View Full Version : A Shocker

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 21st, 2002, 04:32:19 PM
We got problems now in the French Election the French people voted in the first round of elections today and like most people expected Chirac was first but the shocker was Le Pen finished second. Le Pen is who is on the extreme far right and has been called a anti-Semite and racist and he wants to kick all the foreigners out, he is basically just a Nazi, IMO. Here is the story if you would like to read it


All I can say is Chirac better win we don't need no racist rulling the Third most powerful country in Europe plus the French president has more power than the US president he could call for mass roundup of foreigners and jews and get rid of them indescritely.

Apr 21st, 2002, 05:05:39 PM
Yeah, that was definitely a shock for France. Now the people will have to vote for right or extreme right.

Le Pen will do anything to beat Chirac, but he only has a very small chance. But the sheer fact that Le Pen is one of the two final president candidates is pretty embarrassing for the country.

Apr 21st, 2002, 05:09:02 PM
The French didn't need any help embarrassing themselves. They are just an embarrassing country in general.

As Tim Allen once said, "France is such a beautiful country, too bad the French are such dickheads."

Apr 21st, 2002, 05:19:11 PM
So... many.... cheap ..... French..... jokes....to.....tell.......MUST.....RESIST....., MUST..... RESIST.....

Here's something that I found somewhat disheartening in an article covering the election;

Voter turnout was 72 percent - the lowest in nearly four decades - in Sunday's first-round which featured a record 16 candidates.

If we ever had that kind of turnout for a U.S. presidential election we'd be jumping up and down for joy. U.S. voter apathy breaks my heart sometimes, but I digress...

From what I've read it seems certain that Chirac will win. But LePen's strong showing will have reprocussions. His supporters will get a boost from his strong showing and his policies will get even more exposure. The country would be better off with the Socialists in power that LePen.

Apr 21st, 2002, 05:21:22 PM
Yeah, that's super high.

It's seriously retarded that at least 75% of people cannot just take the time to vote...

Apr 21st, 2002, 05:21:24 PM
Originally posted by JonathanLB
The French didn't need any help embarrassing themselves. They are just an embarrassing country in general.

Oh, every country has things to be embarrassed about.

What about France then?

Apr 21st, 2002, 05:39:01 PM
Isnt it funny how people react to a racist geetting into the second rounfd by making jokes about a group of people

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 21st, 2002, 05:46:11 PM
I have no problems with the French, I am part French in fact, (my Grandfather on my mother's side came from France) and to me this is shock considering how leftist France has been since the French Revolution (the two Empire's being the exceptions). I think Chirac will win though, I don't think the Communists and socialist will allow a fascist in power.

Apr 21st, 2002, 06:05:39 PM
I can make jokes about ANY country. But making a joke and making serious political observations about presidential elections are two completely different matters. The rest of the world could ridicule the U.S. for its last presidential election for decades. As I stated earlier, our embarrisingly low voter turnout leaves ample opportunity for mockery. But making jokes about hanging chads and people sleeping in on election day is one thing, using those jokes as your serious political observations reveals a glaring lack of political acumen and maturity.

I think the guy who showers the most often should win. But declaring your cleanliness is political suicide in France so what do I know. ;) (I tried, I really did, but I had to sneak one in there, I just had to!)

Apr 21st, 2002, 06:23:48 PM
Low voter turnout in the USA is sickening. When I turned 18 one of the first things I did was register to vote...it's how I was brought up. Yet many people I knew in college didn't bother to vote...so I can only imagine folks who didn't go through college. I don't mean that as disrepectful to ppl who didn't attend, but studies show individuals that seek higher education are more likely to go to the ballot box.

Super Wookiee
Apr 21st, 2002, 06:52:54 PM
Hey France has had worse problems. Whats this the 5th republic now. They had a few governments that didn't even last a week.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 21st, 2002, 06:57:04 PM
Australia it is compulsory to vote. I know that sound bizarre that it's the law you MUST vote, but the fact is, more people then become interested about what is going on. The other thing is that you dont have to spend money BEGGING for someone to at least VOTE!

Australia also had our far right wacko not long ago. She's gone now, because as soon their real policies become clear, the voters often wise up.

Jedi Master Carr
Apr 21st, 2002, 07:58:56 PM
Yeah its the fifth republic and the first republc was set up during the French Revolution which Napoleon put an end to (it lasted from 1792-1804) the second Republic was started after the revolution of 1848 and only lasted until 1852 when Napoleon III came to power. Okay the Third Repbulic has lasted the longest 1870-1940 destroyed by Hitler. The Fourth Republc begam after the war in 1946 and lasted until 1958 it was changed by Charles De Gaulle who basically set up the current Fifth Republic. There has been some people who think this would might go next and we will have a Sixth Republic, I admit it is bad but not as bad as other countries Italy has had at least 10 different governments since WW II and Brazil seems to change govts on a yearly basis so it could be worse.

Champion of the Force
Apr 24th, 2002, 11:26:36 PM
Australia it is compulsory to vote.
Yep. Don't show up and you pay a fine. Might sound harsh for a democracy, but it ensures a 97% turnup (or thereabouts) on Election Day. :)

Now if only we could dump compulsory preferential voting (I should have the right to decide whether I want to place preferences or not and not be forced to do so) and we'll have the perfect system. :p

Australia also had our far right wacko not long ago. She's gone now, because as soon their real policies become clear, the voters often wise up.
I don't think it was their policies as much as it was the infighting within the party. That was their biggest problem - every radical or freethinker in the country joined the party and it didn't take long before they were all at one another's throats. Already some members (you know who :)) have attempted to start up their own versions of the party throughout Australia.

I also dispute the term 'far right wacko'. Whilst some of her policies were certainly a bit out of field others did seem to show a great deal of intelligence - certainly more than what some of the major parties come up with at times. :)