thing this morning, but the people who beat me there apparently snarfed them all up. No one had seen Dooku at all.
I'm so glad I went to WalMart first, they must've had 50 cases of figures out on pegs and shelves. I ended up spending just over 300 smackers, since I was buying figures for a couple other people too, plus I got the Slave I, 2 Lego sets, the 12-inch Obi-Wan, and a TIE bomber. I was tempted by the Lego Slave I, since I have the first one, but I decided to let that one go for now since it's $50.
I then went to Target, and their section was much smaller than WalMart's :p. I didn't get any toys there, just the novel and the soundtrack with the Jango cover. I didn't even know until just a little while ago that the Target version of the soundtrack has an extra "bonus" track, so I'm glad I got it there. :)
I didn't see any of the Playskool sets today, though. I want some of those!
Apr 23rd, 2002, 10:32:51 PM
The soundtrack really rocks I think.
I guess technically it could be my favorite by virtue of the fact that it has all of the best themes, lol, DOTF, Imperial March (!), now Across the Stars (love it), and the main theme obviously. It's loaded.
I'm mostly avoiding spoilers but I think I can figure out how Palpatine takes control without seeing either film, but I wouldn't know exactly, just a broad guess that I think must be somewhat true.
I can't wait to see AOTC, though, I wouldn't be surprised if I break my 50 viewing record. :) I want to...
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 23rd, 2002, 11:06:21 PM
If anybody is curious the Jar Jar figure gives something away I think it said Jar Jar is the one that makes the motion that give Palpatine the powers of Emperor
Apr 24th, 2002, 08:17:28 AM
You're right, Carr - some of the toys might have spoiler stuff attached to them, which I wasn't to keen on... For instance
The Yoda figure I picked up comes with a levitating trick. Don't know if that will be in the movie or not, but I wish they didn't give something like that away in the toy. The text on the back of the Yoda box also says that it is Yoda who assembles the clone armies - wish I didn't know that.
Also, the Count Dooku deluxe figure (that I should have bought :mad) was not named Count Dooku, but actually named Darth Tyranus. I had heard that name floating around, but I had actually always thought it was a rumor and didn't lend much credence to it, but now it is official.
... and Jon - I agree, the soundtrack rocks!!! I love Across the Stars, Bounty Hunter's Pursuit, Zam the Assassin (that electric guitar is so cool! - as is the drumming section), Return to Tatooine, and Confrontation with Count Dooku... All have great themes. On the whole I think the soundtrack is really great - I think some of the musical material is a little more exotic, but it all "fits" in the SW Universe. Good stuff John Williams!!!
Apr 24th, 2002, 08:34:03 AM
well the sam gives away that she is a shift changer with that mask and also gives away that she gets her arm cut off by obi wan with the removable arm
the anakin also gives away the fact he gets his arm cut off plus the duel sabers if you haven't seen the trailer
Apr 24th, 2002, 08:57:41 AM
I thought the guitar riffs were a little odd. I was totally taken by surprise with that.
Apr 24th, 2002, 10:32:30 PM
Let me say this about Yoda, I think he looks different, but I also think he looks GREAT! Yoda has looked different in EVERY SW film. He'll probably look different in EP3 because of the advances in technology ILM will have access to. I've got no problem with him looking a bit different from film to film.
As for all the money I've spent, I really wish I'd cut back. Because I'd gotten so many figures early and the Jedi Starfighter a couple of weeks earlier I expected to come home with only having spent around $100, not over $300. I didn't even pick up Slave I or the LEGO Republic gunship, both of which I wanted desperately. I'm also well aware that many others are going to plunking down THOUSANDS in the next few days. With all of the replica props that are coming out this time and the convention next week, money will be flying out of SW fans' wallets faster than Lucas' kids can say; "Thanks for sending our great-great-great-great-great-grandkids to Harvard!" On a side note, I've never been into replica props, but I may just break down and get one of those sabers. They look sweeeeeet. If I do it'll be a Yoda or ROTJ Luke and I'll wait for a clearance sale or ebay unloading.
As for merchandising spoilers I haven't read any cardbacks. I've only opened 4 figures and caught a word here and there, but I'm okay so far. Although more and more things are starting to come into focus and I'm regretting every bit of it. I haven't even read the soundtrack listing! I'm just letting the music play in the background....
Apr 25th, 2002, 02:38:06 AM
Not to be pessimistic, but they're only going to get more expensive on ebay...
