View Full Version : True Intentions (Open Jedi Challenge)
Makoto Neosis
Apr 20th, 2002, 02:37:07 PM
Bright, Hot, uncomfortable... unbearable for that matter. Mako though to himself, His black duster flapped in the desert wind of the planet Tatooine. Ahead of him lay a rather large town with speeders racing too and fro, Podracing off in the northwest corner of the town. Makoto pulled down a pair of dark shades over his eyes and mounted a modifyed speeder-bike. He gunned the engine and nearly pulled the acceleratior when something stopped him. There was another person nearby and he could feel it, Someone unlike to the warrior vulpine's way of the Sith. A Jedi.
He switched off the speeder, removed the shades and scanned the desert behind him. There was no place to hide unless one buried under the sand but then it would a scorching hell from heat. Makoto shrugged, replaced the shades and restarted the bike. He pulled the acceleratior to max and sped down torward the town with a trail of blown up sand, the Jedi signature building as he neared the town..
Xazor Elessar
Apr 20th, 2002, 04:51:59 PM
Xazor stepped out from behind a sand dune. She drew her lightsaber, and ignited it. A blue blade shot forth from each end and she then separated it in the middle, revealing two sabers. She held them backwards in her hand, for her traditional one handed style.
Greetings dark one.......
The Warrior Jedi Knight said in a deep growl. She smiled, revealing her Garou canines. She stood in a defensive stance with both of her sabers.
Do you seek a challenge?
She questioned suddenly.
Makoto Neosis
Apr 20th, 2002, 05:38:25 PM
The Vulpine Sith spun the hoverbike around to face the Jedi Knight. A small sneer crossed his face as he heard the question.
Why... Yes I do seek a challenge. he replied, deactivating the speeder-bike. Stepping off, Makoto rolled up the sleeves of the western style duster he wore revealing the white inside and the reddish tinted fur of his arms.
Makoto reached with his right hand and removed a sabre hilt from the inside of the duster. With the left, he motioned for Xazor.
Well, Since you seem such like a fighting type. Why not have a duel here and now?
Xazor Elessar
Apr 20th, 2002, 06:20:51 PM
Xazor nodded with a sly grin.
That seems appropriate enough. Very well then...since you were in search of a duel, you may have the first attack.
She raised one saber above her head, and held the other one at her abdomin, parallel to the ground. With a slight nod, she motioned for him to begin.
Makoto Neosis
Apr 20th, 2002, 06:40:27 PM
Sounds fare.
Mako crouched down then dashed forward with enhanced speed via the force. His form blurred as he neared the Knight, feet from clashing with Xazor's sabre blades he vaulted into the air, landed and kicked backwards into the small of her back. Swinging away, Mako drew another sabre from his duster and ignited both of them, a deep cobalt and a deep crimson sabres. He went into a defendable positon.
Xazor Elessar
Apr 20th, 2002, 06:48:19 PM
Xazor stumbled forward a bit, but quickly regained her footing. It would take much more than a little kick to throw her off. Quickly, she rushed at the Sith and spun around on the ball of her right foot. With a fluid blur, she labled the side of his face with her left heal.
He stumbled back a few feet giving Xazor the advantage of space. She dashed at him and jumped up, nailing him in the solar plexis with the sole of her foot. He went falling to the ground, and as he did, the Jedi Knight constructed a Force Wall for him to fall on. He did so and she heard a large crack. Not knowing if it was his back or some ribs, she took a defensive stance once again, ready for whatever he had.....
Makoto Neosis
Apr 20th, 2002, 08:08:42 PM
Makoto felt two, maybe three he couldnt tell exactly, ribs break as he hit the force wall. Wincing a tab it loudly, Mako regained his feet and put a few meters between himself and Xazor.
Mako studied the situation for a moment, Of course Xazor had more experience in the feild of hand to hand combat than himself, but Mako had the advantage of his race's natural born abilites if they came to any use. Mako lifted up the two sabres he weilded and stood in a defendable position for a few moments, awaiting an attack from the Jedi.
When none came, Makoto attacked forward again, Coming in streight with the left cobalt and coming in from the northeast with the right crimson. The cobalt was parried easily by Xazor, same with the red. Makoto stepped back a pace and hit forward again, Parrying Xazor's blades out. He then spun and kicked out with his right foot for a roundhouse kick..
Xazor Elessar
Apr 23rd, 2002, 08:07:51 AM
The roundhouse kick made slight contact with the side of Xazor's head, but she smashed his leg with her elbow as it fell away. She spun around and did a back kick to his stomach, hearing another series of crunches. He came at her with a series of strikes, which she blocked. She then jumped over his head and landed behind him, nearly spraining her ankel from the unsteady landing. She blocked the pain from her mind and slammed the hilt of the saber in her right hand into the base of the man's neck.
ooc: sorry for the delayed reply, I have been batteling an eye infection and it has limited my time on here. :)
Makoto Neosis
Apr 23rd, 2002, 06:35:43 PM
He took her hits hard, jerking with each movement. Her change in position surprised him, but didn't impair his abilities. He used the momentum of her saber to power himself into a roll and ignited his Kian sabres that were imbedded into his arms, falling backwards and spinning at her legs. He grabbed her pained ankle and twisted, as hard as he could, while swinging his Kian up to block her defensive maneuver. He then rolled under her, flipping her backwards and throwing her straight down, into the sand.
He heard her shin pop, He slashed the wounded ankel with one of his single sabers, leaving a mild gash along it, in the faint shape of a M. The wound should of cauterized itself, but the severe swelling caused the thin skin of the cut to burst open, blood trickling out. Mako crouched near her, keeping both Kians in an almost impregnable defensive position, and hissed gently at her a smirk of insanity crossed his face.
Xazor Elessar
Apr 24th, 2002, 06:02:17 PM
Xazor growled deeply, exposing her elongated canines. She limped away from him and knelt on one knee, drowning herself in the Force. She let her Garou healing set in, and began to heal with that and help from the Force. The cut on her leg closed withing a few seconds, and the pain in her ankel went to a minimum. There were many advantages to being a Garou.....a werewolf, and healing was one of those advantages. Rising to her feet quickly, she ran, with a slight limp, at him. She spun around and labeled him with a crescent kick to his head, sending him falling to the side. She got into him close as he fell and she inserted her knee into his gut. With quick and fluent motions, she slammed the hilt of her saber into the middle of his spin, accuratly hitting a pressure point, temperarily paralyzing him from the waist down. A grin danced upon her lips as she took a defensive stance once again...
Makoto Neosis
Apr 24th, 2002, 08:51:07 PM
Mako hit the ground, hard, and rolled away from Xazor. When he came to a full stop, he realized that his motor function of his legs would not respond. Growling quite loudly, Mako pressed a point in his side and twisted. Instantly the needle pin feeling of blood surging into a limb shocked Mako.
He stood once he regained his movement, which was quite quick, and when for a offencive. He force ran at Xazor and parried away the sabres of the Jedi with the single bladed sabres, spun and caught her twice with the tri bladed Kian sabres leaving six gashes in her upper chest and lower abdoment. Fluenty, Mako crouched and spun, leg stuck out to sweep the feet from under Xazor. Once she hit the ground from the sudden sweep, Mako jumped back to a stance and flipped over her body to her head.
Immeadeatly before she could react, Mako crouched down and quickly placed one Kian sabre over her trought whilst gripping the top of her head in a tight hold.
"Fancy, A Jedi and a morphist all rolled into one. You amaise me Jedi, I have yet to see one of your werewolf kind. Rather, I not meet one in these kinds of conditions. No?" He hissed out, Pressing the kian over her neck a bit closer.
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