View Full Version : Searching out the Jensaarai
Greyy Trespe
Apr 19th, 2002, 12:45:58 PM
Greyy sought out a group of force users that were bt myths. The Jensaari order were little under stood. And they were a strange group. Light siders that taught many of the dark ways of the sith. There is that and the fact that they hate the jedi order. That is the reason that he seeks them out.
Irman Nogar
Apr 29th, 2002, 02:49:53 PM
Searching out Allies (Susevfi (also known as Suarbi 7/5)_
There were legends of planets where the jedi arts were. One was a planet of Susevfi. Home of the Jensarri. Greyy only recently learned of it's existance when His second in command Toryn Sabreen showed him his true nature. A 60 year old master of the Teras Kasi. Currently he was training other members of the guard in the art of Teras Kasi. It would be a strong tool in their favor. Especially as their Nohgri Trainees learn it.
The Teras Kasi knew the location of the planet so now Greyy Heads for it. Toryn was quite a surprise. But the art of the Teras Kasi would be a great asset. As would the help of the Jensarri if he can attain it.
Greyy came in little but a single nubulan B-2 frigate. Chooseing to try and show the Jensaarai that he ment no harm. He approached the coordinates but when he arrived there was nothing on scanners. Even the visual scanners could no pick any thing up. But he still followed the pre-ploted coordinates. Stoping at one point he sends oout a signal to them. It is an ancient code of the Teras Kasi order.
SOme of their members were members of the order. So the code resides as a sign of peace to them.
From seemingly out of nowhere he gets a signal. "This is the order of the Jensaarai hailing you. What bussiness do you have here?"
Greyy put on his best diplomatic face. He did not like politics but they were as vital to a soilder as a side arm in battle. "I am Greyy Trespe of the Allderaanian Guard. Current teachers of the Teras Kasi. I wish an Audience with the Saar-akarrai"
There was some chatter in the back round. "Hold position there. You may come. And only you. So says the Sarai-Karra."
"As you wish." At that the comm went silent.
:: So we shall see how this pans out then. Eh. ::
Toryn had been teaching Greyy vaquely how to sense a force user. During the shuttle ride he was doing his best to try. He was taught that the force feels like a pulse that come strongly from a single direction. If that was true he felt several pulses as he passed into orbit. The ship was being guided in by a slave control. These may have been back water people isolated for a great deal of time. But they had enough tech to get by at least. He looked at his read outs. There was nothing her according to all of his instruments. Even the cameras picked up only blank space.
He was guided to a single city. well lit at that. These people were paranoid but they were prepared to hide. The shuttle set down with a thud and a shake. He needed to have his people look into that for him later.
He opened the hatched and immediatly several people dressed in armor that resembled animals. A bird, fox, dog, and some sort of an insect. Greyy wore his armor. Red and white showing his ties to the Imperial Royal guard with the red and his new affiliation to the Allderanian guard. Royal blue covered the white to simbolize the peacful ideas of alderaan.
They had him searched. Taking his lance, blaster and utility belt. From there he was lead on. There were several beast of burden here to take him where ever they were heading. They had 6 legs nut had harnesses and saddles. A carredge of sorts was readied and open. He walk to it cape blowing in the wind. Once aboard they made speed for there destination a audience with the Sarakarra.
Greyy went over what he knew of the Grand master of the Jensaarai. She was the Matriarch of the group. Or partiarch depending on who the person was in power. There could only be on at a time.
The person had exectutive judicial and all other powers to work as needed. So if he could get the cooperation of the Sarakaarrai then he had the support of all the Jensaarai. The carraidge came to a halt. The door opened and he was let out. The handed him his weapons on his way out. Strange, customs must demand that he face her with a full armament. Becuase in reality he was no threat to her.
he was walked up of a regal looking women. Not regal in clothing mind you. She merely wore a bit more dcorated version of the cortosis armor shaped as an animal. But Regal in stature she carried her self like nobility.
"Greetings wise Sakkaarai." Toryn told him to be flatering as well. Unfortunately the customs demanded it. And if he did not he was liable to have to fight. The prospect of having to chllenge a force user did not appeal to him. Maybe once he completed some Teras Kasi training but not until then.
"Out sider. You come bearing a signal of peace passed down through the generations. That is the only reason that I chose to see you you. The leader of your men. Yes no one else would seem this pride ful and take such risks but on e that leads many." Tell me why have you come to seek out the Jensaarai?"
Greyy was prepared for this. "I come as a representitive of the Alderaanian guard the home to followers of the ideals of Alderaan with a more militaristic look on their ideas.
Allso I come as a representitive of the Teras Kasi order. They have made a home in our ranks. The Teras Kasi is a group that is created to police all force users. Mainly in defense of those that the Jedi order cannot control.
We are a group that strives for the defense of all sentients just as the Jensaarai strive to be a order that protects their own.
What the Guard and Kasi need of the Jensaarai is support. Your force cloak ability makes you uniquely able to avoid any modern sensor. It is the very edge that the guard needs to start to make a difference in this galaxy." He watched as she considered his words.
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