View Full Version : gaping holes
Anonymous Coward
Apr 22nd, 2002, 12:53:33 PM
Yesterday, Episode 1 was on TV ( Some points of major annoyance - see it as a rant if you wish:
The filmtitle is stupid and non-descriptive.
Whereas the occasional Wookie growling or R2 feepfooping is charming, french nasal tradingfederation and Jar-Jar baby talk are not. It feels immensely out of place in a film that also employs people actually speaking whatever-the-native-dialect-on-Tattooin-is + subtitles.
On the way through the planet's waterkernel (please tell me that was a mistake) a giant fish threatens the submarine and is caught by an even larger predator. Cut to somewhere else for a few scenes. Back to the submarine a giant fish threatens the submarine and is caught by an even larger - wait a minute, whoa, déjà vu!
The controllship is an overstrained storyelement. Why, of all sorts of androids, have the military ones no on-board intelligence?
The boy has no father? WTF?
The queen was elected? WTF?
The force is caused by small suckers in a jedi's cells? WTF??Yeah, great costumes and cool fights with really nifty visualeffects, but the plot is just retarded.
Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 22nd, 2002, 01:04:44 PM
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: Weak conjecture, unfounded personal opinion, and general lame nitpicking. Effectively counterbalanced by me saying "Nuh-uh", with about as much to back it up.
But there's a shady spot under the bridge over there, if you need a place to stay.
Jinn Fizz
Apr 22nd, 2002, 02:10:36 PM
Oh, that's some fine original stuff you've got there, Mr. or Ms. Anonymous Coward.....
:zzz :zzz :zzz
Apr 22nd, 2002, 02:22:30 PM
Yeah, rants like this are pretty much old news - got anything original for us?
Doc Milo
Apr 22nd, 2002, 02:37:32 PM
Well, just in case he/she doesn't have anything original....
The filmtitle is stupid and non-descriptive.
Only to those who don't understand what actually went on in the story.
Whereas the occasional Wookie growling or R2 feepfooping is charming, french nasal tradingfederation and Jar-Jar baby talk are not. It feels immensely out of place in a film that also employs people actually speaking whatever-the-native-dialect-on-Tattooin-is + subtitles.
To each his own, I guess. I suppose in a large galaxy, there's no such thing as something annoying or out of place. To me, such things lend to the credence of the vastness of the galaxy as a whole.
On the way through the planet's waterkernel (please tell me that was a mistake) a giant fish threatens the submarine and is caught by an even larger predator. Cut to somewhere else for a few scenes. Back to the submarine a giant fish threatens the submarine and is caught by an even larger - wait a minute, whoa, déjà vu!
Why would it be a mistake? Star Wars has sound in space, lightsabers, the Force. This is a fantasy. Why would a planet having a "waterkernel" as you put it (the planet's core as it's said in the film) be a mistake?
Well, it can be argued that under the sea, such things would happen. Survival of the fittest, etc... It's not like this trip was such a major event in the film that something important had to go on. I, for one, would have liked the water scenes to be cut, and more on the invasion of Naboo to be shown, but ... in the end, it's really of little significance to the events of the film.
The controllship is an overstrained storyelement. Why, of all sorts of androids, have the military ones no on-board intelligence?
To show why Sidious/Palpatine moves away from a droid army to a clone one?
Because the Trade Federation is not a military, and the droids are only supposed to be a way to defend themselves against pirates in the trade lanes?
Because it's cheaper to manufacture such protectorates with a control ship rather than having each one have on-board intelligence, and the Trade Federation is all about profit?
The boy has no father? WTF?
Parallels to religious as well as mythilogical heritiages. Quite common for a "Chosen One."
The queen was elected? WTF?
So what? Queen is just a title.
The force is caused by small suckers in a jedi's cells? WTF??
Apparently you didn't understand the concept of the midi-chlorians. "The Force is an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us. Penetrates us. Binds the galaxy together." The midi-chlorians are microscopic life-forms that live in all living cells. "We are symbionts with them. They continually speak to us, telling us the will of the Force." Without the midi-chlorians "Life can not exist, and we would have no knowledge of the Force."
