View Full Version : A Sisters Shadow...(Dale & Dara)

The Lady Athena
Apr 20th, 2002, 01:18:09 AM
The clone of the late Sith Knight. Athena Lady Darknss. Made its way towards the ramp of Athena's personal ship. She had left it home the night she was killed. When TSE's recruitment center was blown apart.

Having all of Athena's memories she even knows of the second or first clone Athena Somir. The wife of Dark Lord Maim. Mother of Jeness and Jareel Somir.

The Lady Athena has seen everything her owner did. Every fight, every training session, Every love affair, every moment of her life. Athena even saw her owners death.

The memories that stood out to her the most was that of the nights when Athena Lady Darknss made her blood sisters.

Dalethira Mal Pannis...

The two were in a group long ago together, each having the same idea's and thoughts on how to treat the Jedi. They soon became blood sisters, bonded to one another for ever. Even till this day the Clone even thought of her as her sister.

Then there was Athena's last and most trusted Master. Dara...
durring training and everything else the two had become such close friends and Dara had even told her she respected her more then just as an apprentice. But as a Sister. The two slit their hands on the twin blades of agony one night after a long walk along the shore at the Tides.

So now seeing how her Master was now gone... the clone stood out with an exact ebony cloak as her master and her own weapons.

She sent her force signature out and to the two Sith Masters.

imported_Dara Shadowtide
Apr 21st, 2002, 06:54:01 PM
:: Sith Master Dara Shadowtide sat alone at her ebony desk in the darkness of her quarters at the Sith Empire, reflecting upon the passing of one of her most loyal apprentices and blood sister.. Athena Lady Darknss. It was a senseless and tragic end to what could only have been a long and deadly career in the Dark Side. Athena had already proven her battle prowess with numerous encounters with the Jedi on the battleground. The Sith Knight always craved more.. more power, more instruction, more skills. She was truly the epitome of all that a Dark Side warrior should strive to be.

Now, all that had ended in the <a href=http://pub59.ezboard.com/fthesempirefrm13.showMessage?topicID=239.topic>blink of an eye</a> and by the hand of a man who hadn't even given Dara the satisfaction of vengeance by spilling his blood with her own hands. The coward had ended his own life after taking Athena from Dara and the Empire which she served so faithfully. Dara replayed the scenario over and over in her mind.. eaten up by the guilt of a missed action here.. a missed innuendo there.. She would continue to feel responsible for Athena's death for the remainder of her days. Nothing could compare to this kind of pain and the Sith Master would draw upon this single memory to continue to fuel the darkness that consumed her.

With her head in her hands, Dara felt an odd sensation wash over her. It was Athena.. but it wasn't. Where was it coming from? Disbelief and anxiety filled her quickly as she needed to find out what was going on. Dara quickly grabbed her weapons and ran from her quarters to search for the location of the force signature calling out to her ::

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Dara Shadowtide

Rank: Sith Master

Affiliation: The Sith Empire, Council Member

Apprentice to: Lady Dia, Darth Havok

Sister to: Athena Lady Darknss, Lyra Darkstar,
Dalethria Mal Pannis

Master to: Raine Sarin, Darth Varlon, Vega Van Derveld,
Dyne Darkforce, Athena Lady Darknss, Bi0 Hazzard,
Daegal Murdoch, Lady Callista, Lord Sabre, Alisa Sha,
Lyra Darkstar, Kekoa Alkarin, Rothmar Dujek,
Dark Jedi Kitano, Lana Westbrooke, Michin Troval,
Abydos Nighthawk

Wields: A pale blue lightsaber, a turquoise lightsaber,
Staff of the Tides

"Do not talk about what you have done
or what you are going to do...
do it, and let it speak for itself."

Bio (AIM:GoIM?ScreenName=SithMasterDara>AIM</a>) <a href=http://pub88.ezboard.com/bthetidesofdarkness>Tides of Darkness (http://pub59.ezboard.com/bthesempire>The)


Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 22nd, 2002, 02:37:19 PM
Time really went on unnoticed upon the forest planet of Meras. At least, for the Sith Master Dalethria Mal Pannis it did. So much had happened ...

Recent weeks have been most odd and upsetting for her. Her relationship with Sorsha was completely odd. They went from being appalled (http://pub76.ezboard.com/fogrescavefrm1.showMessage?topicID=39.topic) to be in each other's presence, to a confrontation with surprising revelations (http://pub76.ezboard.com/firentiosfrm17.showMessage?topicID=21.topic), Vicet probably spoke (http://pub76.ezboard.com/firentiosfrm2.showMessage?topicID=79.topic) to her for the last time, and then to Dalethria saving (http://pub76.ezboard.com/firentiosfrm6.showMessage?topicID=146.topic) Tirsa and Sorsha from a strange woman that she had never seen before.