If you check out the other sabers, they go for between $500 and $600 now and I got all 3 of mine for $300 to $350. They have been a great investment, even though I don't collect to invest, just for fun. There were 10,000 ANH Luke lightsabers yet they are still in high demand. There are only 2,500 Luke ROTJ sabers, only 1,500 Han Solo blasters...
I will be getting all of the prop replicas, but I have to wait until my mom gets back in town here (Thursday) so I can ask her to use her credit card (mine has too much on it anyway and the max is only $1K, lol). I cannot wait to get these other four prop replicas. They're going to look great beside my other ones, haha.
I'm the biggest fan of the prop replicas because they are the highest quality collectibles available and I mainly am into quality, not quantity. There are millions of toys, so I prefer to get the limited and signed collectibles. I also love posters, even if they're not limited, but I just don't consider them of much value to my collection. Most of the art on my wall is signed by the artist and numbered.
I can't wait to see what Master Replicas does next. I have a feeling this x-mas will just be a big SW x-mas, don't think I really need a new computer so that'll be nice. Lots of SW stuff. :)
Apr 25th, 2002, 09:57:26 AM
Actually, no area of SW collecting is bullet proof. There are some replicas and large scale SW items that have leveled off and actually gone down. The Blockbuster and Pepsi lifesized Yoda routinely sell for under $300 now whenever they show up on ebay. At one time some of them went for $600-$1,000. Those X-Wing replicas of a few years ago that went for something like $1,500 sell for less than that whenever they show up. One of the problems with lightsabers is that the prop replica community actually helps keep the secondary market prices down. Some of those guys make sabers that are BETTER than the licensed replicas. Plus, they've been doing their work for years. They will always have sabers and part to sell on the secondary market. Plus, everything is going to go down and level off after EP3, EVERYTHING. Time and inflation will bring some things back up eventually, but the lack of new movies will clear out a lot of interest and prices will fall. SE ROTJ anybody?
Apr 25th, 2002, 11:03:20 AM
Exactly, and that's why anyone who expects a huge return from their figs from 1995 onward is sadly mistaken unless its a special figure.
Apr 26th, 2002, 08:07:39 AM
Even some of the special figures have started to come back down to Earth. The ROTJSE Luke once regularly sold for over $200. Now he goes for about $50. It'll take inflation yeas to drive him back up to that $200 range.
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:14:53 PM
Just have a few moments to post.I missed all the hoopla on the midnight madness,,,madness but I did get to pick up a few things in Fla.and on the way back In GA. I only spent around 100.00 bucks :( . I'll get more after Indy. Just want to say I'm SOOO happy with the line of toy's they are throwing out there . Check you guy's later
Apr 28th, 2002, 08:24:27 PM
There were too many X-Wings and TIE Fighters (1,977 of each) given their very very steep price. They needed to have more like 500 of each perhaps. Although, I must admit I got the last one from Sharper Image when I called, at least my local one, because they had been selling like mad. The entire SE re-release was just a madhouse, the merchandise started flying off shelves...
Yeah probably the merchandise will go down in value after Episode III, but Star Wars is eternal. The interest will always be there and as long as you enjoy your collection, it shouldn't bother you that some very disloyal fans start selling when the last film comes out. Ugg, those idiots. I cannot stand that. Above all, there is loyalty. The most important quality in my opinion, and it is sadly lacking from almost everyone. My best friend is quite loyal, so is one of my other good friends, but I've had many friends who I felt were just not very loyal. Same with fans. I think loyalty to anything (that is not harmful...) is a great quality because it proves someone is willing to stick with something through good days and bad.
1 in 2 marriages end in divorce. If that doesn't tell you there is a loyalty problem, I don't know what does.
May 1st, 2002, 12:56:06 AM
Hey, I got the Master Replicas today...
Ordered them at least. I got 2 cases for the lightsabers of course so I don't have them all unprotected (what would be the point?! Spend $300 on a collectible and not even spend $50 on a frickin' case, what were they thinking?).
So that is the Yoda AOTC lightsaber, Obi-Wan AOTC saber, Luke's real lightsaber from ROTJ (calling his ANH saber "Luke's saber" was just stupid), then Han Solo's blaster (been waiting forever for that one).
I avoided getting the $130 Anakin thing. Not limited edition and I spent $1,500 anyway.
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