View Full Version : O Marcus, where art thou?
Apr 18th, 2002, 10:08:01 PM
After a lengthy search of several star maps, Akrabbim locates the planet XR8-V8-FOR. Plotting the course into his nav computer, Akrabbim settles in for what promises to be a long flight. This small outpost is in a far corner of civilized space. Once the course is set in, he sets off in search of Marcus.
Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:06:45 AM
Awakened from his sleep by a hailing signal, Akrabbim moves toward the control console. He opens the channel with the NRSF skyhook.
"Unidentified vessel, you are in restricted space. State your destination and identification."
I am a Jedi of the Greater Jedi Order. My name is Akrabbim Melchizan. I search for a Jedi who was lost. I have reason to believe that he may be on this planet. Are there any dwellings on this planet?
"A Jedi? Very well, you may pass. There is only one location that would provide any form of shelter on this planet. There is a large castle near the equator. I'm transmitting the coordinates to you now. Be careful out there."
After receiving the coordinates, Akrabbim pilots his craft to the location given and enters the atmosphere. The dense jungle does not allow many suitable landing pads, so he searches in a circular pattern. He finds a clearing approximately one mile to the south of the building.
Upon landing, Akrabbim heads to the hold of his ship and stocks up on supplies. He carries several water packs as well as a few bacta soaked bandages and rations. Once prepared, he exits his ship and locks the ship down securely. He begins his trek toward the castle, using the Force to guide him.
Apr 23rd, 2002, 11:07:32 AM
The trip is uneventful. There are a few animals in the undergrowth, but most are not interested in the cloaked shadow walking among them. The few that attempt to threaten the Jedi are met with illusions of even larger predators staring back at them. Before him, Akrabbim senses the presence of a Force user. Is it perhaps Marcus Q'Dunn?
Akrabbim reaches the castle after approximately two hours of travel. The dense undergrowth and heat both take their toll on speed, reducing Akrabbim's process to a slow meandering. He enters the clearing before the castle walls and moves toward the main gate.
Marcus Telcontar
May 30th, 2002, 07:36:01 AM
It was a superb night to be sitting on top of one of the turrets of the castle. The night was fresh and the stars were out, shining staggeringly bright in this place of no other light, or indeed any other civilisation. Apart from native widlife and a crude mud hut, there was ntohing else of interest on this planet that didnt even have a name. Just this castle, which years ago had been the home to the rulers of this land, before they had mysteriously passed away - and also the Jedi Master, sitting alone.
He hadn;t been this peaceful for years.
Smoking his pipe, he was alerted to a visitor as he saew a drive trail streak through the sky, coming to a halt not far from the castle itself. Considering the orbitale station up high that would prevent any other craft getting through, this meant someone who knew quite well he was here.
Only Morgan knew that. No one else even knew he existed, except for a handful of beings, one whom slept in a room several floors below, his apprentice Alaina Eldric.
"Hmmm.... I wonder whom this is then? Certainly didnt look like Arya's ship and Jost wouldnt come here. Morgan then?" he pondered out loud.
May 30th, 2002, 11:17:12 AM
Upon arrival at the gate, Akrabbim calls out as loudly as he can.
Hail! I am Akrabbim Melchizan, a Jedi Knight. I seek a Jedi known as Marcus Q'Dunn. May I enter?
Marcus Telcontar
Jun 6th, 2002, 07:09:25 AM
He had figured out it would be someone wanting to visit him for some reason - there was simply no other reason to be here. But as he got down to the front entrance, it was certainly not whom he was expecting. A moment after this Akrabbim hailed, he appeared at the gate, he came into view, face covered in the shadow of his cloak's hood, the sword at his side with one hand on it.
"You come a long way for this Marcus Q'Dunn. What makes you certain that such a being bearing that name even exists and that he can be found here?" His voice was soft and strangely accented, a sure sign Basic was not his native language.
Jun 6th, 2002, 06:22:29 PM
Akrabbim keeps his hands at his sides, away from his weapons. There is no reason to start a fight, at least not yet. He comes merely as a seeker of truth, not as an assailant.
I have indeed traveled a long way. I am not certain that this man exists... my information is based on merely hearsay and rumor. But a man known as Morgan Evanar seems sure that that man exists. And he believes that he is on this planet. This is the only habitable structure I could find, so it would stand to reason that if that man were on this planet, he would be here. Therefore, I am here. Might you be the man I seek? If not, would you know where I could find him?
Marcus Telcontar
Jun 10th, 2002, 05:48:39 AM
The cloaked figure stayed silent after Akrabbim finished speaking, almost to the point where the Knight thought the other man was not going to reply.
But he did, still in that strange accent that was impossible to place.
"Morgan Evanar knows much and what he knows is right. The man exists." Hand came up and flicked by the hood, revealing a weatherbeaten face, long unkept hair, scraggly beard and thin, sharp features - and a set of eyes that seem to be able to cut through hull steel. A face that the Knight would never of seen before... but a Forcee sense that could be somewhat familiar. "I am whom you seek. May I ask why you seek a Jedi whom none know of, except the highest in The Council?"
Jun 10th, 2002, 04:42:11 PM
Akrabbim thinks for a moment before answering.
Quite simply... I want to know why. Why do you so seclude yourself from the rest of the Jedi? From the rumors and hearsay, you are the man who tests Jedi for their worthiness of rank. If that is so, could not the younger Jedi learn from your experience? As well, what good does one accomplish in being secluded behind these walls?
I have many questions. But, to sum it up, I want the truth.
Marcus Telcontar
Jun 18th, 2002, 12:16:05 AM
"The truth, you say?"
Unconciously, his hand came away from the hilt of his sword, to fall by his side.
"Yes, I am the one who tests others. And as for the Jedi wanting my experience.... I turned from that path a long time ago. I find these walls and this planet conducive to study and meditation and I would rather do that.... for the rest of the Jedi did not listen to me times ago. If they did not want what I had to offer..... then I would not offer it."
Marcus gave Akrabbim a piercing stare, seeming to look straight through the Knight.
"It is interesting that you worked my existance out and others have not. What may I ask is the reason for your detirmination for finding me, for I believe asking the question you just did is not all you wish of me"
Jun 18th, 2002, 08:36:23 PM
Akrabbim inclines his head to the Jedi Master.
Yes sir, you are correct that I have not asked everything I would like to. I have wanted to find you because, I would like to be tested. I want to take my training to the next level, and I believe that you are the only one who can help me with this. Would you be willing to help me?
Marcus Telcontar
Jun 18th, 2002, 09:34:51 PM
Now that was interesting.
"You take a chance Akrabbim. My own council I will keep on who is to be tested..... it is fortunante however that I know whom you are and I know of your skill as a Jedi. Come with me"
With that, the Jedi Master turned on his heel, clearly expecting the Knight to follow him into the depts of the castle.
"Your weapons... you do not need them. Nor will you need anything else."
Jun 19th, 2002, 05:26:10 PM
At the comment of "no weapons", Akrabbim begins disarming himself. He draws his katana and drives the blade deep into the ground at the entrance of the castle. He quickly flicks all five shuriken into the ground around the sword. Finally, he places his lightsaber near his other weaponry.
Very well. I am unarmed. Is there anything else I must do to prepare?
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