Ogre was working on some project, which only Kashalla knew what for. They had become distant physically but not mentally... something that Dalethria had remedied.... (http://pub76.ezboard.com/fogrescavefrm5.showMessage?topicID=9.topic)

Another part of her life was also beginning to come together again... much to her surprise. Dara and her had talked (http://pub59.ezboard.com/fthesempirefrm2.showMessage?topicID=304.topic), starting to mend the distance between them. Dalethria welcomed it but did not like the circumstances under which they occurred.

Athena's pointless death was the source of them talking again ... Now Dalethria had lost a sister. Her first Blood Sister. Out of similar ideals and a close sense of camaraderie, Dalethria had asked Athena to be her Sister in everything.

Not many understood what family meant to this Sith. Most Sith wouldn't covet such things, preferring to be loners. Some did actually care because only few beings mattered to them. As with anything, all were made differently.

For Dalethria, family was engrained in every fiber of her being. IT was the reason she was created. Navaria's overwhelming grief created the evil persona bit by bit as a family member died .... Dalethria was quite harmless and was even a comfort for the small child but then the young Tarkin also used her new friend for every fear and pain. Dalethria was the one that had to go through each emotion that Navaria didn't want to deal with.

That is how Dalethria became twisted and evil ... uncaring. Except to those that she considered family.

Upon returning from Munto Codru, Dalethria had retired to her chambers. Reflecting on Athena and the loss she felt. It consumed her and caused anger to swell deep within her chest. It burned with rage that the bastard that killed Athena could not die the torturous death he rightfully deserved! Instead, he died because he wished it. Died a coward's death!

Rage took over and Dalethria flipped over her desk, scattering datapads everywhere. It hit the floor with a loud crash as glass baubles that Dalethria enjoyed staring at were shattered in a heartbeat.

They were only glass. Could be replaced.

Athena could not.

Then ... something called out to her. Faint. Familiar.


She thought ... Was her spirit reaching Dalethria? Was Athena walking alone and lost because of the trauma that had happened?!

Vainly, she reached out through the Force, her rage giving her the extra power needed to track this calling ...

With surprise ... Dalethria's eyes snapped opened. She didn't remember closing them but they were dark, haunted by the signature that she felt.

It was Athena she felt ... But it was a clone. That buzzing sensation in the back of her mind confirmed it for it was the same feeling she felt around the clones of her very self.

Grabbing her cloak, Dalethria wrapped it around her body and left her study..... not giving a damn about the state she left it in.... She would explain to Sorsha or Ogre later.

She had to find this clone and find some answers ...

The Lady Athena
Apr 24th, 2002, 11:08:56 AM
Sitting within the shuttles pilots seat, she flew the craft with ease. Something the orginal could never do. Her fear of space travel always seemed to stop her.

Athena, the clone smiled as she could since the two blood sisters confusion. Maybe her Master had not told them of the clone. She never wanted to leave the two alone in this world. Seeing how Athena Lady Darknss was the only one who could understand the both of them.

The shuttle finally landed and she smiled. Running her fingers over the pannels she set the ship for scans and locking procedures for when she departed the ship.

The clone walked from the ship and flashed her papers to the man at the spaceport.

" Welcome home Ma'am. How is the Empire? " The Man at the spaceport knew her Master. Athena had paided well to have things done her way. No hassles.

" The Empire is well Mister Canru. I have two guest on their way here. See to it they are escorted in and into the sitting room. "

She spoke as the two walked.

Mister Canru : " Yes M'Lady. But whom might they be? "

" My sisters, Dara Shadowtide, and Dalethira Mal Pannis. If I hear of anyone giving my sisters troubles. They shall be killed. "

Mister Canru. : " Yes M'Lady. "

Athena had chosen the place the two ladies had been before. Other then them only one other guest had been to her home on Coruscant. That guest would only stay in the mind of the now Dead Sith knight and the loving memory of the clone. She would have betraied so many had they ever found out.

She placed her hand upon the security lock and smiled as the beep rang and the door to her elegant home was moved aside.

When Athena had left the Lord Maim she left with more then just her pride, but a good amount of his money. So she bought a nice home with it.

Each of the Ladies that were in search of the Clone would know to land in the east landing pad. Mister Canru would personally escort them to the doors and ring each one threw with the hand print.

