View Full Version : Nup Reviews - Behind Enemy Lines

Apr 19th, 2002, 10:17:22 PM
When I finished watching this, two words came to mind: "Damned" and "Good".

The story, while not terribly original (that's not to say it's un-original, either) is strong and kind of lends this feeling that it could be taking place right this very day. The camera work is interesting, and the direction totally makes the film. It seems like the director took some definite tips from Aronofsky and the Wachowski brothers. The film will slow down to a crawl at a dramatic moment, only to fast-forward into a hectic frenzy. It really lends a sense of "being there" to the movie.

Nothing long-winded, nothing overly gushy - Behind Enemy Lines is an excellent movie, and I don't think you really can go wrong purchasing / renting the DVD. I'll check out the extras in a bit and get back to you.

Apr 19th, 2002, 10:36:25 PM
I heard MOSTLY positive things about it, but I didn't see it in the theatre. I suppose I might catch it soon, since I like most of the actors.

Apr 20th, 2002, 12:54:59 AM
Well I agree, this was really a great action movie. I agree, the director made this film. He did a wonderful job with it. I just loved it, too bad I only saw it one time in theaters. I saw it late so I didn't get a chance to come back before it left.

I will be buying this on Tuesday for sure.

I don't think it was at all just a "pretty good" action movie. I thought it was one of the better action films of 2001, actually. I gave it a strong 3.5 star rating. It was definitely a very good movie and it was just so cool in general. Camera work, as I remember, was great.

I'll have to see it again Tuesday and write my official review, though.

I agree with Shawn, though, you can't go wrong buying or renting this film.