View Full Version : Tides of Darkness: Eye of the Storm

imported_Dara Shadowtide
Apr 21st, 2002, 08:00:55 PM
:: Sith Master Dara Shadowtide sat aboard her private vessel, a Corellian Corvette named the Resilience and recalled when she had first received the from her longtime loyal apprentice Sith Lord Raine Sarin. She remembered being completely surprised and moved beyond words that <a href=http://pub59.ezboard.com/fthesempirefrm7.showMessage?topicID=578.topic>night in the bar (http://darkholocron.clanpages.com/Dara/tidestaff.jpg>Staff). The usually reclusive Sith Lord had told the tale of the orb's retrieval from the planet Iridonia and it had continued to fascinate Dara since it came into her possession.

Upon speaking with Raine, the two had decided to take a journey to see if any untold powers lay dormant in the magnificently crafted staff. Dara sent an encrypted message to her apprentice to meet her at her ship within the hour. Yes, it was going to be good to get to speak with Raine and spend some time with him once again. She had missed that a great deal as their paths in the darkness had led them to achieve their own objectives for the glory of the Empire. The Sith Master continued to ready the ship and chart a course for Iridonia, taking special time to make sure that Raine's favorite meals would be served in the meal area along the way. She smiled and awaited his arrival ::

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Dara Shadowtide

Rank: Sith Master

Affiliation: The Sith Empire, Council Member

Apprentice to: Lady Dia, Darth Havok

Sister to: Athena Lady Darknss, Lyra Darkstar,
Dalethria Mal Pannis

Master to: Raine Sarin, Darth Varlon, Vega Van Derveld,
Dyne Darkforce, Athena Lady Darknss, Bi0 Hazzard,
Daegal Murdoch, Lady Callista, Lord Sabre, Alisa Sha,
Lyra Darkstar, Kekoa Alkarin, Rothmar Dujek,
Dark Jedi Kitano, Lana Westbrooke, Michin Troval,
Abydos Nighthawk

Wields: A pale blue lightsaber, a turquoise lightsaber,
Staff of the Tides

"Do not talk about what you have done
or what you are going to do...
do it, and let it speak for itself."

Bio (AIM:GoIM?ScreenName=SithMasterDara>AIM</a>) <a href=http://pub88.ezboard.com/bthetidesofdarkness>Tides of Darkness (http://pub59.ezboard.com/bthesempire>The)


Raine Sarin
Apr 21st, 2002, 10:02:46 PM
*Returning to Iridonia was the last thing on the Sith Lord's mind after the "unfortunate" death of his "mother". However, when his master had asked if he would go there on a mission to find information regarding the orb he had found there; how could he refuse?
It was not long before Raine found himself walking up the entrance ramp of the Resilience. He said nothing, knowing that his master would know he was there.*


imported_Dara Shadowtide
May 19th, 2002, 12:11:53 AM
:: A familiar force signature touched upon the Sith Master as she sensed her first apprentice's arrival. Dara walked to greet him and found him standing at the top of the ramp ::

"It is good to see you here so promptly, Raine. I have charted the course and made the final preparations, so if you will take a seat, we will be on our way."

:: Dara motioned for Raine to sit in the co-pilot's seat and then took her own seat in the command chair. She finished the last of the onboard checks and then raised the ramp as the main engines ignited.

As the hum of the engines continued to rise in pitch, so did the vessel as the Sith Master guided it effortlessly up into the sky. As they reached orbit, the stars became streaks of light as the ship was propelled into hyperspeed en route to Iridonia. Setting the autopilot sequence online, Dara unstrapped from the commander's chair and turned to Raine ::

"Did you have a chance to have a meal before we left? I have taken the liberty of having the droid chef prepare something for us just in case."

Raine Sarin
Jun 6th, 2002, 02:07:18 PM
*Raine smirked slightly. Dara had always known him, and how he was. It came of no surprise that she had made preparations for a meal to be served.*

"No, master. I have not eaten a full meal for quite a few days now."

*The Sith Lord was not one to delve into luxuries. He often would live for weeks off nothing more than water and synthetic food, with no taste, that contained all the nutrition a person would need. Only occasionally would he allow himself a real meal, and the occasional drink of absinthe.*

imported_Dara Shadowtide
Jun 12th, 2002, 04:30:28 PM
:: Dara nodded with a smile and gestured to the hallway behind her ::

"Let us go have a meal then and speak of the goings on in the galaxy. It has been some time since we have had a chance to visit. I don't even remember your former identity and I spending that much time together outside of training.. and that is something I do regret. I get wrapped up in so many things sometimes that I overlook taking the time to regularly speak to those who mean a great deal to me."

:: Her eyes met his for a moment and then she cleared her throat and smiled, looking over toward the hall once again ::

"Come this way, Lord Raine."

:: The two Sith walked down the narrow hall which opened up to a main room with a sitting area and a galley section in the far corner. They passed a games table along their way, and then the two sat in a booth across from one another. A serving droid whizzed over to them and delivered a chilled glass of white wine to the Sith Master and a traditional vile of absinthe for her apprentice. Raising her glass with a smile, Dara gave a toast ::

"To the Empire and all those who serve it loyally."

Raine Sarin
Jun 21st, 2002, 12:58:34 AM
*Raine stared into the vile of green alcohol and smiled before raising his gaze and nodding, raising his glass into the air a bit as well.*

"Indeed. To the Empire."

*He nodded again slightly before bringing his glass to his pale lips and taking a sip, enjoying the unique taste of the drink he was most fond of. There were few things that brought Raine pleasure in this life, anymore. One was the obvious, killing. The second was the drink before him. The third consisted of those he called "friends". And now with the prospect of all three coming together on one mission, the Sith Lord allowed a slight smile to plant itself upon his face; even if it did come off more as a strange, sadistic smirk.*