Athena took a seat in a chair nearest the west Large windows over looking the old Jedi Temples.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 5th, 2002, 02:32:01 PM
Coruscant. An entire planet that was nothing but a city circling around the sun. It was once her home many years ago, when it was controlled by the true Empire under Palpatine... The memories of her family brought a strange smile upon Dalethria's face. They were here family eventhough she was not born of them. She had her little Sister, Navaria, to thank for that....

Touching down the The Koriolos. Dalethria unstrapped herself out of the pilot's chair and noticed that someone was already approaching her ship.

This caused her to be on guard but nothing about the man screamed danger...

She headed down the landing ramp and was greeted by this human male enthusiastically.

"Mistress Dalethria Mal Pannis."

He bowed deeply.

"I, Canru, am honored to be graced with your presence."

Dalethria fought from laughing but the amused look on her face could not be denied. She looked left and right as if searching for something, before looking at Canru again.

"Do I have a fan club on Coruscant that I didn't know about?"

She chuckled before crossing her arms, her face turning serious.

"Take me to Athena now. I don't need this formal dren."

"Ah ... yes.... yes, Mistress Mal Pannis."

He managed to choke out in fear before leading the Sith Master to a shuttle that would take both of them to Athena's home.

Three traffic jams and two hours later ...

Dalethria was led into the sitting room and Canru left to inform his Mistress that she had arrived.

She just shrugged at him, too impatient to deal with Athena's lackey. Dalethria came here for answers and as far as she was concerned, no one was going to provide them until the clone came to her. Anyone else can be sent to Hell.

Her impatience was settled with investigating the room. Another reminder it was to her childhood. The Tarkin's had a home twice the size of Athena's. They were rich and powerful. A family that the Emperor himself had praised... Until the Rebels...

That train of thought reminded Dalethria of something. More importantly of someone.


She hadn't had a talk with her old friend for some time, Dalethria thought as she raised a hand to her chin in sadistic thought. That was something that needed to be fixed once this problem was over...

imported_Dara Shadowtide
May 20th, 2002, 01:50:38 AM
:: As she ran down the corridors, a single thought materialized in her mind.. Coruscant, go to Coruscant and seek out the home of the clone of Athena.... It was an odd sensation yet the Sith Master knew it would lead her to the answers she was seeking. The doors to the docking bay slid open with a *whoosh* as Dara finished placing her palm on the security pad on the wall. Reaching for her personal comlink to her droids, Dara gave instructions to ready the ship for immediate takeoff.

Still at a hurried pace, the Sith Master ascended the ramp and then depressed two buttons at the top of the incline as the ramp slowly began to close. Nodding to her droids who were making the last of the systems checks, Dara sat down in the command chair and entered the coordinates for Coruscant into the navigational display.

Once everything was in order and the engines were humming at maximum power, Dara guided the ship out of the docking area and up into the sky. Upon reaching orbit, she reached down next to her and flipped the levers to engage hyperspeed as the stars became streaks of light in the ebony sky.

The trip to Coruscant was uneventful and after touching down at the east landing area, Dara received a transmission from someone identifying themself as Mister Canru. She was about to dismiss this as an erroneous message until she heard the name Athena mentioned by him. Quickly lowering the ramp, Dara made her way down gracefully to speak with the man ::

Dara: "Greetings, I understand you are here to escort me to the estate of Athena?"

Mister Canru: "Yes ma'am. Mistress Athena was very clear that her sister should be treated with nothing less than the best on Coruscant. So with that, I have arranged passage in a luxury taxi so if you will come this way, we can be on our way."

:: Dara nodded and followed the man to the taxi and stepped inside. Flipping on her custom comlink which only transmitted frequencies to her droids, Dara took in the sights along the way until they stopped just in front of the mansion.

It was indeed a grand sight and nothing short of magnificent would do justice in how to describe it. Walking down the intricate stone path which led to the large, richly decorated doors, Dara took a deep breath and reached out with the Dark Side to see if she could sense Athena's presence. Stopping just in front of the entrance, Dara gave three knocks and waited for someone to answer. She heard Mister Canru clear his throat politely behind her and turned to face him ::

Dara: "Yes?"

Mister Canru: "Milady, please place your palm on the circle to the right of the door and it will open."

:: Raising an eyebrow, Dara put her palm inside the gold circle of leaves, which she had initally dismissed as mere decoration, and the door opened with a slight click. Pushing it completely open, the Sith Master slowly stepped into the foyer. She was led to a sitting area where she was suddenly surprised to see her other blood sister, Dalethria, seemingly lost in her own thoughts ::

"Dale? When did you get here? Did you receive a cryptic message as well?"