Just where did it say that the midi-chlorians cause the Force? Seems to me it only states that midi-chlorians are necessary for life, and that they have a link to the Force that the Jedi are able to tap into and listen to. The midi-chlorians are not the Force, nor do they cause the Force.
Methinks Mr. Anonymous has to pay a little more attention to detail.
Apr 22nd, 2002, 02:53:33 PM
Just to expand on Doc's comment, on the issue of:
Originally posted by Anonymous Coward
The controllship is an overstrained storyelement. Why, of all sorts of androids, have the military ones no on-board intelligence?
Doc makes great points from the economic point of view, but it is probably a lot safer as well to have the droids as "dumb terminals" so to speak instead of having on-board intelligence. If they had too much intelligence in them, there is always the possibility that they could turn on their masters (a la IG-88) or perform the wrong tasks. It is one thing to have a droid with intelligence, but an intelligent droid with as much firepower as battle droids have can be very dangerous if it is thinking on its own. By having them centrally controlled, it is a much safer (albeit still faulty) mechanism than having distributed intelligence.
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 22nd, 2002, 05:51:58 PM
We have a slashdot devotee here. Hello !
I hereby rate this -1 Troll and throw in a mention of Jon Katz sucks, The Tacosnotting FAQ, Imagine a Beowulf cluster of Natalie Portman petrified in hot grits, and I would post a goat link, but that's not on here :)
Oh and and a complaint the /. moderation system is broken
Live Wire
Apr 22nd, 2002, 11:06:21 PM
*wakes up and looks around*
uh huh.....rant by unnamed coward....
*goes back to sleep*
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 22nd, 2002, 11:24:16 PM
The queen was elected
What is so shocking about that there has been societies where they elected monarchs, the consels of Rome (Which were basically dictators) were elected, I think there were a few city states in Greece that Elected kings/princes I think there are others but I would have to check on them.
Anonymous Coward
Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:33:26 AM
Thanks to DM (both of you) for answering. The answers helped me lower my suspension of disbelief. Especially the droid issue sounds now very plausible - one must wonder why this wasn't hinted in the film.
I only knew queens in a context of a heritable title so that's why I was dumbstruck when the queen said she was elected.
However, on the midi-chlorians topic... dunno. The film also mentions he's got more than Yoda, thus leaving the audience (me) with the impression that there is a immediate causality.
I'm merely annoyed because there was no sci-fi explanation necessary in the other three films having it displayed as some sort of magic and now suddenly the concept has changed. Get my flow of thoughts? Maybe the cloningwars to come could be used to explain the loss of knowledge? Nah, that wouldn't rule out Yoda...
Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:51:43 AM
I like AC's second post much better than his first. Could we actually have a legitimate new poster on our hands?
Sage Hazzard
Apr 23rd, 2002, 01:00:17 AM
In episodes 4,5, and 6, the Force is considered an old religion. No one believes it anymore, and it's outdated. It's considered myth. So the specifics aren't studied. Luke, living in this new galaxy of sceptism, knows nothing about the true nature of the Force. Yoda and Obi train him kind of quickly, putting him on an fast paced course so he can save the universe from the Emperor, they could have left out the midi-chlorians because it wasn't important. As long as you can use the Force, you don't need to know WHY you can use it.
Well, I don't think he'll ever be considered legitimate unless he changes his name. That's kind of a troll's title, IMO.
Arya Ravenwing
Apr 23rd, 2002, 02:42:18 AM
:D its not like OUR names don't keep our anonymity. Even if I *can't* spell it. And I liked his second post a lot better too. :) We all get better at posting the longer we stay here, its like a disease. :)
Jinn Fizz
Apr 23rd, 2002, 07:29:05 AM
Yes, the second post was much better. It's just always a shock when a brand new poster pops up and posts something very negative and confrontational. But the second post does give me hope that AC is more of a thoughtful poster than a troll, that would be very nice. :) :) :)
Apr 23rd, 2002, 07:37:27 AM
Well I'm of the opinion that Anakin found out about his super high midichlorian count and that went to his head. With that in mind, why would they run the risk of telling Luke about his uniqueness and have it go to his head?
Sage Hazzard
Apr 23rd, 2002, 07:44:44 AM
All I'm saying about the name is, when you see a post with a name like that, and it starts out negative, you don't take it seriously. It's doesn't look like a user name, rather a cover for a troll.
Anywho, yes I liked his second post better. I like his first too. Although it was ill informed, and seemed to down TPM, it wasn't written like a child, so I respected it. Everyone has their own views. With his second post though, he showed he wasn't just a basher, he could discuss theings in a civil manner. Hope he sticks around.
JMK's so smart. I want to grow up to be just like him! :D
Live Wire
Apr 23rd, 2002, 11:46:09 AM
*wakes up again*
hey hes got potential!
And I agree with him on the point that the way the movie did it made it seem like they were directly equating midclorian count with force ability/potential
Anonymous Coward
Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:32:51 PM
Originally posted by Jinn Fizz
It's just always a shock when a brand new poster pops up and posts something very negative and confrontational.It's called trolling for information (, in your fandom a very effective method of collecting information I must say, if not the most effective. I'm just passing through to do that, not to disrupt the board. If I wished to destroy rather than harvest, I would have used other methods.
For those who didn't know yet, „Anonymous Coward“ is the /. defaultname. I vaguely hinted in my .sig that I ought not to be taken dead seriously.
Now that my curiosity is satiated, I bid you farewell by returning to lurk mode. Don't delete my account yet, I might return one day. But for now, mo' betta message boards await me.
PS: Tie Fighter (DOS) rules!
Live Wire
Apr 23rd, 2002, 01:31:27 PM
what a strange poster
Jinn Fizz
Apr 23rd, 2002, 08:47:39 PM
Um...yeah. I know what trolling for information is, and trolling isn't always a fun thing. :(
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 23rd, 2002, 09:05:16 PM
In the words of C-3p0 "quite odd indeed." No clue who he is or what he is up too maybe have to keep an eye on him. One thing, I was curious at the term Kook does that remind anybody of someone who used to post here.
Jinn Fizz
Apr 23rd, 2002, 09:33:53 PM
All I know is, the idea of trolling for information...almost makes me think of something that happened a long time ago, in the early days of this board....someone who trolled and later said he was doing it all as an experiment.... I don't know how many people are still around who might remember that, but it wasn't very fun at all. :(
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 23rd, 2002, 09:42:30 PM
Is it the same person I refered to as a kook? If it is we could be in trouble. Still I am not sure I don't remember all the trolls that were here when I first started postin here.
Jinn Fizz
Apr 23rd, 2002, 09:51:08 PM
I don't honestly remember that particular poster using the word "kook," but I do remember he was the one who coined the term "turbogeek." Don't know if that helps or not.
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 23rd, 2002, 09:56:09 PM
Thanks it might I will ask the others if they remember anything about that person. Actually I think you misunderstood me what I meant was the person the kook who came in here with his paranoid crap about there being a mass conspriacy against SW don't want to say his name in fear of Jedieb's wrath :p
Jinn Fizz
Apr 23rd, 2002, 10:12:48 PM
Oooohhhh, yeah, I did misunderstand what you were saying, Jedi Master Carr, but no worries there.
Although I've spent tons o' time online, I'd never heard of "slashdot," but it's now been explained to me. So this just might be a random poster who did the "trolling for information," and has now gone away. It probably wasn't the other poster I was referring to at all. (I know COuntryBOy, Lounge Lizard, and Marcus Q'Dunn will remember him quite well.) The M.O. was just kinda similar, that's all.
Now, as for who you were really referring to...
In the words of a certain Jedi padawan....
NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek
Doc Milo
Apr 23rd, 2002, 10:20:02 PM
Anonymous Coward: However, on the midi-chlorians topic... dunno. The film also mentions he's got more than Yoda, thus leaving the audience (me) with the impression that there is a immediate causality.
I read the rest of the thread, and know he might not read this -- or he might read it and not respond -- but I'd like to address this concern.
Yes, the film did make link between the midi-chlorians and the Force. But I think it's a mis-reading -- or mis-hearing -- to say that it made the case that the midi-chlorians "cause" the Force.
Yes, the amount of midi-chlorians a person has per cell is directly related to that person's Force sensitivity (or so it would seem to have been implied in TPM.) But that in and of itself does not imply causality between the midi-chlorians and the Force.
Think of it in terms of an electric circuit that lights a bulb. The midi-chlorians would be akin to the wattage of the bulb. The greater the amount of watts the bulb has, the brighter the bulb will burn. But the thing that causes the light to burn is still energy. The watts don't make the bulb burn. Energy does. The wattage of a bulb is dependant upon the things that conduct that energy, or electricity, that are in the bulb itself. The more energy the bulb conducts, the higher the wattage, the brighter the bulb will burn.
Similarly, the Force is a mystical energy field. But energy must be conducted. The midi-chlorians are the wires, filaments, etc.. that make up the circuit to conducting that energy into a useable form by the Force user. The greater the amount of midi-chlorians, greater amount of Force energy is being conducted, therefore used by the Force user. That is the relationship that seems to be in TPM -- not that the Force is directly caused by the midi-chlorians. But that the midi-chlorians conduct the Force, and make it useable by the user. The more midis, the higher the Force sensitivity...
Apr 23rd, 2002, 10:36:15 PM
Maybe our little boy darth from the good ol days has finally grown up :D
Yeah...his posting style was way to familiar...
that was who you were talking about, was it not, Jinn? I've gotten to the point where all the trolls blurr together....actually.....wait....hell........I'm confused again......was it darth or CINE....I was thinking of?
I know how to fix this problem.....MORE COFFEE!!!!
Apr 23rd, 2002, 10:42:40 PM
Hmmm got a feeling both our sites will need this in the months to come. Feel free to copy it to your server.
<center><img src=></center>
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 23rd, 2002, 11:09:33 PM
Thanks Qui-Gon, I guess we did encourage him probably would have been better just to ignore him. Thats what we need to do I guess when more trolls do show up.
Jinn Fizz
Apr 24th, 2002, 07:12:25 AM
Originally posted by ReturnOfTheCB
Maybe our little boy darth from the good ol days has finally grown up :D
Yeah...his posting style was way to familiar...
that was who you were talking about, was it not, Jinn? I've gotten to the point where all the trolls blurr together....actually.....wait....hell........I'm confused again......was it darth or CINE....I was thinking of?
I know how to fix this problem.....MORE COFFEE!!!!
The specific name that popped into my head was "NYUBoy00," or whatever the heck his name was. But yeah, they were all one and the same, weren't they? I can't totally remember. But what I do remember was NYUBoy's "nanny nanny boo-boo" post announcing that it had all been some sort of psychological experiment, and he had absolutely no remore over the fact that he'd caused a lot of strife and angry and/or hurt feelings. As a matter of fact, he seemed to enjoy it quite a bit. :mad
Apr 24th, 2002, 12:16:51 PM
I never bought into NYU's BS....I think he just wanted to take credit for all of the problems we'd had....I seriously doubt he was that many different I remember that he was somewhat similar to Cinematic....but it would've been way to hard for someone to evade banning that many times for the purpose of an experiment......I think he just wanted that some people who've confessed to crimes they didn't committ just to get noticed.....
Jinn Fizz
Apr 24th, 2002, 01:58:23 PM
He was definitely a very creepy individual....
Apr 24th, 2002, 05:22:23 PM
JMC.. that wasn't a knock at you guys in the least. I made that picture up last night as a result of reading the thread.
The history is that on the SWG forums, a poster named LilWookie posts an ASCII version of that sign when folks are trolling, so I thought our communities could use such a sign.
It took me a couple of minutes to realize I didn't have to track down the ASCII when I had Photoshop. :D
Jedi Master Carr
Apr 24th, 2002, 09:17:19 PM
I didn't think you were knocking us just giving us a hand by sending that pic :D Seriously I am not too worried about the trolls unless that famous screwball comes back with more conspiracy talk.
Apr 24th, 2002, 09:21:34 PM
Nupeh, lemme rub j00 bellehbutton!!!!11o_O Pardon?
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